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TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

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This investing game is new to me so I'm needing (not an) advice, but if this isn't an appropriate place to ask, just let me know. Better yet, point me in the right direction.

The IRS demands I take a $15k minimum withdrawal from my self-managed IRA. Am considering liquidating my significant position in CREE to achieve this RMD, then buy more TSLA with the cash that remains. Thoughts?
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Just goofy. Those sells gotta be SAF
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On this down day, I have a notion bouncing around in my head that might be more doable now that the new Chair is an Aussie. Remember a little over a year ago when Elon said the entire United States could be powered by solar panels 100 Mi by 100 Mi square plus a square mile worth of batteries. I wonder what it would take to power Australia? Considerably less than that I would think. And they certainly have enough outback out there in the middle of the continent that is basically unused scab land. As the majority of their population centers are around the coasts, I think the land down under would be a great spot to experiment with powering an entire continent/nation via renewable solar power. What do you all think?
On this down day, I have a notion bouncing around in my head that might be more doable now that the new Chair is an Aussie. Remember a little over a year ago when Elon said the entire United States could be powered by solar panels 100 Mi by 100 Mi square plus a square mile worth of batteries. I wonder what it would take to power Australia? Considerably less than that I would think. And they certainly have enough outback out there in the middle of the continent that is basically unused scab land. As the majority of their population centers are around the coasts, I think the land down under would be a great spot to experiment with powering an entire continent/nation via renewable solar power. What do you all think?
Yabut needs a LOT of transmission too, don't forget. Distances are also great. Other than that, sure!
The only American calender I have says it was Sunday, ie yesterday.

Indeed. As Curt mentioned, Veterans Day is a Sunday holiday. However, it's 'observed' on Monday and some American businesses and most government entities are closed for the day. Stock market is not.

I found the reason for the drop.

At the risk of repeating @neroden, no, you very much probably did not. Stock price is a fickle thing, beholden to many [thousands of] masters with varying goals, reads, and mindsets at any given moment. There's no singular reason for any given rise or drop in the vast majority of instances. Reckless growth commentary and SEC investigations notwithstanding.

Care bears should be reappearing soon.


VW are throwing $25bn at the problem (apparently) and while money doesn't solve everything, if they're taking it that seriously, I wouldn't want to bet against them.

I think the mistake would be to assume this hurts Tesla. I actually think Tesla benefits from this becoming more mainstream - they don't need 80% of a 50m vehicle a year market to be a $100bn company - I'm very happy VW is going all in on this. I want fast charging stations everywhere!

Agreed. VW is throwing enough money at this issue that they're going to have a significant volume of battery capacity available. That's a good thing (for the EV market, for the world, and for Tesla).

I'd prefer VW was out of business. This is a company that designed and implemented a cheat device so they could exceed emission regulations. They increased health problems, an possibly deaths, so they could make more money. They also lied, for years. I don't believe anything the company has to say and I wish they had been banned from doing business in every country on Earth.

I feel a bit strongly about that.

In a perfect world, where Tesla ramps up to supply 100% of vehicle demand worldwide by 2020, I agree with you. In our less-ideal real world, we don't have the time to spare to let Tesla service all vehicle needs. If VW is going to produce a number of long-range EVs that people want to buy on a timescale of the next few years, more power to them.
On this down day, I have a notion bouncing around in my head that might be more doable now that the new Chair is an Aussie. Remember a little over a year ago when Elon said the entire United States could be powered by solar panels 100 Mi by 100 Mi square plus a square mile worth of batteries. I wonder what it would take to power Australia? Considerably less than that I would think. And they certainly have enough outback out there in the middle of the continent that is basically unused scab land. As the majority of their population centers are around the coasts, I think the land down under would be a great spot to experiment with powering an entire continent/nation via renewable solar power. What do you all think?

From the BFB presentation in South Australia
To Power Australia
solar 71km2
Battery 7.1km2 (Powepacks)


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On this down day, I have a notion bouncing around in my head that might be more doable now that the new Chair is an Aussie. Remember a little over a year ago when Elon said the entire United States could be powered by solar panels 100 Mi by 100 Mi square plus a square mile worth of batteries. I wonder what it would take to power Australia? Considerably less than that I would think. And they certainly have enough outback out there in the middle of the continent that is basically unused scab land. As the majority of their population centers are around the coasts, I think the land down under would be a great spot to experiment with powering an entire continent/nation via renewable solar power. What do you all think?
And they can use the surplus sunlight to produce and export Methane, maybe some parts of the US can do that too.
On this down day, I have a notion bouncing around in my head that might be more doable now that the new Chair is an Aussie. Remember a little over a year ago when Elon said the entire United States could be powered by solar panels 100 Mi by 100 Mi square plus a square mile worth of batteries. I wonder what it would take to power Australia? Considerably less than that I would think. And they certainly have enough outback out there in the middle of the continent that is basically unused scab land. As the majority of their population centers are around the coasts, I think the land down under would be a great spot to experiment with powering an entire continent/nation via renewable solar power. What do you all think?
I think they dont need as much land to achieve 100% coverage as you seem to imply. If the whole U.S. only needs 100m x 100m.

I had some doubts on what Elon said previosly, I think there were points like in the future
- 1/3 of energy will be generated by residential installations and 2/3 by utilities
- an average house covered by solar panels can generate somewhere around 2/3 to 1.5 of its needs (approx. numbers, sorry don't remember exact quotes), so on average a house can provide enough for itself.

I was thinking that roofs of all houses in U.S. would likely represent much more than 100x100 miles...so if that represents 1/3 of future generation, then does it mean a tiny percentage of houses will have solar installations?
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