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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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Playful but frankly being a bit of a dick there. If this was me I would be super angry. OF COURSE there should be a confirmation to spend that sort of money. Tesla are potential pissing off a lot of people there for zero gain. He should have apologised, refunded the dude immediately and pledged to fix the app.
Your comment ASSumes that it's even possible to BUTTdial an upgrade :p
Full Self Driving isn't complete yet. So there is no FSD safety data yet (only Auto Pilot which is a driver-assist feature). You can pay for FSD upfront but it won't be released until it's ready.
Correct, Autopilot. Tesla's annual report... that safety data.

I think the people will still ignore the safety data in general, all bc they will definitely see these cars do something they could have avoided and obvious. (Not realizing that a dozen other people just stopped at a red light instead of running it.) The accidents will be different, and that will make the headlines. "I can't believe it hit that pole at 2 mph..." resolves to "If it hit that, then imagine how unsafe it is 75 mph on a freeway."
The trouble with annoucing after the Close on Thursday is that the Quarterly Rebalancing weights are determined by Closing SPs of all S&P components as of tomorrow's Close, Fri Sep 04, 2020.

I think that's one of the motivations for the big push down we're seeing right now. Every hundredth's of a point off of TSLA's weight means a few billion $$ of TSLA that don't need to be purchased by Index Funds by Sep 18th.


Thinking of this in $ terms doesn't make sense. You have to think in terms of number of shares that index funds have to buy, which doesn't change much by share price. Rob M even dedicated an entire episode to this. Too lazy to link from mobile
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OK, I've officially done nothing all today but learn more about TSLA, and I stopped buying for now until some dust settles.
Not surprised if there's an announcement by Tesla tomorrow - when is there not one? Never dull.

I think I spent >6 hrs today looking at charts & tickers, collecting information and generally being upset at the market. I have to deal with days like this with an offline trip to the forest or something...
More people in the US have died from Covid-19 than from WW I, the Vietnam war, and the Korean war combined. Yet much of the population doesn't understand. Statistics don't matter when it comes to human perception, unfortunately.

Some people are immune to "interference" from "numbers" but I saw first hand how people were convinced simply by pointing out that Tesla's had a lower rate of vehicle fires per mile than all cars combined and linking to the data so they could confirm you weren't just making it up. Statistics do matter to most people.

BTW, I was not aware of that CV-19 statistic (so I assume most people in the US are not either).
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I was on the road today, and before I left, I saw TSLA dropping and the macros, so I set to purchase more shares until the end of the trading day that expired as I set for $400 and we never got that low during trading hours.

In AH (which I was on the road, so never got to check during to set up new order), it dropped to 380 and way below the threshold I set.

My cousin, who was next to me after the AH when I pulled out my phone to check the stocks said to me "you must be glad that it didn't hit the price".

I said "well, it's indifferent really. If I was going to care about a short term drop and increase, I wouldn't have held on to my TSLA holdings until now. And if I'm going to look back when it hits my selling goals, a $20 per share difference on 100 shares (the order I submitted in the morning), it's really marginal in the grand scheme of things."

In days like this... what I'd ask myself is this simple question: has there any change in the fundamental operation of Tesla given the information I currently have?

Today, my answer was no. So, I'd continue to buy the dip as my budget allows and laugh at this when Tesla hits 1T... but chances are... I probably won't even remember about it. Do you remember the last time it went down (or up) 8% in a day? That's like every day last week.
So I'm thinking a drop of 6-15% tomorrow before an S&P announcement, a large uptick aftermarket closing the stock at -2% for the day and going for an extremely long weekend... The suspense is killing me :rolleyes: HODL!
I'm going with a SP comeback on Tues. They'll want to get rid of ALL the weak ones.
To quote Pink Floyd, "Are there any weak ones out there in the audience tonight" right before the live song "Run" where they all "Run like hell..."
This GOES AGAINST the purpose of the Options Market Maker's exemption to the prohibition against naked short selling. Regulation SHO grants that exemption only to provide liquidity in the Market. There were 83,685,688 shares traded by FINRA-reporting entities. There IS NO liquidity problem, and Market Makers are abusing their position of priviledge in the Market for their own proprietary trading. This is ILLEGAL.
...what's the options volume, though?

Like, if the shorts decided to just buy a ton of put options, the market makers would 100% legitimately, as the exact reason for the market maker exemption, be allowed to short-sell, right?

(Arguably, this is a case for the market maker exemption to be removed, even if the market makers are doing nothing illegal. Although there would be strange effects from the market maker exemption being removed on the IV of put options - one manipulation tactic that would become practical is to buy puts, sell enough stock to shove it below 10% down and trigger the uptick rule, and then as the market makers skyrocket the premiums to cover their massively increased risk from being unable to delta hedge a put, sell your puts. Presumably, puts in general would also just generally have constantly higher IV, due to the constant risk of the uptick rule being activated, as well - how did this work when the uptick rule was the norm for all stocks?)
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AH happiness.

Today I was driving into the local playground with my 5 year old son. About 50 feet from the entrance pulled over on the side is a Pagani Zonda. I hear from from his car seat “oh awesome!”. I reply “yeah that’s a Pagani Zonda”. He replies, “no, look down there. There’s a Tesla, it’s a Model Y”. We parked next to the all black Model Y and chatted about it for a bit. When we get out I ask “Want to go check out the Zonda?”. He immediately says, “No, lets go to the swings”.

FWIW in this relatively small lot were 3 Model 3s and 2 Model Ys. Picking our Y up Sunday.

Photo of him a few years ago on a fun car for good vibes.

Love you all.

View attachment 584145

Cute kid !
Thats a very rare old Ferrari concept. 512 S Modulo ?

Reminds me of the Cybertruck's lines.
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This year the fact that only US markets will be closed on Monday for Labor Day, would seem to make an announcement tomorrow impractical. Otherwise the European exchanges could experience chaos on Monday.

The TSX (Toronto) is also closed on Labour Day. It wouldn't be unprecedentedfor European exchange's to halt trading on TL.0 on Monday, given After-hrs news.

Not saying the announcement will come on Friday, but if for some reason the S&P Committee decided that was the best time, conflicting trading hours across continents would be among their lesser worries. ;)
