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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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EDIT: If you need more Justice, join a Class Action Law suit against the Brokers that didn't provide the TSLA dividend shares to their "Beneficial Owners" by the start of trading on Mon, Aug 31, 2020 when TSLA was trading at over $500/share. Those shareholders have been defrauded by their Brokers.

As I predicted here on TMC on Sat, Aug 29, 2020.
I have yet to hear of anybody in the US who has suffered anything more than temporary annoyance from this nefarious malfeasance. Nor any foreign accounts that had problems that weren't warned about in advance. Lots of noise over irritating incompetence.
I think this proves just how much a stock split affects people psychologically. Many people are saying “it’s normal to see some profit taking” but part of me wonders if they’d be saying the same thing with -$250 moves every day rather than -$50. Just a thought.

Yes. I'm one of the people who has been saying big corrections are normal and I've been translating these big moves back into pre-split prices just for additional perspective and it just re-enforces what I already know - you can't have the kind of big up moves we have enjoyed without a series of big down corrections - it just never happens! It could even go dowwn a lot more from here. So what! I'm not worried one bit because this is not a move based on poor fundamentals - it's a correction for what had become a very frothy market.

The good thing is we have established new highs, higher than most thought possible, and this makes it easier to revisit those levels with the addition of good news, good P&D numbers, good earnings, good battery news, etc. etc. etc.

Investing is about growth. Growth takes time. Look at the chart - don't tell me you thought it would keep going straight up indefinitely without a breather or major correction? This should not matter at all to long-term investors. I sold 20% of my stake, not because I was worried it would never go higher but because it had become a ridiculous portion of my account, it was well-valued and both me and wife have been retired for some time.

Big moves are NORMAL, that's why people say if you want to play with the big dogs you have to be comfortable peeing in the tall grass.
I have yet to hear of anybody in the US who has suffered anything more than temporary annoyance from this nefarious malfeasance. Nor any foreign accounts that had problems that weren't warned about in advance. Lots of noise over irritating incompetence.

I was going to sell ~300 shares on Tuesday to finance a house purchase. While the new shares were listed in account, the lots were all wrong and not properly updated/allocated, and Gains and Losses were not computed correctly. There was no way to sell the right lot (for tax purposes) online. I was too lazy to call them, so hesitated, and then didn't do anything. I probably should've just sold it in FIFO mode. On Wednesday it gotten worse, so I decide to wait till SP500 bump. The lots and Gain/Losses weren't fix till today (Thursday morning)

At this point unless there's an SP500 inclusion next week and we get bumped back to 450-500, I'm likely selling a few more shares than originally intended and will be out at significant amount of lost gains.

My broker is MerrillEdge. And I'm pretty pissed at them now.
The idea hedge funds have been buying in anticipation of the S&P inclusion in anticipation of cornering the market is plausible to me. Now that Tesla has announced a further share offering these funds bailing out for a quick profit makes sense. So I will not be surprised if the stock continues to drop until the inclusion date is announced.

That theory would only work if front running the S&P 500 inclusion began with the 2020Q2 Earnings Call (when Tesla announced that it now met all the S&P critieria).

In the event, the runup only began with the Stock Dividend announcement, and at an unprecidented rate (>75% at its peak after just 20 calendar days).

If there was any 'front-running' going on, its more likely IMO to have been front-running the forced MM short covering deadline.

That is exactly what we saw, including the timing of the slump.

I was too lazy to call them, so hesitated, and then didn't do anything.
Exactly. Their fault only in the sense that they made selling slightly less convenient. And of course you can assign which lot you want sold afterwards just by calling them up and telling them. So, no, you weren't unable to sell. Still waiting to hear about anybody who was defrauded.
AH happiness.

Today I was driving into the local playground with my 5 year old son. About 50 feet from the entrance pulled over on the side is a Pagani Zonda. I hear from from his car seat “oh awesome!”. I reply “yeah that’s a Pagani Zonda”. He replies, “no, look down there. There’s a Tesla, it’s a Model Y”. We parked next to the all black Model Y and chatted about it for a bit. When we get out I ask “Want to go check out the Zonda?”. He immediately says, “No, lets go to the swings”.

FWIW in this relatively small lot were 3 Model 3s and 2 Model Ys. Picking our Y up Sunday.

Photo of him a few years ago on a fun car for good vibes.

Love you all.



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I know a lot of people speculating that if not tomorrow then Tuesday announcement due to markets closed on Monday. Anyone know if there is any precedent for the announcement at market close today so that the dust can settle with Friday trading?
The trouble with annoucing after the Close on Thursday is that the Quarterly Rebalancing weights are determined by Closing SPs of all S&P components as of tomorrow's Close, Fri Sep 04, 2020.

I think that's one of the motivations for the big push down we're seeing right now. Every hundredth's of a point off of TSLA's weight means a few billion $$ of TSLA that don't need to be purchased by Index Funds by Sep 18th.
