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  1. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Seems on topic to me. Hopefully it's to correspond with customer deliveries of Cybertruck. (Maybe a schedule for roadster? Nah) Hopefully the early deadline for shareholder 'issues' means I spend less time listing to rambling garbage during the meeting.
  2. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    After backing out the ~6% change in odometer (and therefore WH/mi) my highway range has actually improved. (Lower RR than the pirelli P0s?) City milage is a bit worse (unsprung, rotating weight?) but that's irrelevant since range only matters (to me) for road trips anyway.
  3. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Fair. I've gone through 2 full sets of tires in 37000 miles in under 2 years. I think I'll get substantially more miles out of the new upsized (265 40 21 and 295 40 21) Pilot Sport AS 4 than the sucky factory pirellis though. (Also notably better ride, wheel protectionn and appearance, imo)...
  4. D

    Electric trains (out of off-topic :-) )

    True, but rather than adding tens of thousands of miles of HV power lines, would a battery car make sense? I'd think that since trains have extraordinarily low rolling resistance weight isn't really a factor like it is for cars and planes. It's just a matter of supply and willingness.
  5. D

    Front Passenger Air Vent - Can you turn it off?

    Yep, my wife complains of this constantly as well.
  6. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Was gonna get margin called, so I sold some shares at a loss an bought jan25 240s. I wish us all good luck.
  7. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Hell, once they make it able to do handyman type jobs I might not mind being an out of state landlord. Once they are that far along, I don't think there will be much I mind doing though, I suppose.... 😉
  8. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    It wasn't the SOC. That was in like the 50% area. I am only assuming it was temperature related. It was a relatively cool day. Probably in the 40s at the summit and in the mid 60s at the bottom. So the pack should have been warming from the charge and from the increasing temperature but...
  9. D

    Model Y Performance 21" Tires - Larger, More Comfortable Fitment Details and Experience - Michelin AS4's (With Photos)

