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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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Believe me, this guy is totally wacko and stupid. How can you come to another conclusion after watching this video promoting Flat Earth?
He is on his way to the office, he says. Don't know where he works or what his boss might think of him posting these videos.

His boss probably approves of the videos because he believes in "intelligent design" and that the planet earth is just an experiment in a Petri dish. But not to worry, I have an idea.

Maybe we can convince them that since the dinosaurs never existed, God "planted" the fossil evidence to test us to see who truly believed the scripture. And of course, oil could not have come from dinosaurs either but was "planted" there by God to separate the greedy folks from God-fearing people who wouldn't dare burn so much of it as to ruin the beautiful world he created for us to live in. So, all God-fearing people should drive electric vehicles to show their respect to the Creator. It's all just a test to see who is worthy of salvation.

If we can convince him of that, it will be easy to convince him to start making videos promoting EV's to curry favor with the creator.;)
Most of the Superchargers in WV are located at Sheetz convenience stores/gas stations with a lounge area. It works out great for my trips and all the people gassing up can see the chargers and the Teslas coming and going (not that there are that many Teslas, but a few travelers of course). And, I usually buy something like coffee or trail mix in addition to availing myself of the restrooms.

I will also say that Sheetz gets my business even when I'm not in the Tesla. I want to support them even when I'm just filling up the Nissan or grabbing a snack because they are working with Tesla.
Man, sounds like a lot of Sheetz to me! Good Sheetz that is...
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So many people have argued that this would not happen, now it did.

Imo this is a huge relief. Once someone, maybe Tesla, solves FSD and robotaxi, the value of getting a robotaxi to Florida will be huge. And expect other states and countries to follow once it is clear that it is happening and is safer than the alternative.

Florida eh? Well they have "Stand Your Ground" and is one of only a few states not to formally recognize women as being equal to men. Also it is illegal to shower naked, and it is illegal for a woman to break more than 3 dishes in a day.

Oh and no farting after 6pm, apparently...

So Robotaxis? :p
Meijer is a big supporter of Tesla here in Michigan with Superchargers at quite a few of their locations. I now make a point to shop there for pretty much everything.

I just contacted Meijer through their support page thanking them for their support of Tesla and their Superchargers. I made it clear to Meijer that I make a point to shop there more often.

I think other Tesla owners should show their support by letting these places know. I also make a point to stay at hotels with Tesla/EV chargers even if I don’t need to use them. I make a point to tell them that they got my business specifically because they support Teslas / EVs. They seem to really appreciate hearing that information.
It's very exciting that the new goal for the solar roof is cost parity (including energy savings) with a traditional/cheap composite shingle roof. That's huge. I'd be ecstatic to break even on a roof that is stronger and reduces pollution. (plus if it is stronger then home insurance should drop over time)

That was aspirational. There are good reasons why multiple other well-capitalized entities failed to make Building Integrated Photovoltaics a cost effective solution.
If there's a FTC pull forward effect, then July could see a big fall in sales anyway, so this might be a good time to load the ships and send them off. I can't be sure whether either approach for July sales is right. Maybe Tesla does know better what's best.

However, low in-transit number in Q2 could make it harder to deliver high numbers in Q3, but again if they achieved a ramp up from <6k/w average in Q2 to sustained 7k/w in Q3, they might pull it off.

Don’t forget that Model 3 RHD production is highly likely to ramp up in July for the new markets opened up for ordering last month. Deliveries in these markets is currently advertised by Tesla as July/August, so presumably they will need to start producing and shipping these models in June.
Doing my part, one comment post at a time.

This comment thread is to Russ Mitchells piece in the LATimes that so irritates most of us here, claiming that Elon changed his tune about robotaxis. Here is a link to the article:
At Tesla annual meeting, Elon Musk softens claims of a robotaxi fleet next year

Here are screenshots showing a Tesla-bashing comment to that article that I responded to, followed by my response, and one more go-round from each of us. Am trying very hard to be pleasant and positive.

That was aspirational. There are good reasons why multiple other well-capitalized entities failed to make Building Integrated Photovoltaics a cost effective solution.

