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I got a very unfair third strike that I do not understand. Please help.

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I tested this morning. I looked at the bottom of my screen when engaging FSD Beta, and indeed my car gave me "Pay Attention" with an alert tone, and the top of the screen flashed blue for a moment, but immediately stopped as I looked forward. Not a normal behavior as I'm always looking forward when engaging.

I’ll have to try again. I tried twice. Looking at my lap. I looked up about one second after engagement.
I got this to happen a couple times. Was afraid to be too adventurous due to possibility of a strike.

Had a hard time doing it reproducibly. One time it happened immediately after engagement and the next time I had to stare downwards for a second or two more.

I couldn’t get it to happen if I immediately was looking forward as I engaged but maybe it is possible.

So it is really a front-loaded check, taking place after engagement, but it is possible it does take into account behavior just prior to engagement - not sure about that.

Interesting what sort of behaviors people find! You really have to be looking down when engaging FSD! I guess people know they aren’t paying any attention and want extra safety!
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So it is really a front-loaded check, taking place after engagement, but it is possible it does take into account behavior just prior to engagement - not sure about that.
If they took prior behavior into account then I doubt there would be a problem. This behavior smacks of a simple bug stemming from how they manage the distraction data. It might have been that they always kept that data up to date, regardless of whether the system was running. But they made an "optimization" to stop updating if the system isn't active. That means that when the system is activated, they have to start collecting data. What's the only available data after engaging? The driver is looking at the screen. He's distracted. Better nag him.

I guess people know they aren’t paying any attention and want extra safety!
DirtyTesla mentioned that when he engages FSD, he immediately looks at the speed setting, so he always gets the instant nag now. I can imagine that some people have gotten into the habit of looking for the steering wheel icon going blue. I don't look at the screen after activating, so I've never gotten that nag and was surprised when people talked about it.
DirtyTesla mentioned that when he engages FSD, he immediately looks at the speed setting, so he always gets the instant nag now.
I can’t get this nag looking at the speed. My head has to be angled downwards more. May be dependent on driving position and how much you move your head down (for example if you wear non-progressive reading glasses you might tilt your head down more as you engage to read the speed).

I still haven’t been able to get it if I immediately lift my head as I engage.
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I'm in Europe so no FSD for us but I also have bad experience with Tesla nagging - to stop it just resting your hand is not enough. Wiggling is also not enough, I've also got several disengages while perfectly holding wheel, applying force, wiggling.

I solved it by using cheating device that constantly applies force. I still hold my hand slightly on a wheel so I'm able to react instantly, I'm looking straight on the road, but no longer experience annoying nags, so I also don't need to constantly look at the screen if nag went away or not - and can focus more on the road.
i think it will be very helpfull to get descripion of each strike and if possible list of things tesla considering as strike .
because why would you take long trip with zero strikes or with 4 stikes because if you dont know exact precondition or condition for strike really doesn't matter .....during trip you will possibly get 5 strikes
even if you doing everything right using common sence still will not helping us

driving tesla and having fear about strikes is not something we like

ghost braking and strikes for round about should have new firmware update

botto;m line fsd is not to be used in canada on fade marked road
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autosteer vs autopilot vs fsd
its a bit confusing i just find out that our model 2023 are with autosteer
level one fsd is option for couple thousand dollars
level two fsd is over six thousand dollar but it can take live update any time

now if iam not wrong we have autosteer for life and that is just helpfull to keep your car in center between lines and keep distance between cars
well that is almost same thing as regular cruise control on any car holding stering wheel

i have 2 tesla S and Y and i am stil learning stuff

but dont like when cust rep is not giving correct info over phone regarding those strikes and maks you think that is something fishy going on in order to force you to take full fsd option sam they were pushing me to take premium connection vs sharing hot spot with my cell phone
On my last drive north on highway 101 from Santa Barbara to the SF Bay Area I got 3 strikes. The third one especially seemed completely unfair. By that point, I was very focused on not loosing the use of autopilot for the drive. I had two hands on the wheel and was staring straight ahead at the road except for glancing at the screen as a warning gradually escalated to a strike despite the fact that I was doing everything I could to prevent that. I am really experienced with use of autopilot. We have a Model 3 with FSD that I have been driving extensively since 2018 and a 2023 Model Y with basic autopilot, which is what I was driving north on 101 when I got the 3 strikes last week. I know all (or most) of the normal things to prevent strikes (torque the steering wheel a bit to one side, use the scroll wheel, and, recently, look ahead at the road.) I have been using autopilot extensively for the last five years to make my 250 mile drives easier and I hate being timed out for a week. Any advice is most welcome.

