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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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Except there actually is a lawsuit in progress about the Solar City Acquisition that could affect TSLA's stock price.

What kind of verdict could there be that would affect the stock price? I thought it was against Elon personally. I mean I hate for the bloodsuckers to get a cent but even if Elon had to pay hundreds of millions would it really matter except that he would own a few parts of a percentage less?

Is anyone expecting a guilty verdict for billions for Tesla to pay?
Except there actually is a lawsuit in progress about the Solar City Acquisition that could affect TSLA's stock price.
What affects TSLA's stock price is a group of hedge funds and their happy warrior minions. The Solar City lawsuit is This Week's Item. Don't know what Next Week's Item will be, but there will be one.
I read somewhere that property was the Texas bid for GF1.
Well, as near as I can place it on the lo-rez bit-maps from the PDF you cited earlier, Hutto TX is near the end of this HV transmission line bringing 100% renewable wind-power into the Austin area:


That's all good for me, and your 'site-map' shows a 137KV transmission line already running past the border of the location. This will be huge for balancing GF5/Austin's carbon footprint, and together with Tesla Megapacks, will likely result in the best price available for wholesale electricity.

I'm liking this site... :D

Except there actually is a lawsuit in progress about the Solar City Acquisition that could affect TSLA's stock price.

We just don't generally stress above movements less than $1, or a $20 movement in 10 years time..

The lawsuit will probably be a rounding error, and even more likely will be nothing..
While we're on this off-topic...

The world economy needs a whole lotta disruptions for our species to survive.

Tesla is disrupting Big Auto, Big Oil and (soon) Big Utilities. A little-discussed benefit of Tesla Network and mini-grid batteries (including vehicle-to-grid) will be more financial freedom for many people. When your car and home can generate income, you'll need less from a job. Widespread adoption of these income generators would be something new in the post-subsistence-farming economy, and a baby step toward Universal Basic Income.

SpaceX may be preparing to disrupt Big Media with Starlink. Imagine cheap and ubiquitous Internet service that comes bundled with a Facebook alternative not dependent on advertising (which we know Elon hates). Incentives are important, as Elon says, so removing the incentive to sell audiences to advertisers could change information media dramatically, and hopefully for the better.

That leaves several destructive industries that Elon has not tackled: Big Agriculture, Big Food and Big Pharma. These three horsemen of the apocalypse are interlinked. Animal agriculture contributes more to global warming than transportation, and is the primary source of deadly new viruses and bacteria (bred in factory farms). Roughly 90% of the American diet is animal products and highly processed foods, and this highly unnatural diet is the primary cause of all common chronic diseases and vulnerability to infectious diseases. But Big Pharma is incentivized to promote drug treatment of symptoms instead of dietary elimination of causes, and 80% of antibiotics are sold to factory farms.
Livestock's Long Shadow - Wikipedia
Pandemics: History & Prevention | NutritionFacts.org
US Food Consumption
How Not to Die: An Animated Summary | NutritionFacts.org
Antibiotics in Our Food: What You Should Know | FoodPrint

The result is a population that is tragically sick. Over 70% of American adults are overweight, over 40% obese, and nearly 70% of the middle-aged are taking one or more prescription drugs. The sickness is both physical and mental, since diet affects all organs including the brain. Antidepressant use is up 400% in recent years (to become the second-bestselling class of drugs), and Alzheimer's deaths are up 50%. Yet when a new virus (not the first or last) starts killing the sickest among us (including obese children), governments assault the global economy rather than talk about root causes. Just wait for more drugs and vaccine, says the industry-captured media.
Obesity is a Common, Serious, and Costly Disease
Products - Data Briefs - Number 347 - August 2019
Astounding increase in antidepressant use by Americans - Harvard Health Blog
Prescription Drug Sales by Class - Vaughn's Summaries
Deaths from Alzheimer's Increase 50 Percent | Live Science

What does this have to do with investment? Well, you probably want to live long enough to spend your money, with your mind intact, and have a society to spend it in.

Professor Kant was a product of his time (1724-1804), before computers and robots and AI. But times have changed, and keep changing exponentially. In my vision of a good future, everyone will have freedom to "Do what what you want to do" (without hurting others) while technology does the drudgery. Technology is creating so much wealth for our species that we should be able to afford Universal Basic Income and a decent life for all. Then maybe the monkey mindset of scarcity and hoarding will finally wither away.

But we need to survive long enough to receive that gift.

If you, like Elon, care enough about the future to want it be good, you can do more than support Tesla. The single most helpful thing you can do for the planet and your health is learn how to eat a whole-food plant-based diet. It's really not tough if you put your mind to it, and the personal benefits can be shocking and quick. Lots of programs exist to help you learn. Just google WFPB.

And the second most helpful is to not breed. Or at least limit to one child per couple. Overpopulation is the driver behind every environmental problem we have.
For those who are worried about Elon's political leanings, I found this interesting comment on Reddit: Elon: Take the red pill : teslainvestorsclub

This fellow could teach a graduate level course in over-analyzing Elon's tweets, but I think it touches on some good points:

This is so confusing, for several reasons.

-The Red Rose emoji () is the symbol for Democratic Socialists of America, and in political twitter vernacular, the almost universally recognized symbol for support for Bernie Sanders (who contrary to popular belief, is not an actual democratic socialist,) but I digress. If all he needed was a red emoji, why not use another red one? Why not use the actual red, pill ?

-Grimes is also a deep admirer of Bernie Sanders, comparing Musk to Bernie, actually. Will look for the article, edit post later.

-Musk recently giving away all possessions? Concerned about billionaire flak on Twitter?

-The Red Pill is originally a statement from the Matrix, but later an adopted metaphor for realizing the overall validity of social conservatism / illegitimacy of third wave feminism. Don’t really think Musk subscribes to this social worldview, per se. In any other context I’d say it’s a statement about the simulation.

-Widespread use of the term is just as a metaphor for waking up to the uncomfortable truth.

-But, Red is also associated with the Republican political party. Texas is a very red state. Musk developing an affinity for Texas, in general, and has always leaned libertarian. Maybe he’s duping everyone and becoming left-libertarian?

Interpret accordingly.

Musician Grimes says tech billionaire Elon Musk's goals are very similar to Bernie Sanders' and that he's 'tangibly, visibly' solving the world's problems
Well, as near as I can place it on the lo-rez bit-maps from the PDF you cited earlier, Hutto TX is near the end of this HV transmission line bringing 100% renewable wind-power into the Austin area:

View attachment 542514

That's all good for me, and your 'site-map' shows a 137KV transmission line already running past the border of the location. This will be huge for balancing GF5/Austin's carbon footprint, and together with Tesla Megapacks, will likely result in the best price available for wholesale electricity.

I'm liking this site... :D


It is cool that one of the CREZ lines seems to shoot right into the Austin area, but it may not really matter.

As @bkp_duke and @jerry33 have pointed out, privately owned electricity providers competitively serve load on the ERCOT grid. The competitive retailers are the middle-men between the customer and the providers. If a customer wants 100% renewable energy, the retailer finds renewable providers that serve load on the grid at good rates and pays them for the load used by the customer. The customer pays the retailer.

IOW, it doesn’t matter where you extract the electrons from the grid, the provider of choice can be paid for what they contributed.

At least, this is my understanding.
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Texas is a very red state. Musk developing an affinity for Texas,

if the twitter post means anything significant, it probably means TF1 Texas is a done deal, or it means Elon is simply messing around..

He is focused on the mission, not politics, the mission means dealing with both sides of politics occasionally. The mission is important and achieves something, a lot of politics achieves nothing of lasting value.