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Tesla Enhanced AutoPilot, when is AutoPark available in UK?

I have no USS with EAP, can anyone advise when Autopark should be available???
or what version of Software should have it?

EAP customers have had the car for upto 18 months and paid for EAP with 60% of features still missing.
I mainly got it for the Summon and Smart Summon feature, but who knows when that will arrive, especially when they cant get the simple stuff right.
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Would you recommend Tesla Model 3 for a P plater?


I'm (28YO) getting my license and have to buy a car in advance so I can continue driving on my own immediately after passing the driving test. Would you recommend the Model 3 for a P-plater? Everyone keeps telling me to buy a dumpster on wheels as my first car... Even if I crash, wouldn't comprehensive insurance cover the repair?

Sorry if this was answered before, I really tried searching.
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Selling my car tomorrow, factory reset greyed out. What all do I need to delete?

My factory reset option is greyed out (see pic below). Other threads here and on reddit indicate that this may have something to do with FSD Beta + FSD subscription, and that the only way past it is to bring the car into a service center to have them reset it. I'm selling the car private party tomorrow, so I don't have time to mess with scheduling a service appointment. What all do I need to remove?

  • Bluetooth audio - unpaired all devices
  • Wifi - forgot networks near my house. Unfortunately, networks that aren't currently nearby don't show up, so I guess the buyer could hop on my parents Wifi in the future if they wanted lol
  • Keys - deleted phone keys
  • Homelink - removed all saved
  • Cleared browser data

My cloud profile and all associated data is still showing up (home, recent addresses, Spotify login, etc), but my wife's disappeared when I removed her as a driver. i'm assuming that mine and associated data will disappear when I transfer the car off of my account as well?

Anything I'm forgetting? Anyone else have this issue?


  • Solved
New Owner—A/C Only Works While Moving. Is This Normal?

Hey all! First time poster, new (used) Tesla 2016.5 Model S owner here. So far the forums been great, hoping to get a little help.

So, I love the car, but the A/C is only working while the car is moving. I live in NC, and with summer around the corner this is not looking good!
My question is, is this normal? I’ve read other posts mentioning the car sending A/C air to the battery while supercharging at times. But this is happening while charging, while parked, at stoplights etc. It does occasionally work right first thing when I get in (regardless of movement) but on a whole the air only runs cold when I’m driving. Fan moves air, everything seems to be fine otherwise…

Any suggestions or information? Is this the way Teslas A/C is supposed to work?

Tesla Ninjas

This was my second time buying a Tesla. The first time last year was weird, but I guess I was lucky I walked in the SC and the guy took car of it on his side. Happened to be a competent dude I must admit.

I am now buying a Model X. With a trade in. The whole process in the app is so crazy. Multiple messages, in the app, and separate SMSs on my cell phone and emails. Several random Tesla people jumping in, appearing to be completely incompetents, little kids. Thus the title "ninjas". I sometimes laugh. It's is so frustratig, yet, funny. None of these kids has a clue what is going on. It is such a mess. None is taking responsibility and coordinating the communication chain, and tasks. Big mess. I ask for names, and must have gotten 12 various names already in my messages on app, SMS on phone, and emails.

I could go on and on the various items, but it's not productive. For example, my trade in has an outstanding loan. At purchase in the app, they asked me to enter the loan number, lender name, outstanding balance amount, monthly payments, etc. etc. which I promptly did. But, they put the entire trade in amount offer (disregarding the outstanding loan amount) as a down payment. Obviously that is not right. Now they have to reapply for my credit. Insane. They also asked me just today less than two days from scheduled delivery to get a 10-year loan payoff quote and submit to them. While already submitted my loan info at the beginning of the process in the app. I have been buying and trading in cars for 25+ years, with traditional dealers, and they all took care of payoff amount with the current lender for the trade in on their side. I simply had to give them the details on my current loan.

There is so many of these things. One more thing, the monthly payment (given the loan amount, APR, and the 60 month loan duration) is off by a few dollars on the upside. Regardless of the online calculator I use or my own spreadsheet. Every single one of them. How can they get it so wrong? It's only about 5 bucks a month, but, just for the principle of it.

