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Would you Purchase a model Y Again?

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I just don' understand why so many people are satisfied with their Tesla. I would understand if your previous vehicle was a soap box. But, I'm sorry, it is impossible to call Tesla a decent car. Just don't know where to start :
  • Automatic windshield wipers are never accurate. The solution according to the latest update is to make it easier to MANUALLY adjust.
  • Lane assist keeps on nagging, this is waaay tooo sensitive to be pleasant.
  • The same with forward collision. No worries, just disable it. Well good luck. You have to disable it EVERY new ride.
  • Phone key is an absolute nightmare. We have new phones and BT is of course always on. Nevertheless every now and then the car just refuses to unlock.
  • Autopilot keep on nagging, so it's better to not use it. Is just makes me crazy. And in between 2 naggings, it's constantly making micro adjustments (Left - Right). Feels like being on a boat.
  • The car keeps updating... Just great, mainly extra fart sounds and games. I'm an adult, do not need that.
  • Hat shelf. What is this. They invented the "foldable hat shelf. Just try to get it out (and then, where to put it).
  • Range. Where to start. IMO this is just criminal behaviour. If I'm lucky, I can drive 300km (charge 80% LR) instead of the advertised 418%.
  • Cruise control and phantom breaking. I guess everyone has experienced their Tesla breaking for no obvious reason, resulting in at least unpleasant driving or worse, dangerous situations.
  • The lack of decent parking sensors result in some kind of "suggestion" how close your are to obstacles. Just take a look at how many Tesla cars are scratched in the front. God damn, I miss the trustful acoustic sensors of my previous car.
  • Moreover, the cameras give very often the warning they are inaccurate due to ... whatever. Might be mud or sun. Doesn't matter. A little bit of sun and you are parking like with a car of 20 years old.
  • Not my personal experience, but my brothers : about 5 times not disconnecting from the power cable. TBH, this hasn't happened since more than a year.
  • A few months ago, a SC in Belgium : a person from Luxembourg could not charge. We could charge without a problem, his car just refused. Very convenient at 10PM with a small kid in the back.
  • A Tesla is like a German car, it keeps it value. Yeah, right. Certainly when Tesla is lowering it's prices by the thousands at a time.
My experience. THIS IS BY FAR THE WORST CAR. Over-promise and under-deliver. And on top, just lie about the range. The ****ers will buy it and swallow the lies.

It is for a reason why the Tesla stock is going down and why Tesla cannot sell their toy-cars any more? I feel like Jack *sugar* having bought this piece of garbage.

My suggestion to potential new Tesla buyers : DON'T (now I sound like Biden, I guess). Read the negative reviews. Most of them are true. I was hoping that my car "would be different", or that when so many people buy this car, these people complaining are the "unfortunate few".

Looking forward to replies to my rant ;-)
I’m sorry to hear that you are having such a bad experience with your Model Y. It sounds like it’s just not the right car for you. Every one of your concerns has been thoroughly discussed here and in many reviews and articles about the Model Y and EVs in general. You really have to research and learn about how an EV, and specifically a Tesla, differs from other cars. I don’t have any concerns about the issues you’ve addressed but I knew about all of them before buying my Model Y so there were no surprises for me. At the price I paid for it there was nothing else worth considering. No car is perfect but the Model Y offers a lot of value at its current price point.
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I sold our Model S and will never buy a Tesla ever again. We got into a beautiful new BMW iX EV. Best car we ever owned and puts every Tesla to shame. Utterly silent at freeway speeds, rear-wheel steering makes it handle like a sports car, and it has all the acceleration you would ever want. Great suspension that is actually built to handle the weight of the car, and according to Sandy Munro, has the largest motor mounts in the industry to ensure proper isolation and damping. You'll never hear a motor whir, buzz, or whine in our iX. Unlike Tezla, our BMW gets 25% above EPA estimates, so close to 400 miles of real-world range.

