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What should I name my cat?

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You could also name her TBD for the paperwork, and later give her her "real" name. How to find it ...if not from these suggestions, well you could get a feel for her temperament/ personality, then look deep in her eyes, and in a state of inspired / detached but concentrated awareness write down her name - you know, like when you press on the "BUY" or "SELL" button ;)

In my case I really like the letter K (just like Eastman did) and so since Kal felt so wise, clever and playful, looked up a Tibetan name (his full name is Kalsang). That's what he would say


PS. Kal asked me to mention - please be extra thoughtful as to her diet. Commercial cat food that is actually good for their health is rare .. most have additives etc to be like junk food. And the vet industry thrives on older cats with too many perfectly avoidable ailments. Check out Wysong as one of the "good" ones for good info and to start with. And to get an idea of what observant / lucky cat owners can get from their companion, do read "Norton the cat who went to Paris" - an entertaining classic. Peter Gethers actually in his book regretted not feeding his cat better (he used the standard commercial food and normal vet recommendations)
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Oooh...that’s a good one!!! I can tell. Her name is Duck/Duckie.

I once named a black kitten, Trouble. Long story, but let’s just say he never failed to live up to his name. Hilariously funny cat. Had another cat named Riddick - tragic story. I’ve had a lot of cats over the years, like dozens and dozens. You picked yourself an exceptional individual.

I had a black cat once, she was called Pluto, black, the the ex-planet...

As for this cat, Nimoy springs to mind, on account of the impressive ears. Or how about X Æ A-12, I heard this is a popular name for new-borns in 2020.
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You could also name her TBD for the paperwork, and later give her her "real" name. How to find it ...if not from these suggestions, well you could get a feel for her temperament/ personality, then look deep in her eyes, and in a state of inspired / detached but concentrated awareness write down her name - you know, like when you press on the "BUY" or "SELL" button ;)

In my case I really like the letter K (just like Eastman did) and so since Kal felt so wise, clever and playful, looked up a Tibetan name (his full name is Kalsang). That's what he would say

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PS. Kal asked me to mention - please be extra thoughtful as to her diet. Commercial cat food that is actually good for their health is rare .. most have additives etc to be like junk food. And the vet industry thrives on older cats with too many perfectly avoidable ailments. Check out Wysong as one of the "good" ones for good info and to start with. And to get an idea of what observant / lucky cat owners can get from their companion, do read "Norton the cat who went to Paris" - an entertaining classic. Peter Gethers actually in his book regretted not feeding his cat better (he used the standard commercial food and normal vet recommendations)

Wysong is a great food. Have fed it before. Currently I’m feeding the cat Gather.
My experience is you have to get to know them a while and it will just come to you for no particular reason; something to do with how we subconsciously associate certain shapes with certain colors with certain sounds, personalities with certain names...

I'd never name a cat anything I wouldn't mind being named myself.

Milton, Teddy, Norton, Sparkie - sure.

Mister Pickles?? NO!
How is this relevant to the investor forum? Well just look at the main investor thread and see all the feline influence. So as a Tesla fan and investor...I pose the question what should I name the female calico kitten I'm about to adopt?

So far considering the names Tessa, Tessie or Nikki. Any other ideas out there?
I just noticed from an other thread.... can be applied to many things
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So far only have the pic the shelter provided. Meet her in the morning and if everything goes ok will take her home.

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Awww what a sweetie! Good on you for rescuing her. I had to go purebred due to my girlfriend's allergies (to reduce variables) after going without a cat for 13 years. By the way, we're neighbors! I may see you at the Newhall Supercharger sometime. :)


This is Maximillian Diabolito the Sable Burmese, an eight pound attack panther!
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