You would think they would take care of a person buying $80K+++ vehicle. But it does not appear they give a schiit, and want my money

I am now thinking of backing out of this transaction. Fcuk my $250 deposit. I love my MYP and really want the X, but I don't think I can put up with this BS. I have already wasted hours of my time dealing with this. Never have encounted such a disjointed process, company, and people. This is insane. I understand there is a trade-in involved (with an oustanding loan), but, if you cannot handle this "complication", don't offer it.

Subscription model ?

So do we think we will be getting a subscription model in the uk like the yanks or will it always be £3400 or £6800

I love upgrades and I can see me one night after a few diplomatico rums hitting that buy button but hopefully not

and I’m also surprised this hasn’t been hacked and sold by other sellers so I’m hoping it comes in under £100 including the boost and premium connectivity am I living in hope ?

Add me to the list of PTC failures…

Yesterday started as a no good very bad day. I got out to my garage at 6:30 am ready to head to work and am greeted by a “vehicle may not restart” error on the screen. I also note that the car did not charge overnight. I sit down and try to back out of the driveway and sure enough, the car won’t start. I try a few reboots and…nothing. There are a slew of error messages but it’s clear the car is dead.

My 12V battery is 7 months old (OEM Tesla) so I don’t think it’s that.

I call in to work to cancel my schedule and call a tow. I’ve got 97,000 miles on the car so no Tesla warranty for me.

The cool thing was that in the app, my local SC had a 9:15 appointment available, so I book it and the tow truck was able to drop it off there at 8:45.

End result is that it was both a bad PTC and a failed 12v. I can’t help but think that something about my car’s particular failure mode took out the 12V battery but I’m not sure how that would have happened.

Major Kudos to the Golden Valley MN SC for fixing my vehicle the same day. They warrantied the 12V battery and I had a brand new PTC installed. Cost $963. Cost of tow: $268.

While it really sucks that my car failed and I needed a tow, this was the first major repair that my 3 needed ever so I’m totally OK with it. I’ve gone 97k miles with no oil changes, no brake jobs, saved almost $30k in fuel over that time period and had a major car failure where I got the car back the same day for a little over $1k out of pocket. That doesn’t suck.

So add me to the list of folks with a dead PTC but when I big picture this and think about my total Tesla experience, it’s definitely a glass is half full situation.

seattle crash

Pretty disgusted with FUD from Fox... The local news station in Seattle keeps the story to the basic facts, while the national fox website diverges the story into FUD about FSD being on a free trial. I detest this sort of FUD because it's dishonest and misleads the public. It's bad enough that the original story mentions autopilot. In each case I can think of, the driver says AP was active and it's found that it was not active. Of course the sensationalist media loves to tell us how AP will kill everyone.

London company to fix window scratches?

Hello all

My windscreen has a few light scratches. Some dirt/grit on the wiper blade caused it. Something kicked up on a motorway that got lodged at the blade, that I couldn't remove immediatey as I was on a motorway.

The scratch is right in my line of sight and quite irritating. It's not deep at all, I can barely feel it with my finger.

Anyone know of place I can take it to in London (or generally west/south west of London) to have fixed? Maybe polished out?


Model 3 window tinting - worries and request for recommendations (London/Essex, UK)

I've got a late 2019/early 2020 Model 3 Performance. Love it aside from the fact with the white interior, its essentially a fish bowl out in public. I'd like to get tints all round.

I've read a small quantity of horror stories regarding the components in the A-pillars being fried during the tint process (a molex connector that gathers water). This has naturally led me to second guess the job a hundred times.

Hoping someone can help with a couple queries I have:
1. Is this a legitimate concern? Should I be asking for anything specific from the tint specialist?
2. I've read about potential issues tinting the roof glass. It seems like less of an issue in the UK compared to the SoCal sun, but anything to be cautious of here for my car's year of manufacture?
2. Does anyone have a recommedation in the London/Essex area? Willing to drive a bit to get the job done right.

Thanks a million in advance

Tesla Approved-Used vs. Parkers, CAP etc. price chasm

Has anyone noticed the bizarre discrepancy between prices of Tesla approved-used vehicles and CAP/Parkers prices?

