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An easy way to understand why such a cold snap is consistent with global warming, is that global warming means more energetic weather systems, and this manifests itself as more extreme weather - of all kinds.

As for the New Scientist headline, more weather records of any kind signifies that the weather systems are not currently in balance.

Global warming is real.

PS. CSCC Europe has just left Pier 80 bound for Panama, ETA Feb. 10...
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OT, Most people have a hard time to understand the difference between weather and climate. It should be taucht at school with more time because it is so important and effects billions of lives every day.

The carbon in our atmosphere does change actually the dynamics we are used to. Everything gets out of the so far used paths and that's true for warm as well as cold periods and weather conditions simply because there is much more energy in the entire system caused by the carbon in our atmosphere. That energy is actually changing the rules and it get more cold and more warm and at times and places of the year it usually did not happen.

The usually very stable cold weather at the poles start drifting caused by that energy and places nearby get a cold drift and hit by cold temperatures that belong to the North Pole while it gets warm there and the poles are melting.

Sorry for that explanation as most or even all here know that very well.

People who make the jokes of 'its cold here so I would like to have some warm weather and climate change is a hoax' consider weather to be climate and if the earth heats up it does it like every place on earth get the same weather but just a bid more warm.

The inability of those people gives you a good understanding of them being able to understand a dynamic or static system. Politicians who do not get that should be votes out of office because they just admit to be unable to understand and imagine in their mind a changing dynamic system. You can call them dump, maybe nobody ever explained or they do not want to know because the other alternative truth does fit better in their life.

We have seen Elon crying during interviews while talking about climate change because he understand that dynamics so profoundly and how this will change everything and I mean everything for billions of people in the future. It hurts deep in your hard if you are able to truly understand what humankind did the last 100 years to the earth and if you can see what will happen. Elons ability to imagine all parts of a dynamic system and how it works together and is pretty similar from what we know from Nikola Tesla and his ability to do construction work in his mind & imagination and put it on paper after he did see it working and goes what it did work.

A high price will be paid for the climate change initiated while we are all alive and even more after. Most people would possibly panic if the would know what will happen to our climate and with it weather in the future.

All of this is the main driver for Elon and why he did build Tesla and Space X.

All the rest like making the cars sexy, fun to drive and making money is just to help the worlds dump people to buy an EV, a Battery and a solar roof for reasons like, its more cheap more reliable and more safe but by doing that helping to start reducing the acceleration of climate change. We do not talk even about stopping it.

Elon should get the noble peace price for what he is doing and I hope one day it will happen.

End OT
An easy way to understand why such a cold snap is consistent with global warming, is that global warming means more energetic weather systems, and this manifests itself as more extreme weather - of all kinds.

The key causal link between polar vortex intrusions and global warming is that the Arctic has warmed up massively, which made the northern jet stream much weaker and 'wavier'. The temperature change (gradient) between equatorial and Arctic regions defines the strength of the jet stream - and the Arctic warmed up massively in the past couple of years, with summer peak temperatures 20 degrees Celsius above average levels (!). Less temperature difference weakened the jet stream.

Normally the jet stream is strong and keeps the polar vortex near the poles - but because it has weakened such 'cold snap' became more likely to occur.

Here's an image that demonstrates what global warming has done to the 'polar vortex protector', also known as the jet stream:


The left side is the normal pattern before global warming: strong jet stream winds "jailed" the polar vortex. On the right side the separation between the Arctic is much weaker, resulting in more extreme weather both in the summer and the winter.

That today's jet stream is abnormal is easy to see, just check today's wind speeds at 250 mbar height:

The abnormal patterns of the jet stream are easily recognizable and the 'eddy' that got looped off from an extreme jet stream wave a couple of days ago brought the captured record cold air to the south:

So yes, global warming, somewhat counter-intuitively, through the feedback channel of a much weaker jet stream, caused the record cold snap.
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I expected way less sales than 6500 for the US last month.

This news came out on Friday and TSLA hardly even blinked - just went right on following NASDAQ. I think it was right about average market expectations.

Certain part of China have different average height and some are taller. So I agree.

The suggestion by some here for the long wheelbase is the elderly are needing the longer leg room. I’m saying this is completely false as that generation is pretty short on average. Larger car equals luxury in their eyes so they want to pay less. And lastly which Chinese can resist a bargain?

Agreed that China has significant genetic diversity and is not a single monolithic people like many westerners envision. That said, the notion that the average height is some artifact of malnutrition isn't accurate. Obesity is several times more common in modern China than malnutrition. Or, to put it another way: why do second generation Chinese immigrants to western countries also average relatively small adult heights? Again... there's diversity and ample exceptions to be sure. But when the topic is averages...

Again, this is in no way to play down the country's genetic diversity. There are tall ethnic groups / subgroups in China to be sure. But on average, people in China just aren't as tall, and it's not a diet issue. The Chinese demand for big cars is commonly a status issue, not a case of "Young Chinese people are now suddenly as tall as westerners".

