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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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And if you like to waste a good deal of time trying to find information that might pertain to the SP of TSLA, present and future.

I get it. I’m just not bothered by it. I like to read. I’ve got time. And I don’t actually think anyone here has anything but a 50/50 chance of predicting the direction of the SP on any given day, which means I can do just as a good a job as the next bloke.

In fact, I miraculously pegged the recent bottom simply by reading the thread and knowing from past experience that when people are panicking and ranting and raving and just generally discombobulated, SP is nearing the bottom = good time to buy.

And when people here are unabashedly euphoric, giddy like children high on sugar = there she blows!

On the really positive side of things - because I like to be positive (shocker!) - I’m becoming a very well-rounded human being knowledge-wise. Ask me anything about trains, auto-pilot in planes, lightbulbs, MobileEye’s next big release item, Iceland, ocean worthy car carriers, trains, the crappy, poorly planned road system of NY State with its blind corners, construction zones where no construction is happening, and lane lines that lead nowhere a person could drive, and just so much more. I also used to really like the number 6 but now I like the number 9. Did I mention I know everything about trains now too?
I get it. I’m just not bothered by it. I like to read. I’ve got time. And I don’t actually think anyone here has anything but a 50/50 chance of predicting the direction of the SP on any given day, which means I can do just as a good a job as the next bloke.

In fact, I miraculously pegged the recent bottom simply by reading the thread and knowing from past experience that when people are panicking and ranting and raving and just generally discombobulated, SP is nearing the bottom = good time to buy.

And when people here are unabashedly euphoric, giddy like children high on sugar = there she blows!

On the really positive side of things - because I like to be positive (shocker!) - I’m becoming a very well-rounded human being knowledge-wise. Ask me anything about trains, auto-pilot in planes, lightbulbs, MobileEye’s next big release item, Iceland, ocean worthy car carriers, trains, the crappy, poorly planned road system of NY State with its blind corners, construction zones where no construction is happening, and lane lines that lead nowhere a person could drive, and just so much more. I also used to really like the number 6 but now I like the number 9. Did I mention I know everything about trains now too?

Better places to learn about those things IMO, but to each their own. Make new threads for all those things and read those threads to your heart's content.

Personally, this particular thread should be about TSLA as an investment which has very little to do with many of the things you have cited.

Honestly, I am also an optomist :), but I am not optimistic that this thread will improve. Why have so many of the long time Tesla/TSLA supporters left this forum? Many of them are friends who I regularly communicate with and get far better information/discussion with/from about Tesla/TSLA.

Proof that I am an optimist: I still come here under the assumption that there will be valuable information.
The reality is there is less and less.:(
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What's up with all the hatred of Trump on this forum? Those of us who didn't particular like Obama kept politics out of the discussion during his presidency. Can the Trump haters please use a little self-restraint and keep their thoughts on Trump to themselves? Not that I am a Trump fan by any stretch of the imagination, I just don't care to read the comments.
Eventually (as always with Musk).
But, just another public prediction on Twitter about something happening by a certain time period....

0% chance by end of this year.

I think many people, even Tesla fans, will agree you have to add at the very least 6 months to any of his time predictions.

Multiply time estimate by 2x-3x and you’ll be in a pretty good spot usually. At least most of his predictions do end up being true.
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OT but maybe not:

Thread would be much easier to get through and pick out what you like, while retaining lots of different subjects, IF the platform were able to group post responses together, with a little “open/close” button, so I wouldn’t see any of the responses at all without another click. I get it that this doesn’t work with multi-quotes, but that is just fine. Getting all the plain “replies” in-line would be a huge reduction in clutter, and if a single quote could also be in-line that would be even better.

I quite enjoy a lot of the side discussions that start with something pertinent to TSLA value and then maybe drift away somewhat. I agree with @Krugerrand, that I have been delighted at the little gems I pick up about the wind in Iceland and the traffic light sculpture installation in the UK.
What's up with all the hatred of Trump on this forum? Those of us who didn't particular like Obama kept politics out of the discussion during his presidency. Can the Trump haters please use a little self-restraint and keep their thoughts on Trump to themselves? Not that I am a Trump fan by any stretch of the imagination, I just don't care to read the comments.
agreed. So, all you folk please go on over to 'market politics' and attack my post there, while I read about investment here, thank you. gt
Better places to learn about those things IMO, but to each their own. Make new threads for all those things and read those threads to your heart's content.

Personally, this particular thread should be about TSLA as an investment which has very little to do with many of the things you have cited.

Honestly, I am also an optomist :), but I am not optimistic that this thread will improve. Why have so many of the long time Tesla/TSLA supporters left this forum? Many of them are friends who I regularly communicate with and get far better information/discussion with/from about Tesla/TSLA.

Proof that I am an optimist: I still come here under the assumption that there will be valuable information.
The reality is there is less and less.:(

You’re no fun. This thread is like a box of chocolates. Scratch that. It’s like a gunnysack of chocolates and you got to stick your hand blindly in and hope you don’t pull out the fake jelly filled or tooth breaking one. But you can always throw those away and stick your hand in again. Once in awhile you pull out the cashew and caramel one. You can protect it like your first born or go to your closet and savor it all by yourself or cut it into pieces and share with your besties.

