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Would you Purchase a model Y Again?

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I've been extremely happy with my 2022 Model Y. The only service visit I've had is a drivers seat that "may" have been loose. I couldn't totally tell but they removed and re-installed the seat anyway. It's fine now. No other issues at all. The only thing I'd like would be a bit more insulation because it gets a little boomy over bad roads.

I also live in San Jose where there are superchargers all over, so there is zero worry about being stranded. But in 2.5 years I've never once had to use them. I just charge to 60% with the wall connector at home and don't worry about range at all. There are at least half a dozen service centers in a 50 mile radius.

Whatever Elon does or say, I don't really follow as I generally don't follow "celebrities" at all. So I'm pretty ignorant of what he does. But I don't buy things based on what the CEO does. If I did, there are LOTS of products I would have to boycott.
Not sure we would have bought one if we didn't have service centers nearby, even if you hope you don't need one. I'd feel that way about any car, not just Tesla. Thankfully we have a SC within 20 minutes and another an hour away.

We are thinking about becoming a two Tesla family and having nearby service centers, superchargers on our frequent long trips and home charging are a big reason why. Without all those, we wouldn't consider a second one.
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My 2021 MYP has fit my lifestyle like a glove. I drive my kids and dog around a lot (around 24k miles/year), and the car has been awesome. I did install a set of MPP adjustable coil overs this year (for the hell of it, as I didn't really need them), so it's now an even better daily driver. My nearest service center was about 25 minutes away from my house, and this summer they are opening one about 10 minutes away (assuming Elon didn't fire the staff) , so I guess I have that covered. (I would not buy any car if it takes over 45 minutes to reach repair shop)

I typically keep my car at least 5~6 years, so it'll be a few years before I consider getting into another car. Thanks to the software updates, the car still feels more advanced than other cars I get to drive on a semi-regular basis (2024 BMW iX, 2022 Volvo C40), so to me it's still pretty fresh. When the time comes to switch cars, I will definitely keep an open mind and look at what's available at that time. But if the new Model Y (especially the new MYP) mimics the new Model 3, I think it would be hard to beat. Actually, the new M3P seems really great and maybe by then without having to drive kids around too much, I'd downsize to it instead.
It will be 1 year with my '23 MYLR in a week and I've loved it so far! An EV is really perfect for my needs given my lifestyle though I'm taking more roadtrips than I used to with my old car since the MYLR is so fun to drive. I plan to keep this one for a long time but if something happens and I need to replace it, I'd absolutely get another Model Y. My only concern is the trend to do away with the turn signal stalk - I really think turn signal buttons on the steering wheel are dumb. I know it's possible to get used to the buttons but this is one old-school feature I'd like to always have in a car.
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I'm on my 3rd Tesla, currently have a 24MS and 23MY. The stalkless concern is overblown, particularly with the new auto shift functionality. You can literally make a 3 point maneuver without taking your hands off the steering wheel. It totally makes sense with this new software update ...it just works.

To your question OP: I'm torn. These are great cars and I really don't care about Elon's politics. I do care about his business decisions with Tesla that impact me. I just don't trust that Tesla will be there when I need them based on his erratic decision making and the downstream affect. Everything is half baked, Tesla insurance (which I have...damn near impossible to reach them for a claim), Tesla buying experience (use to be great before the layoffs), Tesla service (I have 3 to choose from except one is temporarily closed because they fired the GM at the Richmond location and pushed my appointment a week out). This is the exact reason I left GM as a buyer, had a Cadillac ELR and these idiots just stopped making parts for it so it was obvious servicing them would be impossible in the long run. Other than that the Cadillac service experience is exceptional...even when I take my father's 2013 CTS in, same new care type of care with a drop off at work no less! These are the things that endear one to a brand.

