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Toyota, Panasonic to set up company for 'connected' homes - Reuters

Sounds like they want some of Elon's data-driven playbook action (ride-sharing, insurance, maintenance, energy like solar and home batteries):

Toyota and Panasonic to work on EV/batteries but now also on connected homes/cars: Toyota has been developing connected cars that can share information on usage - data that could be leveraged for on-demand ride-sharing, insurance and maintenance.

The automaker has said it will tap into its partner network and its operations which range from building and selling cars, homes and companion robots to expand into new transportation and home energy services.
Don't take it personal... it's not you... it's him. :p
That's the funny thing, that particular post wasn't really about President Trump perse. It was intended more as a reflective post on human bias. That's what happens when an idiot like me tries to say something intelligent. It never quite comes out that way. lol!

I totally believe this coast to coast drive can happen this year. I basically can do it today. I could start from an LA parking lot that's close to highway, go all the way to NY and then drive a little bit on local road, park. With HW3 and a few SW updates, I think this is possible. However I don't think this is level 4 or level 5 FSD. This is just an important milestone. People's perception might change after this.

You cannot. Zero chance. It would not be able to get from the parking lot to the highway on its own and surely would have issues along the way. Most drives I do of any reasonable length on NOA require some intervention from me.
I've really been trying to stay out of this, but... you ask "list which ones were successful"

Not @Fact Checking 's job. He pointed out many reasons why Trump would not be considered a successful businessman. And now you expect him to do defend your position?

More than that, whatever successful business transactions he may or may not have had, they were obviously outweighed by his disasters to lose as much money as he has been documented as losing. The notion that someone is worse than an index has been used before in this forum to demonstrate that their acumen is faulty.

Not a financial or tax beagle, but a prime reason the Casinos fell was they had been drained of cash by Trump first. Where did that cash go? A weakness in bankruptcy law?
Do you not know the answer? They lost MobileEye, requiring them to basically re-write that software from scratch and then had a guy who seemed to be utterly incompetent(at least for that task) leading their AP software group for almost a year. Once he was fired and Karpathy brought in, things got back on track, starting with firmware 2018.10.4. In ~1 year we’ve gone from kinda ok lane keeping to basically full autonomy(with human supervision) on the freeway.

I know that's what everyone has said because of the vacuum created with no one from Tesla ever commenting on it
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Yes....why not do it first, record it, then tell everyone about it?

Because for sure there is still uncertainty that it could be done cause he ain't doin it right now. So that means its not ready and he is guesstimating it will be ready. Why risk it given the track record on it?

It *is* a way to get the dev team focused, by publicly establishing the deadline. Elon knows they will work their asses off to avoid letting him down.

Let’s also remember that Musk is driving around using the dev version. There’s a considerable lag between there and general release due to safety testing, shadow mode feedback, and staged release.
I have a serious question about autonomous taxis. What happens - in a riot or crowd disturbance...after a pro sports game finishes perhaps...
What happens if the youths of an area decide to place trashcans in front of every taxi and then tip them over and set fire to them?
The taxi is not programmed to run over people so it is defenseless. The kids are wearing masks so they cannot be identified..
We can assume that a small percentage of the population will attack any form of driverless vehicle with paint, rocks or more...so will the owners of the fleet have "no-go" areas? Any new building or vehicle left "unattended" is liable to be damaged. You have only to watch the videos captured by sentry mode to see that this can and will happen..

Drivers will gun the engine to press crowds back and protect their vehicle but it is difficult to see how a fleet of driverless vehicles avoids the perils of people behaving badly inside or outside the vehicle...

Who would be supplying insurance?
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Bear in mind that way way way way wayyyy back on June 30, 2008 at a ceremony featuring then-Gov Schwarzenegger, Elon said that Tesla would build an under-$30000 car and that it would be out in no more than four years.

Way, way, way, way back we can’t even remember the year, VW said the E-tron would go into production, and even further back they said something about diesel being clean, and before that something about their cars passing emissions testing...

Yeah, we all get it. Elon’s predictive timeline abilities need more work but you’re being disingenuous along with all the other parrots. Elon/Tesla do in fact deliver so maybe we could give the sarcasm about timelines a rest.
straight up bs

elon has still not honestly answered what were the unexpected challenges that lead to AP advancing slower than he thought then.

Maybe you missed the part when they decided to part ways with mobileye and build their own system. As much as I blame Elon for bad management of Q1-19 and infamous tweets, in other parts he has done phenomenally well. For example, model 3 came out to be much better car than I expected, the current NOA is already amazing (with a much weaker nvidia chip) and it is slowly but surely improving every month, every release. Other features in the cars are also improving.

As for LA to NYC, i don't see that a bigger problem than them releasing the local street NOA. Seems they already demonstrated that in the Autonomy day.
Saw it, was gonna repost it, but you beat me to it.

Maybe we should take a poll to see how many people truly believe Elon when he says this. I'm a pretty big elon fan... but even I have a hard time believing this. I wonder what % of the tmc audience believe this statement haha.

Eventually (as always with Musk).
But, just another public prediction on Twitter about something happening by a certain time period....

0% chance by end of this year.

I think many people, even Tesla fans, will agree you have to add at the very least 6 months to any of his time predictions.
0% chance by end of this year.

I’ll give it 30%, for these reasons.

I don’t think there’s much invention required to achieve it, only work. They know how much work has been done to date and the features achieved. Musk is in a fine position to extrapolate accurately.

There will be a safety driver. This does not require regulatory approval, so however many 9s on the march of 9s they have come December, they can have a crack at it. Musk will take a risk on the chance of failure and the ensuing bad press. If there are one or two interventions*, people will still go “ooh, they’re close” when mathematically they are not close at all, still a few 9s away from robotaxis.

He tweeted that every FSD car will be able to do it. That means he’s factored the lag between dev and release version. That means the dev version must be very close already to being ready for this journey (with safety driver).

*similarly, if they do pull it off with zero interventions, people will assume robotaxis are imminent, even though it proves nothing.
Yes, I disagreed. The thread is very interesting and informative if you’re interested and want to be informed about the topics being discussed.

And if you like to waste a good deal of time trying to find information that might pertain to the SP of TSLA, present and future.
99 TeslaPoints to the poster who creates appropriate sub-threads for all those subjects that have 3/8 of 9/10 of ____X___-all to do about Tesla and the market....and gets those threads going.

OR.....send $999999 now to your favorite Mods and we'll do that thankless task for you.

9999999 TeslaPoints to the TMC staff if they enhanced discoverability of all the myriad threads we all wish existed outside this ginormous thread instead of being glommed into this one. Existing UI design affords only low thread discoverability, so people who try to start new threads on different topics quickly realize nobody sees the new threads which quickly get lost in the long tail of old and abandoned threads. This results in low participation, which discourages the creation of more threads, and a return to the mother-ship, this thread. I blame the software.