ED: Couldn't find data on Chinese-Americans specifically, but as for Asian-Americans broadly (average heights in centimeters):



No breakdown of first generation vs. those who are second+ generation, but the youngest group will have the highest percentage of second+ generation immigrants.
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Exactly. For young generations, most family has only one car. And their parent generation, most don't own cars at all. We are talking about leg room because the car is often used as family car to carry 4-5 people (couple in the front, parent and kid in the back), not because chauffeur car.
If that is the case then the M3 has lots of leg room for them. I can sit behind the driver seat when it is adjusted for myself. Unless the driver is Yao Ming there just isn't a problem.

And, if the problem is perceptual, I'm still with Musk's response suggesting a model S.
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In that case I invite you to read her latest Tesla piece:
Anonymous Tesla shorts who snap pics of Tesla parking lots have a new website

- maybe you can then recap it for TMC...

Oh come now, I don't see what's hit-piecey about making an article to give platform to a TSLAQ website and ending the article with:

Totally Not FUD said:
Tesla declined comment, but the site is likely to annoy Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who has recently sparred with short sellers and the media.

Last year, Musk shut up one of his most vocal critics, a short seller who used the handle “Montana Skeptic” on Twitter and wrote bearish analysis of the company on SeekingAlpha. The Tesla CEO reportedly phoned Montana Skeptic’s employer and told the blogger he would potentially take legal action in response to his posts.

The Tesla CEO also sounded off on Twitter at mainstream media organizations throughout 2018, and said he plans to start an organization that rates reporters.

If accurate...NOT. Boudette reveals his inability to read a table.

View attachment 373870
I finally really looked at the table. We all know that Tesla US sales are down in January due to all product being shipped abroad. But what I hadn't realized is that while overall sales volume YoY is down 2.6%, Tesla's share of sales went up from ~.5% to ~1.5%!
Despite some here expressed their strong concern about Teslas ability to do a decent service and despite that at the say.com platform the service issue came out as number 1 and was therefore the first Elon did answer at the ER call customer satisfaction of all owners is at a top spot in the CR report.

On a personal note I want to add that here in Europe I did not came across any large service issues and my experience with Tesla service so far is well above everything that I experience with any other car company I did deal with.

Still I hear those who have those issues and take them seriously but believe we all should differentiate between some obviously negative ones in the context that obviously the vast majority of owners are satisfied with the car as well as the service.

Earl of Frunkpuppy on Twitter
So Joe Rogan finally drove a Model S.

Without a doubt the most preposterously quick vehicle I’ve ever driven. It feels like something Bob Lazar snuck out of Area 51.
Elon, you knocked it out of the park with this crazy thing.

Joe, here’s the thing. That car is literally propelled by force fields (they come in threes by the way) invented by a 19th-century mad scientist. Kind of the last steampunk and first electropunk if you will. That’s one of the reasons for the grin...
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Despite some here expressed their strong concern about Teslas ability to do a decent service and despite that at the say.com platform the service issue came out as number 1 and was therefore the first Elon did answer at the ER call customer satisfaction of all owners is at a top spot in the CR report.

On a personal note I want to add that here in Europe I did not came across any large service issues and my experience with Tesla service so far is well above everything that T experience with any other car company I did deal with.

Still I hear people you have those issues and take them seriously but believe we all should differentiate between some obviously negative ones in the context that obviously the vast majority of owner is satisfied with the car as well as the service.

Earl of Frunkpuppy on Twitter

Exactly what I've been saying. All too many people confuse "easily accessible and sharable anecdotes" with data. People don't write reports saying "I had no problems with delivery and service!", and if they did, nobody would share it.

They still should work hard on improving, but it's easy to act like everyone is angry when you see dozens of reports, forgetting that there's, what, a quarter million Teslas out there? Incidence data requires surveys. I did one last summer. Consumer Reports did one recently. And in each case the result was the same: people are by and large very happy. The Model 3 Owners Survey asked specifically about delivery and service, and yes, there were some people unhappy, but they were significantly outnumbered by those who were happy with their experience.
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According to CR Model X is the red headed stepchild.

View attachment 373878

Model x won the luxury SUV category. Just didn't make the top 10 overall.

What worries me is that Boudette may be gaslightling. Not sure that is it intentional, he simply saw what he wanted to see. So grabbing 6,582 fit the narrative he wanted to project. So he didn't check to see if he got his facts right (really bad journalism). Then by Twitting the 6,582 number as "recent" January, he sets up readers to see that as they look at the table, if they look at all. When expectations are "confirmed" by seeing that number, it reinforces the false narrative that was set up. People doubt their own correct reading of it when they see the labels are switched around.

So all in all it is a very strong example of gaslighting. We are all prone to get tricked by this. I had to look at it several times and read other people's reactions before I felt confident that I was reading it correctly. My own sense of self-doubt in what my own eyes were showing me is exactly the effect of gaslighting.

That's not gas lighting -- just cognitive bias or simple confusion.

January 2018, for comparison:

Model 3 1875 (+347%)
Model S 800 (+9%)
Model X 700 (+36%)

This is the key stat. Amazing that s and x increased yoy