Layoffs are hard, not easy for any company. The only thing you can hope for is to give those who are impacted a little dignity in how you execute. That did not happen, some of the stories really are horrifying, moral is understandably low. Do you think that has zero impact on how folks are interacting with us as consumers? And just not a good way to treat people...really a low life move all the while you are asking for a bonus from shareholders. And this robotaxi crap? Give me a break...not in the US, we don't play well with each other, never mind a driverless car. It will be vandalized and the whole effort abandoned within 5 years.

I think I'm done with Tesla but I probably have 4 to 5 years to change my mind.
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...To your question OP: I'm torn. These are great cars and I really don't care about Elon's politics. I do care about his business decisions with Tesla that impact me. I just don't trust that Tesla will be there when I need them based on his erratic decision making and the downstream affect...

Layoffs are hard, not easy for any company. The only thing you can hope for is to give those who are impacted a little dignity in how you execute. That did not happen, some of the stories really are horrifying, moral is understandably low...

I think I'm done with Tesla but I probably have 4 to 5 years to change my mind.
That expresses kinda how I feel. I love the car but some of the fun went out with Elon's adolescent behavior, which directly impacts Supercharging and how I perceive the company overall.

I'm not a super union supporter but he really crapped on his people, and I am not buying the "shrewd genius acting to economics" but rather more of a doomsday recession fear.

If there is an EV contraction then Tesla is far better situated than nearly all of their competitors, so why cut off loyal workers at the knees; every time I drive I am acutely aware that the things I like the most came from an original super dedicated engineer who may now be unemployed.
Right now, yes. I also own an old ICE pickup. If Rivians become affordable, I'd go that route and sell them both. Those damn ugly headlights though....

The EV market/technology is very fluid. It's telling how they're are holding back the Chinese EVs with tariffs. I saw one that goes over 600 mi on a charge now. That's a game changer on any level.
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I saw one that goes over 600 mi on a charge now. That's a game changer on any level.
It would be great if the idea that added range will improve sales, possibly dramatically, will take hold with manufacturer's soon - now cost and weight are limiting factors. I understand Elon's position that longer range isn't really necessary because most people will just be driving around with excess capacity, a "full tank" if you will, but that's mainly what's holding a large segment of the population back from going EV IMO. And 300 miles range really equates to 200 or so on road trips if you're driving normally (for many anyway). Though stopping every 2 to 2.5 hours isn't a hardship (and quite beneficial physically), I'd like the option to go further. Once EV's are being produced with a range of 500 miles or so (EPA at least, not real world), and quicker charging to boot, that should drive a ton of sales. Hopefully this will be if not the norm at least an option within 2 years or so.
It would be great if the idea that added range will improve sales, possibly dramatically, will take hold with manufacturer's soon
If there is a dramatic increase in range, indeed, that would drive sales, because it increase feasibility of ownership for those who have to visit commercial chargers. A single charge a week for example, vs fighting for a charger every few days makes a big difference. And yes, it would quell range anxiety of those on the fence. That and SS battery fast charging would make sticking with ICE seem dumb. I'm hearing of some ridiculous mileages coming with new batteries. Don't know how true.
Not a day goes by that I don't roll my eyes back into my head over something Elon has said or done, but he is a battering ram thru corporate bureaucracy and the silo-building that all large companies inevitably gravitate toward, and that is his most valuable role at Tesla. Like the old Gretzky saying goes, "I don't skate to the puck, I skate to where the puck is going to be." Well pucks can change trajectory fast, and so can Tesla with Elon at the helm. (I guess that last bit is really more of a shareholder pep talk than car buying advice :) .)
I used to think this but he's made missteps that have made me lose most of my faith in him (firing ALL the supercharger team in a hissy and having to eat crow and hire many of them back, seeking $55 billion pay package when that money could have easily stopped the layoffs and then threatening to take his ball and go home if he doesn't get it, etc.). He thinks he's the second coming of Steve Jobs and he's just not.

As for the original question, I only got the MY when the prices dropped. So I actually paid about $2k less for it than I did my M3 in 2019. There's no way I would pay the normal markup going from a 3 to a Y. It's not that much better.
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I would never buy ANY vehicle that doesn't have a service department reasonably close by. It isn't exclusively a Tesla thing.