(More specifics about me. I do like to eat while I drive. My typical strike rate for the last 5 years has been about 1 strike per 300 miles. So I am not perfect, but I have always managed to work with the system in the past, and to balance my wish to do stuff like eating while I drive, with the car's wish for me to torque the steering wheel a bit to one side. I am trying to figure out how to work with the system now and a little spooked by getting the third strike that I did not understand even while I was fully concentrating on my driving.
It's not just you my car does the same thing. I was on the 101 as well, heading to Portland and did not make past Slo before getting three warnings. I have never gotten FSD to work for long on road trips.
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autosteer vs autopilot vs fsd
its a bit confusing i just find out that our model 2023 are with autosteer
It is helpful if you post details in a signature line with your model of car and software version. It makes a HUGE difference when people respond to you because there a subtle changes in models and in software versions making responses helpful or useless.

In the meantime, you need to read and understand this page:

It will help you understand that Autopilot (a marketing name, NOT an accurate description of the feature), is made up of traffic aware cruise control (TACC) and Autosteer (which keeps your car in the lane.) All teslas now come with this.

Enhanced Autopilot adds some additional stuff to that (but those last three features are currently not working on new cars because.... tesla is happy to sell you promises, not working features.)

Full Self Driving (FSD) is another marketing name and not an accurate description of the feature and is currently in beta mode.

There is no hands-free or eyes-free 'driving' with a tesla. You are always required to have hands on the wheel providing torque and your eyes cannot be determined by the interior camera, which is ill placed for this task, to be not looking down either at the screen or at a phone.

If you wanted a car that allows for some hands-free driving, you needed to have bought something else.

What you currently have is a car with driver assist features, and the capability of someday being the greatest thing in autonomous driving. All the driver assist features are currently very much in development and changing (in December Autopilot took a step backward in ease of use) and FSDbeta may curb your wheels, drive through red lights, and/or drive into oncoming traffic. Hence the need to pay extremely close attention and be willing to take over control of the car in a fraction of a second.

If you are looking for a more relaxing drive, the best tesla can off is the autopilot which came with your car. On highways it is pretty great. Enhanced Autopilot's auto lane change is smooth but probably not worth the money. I don't bother with Navigate on Autopilot can see others might like it. But it is for highway use, not city streets. For city streets, you need to go to FSD and take the bad with the good.
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i thing dont spend any extraa mones on auto pilot .use car like any other and enjoy when passing gas station without stopping .who cares about autopilot anyway it will not work in some extremely;e weather condition .

winter time sunny day negative 10 deg celsius outdoor highway drive under big bridge water was still there BLACK ICE tesla camera cant see and tesla start spinning 360 fortunately no injuries and no property damage .
forget auto pilot live longer and enjoy ev vehicle.
It is helpful if you post details in a signature line with your model of car and software version. It makes a HUGE difference when people respond to you because there a subtle changes in models and in software versions making responses helpful or useless.

In the meantime, you need to read and understand this page:

It will help you understand that Autopilot (a marketing name, NOT an accurate description of the feature), is made up of traffic aware cruise control (TACC) and Autosteer (which keeps your car in the lane.) All teslas now come with this.

Enhanced Autopilot adds some additional stuff to that (but those last three features are currently not working on new cars because.... tesla is happy to sell you promises, not working features.)

Full Self Driving (FSD) is another marketing name and not an accurate description of the feature and is currently in beta mode.

There is no hands-free or eyes-free 'driving' with a tesla. You are always required to have hands on the wheel providing torque and your eyes cannot be determined by the interior camera, which is ill placed for this task, to be not looking down either at the screen or at a phone.

If you wanted a car that allows for some hands-free driving, you needed to have bought something else.

What you currently have is a car with driver assist features, and the capability of someday being the greatest thing in autonomous driving. All the driver assist features are currently very much in development and changing (in December Autopilot took a step backward in ease of use) and FSDbeta may curb your wheels, drive through red lights, and/or drive into oncoming traffic. Hence the need to pay extremely close attention and be willing to take over control of the car in a fraction of a second.

If you are looking for a more relaxing drive, the best tesla can off is the autopilot which came with your car. On highways it is pretty great. Enhanced Autopilot's auto lane change is smooth but probably not worth the money. I don't bother with Navigate on Autopilot can see others might like it. But it is for highway use, not city streets. For city streets, you need to go to FSD and take the bad with the good.
110 % agree with you every word in your post is thrue.
I just did a bit rear brake service to see how tesla guys did it.first remove 10 mm bolt holding bracket.
After that was easy to remove caliper and brake pads to clean .
One amazing thing ,tesla was using some super strange grease on sliding pins .
Which dry out after 3 month driving and pistons not seized but very hard to move in and out .that is maybe reason why range was less .so we put special silicone higher temp grease and sliding pin can move very easy now.


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