I caution anyone considering purchasing a Tesla to run away, or if not that, then think three times. Many Tesla owners are blinded by their devotion to the EV cause to be objective. Others define themselves by the brands they own and get offended if anyone slights one of their associations. I speak my truth which can be inconvenient to others who are promoting a different narrative. At the end of the day YMMV, but more people in my local Tesla group have issues with the cars and the company than don't.
Might help to add some context to your crusade. Specifically that your data/opinion is based on ownership of a 2013 Model S. Technically the beta era for Tesla yet Many miles away in comparison to any generation made today. And surprisingly you managed 12 ish years of ownership to finally notice how old it is comparatively to the market. Details often help a story unless of coarse your crusade has a different agenda.
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I sold our Model S and will never buy a Tesla ever again. We got into a beautiful new BMW iX EV. Best car we ever owned and puts every Tesla to shame. Utterly silent at freeway speeds, rear-wheel steering makes it handle like a sports car, and it has all the acceleration you would ever want. Great suspension that is actually built to handle the weight of the car, and according to Sandy Munro, has the largest motor mounts in the industry to ensure proper isolation and damping. You'll never hear a motor whir, buzz, or whine in our iX. Unlike Tezla, our BMW gets 25% above EPA estimates, so close to 400 miles of real-world range.

I caution anyone considering purchasing a Tesla to run away, or if not that, then think three times. Many Tesla owners are blinded by their devotion to the EV cause to be objective. Others define themselves by the brands they own and get offended if anyone slights one of their associations. I speak my truth which can be inconvenient to others who are promoting a different narrative. At the end of the day YMMV, but more people in my local Tesla group have issues with the cars and the company than don't.

If you like the angry beaver, that's cool. I'm def not a fan (sheesh), but then, some think the MY is ugly. In 2025, they MAY convert to NACs charging ports but right now, you can't use a Tesla charger, which is a big disadvantage if you ask me. Then you have the price. I didn't search much on this but Car and Driver says... "Starting at $88,425" which means you should be comparing it to the MX and not MY. Hell, if MY prices hadn't undergone that big drop in the beginning of 2023, I wouldn't have ordered, cause I refused to pay 2022 prices. They are holding back the Chinese EVs with tariffs now and those are even cheaper.

Just some of the gripes I found with a quick search..... the last (few physical buttons) is def one shared with Tesla, LOL.

"iX cons:
  • Heavy, despite advanced materials
  • Crap storage space
  • No frunk - hell, no hood; that design choice is crazy
  • Poor charge port location
  • No NACS/J3400 commitment yet
  • Few physical buttons for easy controls of things like climate and radio (it you have to explain to a passenger how to do something common, the automaker failed)"

There were a lot of other cons I could post but my point is.... they all have issues, bro. I think for the price, it's not beating the X, the Rivian truck and def not the Y... not even comparable. I do wish you best of luck in your choice though.
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I will add that recently I needed to get some bodywork done on the left front of my MY. I took it to a local body shop I have worked with in the past on a non-Tesla. He told me that he has worked on many Tesla’s and that in the past they were a great company to work with. He said they were “the best” and very responsive.

Now, he won’t touch a Tesla. He says they have become the worst company to work with. It takes months to get any parts and if they find other damage while doing the initial repair, months more for the additional parts. In the end, he said that customers get angry, he gets angry and it just isn’t worth the hassle.

Speaking with other area body shops was similar. So, just like in my original post, I will need to drive close to two hours to get the repairs I need.

I think this is a real issue with Tesla. The vast majority of Tesla’s on the road are probably less than 3 years old. All these cars will age and need service at some time. Hopefully the infrastructure will grow.
Unfortunately mine is in the body shop now, parts have been coming in quickly, about a week.

To answer the original ? - yes I would, I love the car. I've got a 2021 Model 3 LR Turo rental now and the Y is just much more comfortable to sit in. It may have ruined sedans for me...the lone thing better about the 3 is you can take turns a bit faster.
I would never buy ANY vehicle that doesn't have a service department reasonably close by. It isn't exclusively a Tesla thing.
agreed - lack of access to service is a deal-killer for any car.

