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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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$TSLA has....

2 new factories ramping
Insane Q1 numbers
FSD gaining traction
Unlimited demand for its cars
Optimus developing
Insane profit margins

And yet....

Here we are trading below S&P 500 inclusion price........Macros aside....this is borderline insanity.

You misspelled “manipulation” and don’t take into account that Wall Street runs the show. The game is rigged! 😁
Time for Elon to step aside at Tesla and hand over the reigns .... it's enough nonsense.

He has a right to live his life ...at the same time, CEO's of corporations are beholden to their shareholders and aside from SP, he is hurting Tesla's image ... and that is really not fair to all the people who have worked so hard to achieve so much. Tesla is not 1 man ... regardless of what people on this forum think.

Please spare me the lesson on how much they have gone up in value .... yes I've made a lot of $$ ...at the same time I invested in a company that could have easily gone bankrupt so I deserve the rewards ... that is also why it's not a fair argument to say I should just sell and be happy .... I put a lot of money into a HUGE risk at the time and now that it should be paying off .... it's getting kneecapped by Elon's actions. (Which have NOTHING to do with Tesla).

I don't blame this entire selloff on Elon .... it's the Macros, of course, but Elon's a distraction at this point. Tesla would be fine without him .... IMHO. (Which won't be popular on this forum)

While I do think (and have thought for a while) that Tesla should have a COO (Zach?), If you think Elon stepping down as CEO would help the stock I want some of what you’re on.

The day Elon stepped down the stock would drop >25%. I know some people here don’t like that Elon is pointing out that the president with the lowest second year approval ratings since Herbert Hoover isn’t doing a good job, but Elon is a completely irreplaceable asset. He is the Michael Jordan or Tom Brady of capitalism.
The bad actors know that the market is getting ready to turn around so this was their last chance to really drive TSLA down and take advantage.

I'd have to check my notes, but I think this is the 7,873rd "last chance" I've seen.

Wasn't long ago folks were saying this'd be the last chance to buy in the 900s for example.
I’m not an attorney but I’m pretty sure that if BI has published libel, which is not a form of legal speech anywhere in the US, then a lawsuit would be justified.
Proving libel in the USA is a very high bar. It has happened but any wiggle room in terms of interpretation is given to the defendant. I don't think Pony Stark would win this case. I also don't think this is a big deal. Anyone calling for Elon to step down over this is nuts. That would be disaster to the stock.
$TSLA has....

2 new factories ramping
Insane Q1 numbers
FSD gaining traction
Unlimited demand for its cars
Optimus developing
Insane profit margins

And yet....

Here we are trading below S&P 500 inclusion price........Macros aside....this is borderline insanity.
People dramatically underestimate the gravity of this transition. We're not switching fuels for transport or making slightly better sources for electricity. This is one of the biggest turning points in the history of human civilization, IMO potentially the biggest. We just can't see the other side with any focus, so we lack perspective.

Moving from fossil-based scarcity(hoarding) to renewables-based sustainability(abundance) is going to absolutely neuter nearly every source of extreme wealth. We should expect a bit of resistance to such a change.
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I posted earlier this week on how I thought Elon was frustrated at Tesla getting snubbed by POTUS and the dems, and probably had enough.....even got a few disagrees.....;);););););)

Yeah, Elon shows no sign of being frustrated but he does grab the bull by the horns and make his position known.

Just bought 200 more at $666.65. A real steal that will be worth a multiple of what I paid for it in just 2-3 years. Super deal! We are to the point that only real idiots/short-term speculators are selling.
Yeah, Elon shows no sign of being frustrated but he does grab the bull by the horns and make his position known.

Just bought 200 more at $666.65. A real steal that will be worth a multiple of what I paid for it in just 2-3 years. Super deal! We are to the point that only real idiots/short-term speculators are selling.
No kidding... We are back to a point where loading up on some margin is getting tempting.
People dramatically underestimate the gravity of this transition. We're not switching fuels for transport or making slightly better sources for electricity. This is one of the biggest turning points in the history of human civilization, IMO potentially the biggest. We just can't see the other side with any focus, so we lack perspective.

Moving from fossil-based scarcity(hoarding) to renewables-based sustainability(abundance) is going to absolutely neuter nearly every source of extreme wealth. We should expect a bit of resistance to such a change.


We’re at the very bottom of an s curve that’s going to completely re-orient or replace at least 20% of global GDP.
And really the thing that annoys me most is the absurd earnings as a backstop. We never had no backstop......for years!
Are we really that surprised that Wall St, given the opportunity would drive this down as far as possible?

They got the perfect storm - macro market crash, Shanghai shutting down, Elon twitter drama and Elon selling shares.

We should have all known a hit piece/orchestrated sell off was coming.