    Thanks OP! I just replaced my pirellis (rears down to 2mm) with is exact setup. I've literally only driven home from the tire shop but both the ride and look are much improved. I only wish I'd never run those stupid pirellis - took them off the day after delivery anyway since it was December...
  10. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    If I recall correctly I used like 30% on the way up and got like 15% back on the way down. (I don't use the display in miles) Probably could have used less up and regenerated more down, but I was driving 'spiritedly'. Not a lot of passing opportunities but those few were nice. FWIW this was...
  11. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Pikes peak highway runs from 14,000 feet down to about 7000 in just 20 miles. There is a mandatory brake check part way down. I used my brakes once - for a bighorn sheep in the road. The guy at the brake check seemed very confused that our brakes were colder than ambient (since it was colder...
  12. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Agreed. We've had our MYP for 21 months, and put about 36k miles on it with several big road trips (several weeks at a time). In the meantime, we've put around 1200 miles on our gasser. And much of that was because the Tesla was gone on a road trip...
  13. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    If you just rest your hand on one side (let the wheel take the weight of your hand) you don't need to "dink". My hand needs something to rest on anyway. That said I look forward to attention free eventually. For years I've been saying my daughter won't ever 'need' to learn to drive. She's 7, so...
  14. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Then it's not 4680 as far as we know.
  15. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Wow. Soooo stable in the 299.20 to 299.66 range. It's almost like there's something trying to keep it under 300.
  16. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    I was thinking the Nevada nuclear testing site
  17. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Random math: If we simply keep adding 1% per (trading) day for the rest of the year we'd reach 50% growth of ATH. ~630 or 1890 PS or 9450 PSS. I'll feel ok about my 1H22 options losses if we do that. 😶
  18. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    The V3 are actually thinner with the liquid cooling. There tends to be a good bit of fan noise from the cabinet when near 250kW on a hot day - but the car is doing it too. V3 were a huge engineering win - lighter and cooler cables, faster charging, no split power with other stalls, and it...
  19. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Nice then instead of a chevy/gm/Buick dealer we'd have S3XY dealers
  20. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    As a reluctant landlord who almost convinced his spouse to sell our rental this summer, I envy your ability to persuade your other half.
  21. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    My options in IBKR look messy. Strikes were ÷3 but quantity not ×3. Prices making no sense either way. Actual shares still unchanged. Fidelity shares and options unchanged so far.
  22. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Thanks. Good tip! Doing that now during the prerecorded one lol
  23. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Double bummer for me as I missed the into reel.
  24. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    I don't understand how this 1x inverted fund is supposed to work. TSLA up 10% -> TSLQ down 10% ok.... TSLA up 50% -> TSLQ down 50% hmm TSLA up 100% -> TSLQ down 100% wait wut? It's worth 0.... TSLA up 200% -> TSLQ down 200% WTFBBQ‽ it's worth negative money now? I legit don't understand how...
  25. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Ehh, I'd rather take the >10x I'm expecting by 2030 for no particular effort on my part than risk it in mining. For the planet's sake however, I wish you luck.
  26. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Didn't we just establish that the value of the coin for its metal content stayed about the same factoring inflation? So it's better than sitting in a checking account, but compared to, say, TSLA how can we say it's a "good investment?"
  27. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Honestly, I think a 1-3 week target would be close to ideal for Tesla, TSLA, and customers. Customer doesn't have absurd wait (if I total my car today I have to get something else soon) No grandfathering in year old prices (extra ~10k) Prices actually relate to what the market will bear (further...
  28. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Needed some bigger buckets... (not for me, unfortunately but still)
  29. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    I wish 1 month ago me knew how pleased I'd be to see 660 today.
  30. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    They do warn you on the day of selling that it will happen, and will credit you for deposits from accounts you've used before "instantly" "as a courtesy." *in my experience, for what it's worth. No promises and no guarantees.
  31. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Well those protective 750 puts I bought to manage my margin sure are coming in handy. o_O
  32. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    It's been true of me as a salaried employee in CA, WA, and CO. (They must pay out accrued vacation upon termination). Not true of "floating holidays" though.
  33. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Not saying it's the reason Tesla is doing it, but "unlimited" pto means there is no bank of vacation hours that must be paid upon severance. It's a fun accounting trick to reduce the expense of employee turnover.
  34. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Yea, I briefly thought 'oh no what if Musk loses control over Tesla due to a margin call'. Then I thought about how many stock price levers they have to push it up if needed. Worries abated quickly.
  35. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Hmph. "Record profits" I wont be impressed until my teslabot is installing my tesla roof, expanding my garage and filing for all the appropriate permits while another is auto-sailoring my tesla yacht on its way to the Europa colony launch pad. Guess I'll have to wait until 2026 or so. Hurry up...
  36. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    I had a couple screens going in case I needed to speed order a Y Plaid or something else. Didn't need it, but still not disappointed as an investor.
  37. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Yes, would love to gain enough to actually be able to roll out my 3/18 options.
  38. D

    Superior Colorado Tesla Fire Damage

    Any rumors on reopening? Even if it's just for the superchargers on site?
  39. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Is the bottom 768.48? That would be a fibonacci down from 1243.49. Hope the bounce is hard!
  40. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Wait what happened in the last half hour?
  41. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Given that the City is still officially evacuated, and anything there burned to the ground, I don't think much is happening there today. We packed up as much as we could into 2 cars last night. Fortunately the winds were in our favor. Pretty scary night though. ETA I think they lost about 25...
  42. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    She's from Massachusetts. You can still send a message like that.
  43. D

    Winter is coming. Best All-weather tire and rims for snow and mixed conditions?

    I used to do seasonal swaps myself, but discovered that Discount Tire does seasonal swaps (where tires are already balanced on the wheel) for free. Also free flat repairs. (And if a wheel stud is stripped, will give you a coupon to have that fixed for free at Brakes Plus - this alone saved me...
  44. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    I'll put in for one when they are closer... but I worry about what the ~42 shares of deposit would be worth in 2024....
  45. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    No, the point isn't to minimize capital gains tax paid, the point is to minimize the number of shares needed to cover the tax burden (own more shares after tax) - higher price is better.
  46. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    I have a '21 MYP and my side cameras still show red cars as orange-ish
  47. D

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Doubt that's a smaller pack. It's just a much bigger car.