As far as would I buy a Model Y again, Absolutely! In fact We're actually looking at one now. My MY isn't perfect but it's overall been a great car for me. My main complaints are/were the lack of CarPlay, poor suspension and phantom braking. CarPlay really is a non issue now and after taking our Honda on a road trip I found I prefer the Tesla interface. I test drove a new MY and the suspension and road noise are noticeably better, and phantom braking hasn't been an issue for me in the last year.
Recently, a friend and I were talking about our 2020 Model Y’s. He asked if I would purchase again, if I had the choice. We spoke about what we liked and not. In the end, we both felt that the car was fun to drive, and could hold lots of gear. He has had more issues with his August, 2020 purchase than my September build 20. We both agreed that the suspension needed help and I have always thought that a heads-up display would be a benefit. Neither of us felt very good about the idea of providing Elon Musk with extra money, but that is a political question.

Beyond this, the biggest gripe is the lack of service centers in proximity to our western Ma location. The closest center is in Boston, some 1 1/2-2 hours away. The Boston centers are notoriously bad, so Rhode Island is often a better choice. Both of us felt that this issue was a huge consideration and possibly a deal breaker moving forward if more centers are not opened.

I’m curious to hear from others. Would you purchase again?

I bought our 2023 LR Y, new, out of inventory last September. So far it has been the best and easiest purchase in my 58 yrs of life. Within 30 minutes online I was able to secure my loan and put a deposit on the car I wanted. My only gripe would be I was informed I had to pick up the car within 5 days that I ordered, which was a 6 hr drive.

The service center location is a consideration but the fact that I didn't have to deal with the dealer mafia network and scummy salesmen made my decision to ONLY buy Teslas much easier.
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The service center location is a consideration but the fact that I didn't have to deal with the dealer mafia network and scummy salesmen made my decision to ONLY buy Teslas much easier.
Truer words were never spoken! It also seems once they have your money, they can take their ever loving time in actually handing the car to you! I recall holding a newborn daughter for an hour while they fiddled around. The next car we bought from them, they "lost the check" and insisted we pay them twice for the vehicle.

I just don' understand why so many people are satisfied with their Tesla. I would understand if your previous vehicle was a soap box. But, I'm sorry, it is impossible to call Tesla a decent car. Just don't know where to start :
  • Automatic windshield wipers are never accurate. The solution according to the latest update is to make it easier to MANUALLY adjust.
Agree with the autowipers being terrible with overcast (but dry) weather. But I adjust manually by turning them off. Main issue is when using autopilot.
  • Lane assist keeps on nagging, this is waaay tooo sensitive to be pleasant.
  • The same with forward collision. No worries, just disable it. Well good luck. You have to disable it EVERY new ride.
The lane assist/autopilot wheel-touch-nag is not too sensitive in my experience. You just need to get used to it. I just rest my left hand on the wheel and the torque is enough to not nag. I've driven from Ghent to Luxembourg (i.e. hours of highway as you know) without a single nag.
The collision warning shouldn't trigger often, it means you're driving too assertively.
  • Phone key is an absolute nightmare. We have new phones and BT is of course always on. Nevertheless every now and then the car just refuses to unlock.
Sometimes this happens, but then I just open the Tesla app and the car "connects" again. And I have a cheap sub 200 EUR phone. My wife with her +600 EUR phone never has an issue.

  • Autopilot keep on nagging, so it's better to not use it. Is just makes me crazy. And in between 2 naggings, it's constantly making micro adjustments (Left - Right). Feels like being on a boat.
The left right adjustments are either when passing trucks (it moves over to the left, which I like) or in extremely windy conditions. But I don't experience the boat feeling you experience.
  • The car keeps updating... Just great, mainly extra fart sounds and games. I'm an adult, do not need that.
My kids love it. And the spring update with new visuals, better spotify experience, etc is a nice touch to receive 2 years into ownership.
  • Hat shelf. What is this. They invented the "foldable hat shelf. Just try to get it out (and then, where to put it).
I have to be honest: I did swear a lot on this "hat shelf" when I just got the car. My Skoda Octavia had a rollable thing that could cover the cargo when needed and be rolled up with a single press. But it couldn't take weight. The Tesla shelf can store items for the rear passengers (again: my kids use this for their toys/pillows/blankets/whatever) or I put my coat there when not moving passengers since it's always clean.
Once you understand how the shelf works it is extremely easy to take out/put into the car or fold it. Just takes some time to learn but that is always the case with a new car IMO.
After extended usage I like the "Tesla shelf" and prefer it over many other types of trunk shielding materials.
  • Range. Where to start. IMO this is just criminal behaviour. If I'm lucky, I can drive 300km (charge 80% LR) instead of the advertised 418%.
I have the RWD standard range Model Y. I calculated that on average (year round) I can drive 405km on a single 100% charge (I have LFP so charging to 100% daily has little to no negative effects). In winter this is more like 320-350km real world range. In summer it's more like 450km. I don't know what they advertise but this is plenty for me.

