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WTB: Tesla Model S 2016.5 - 90D or 100D - with FUSC

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Hey everyone,

Trying my luck here. I am currently in the market to buy a Tesla Model S 2016.5 with either a 90D or 100D battery.

At minimum the car should have EAP and Free Transferable Supercharging (FUSC). So basically an AP2+

I would prefer the car to have full options; so with subzero, smart suspension and premium audio + premium package but its not mandatory to have all three.

Willing to pay top dollar for it. Please reach out to me if you have this car with your offer.
Hey everyone,

Trying my luck here. I am currently in the market to buy a Tesla Model S 2016.5 with either a 90D or 100D battery.

At minimum the car should have EAP and Free Transferable Supercharging (FUSC). So basically an AP2+

I would prefer the car to have full options; so with subzero, smart suspension and premium audio + premium package but its not mandatory to have all three.

Willing to pay top dollar for it. Please reach out to me if you have this car with your offer.
Have a 2016.5 90D with EAD, FUSC, Subzero, audio+ (no smart suspension) in NYC area. Let me know if you're interested
See link here: FS: 2016.5 Model S 90D, 34,XXX miles $50995