M3SR+ 2020/21 (70 plate, 2021 model), 31k miles, otherwise identical spec on the website are in the region of £26-28k whereas the current Parkers value for our car (based on 40k miles, as I'm too cheap to pay for it :)) top retail is £20/21k - and this is backed-up by a quick Autotrader search (same criteria).

it's not even trade vs. non-trade sellers.. other dealers are in the Parkers range.

This unfortunate situation has arisen due to a write-off of our M3, I'm appealing their top CAP valuation of just under £21k with the Tesla approved-new prices.. but the price delta is just mind-boggling to me and not filling me with hope.

Are Tesla just chancing it that demand outstrips supply & people will just buy at a significant premium? I assume they're shifting inventory & given the way they sell stock from the site it's not like it's open to a traditional negotiation with an actual sales-human.

Tesla owner who falsely claimed car was in autopilot before Melbourne crash pleads guilty

Don't lie about your tesla I suppose is the lesson - but does Tesla collects and stores the sort of data presented to court in their servers (which presumably they had to hand over under subpoena)?

Not a lawyer but if the data is stored locally in the car then hypothetically the driver should not be compelled to hand this over (self-incrimination)?

What version of Used Model X would you recommend?

Currently have a M3 2018 MR. We also have another EV (Nissan Leaf) that is primairly used as a commute car. We like the EAP and have taken road trips in M3, but due to the low range, it is inconvenient to keep charging it.

We would like to get a Model X, but don't want to spend the money to buy a brand new car. So we are considering used Model X.

Our priorities are
- range
- fast charging
- quiet

Not our priority
- performance
- color preference

Budget would be $60k out the door that limits our options. I have briefly looked at the used inventory on Tesla and Carvana (link), and seems like we could find some options.

I haven't researched all the versions of model X out there, but is there a specific config that would be better for us?

Model Y or 3 Highland?

We are quite set on buying the Model Y after a few thorough drives. While we briefly check out the M3 Highland at the sales centre, we didn't consider it as good value as the price are pretty much the same. I've not been a fan of gen 1 Model 3 due to its build quality. However the refreshed Model 3 has seen positive improvements. However Tesla just dropped the M3H significantly and it got us re-thinking our choices. The Tesla will be an additional car. We also have a BMW wagon that we will keep. Therefore I am thinking maybe the M3 Highland might work out as our primary commuter vehicle. Looking at RWD variants for both models.

I feel the MY with the additional space would be nice for family trips and hauling stuff. Although the latter can be done with our Bimmer. Also I feel it looks a bit more upscale than the M3 tbh. However it is an aging design with Juniper probably landing next year. We can enjoy the M3H now. Damn Tesla for dropping the M3H price that much!

Supercharger - Kananaskis, AB

Just spotted a new location at the Stoney Casino gas station and truckstop between Calgary and Canmore. They should take a lot of pressure off of the Canmore superchargers. The design is interesting as well I have not seen these yet. Picture attached. Someone let the folks at supercharge.info to add this to their construction list on the map


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Supercharger meetings Nederland

Beste forumleden,

We zijn verheugd om jullie uit te nodigen voor onze SuperCharger meeting op zondag 28 april 2024 bij Van der Valk Eindhoven Best! Hier zijn de belangrijke details:

• Locatie: Van der Valk Hotel Eindhoven Best
• Tijdstip: 12:00 - 16:00 uur

Dit evenement staat open voor alle Tesla-rijders en EV-enthousiastelingen, inclusief niet-Tesla-rijders die geïnteresseerd zijn in elektrische mobiliteit. Niemand wordt uitgesloten!

Wat kun je verwachten:

• Ontmoet andere EV-liefhebbers en deel ervaringen.
• Leer over nieuwe producten en diensten.
• Geniet van een informele en gezellige sfeer.

Ik neem zelf het prototype mee van de trekhaak kap voor de Model Y. 🎯

Heb je vragen of speciale verzoeken? Laat het ons weten in de thread. We hopen velen van jullie te zien bij deze speciale SuperCharger meeting!

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Tesla Owners Club Nederland


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