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Vampire Drain/Loss Tracking

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I’m all for figuring which app is causing your problem...but also curious, if you avoid the bad app, whether you can consistently get your baseline loss below 1-2 miles per day. For that it might be necessary to disable them all again.
Me too. I’m happy to see that the issue was not with my car but one of the apps. I can live with a mile or two loss per night but the 20+ I was getting in a 24 hour period was ridiculous. I’m also happy that Stats for Tesla app wasn’t the offender because I like the metrics it provides.

At 536pm 11/24 Logged out of Stats for Tesla with 155 miles of range indicated on Tesla app and logged in to Tesla 4 U app.
I’m kind of leaning to this app as the offender. I’m going to test it until midnight tonight. If this app is the issue, I should expect to see about a mile an hour of range loss.

Another interesting point: when I connected to the official Tesla app with the third party apps running I was able to immediately connect. Now without any of the apps running the bottom of the Tesla app indicates “waking up.” Never had that before with the third party apps running.
Ive recently had my car in the shop and this week it’s getting PPF. I’m averaging .88 miles per hour when unplugged and garaged and losing about 21 miles per each 24 hour period. Is this normal? Just seems too excessive to me. Btw, I have Stats app and T4U for iOS associated with my Tesla account. Is it possible these apps are polling the vehicle too frequently?
Yes this is way more than the 2 miles/day I see. I have heard the apps will add to your drain. I have no third party apps.
Yes this is way more than the 2 miles/day I see. I have heard the apps will add to your drain. I have no third party apps.

I have no third party apps but sadly cannot claim “only” 2 miles per day (which is pretty bad). I am closer to 4. What conditions (temp?). How consistently do you get this? If you leave for 5 days unplugged you lose “only” 10 miles?
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My car is in a garage that is well insulated so not hot or cold, at least so far.

Yeah, mine too. About 60-70 degree ambient. And consistently only 2 miles a day? Is it pretty far from where you’re walking around so the car won’t “notice” you? (Not sure how much that matters...since I don’t have a tracking app others will have to comment on what disturbs the sleep state - but even in full sleep state, the apps suggest at least 0.9kWh/day (based on an earlier post here).)
Yeah, mine too. About 60-70 degree ambient. And consistently only 2 miles a day? Is it pretty far from where you’re walking around so the car won’t “notice” you? (Not sure how much that matters...since I don’t have a tracking app others will have to comment on what disturbs the sleep state - but even in full sleep state, the apps suggest at least 0.9kWh/day (based on an earlier post here).)
Yes it would be very rare I would wake up the car from the house, and that may help. Not sure we have gone 5 days without driving. We are using it too much. :)
1155pm 11/24. Range now at 151. So, 4 miles of range loss in a little over 6 hours. I found the offending app. This was with the Tesla 4 U app which I am deleting and will post a review as not recommended and suggest others in the forum to stay away from. I will keep the Stats for Tesla app as it didn’t have any affect on vampire drain.
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Glad you found the culprit. Hopefully with all your other apps you can maintain you 2-3miles per day.

For whatever reason my Tesla app refused to communicate with my car at all today until I finally went out and opened up the car (Bluetooth opening the doors seems to continue to work flawlessly in spite of app connectivity issues).

Pleasantly surprised: Over the last 24 hours (9PM to 9PM), 60 degrees or so, I only lost 2-3 miles (I went from 171 to 168). This is lower than what I have been seeing.

App seems to be back in action now, so even though I don’t make a habit of polling the car, I assume I’ll be back to my traditional 4 miles per day, now that the app is working again.
Glad you found the culprit. Hopefully with all your other apps you can maintain you 2-3miles per day.

For whatever reason my Tesla app refused to communicate with my car at all today until I finally went out and opened up the car (Bluetooth opening the doors seems to continue to work flawlessly in spite of app connectivity issues).

Pleasantly surprised: Over the last 24 hours (9PM to 9PM), 60 degrees or so, I only lost 2-3 miles (I went from 171 to 168). This is lower than what I have been seeing.

App seems to be back in action now, so even though I don’t make a habit of polling the car, I assume I’ll be back to my traditional 4 miles per day, now that the app is working again.
Thanks, and I’ve posted a review about Tesla 4 U. The only third party app I’m using now is Stats for Tesla and I’d recommend it if you’re interested in data. Here’s my final data set:

11/25 From 1240am to 1150am range remained at 150. Software update last night brought it down from 151 to 150 but since deleting the offending app, I’m not experiencing any vampire drain. Very happy with 0 loss of range in 11 hours. Forgot to add that since I’ve been measuring the different third party apps, my car has been garaged, not driven, or charged.
Update on this:

Conditions: 60-70 degrees, garaged.
No third party apps
No activity or opening of vehicle for 24 hours. No polling with the app.
No software updates (still stubbornly on 42.8).