Anyone hungry? I’m suddenly very hungry.
Maybe you missed the part when they decided to part ways with mobileye and build their own system.
He made the coast-to-coast pledge immediately after they launched HW2.

I don't think coast-to-coast has much value at this point. Unless they did it with nobody in the driver's seat, of course. At this point "self driving" with a safety driver is just boring. That's why the Waymo One launch was so pathetic.
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OT but maybe not:

Thread would be much easier to get through and pick out what you like, while retaining lots of different subjects, IF the platform were able to group post responses together, with a little “open/close” button, so I wouldn’t see any of the responses at all without another click. I get it that this doesn’t work with multi-quotes, but that is just fine. Getting all the plain “replies” in-line would be a huge reduction in clutter, and if a single quote could also be in-line that would be even better.

I quite enjoy a lot of the side discussions that start with something pertinent to TSLA value and then maybe drift away somewhat. I agree with @Krugerrand, that I have been delighted at the little gems I pick up about the wind in Iceland and the traffic light sculpture installation in the UK.

I am also interested in seeing this happen. If we could follow reply-threads we were interested in more easily (seeing all posts in that reply-thread, like twitter with less trolling) that would be YUGE!
OT but maybe not:

Thread would be much easier to get through and pick out what you like, while retaining lots of different subjects, IF the platform were able to group post responses together, with a little “open/close” button, so I wouldn’t see any of the responses at all without another click. I get it that this doesn’t work with multi-quotes, but that is just fine. Getting all the plain “replies” in-line would be a huge reduction in clutter, and if a single quote could also be in-line that would be even better.

I quite enjoy a lot of the side discussions that start with something pertinent to TSLA value and then maybe drift away somewhat. I agree with @Krugerrand, that I have been delighted at the little gems I pick up about the wind in Iceland and the traffic light sculpture installation in the UK.

There has been discussion like this in earlier years. Then I offered a solution: make a subject entry for each post. Then it could be referred to the relevant thread. Not sure if this can be automated.

For those with the general rambling interest, the existing "New Posts" could be your daily fare.
Agree....sadly camacho would be an improvement...at least he as good intentions of representing the people and not his own self interests.

Comacho was actually a phenomenally good President. He identified the smartest person in the world, set him to work solving the country’s biggest crisis, and in two weeks the problem was solved.
You’re no fun. This thread is like a box of chocolates. Scratch that. It’s like a gunnysack of chocolates and you got to stick your hand blindly in and hope you don’t pull out the fake jelly filled or tooth breaking one. But you can always throw those away and stick your hand in again. Once in awhile you pull out the cashew and caramel one. You can protect it like your first born or go to your closet and savor it all by yourself or cut it into pieces and share with your besties.

Anyone hungry? I’m suddenly very hungry.

More like this:

And the bran tub, which Nanny Ogg usually ran; it was a brave man who plunged his hand into a bran tub stocked by a witch with a broad sense of humor.

— Pratchett, Lords and Ladies
No fun? Try this modest proposal.
  1. If you can't post on-topic, don't post in this thread
  2. If you can't post anything nice, don't post at all
  3. Don't reply to posts that break Rules #1 or #2 — no, not even if they posted first
  4. Don't be this guy: xkcd: Duty Calls
  5. If you want to reply but it might break Rule #1, reply in a new thread (hint: quote, create thread, insert quote)
  6. There is no Rule #6
More like this:

And the bran tub, which Nanny Ogg usually ran; it was a brave man who plunged his hand into a bran tub stocked by a witch with a broad sense of humor.

— Pratchett, Lords and Ladies
No fun? Try this modest proposal.
  1. If you can't post on-topic, don't post in this thread
  2. If you can't post anything nice, don't post at all
  3. Don't reply to posts that break Rules #1 or #2 — no, not even if they posted first
  4. Don't be this guy: xkcd: Duty Calls
  5. If you want to reply but it might break Rule #1, reply in a new thread (hint: quote, create thread, insert quote)
  6. There is no Rule #6

All sound advice. BUT, why is it in this thread ?
You should have followed your #5 rule and post it in a new thread ! ;):p
More like this:

And the bran tub, which Nanny Ogg usually ran; it was a brave man who plunged his hand into a bran tub stocked by a witch with a broad sense of humor.

— Pratchett, Lords and Ladies
No fun? Try this modest proposal.
  1. If you can't post on-topic, don't post in this thread
  2. If you can't post anything nice, don't post at all
  3. Don't reply to posts that break Rules #1 or #2 — no, not even if they posted first
  4. Don't be this guy: xkcd: Duty Calls
  5. If you want to reply but it might break Rule #1, reply in a new thread (hint: quote, create thread, insert quote)
  6. There is no Rule #6
You will be invoiced for causing me to waste one hour of my time surfing xkcd. My normal consulting rates apply.