Recently, a friend and I were talking about our 2020 Model Y’s. He asked if I would purchase again, if I had the choice. We spoke about what we liked and not. In the end, we both felt that the car was fun to drive, and could hold lots of gear. He has had more issues with his August, 2020 purchase than my September build 20. We both agreed that the suspension needed help and I have always thought that a heads-up display would be a benefit. Neither of us felt very good about the idea of providing Elon Musk with extra money, but that is a political question.

Beyond this, the biggest gripe is the lack of service centers in proximity to our western Ma location. The closest center is in Boston, some 1 1/2-2 hours away. The Boston centers are notoriously bad, so Rhode Island is often a better choice. Both of us felt that this issue was a huge consideration and possibly a deal breaker moving forward if more centers are not opened.

I’m curious to hear from others. Would you purchase again?
100% yes, something to keep in mind the new Comfort suspension of the new Y is miles ahead of yours. I’d say it’s the single biggest upgrade they did. Something else you can go and upgrade your suspension. many different shocks out there you can choose from. 1 have never had a service issue but I live 20min from service center. The do have the MIC midel Y LFP RWD in Canada
I used to think this but he's made missteps that have made me lose most of my faith in him (firing ALL the supercharger team in a hissy and having to eat crow and hire many of them back, seeking $55 billion pay package when that money could have easily stopped the layoffs and then threatening to take his ball and go home if he doesn't get it, etc.). He thinks he's the second coming of Steve Jobs and he's just not.

As for the original question, I only got the MY when the prices dropped. So I actually paid about $2k less for it than I did my M3 in 2019. There's no way I would pay the normal markup going from a 3 to a Y. It's not that much better.
In the 13 years of Jobs' 2nd reign, he brought Apple from basically nothing (7B revenue and 4B market cap) to 100B of revenue and 400B of cap.
In the 13 years of since Musk's CEO, the company went from literally nothing to 50B revenue and 1T of cap. If counting since IPO, it's 100B revenue and 700B of cap.

Both company grew the same size in terms of sales. If you're an investor, Musk gave you higher returns in terms of equity value..

Musk's other ventures, it's not hard to argue were more successful than NeXT Computer.

And the $55B billion pay package, he's not suddenly demanding that number out of the blue. I think you missed really important points:
1. thats a pay package that was already-agreed upon by the shareholders 6 years ago, conditional on him earning them $500B.
2. thats a compensation not coming from cash (eg that could be used to pay employees), its equity-dilutive pay that comes from the shareholders (again, only if he massively increased their value).

the aggregate shareholders ie the owners of the company agreed to pay elon, out of their own stake, money if he earned them money. he earned them money. then a guy with 9 shares sued to revoke that pay agreement.

you dont need to like or dislike elon musk to hold an objective view of the principles of how wrong that was.
...$55 billion pay package when that money could have easily stopped the layoffs and then threatening to take his ball and go home if he doesn't get it, etc.). He thinks he's the second coming of Steve Jobs and he's just not....
Put yourself in Musk's place. The "55" billion is for the stock they agreed to give him for the last 10 years of work. It wasn't worth 55 billion when Tesla shareholders agreed to the compensation deal. It was also based on meeting specific milestones, which he not only met but exceeded.

Example: If you agree to build me a shed, and I agree to pay you an ounce of gold after a year, but only if you build it to my specifications. After that year the price of gold has gone up 10X, I still owe you an ounce of gold.

Now lets say I tell you that because of your bad attitude and your funny shoes, not only will I not give you an ounce of gold, I'm going to give you what an ounce of gold was worth a year ago. You would be seriously unhappy, "and don't pretend you wouldn't". You wouldn't say, "Oh well I should have smiled more and worn different shoes".

As for me, If I try to do that to you, I am pretty much a dirtbag, and should never be trusted again, by anyone doing business with me.

You make a deal you honor the deal. You make a promise you keep the promise.
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