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Thread title... anyone interested in trading your Tesla for a new Rolex

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Looking to trade my 2020 Rolex James Cameron 126660 Deepsea for a Tesla! Seeing that these watches are limited in supply and comes with box, warranty, and etc. Let me know : )


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Wow, dude, it is really unique offer. Think that you have already found your partner in this deal. However, I understand that watches can cost even more that new vehicle. Rolex watches were a only a dream for me dome years. One time, during the conversation, my friend said me that he has bought high-quality Rolex replica for 250 dollars. In the beginning I didn't believe in it, but when I have seen they on his hand, I made sure that I also want it. If you are interested, Read more info here. And especially try to research limited collections.

I'll trade you my sweet Casio for whatever you are offering as well.