“That was aspirational. There are good reasons why multiple other well-capitalized entities failed to make Battery Electric Vehicles a cost effective solution.”
Maybe along this line, they will make sure the pickup is certified to be water tight up to a certain height, so that it can be used in flooded areas, areas with street flooding.
Sounds like fun--driving a BEV through flooded streets with water over the axles--must be a yuge TAM for that since no one is making special purpose, high water vehicles. Maybe the military will tender the first deposits?
Doing my part, one comment post at a time.

This comment thread is to Russ Mitchells piece in the LATimes that so irritates most of us here, claiming that Elon changed his tune about robotaxis. Here is a link to the article:
At Tesla annual meeting, Elon Musk softens claims of a robotaxi fleet next year

Here are screenshots showing a Tesla-bashing comment to that article that I responded to, followed by my response, and one more go-round from each of us. Am trying very hard to be pleasant and positive.

View attachment 418942 View attachment 418943
Nice job. We should all remember that when we respond publicly to deliberately obtuse commenters, it's not to change their mind. They're not trying to convince you, either. I think your responses work beautifully for their true purpose.

From Thank you for smoking:

Nick: Okay, let's say that you're defending chocolate and I'm defending vanilla. Now, if I were to say to you, "Vanilla's the best flavor ice cream", you'd say …?
Joey: "No, chocolate is."
Nick: Exactly. But you can't win that argument. So, I'll ask you: So you think chocolate is the end-all and be-all of ice cream, do you?
Joey: It's the best ice cream; I wouldn't order any other.
Nick: Oh. So it's all chocolate for you, is it?
Joey: Yes, chocolate is all I need.
Nick: Well, I need more than chocolate. And for that matter, I need more than vanilla. I believe that we need freedom and choice when it comes to our ice cream, and that, Joey Naylor, that is the definition of liberty.
Joey: But that's not what we're talking about.
Nick: Ah, but that's what I'm talking about.
Joey: But … you didn't prove that vanilla's the best.
Nick: I didn't have to. I proved that you're wrong, and if you're wrong, I'm right.
Joey: But you still didn't convince me.
Nick: Because I'm not after you. I'm after them.​
It’s amazing how many otherwise intelligent people have been caught up in the TSLAQ nonsense, persuaded mostly by a few well known shorts who got lucky once or twice in the past and otherwise have had extremely poor performance when it comes to making short bets.

I think a problem with a lot of non-financially literate people & journalists looking at Tesla is that they are unable to differentiate between the TSLAQ nonsense pushed by those with a large self interest in seeing the stock price drop (Chanos etc), and considered reasonable people who wish to discuss the possible downside risks in regards to what is a reasonable market valuation for the company (Aswath Damodaran etc).

I think it is good for investors active on social media etc to respond to the two groups differently.

Group 1: “The TSLAQ Trolls”: People who make completely idiotic arguments about Tesla going bankrupt, of which there have been dozens of arguments over the past 5+ years, 100% of which have turned out to be proven incorrect. When you see comments from these people reported by general media - the best thing to do is contact the author on social media and in comments (if available) on the articles to point out the completely incorrect track record of these people, and suggest the author instead quote/contact credible analysts who have a bearish scenario if they want to have a balanced article.

Group 2: “The Reasonable Bears” the credible analysts with bearish views or those have both bull/bear scenarios. We should debate these people and there scenarios/outlooks with the sensible dialogue they deserve, and where appropriate respectfully point out where we think their scenario & models/assumptions may be incorrect. When these people are quoted in general media articles where both reasonable Bullish & Bearish viewpoints are included, we should actually contact the author and thank them for a well written article, and we should actually share that article on social media as an example of a reasonable piece.

Anyone care to suggest who some more “reasonable bears” might be? I started with Aswath Damodaran - who is a professor and investor who uses discounted cashflow models to value companies and decide his investment strategy.
Kettlemans are truck stops right? I'd love to see them partner with a major truck stop outfit when the Semis start hitting the pavement en masse. There will be a lot of interest there, plus a lot of naysayers too I'm sure. One thing that would be great for truckers is not to smell like diesel anymore!
Even better when they can re-range at $0.07/kwh!
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