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Updates to Tesla strike system

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It seems Tesla is set to revise the strike system, i know this system has angered many, as it is quite imprecise.

Seems if you get a strike, one strike is removed for every 7 days you do not receive another strike. (Specifically mentions FSD, but i would imagine this would also concern the AP)

With FSD v12.4, Tesla has also updated its Autopilot Suspension feature which is designed to enforce the responsible use of FSD.

The current system lets the driver receive up to five strikes (three strikes for vehicles without a cabin camera) before Autopilot and FSD become unavailable. If that happens, then FSD is unavailable for one week. Strikes are only removed once the driver has accrued five strikes, or when Tesla wipes out strikes for everyone, which happens about twice a year.

The new system is more gracious about removing strikes. The vehicle will continue to issue strikes whenever the driver isn't paying attention, however, now the vehicle will gradually remove strikes for the driver after a certain period of time.

Tesla states that one strike will be removed for each 7-day period the driver goes without receiving a strike. So if FSD gets disabled due to strikes, the driver will still go one week without FSD, although now strikes are removed on an ongoing basis. This new strike system is expected to apply to vehicles with and without a cabin camera.
I have 3 strikes for over a month, and I have not use FSD. How my strikes can be reduced?
Sounds like you have AutoPilot strikes. Once you upgrade to 2024.20.1, the following will apply according to Tesla's release notes:

One Autopilot Strikeout will be forgiven for each 7-day period in which you do not receive any Strikeouts. Each time you receive a Strikeout, this timer will restart.
The new version of my v12 software update with the v12. 3.6 FSD nags like crazy when I am driving while my hands on the wheel and eyes on the road during the night. It already gave me a strike for it. This makes it totally unable to use FSD during the bad lighting environment. Does anyone has the same issue after the update?
So I have a 2000 mile road trip in august and we just got our third FSD beta strike yesterday saying we have 2 left. What is the current reset time to have strikes removed? I have read that 1 week good driving you lose 1 strike but I believe that for FSD 12.4 which I don't have yet. Most common responses for current FSD were 2 weeks 60 days 90 days. Also when the strikes reset, do you start with 5 strikes again? Thinking about purposely getting getting my next two strikes before the road trip so I have a fresh batch of strikes for the long journey.