Start mileage: 161 miles
Finish mileage: 161-160 miles (was at 161 when I opened door but shortly after went to 160).

So 0-1 miles vampire drain over 24 hours.

My previous data point of 8 miles in 48 hours still stands; there was no software update for that data point. The ambient temperature was similar, and the car was garaged.

So, a bit inconsistent, but potential for being close to the “good” target of 0-1miles per day exists (would be max of 10W average drain). However, the unpredictable nature is problematic for leaving the car at the airport or other places where you expect to come back to about the same range (assuming not too hot or cold of course).
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No, you should not expect to come back to about the same range. You should expect a range loss of about 1% per day. (If you’ve RTFM.)

Expect has multiple definitions. I think you misinterpreted which one I was using above. Context is important.

Umm...just because it is in the manual doesn’t mean it is ok, or change my expectations. Of course I KNOW what to expect, but that’s different from what I would like (expect). I cannot think of any *good* engineering reason that a car at an optimal battery ambient temperature should have any more than 5W average drain (see above). And look, I got about that yesterday - so why not every day? I would read the manual if I were able to, BTW. I have a PDF of course and have read sections. But the one in the car is more convenient - if it worked without rebooting, which it doesn’t.

I will repeat: 3-4kWh per day is completely, totally unacceptable to me, in benign ambient conditions with no insolation.

It’s hard to justify energy consumption on par with a poorly designed cable DVR.
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Yeah, mine too. About 60-70 degree ambient. And consistently only 2 miles a day? Is it pretty far from where you’re walking around so the car won’t “notice” you? (Not sure how much that matters...since I don’t have a tracking app others will have to comment on what disturbs the sleep state - but even in full sleep state, the apps suggest at least 0.9kWh/day (based on an earlier post here).)

Another poster believes he's linked his car not sleeping due to bluetooth range of his phone teslafi vs teslaspy
post 122

I use TeslaFI and with some tweaks to the sleep settings, i usually only see a few miles of vamp drain a day when cabin overheat protection does not engage (i do not have a garage, car is left to the elements).
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Another poster believes he's linked his car not sleeping due to bluetooth range of his phone teslafi vs teslaspy
post 122

I use TeslaFI and with some tweaks to the sleep settings, i usually only see a few miles of vamp drain a day when cabin overheat protection does not engage (i do not have a garage, car is left to the elements).

I see. I'll try disabling Bluetooth or changing the password on the account for a while to force disconnect of the phone at some point. And use card keys for a little while. Just to see if it makes a big difference.

A few miles (3-4) per day is where I'm at, which is extraordinarily high (~40W average). So if that's where you're at it doesn't seem much different than a default configuration. However, lower drain seems to occasionally occur and it's probably due to sleep vs. idle behavior, which is probably hard to predict. Tesla may decide to have cars contact the mothership a lot on some nights for reasons best known to them, I suppose. Or it's the Bluetooth (hence me trying the new experiment).
I see. I'll try disabling Bluetooth or changing the password on the account for a while to force disconnect of the phone at some point. And use card keys for a little while. Just to see if it makes a big difference.

A few miles (3-4) per day is where I'm at, which is extraordinarily high (~40W average). So if that's where you're at it doesn't seem much different than a default configuration. However, lower drain seems to occasionally occur and it's probably due to sleep vs. idle behavior, which is probably hard to predict. Tesla may decide to have cars contact the mothership a lot on some nights for reasons best known to them, I suppose. Or it's the Bluetooth (hence me trying the new experiment).

I believe i can attribute my 3-4 mile loss to the vehicle being outside 24-7 in Charlotte, NC (I don't have that nice SD weather like you've got), lows in the 20's tonight, and in summer it can be 85F at midnight. Maybe I'm looking at it wrong, idk.
Just checked my TeslaFi for today's data. I lost almost 9 miles while my M3 was sleeping. Because it was sleeping, i don't believe you can attribute that loss to TeslaFi or bluetooth pinging the car. Probably just outside temp which we had a high of 38f.
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Just checked my TeslaFi for today's data. I lost almost 9 miles while my M3 was sleeping. Because it was sleeping, i don't believe you can attribute that loss to TeslaFi or bluetooth pinging the car. Probably just outside temp which we had a high of 38f.View attachment 355955

Yeah, I was about to comment that I would expect a lot more than 3-4 miles per day in very cold temps. Just seems like it would take significant energy to keep the battery warm. It would be interesting to see a plot of sleep energy drain vs. ambient temp - it would be possible to determine what Tesla believes is “optimal” battery temperature.