  • Cruise control and phantom breaking. I guess everyone has experienced their Tesla breaking for no obvious reason, resulting in at least unpleasant driving or worse, dangerous situations.
The car does brake sometimes for things that either aren't there (a phantom stop light from the navigation data) or it is too cautious (for example when another car shows intention to merge into your lane) but I use autopilot with my right foot on the accelerator (to go through crossroads with traffic lights and the like, so I don't have to use the autopilot stalk to confirm moving through green) and I pay attention (as one should) so I just press the accelerator upon these events. And it doesn't happen that often.
You're right that I'd like these phantom braking events to be non-existent but no system is perfect. The value of autopilot adjusting speed for traffic and merging traffic/stoplights is much greater than having a perfect non-adaptive cruise control.
I just want FSDbeta already :)

  • The lack of decent parking sensors result in some kind of "suggestion" how close your are to obstacles. Just take a look at how many Tesla cars are scratched in the front. God damn, I miss the trustful acoustic sensors of my previous car.
This used to be a problem but the vision park assist released in the last couple of months is pretty great.
I can park by looking solely at the screen if I wanted to. Of course I look in real life AND on screen. The only issue with vision park assist is when you get in your car and something has changed in front of your car. (for example the car in front of you drove away and another car parked in that spot instead. Vision assist does not tell you perfectly how far that car is. Then again I always back up first as far as I can before pulling out of my parking spot (S-parking manoeuvres) and then vision assist catches up.
  • Moreover, the cameras give very often the warning they are inaccurate due to ... whatever. Might be mud or sun. Doesn't matter. A little bit of sun and you are parking like with a car of 20 years old.
Again, the new vision assist can complain but it still shows me plenty.
Would I like ultrasonic sensors on top of it? Of course. But it's not as bad as you make it sound IMO.
  • Not my personal experience, but my brothers : about 5 times not disconnecting from the power cable. TBH, this hasn't happened since more than a year.
Hasn't happened to me but would be annoying indeed. There is a latch to detach the cable on the inside of the vehicle, so this is solvable without external help. You just have to Youtube it (or read the manual).
  • A few months ago, a SC in Belgium : a person from Luxembourg could not charge. We could charge without a problem, his car just refused. Very convenient at 10PM with a small kid in the back.
Hasn't happened to me but would be annoying indeed. Overall Tesla vehicles have the most reliable charging experience of any EV. (a collegue drives a Mercedes EQC and has had many issues with the electronics in his car. My Y hasn't had an issue as of yet *knock on wood* )
  • A Tesla is like a German car, it keeps it value. Yeah, right. Certainly when Tesla is lowering it's prices by the thousands at a time.
Like you, I too bought at a bad time. Just before the huge price drops. I paid 60k EUR for a model Y standard range with FSD, for that money I could be in a MYP right now (excluding FSD). Oh well, that is not due to Tesla but due to the economy. Cars depreciate, so only buy when necessary. I got over it and will just hang on to my car a little longer than expected. Fortunately is is so reliable I am able to do this.
My experience. THIS IS BY FAR THE WORST CAR. Over-promise and under-deliver. And on top, just lie about the range. The ****ers will buy it and swallow the lies.
Your opinion. Mine differs greatly.
I think BMW / Mercedes have jumped the shark and whenever I'm in one I am reminded of how silly 75 physical buttons look and how terrible their infotainment system is. (Everybody agrees Tesla has the superior "car computer" I think. Even the speech recognition: in a Tesla it is actually useful. In other brands most people don't use it because it is so unreliable).
It is for a reason why the Tesla stock is going down and why Tesla cannot sell their toy-cars any more? I feel like Jack *sugar* having bought this piece of garbage.
Stock is down due to shrinking margins and lower delivery expectations. Not because the cars are bad.

TL;DR: is the Model Y perfect? Far from it. And it is expensive compared to certain ICE cars. But in the 100% electric category it is the car with the best value-for-money in my opinion.

My brother-in-law and his wife wanted to buy an EV but they don't like Elon and don't find Tesla cars pretty. So they test drove KIA EV6, VW ID4 and BMW i3. They liked some of these but at the price point of a Model Y they had only 70% of the range. If they wanted similar range they had to go 15k EUR deeper into their pockets.
So they eventually bought the Model Y SR with no options (after the price cuts, so they really have great value for money). The power of pricing.
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The service center location is a consideration but the fact that I didn't have to deal with the dealer mafia network and scummy salesmen made my decision to ONLY buy Teslas much easier.
My first purchase experience in 2015 was great, but a recent experience was very odd. My main complaint is that we were not allowed to inspect the car prior to purchase explaining that any problems can be fixed by the service center at a later date. What we found out is that the "new" car had 500 miles on the odometer, which seemed very odd. How does a new car have that many miles? (and how could a SC fix it?)
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My first purchase experience in 2015 was great, but a recent experience was very odd. My main complaint is that we were not allowed to inspect the car prior to purchase explaining that any problems can be fixed by the service center at a later date. What we found out is that the "new" car had 500 miles on the odometer, which seemed very odd. How does a new car have that many miles? (and how could a SC fix it?)
You should never let anyone at Tesla tell you what you are “allowed to do” with your own car. Tell them if they want to get paid they need to open up the car and let you inspect it. It’s worked for me every time.
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Yes, I will.
Next time, I would get the longer range.
I hate the the hard suspension, stupid camera-based wipers.
However, my Model Y brings a smile on my face everytime I drive it. (I have had it for 10 months now).
End of story for me!

Coming from my 2017 Model S with air suspension, I felt the Y (and old 3) is definitely harsh. However, after driving the new 3, I was impressed. Tesla needs to do the same updates to the Y ASAP.
Coming from my 2017 Model S with air suspension, I felt the Y (and old 3) is definitely harsh. However, after driving the new 3, I was impressed. Tesla needs to do the same updates to the Y ASAP.
Completely agree, the suspension has been my biggest complaint with the Y. A traditional suspension will never match the air suspension of the S or X but clearly it could be improved. I haven’t ridden in a M3 Highland but I’ve seen plenty of comments about the improved suspension and Sandy Munro was practically gushing about it. I’ve been tempted to wait for the MY Juniper that’s supposed to come out next year, since It will likely share the new suspension, however I suspect they will be removing the stalks as well and that’s a non-starter for several reasons. Even the current MY version is a significant improvement over the original.

(Start at 45 sec)
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Completely agree, the suspension has been my biggest complaint with the Y. A traditional suspension will never match the air suspension of the S or X but clearly it could be improved. I haven’t ridden in a M3 Highland but I’ve seen plenty of comments about the improved suspension and Sandy Munro was practically gushing about it. I’ve been tempted to wait for the MY Juniper that’s supposed to come out next year, since It will likely share the new suspension, however I suspect they will be removing the stalks as well and that’s a non-starter for several reasons. Even the current MY version is a significant improvement over the original.

(Start at 45 sec)
Honestly, the new 3 suspension felt as good to me as my 2017 air suspension. And it’s quieter than my S since it has double pane glass, etc. Driving the new 3, I said “wow” out loud a few times. But I do realize that the S has had updates since then.
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Already did.

Last July I sold my '21 last year and picked up a new '23. So far no problems.

I do like the car and it is the best choice (out of the models Tesla produces) for me, but I think there is a lack of options overall for me. These days there isn't much I'm interested in from any manufacturer.
Already did.

Last July I sold my '21 last year and picked up a new '23. So far no problems.

I do like the car and it is the best choice (out of the models Tesla produces) for me, but I think there is a lack of options overall for me. These days there isn't much I'm interested in from any manufacturer.
That gets down to the real issue. Are there worthy competitors to the Model Y? I see a lot of mostly-acceptable vehicles, but I still come back to the Supercharger access issue. Most of the routes I want to travel on out of Arizona have a lot of V2 chargers, and those are definitely Tesla-only. And then we come to the 'Is the car better, or at least mostly equal' questions.
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