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  1. Cogarch

    FSD Transfer

    So I wonder if it is possible to sell my car's FSD capability at a reduced price to someone buying a new Tesla? That seems to be the only way to retrieve the money I spent four years ago for a function that remains a distant prospect in France.. Or I could put the money earned from the sale...
  2. Cogarch

    Faisabilité de l'échange du feu de recul arrière et des feux de brouillard arrière

    Sorry @Dazboj you are right, I was getting you confused with someone from a Facebook forum! I actually registered my car in France after the end of the withdrawal period (we moved here in protest at Brexit and all the attendant effects on Britain's body politic). Fortunately I had little...
  3. Cogarch

    Faisabilité de l'échange du feu de recul arrière et des feux de brouillard arrière

    Following our DM conversation you might be interested to know that when I was driving in the fog yesterday I noticed two French cars with their rear foglight on and both were on opposite sides! So it may not be an issue after all.
  4. Cogarch

    Headlights in France

    Two years later I am still driving with RHD headlights adjusted to point downwards and only occasionally getting flashed.
  5. Cogarch

    Headlights in France

    Interesting -- I presume that you have the newer metric headlights.
  6. Cogarch

    How do I know if wheels need balancing?

    Thanks -- that's exactly the kind of advice I was looking for. I will look into it. FWIW my winter tyres were fine when I put them away (I had occasion to inspect them in detail after spending a lot of time getting the bits of gravel out of the treads!)..
  7. Cogarch

    How do I know if wheels need balancing?

    After changing to my summer tyre/wheels (Michelin Pilot) I have noticed a slight "vibrant/swishing" sound from one or more of the wheels on the motorway. There is no steering wheel vibration or any kind of vibration that I can feel. The wheel cover is securely fitted. Might one of my rear wheels...
  8. Cogarch

    Tesla open up the SuC network [in UK]

    I'm surprised no-one has mentioned the aesthetic impact of allowing other brands into SuCs. Who doesn't love the elegant unified effect of a row of streamlined, near-identical cars lined up to feed, in a limited range of colours, all parked the same way? Just think of the chaos as cars of all...
  9. Cogarch

    Reversing screen juddering after UI update

    Since the latest UI update I have noticed the reversing screen is now frequently juddering or freezing for maybe a second while reversing. This is somewhat disconcerting : the net effect is to slow my reversing down considerably to avoid unseen hazards otherwise out of view in the mirror. I...
  10. Cogarch

    Rock chip, is this worth it to fix

    That does seem very small. Shortly after having a slightly larger chip repaired I was amazed to find the entire screen pockmarked with even tinier chips at about 150 cm intervals that are visible in the sun but not otherwise. Around that time I had had a period of very frequent long Automate...
  11. Cogarch

    Best Selling Car Sept21, future models and the competition

    This is related also to the contrast between the excessive complexity of every other prestige interior, designed to demonstrate how much you are getting for your money, and the blessed simplicity of the M3.
  12. Cogarch

    Faisabilité de l'échange du feu de recul arrière et des feux de brouillard arrière

    Je prévois que lorsque ma Model 3 RHD devra finalement subir son Controle Technique, il me sera peut-être demandé d'intervertir les positions du feu de recul arrière et des feux de brouillard arrière, car ils sont bien sûr du côté opposé au LHD. Est-ce que cela risque d'être un processus coûteux...
  13. Cogarch

    Phantom dancing trucks

    Since moving to France from the UK I have rarely suffered from phantom-braking events, thanks I think to the spacious much emptier autoroutes. However I have recently experienced disturbing events when pulling back in from the fast lane to the middle lane while a truck is in the slow lane. What...
  14. Cogarch

    Interestind discussion of the modular nature of Tesla's motors

    An account of some of the few moving parts on a Tesla, which make an ICE by contrast look ridiculously complicated...
  15. Cogarch

    Tow Bar Mounted Bike Rack as a Luggage / Cargo Carrier

    First thing I did with my bike rack..!
  16. Cogarch

    Tow hitch bike racks

    Mine was facing down! However I may have forgotten about the torque-clicking feature. I was using Thule's wraparound rubber gismo designed to protect cardon frames from being overtightened but I think I must have still been too cautious with the torque. In any case I do think it is sensible to...
  17. Cogarch

    Tow hitch bike racks

    No, nothing so complicated: the way that the bike was placed on the rack meant that I had to place the clamp that grips the bike frame in a slightly awkward position on the downtube. I should have tried another position: the turbulence generated by driving at speed caused the grip on the tube to...
  18. Cogarch

    Tow hitch bike racks

    As to the additional drag caused by a rack I can report one set of data points from two 500 drives from central France to London mostly cruising at 130 km/h. The rack held a single lightweight carbon road bike. The first, without the rack, was 74.56% efficient and consumed 200 Wh/km The second...
  19. Cogarch

    Tow hitch bike racks

    Ah, so I was missing something..!
  20. Cogarch

    Tow hitch bike racks

    Am I missing something here..?. My Easyfold locks itself to the tow-bar so there is only a remote chance of its being stolen unless I park it in a tough neighbourhood, in which case I would be more worried about vandalism to my car..!
  21. Cogarch

    Tesla open up the SuC network [in UK]

    I too enjoy the feeling of being in an exclusive club. However I realise that such sentiments are unworthy and I am OK with opening up SCs if and only if the effect is to accelerate the development of new sites to compensate for the additional demand.
  22. Cogarch

    Moving to France

    Actually although I have contemplated such a device I find that the M3 acceleration allows you to stay far enough away from the vehicle in front to allow you to see sufficient distance in the opposite lane. The instant acceleration then more than makes up for the additional distance you have to...
  23. Cogarch

    Crack and polish marks remain after windscreen chip repair

    "Resident" being Autocorrectese of course for "resin"...
  24. Cogarch

    Crack and polish marks remain after windscreen chip repair

    I recently had a windscreen chip repaired at a local garage. After the repair the pit was gone but the accompanying small crack was still visible (I can appreciate that this may be inevitable as the resident would be unable to enter the crack). However in addition I noticed that in sunlight...
  25. Cogarch

    Do Tesla's dream of electric sheep

    So Teslas have REM sleep..?
  26. Cogarch

    Headlights in France

    Thanks, I found the reference. Just to make things more complicated however it says (my emphasis): "Headlights do not require adjustments when temporarily driving into a region where the traffic direction is different (for example, driving in right-hand traffic region, and then driving into a...
  27. Cogarch

    Tesla to launch Full Self Driving beta to select drivers next week

    I'm happy to wait while our heroic American friends suffer all the beta-test er.. crashes.
  28. Cogarch

    Headlights in France

    I too had heard that the dipped beam was symmetrical. However I have to say that I have just driven in the dark for the first time in France with my Model 3 and I have had two people flash me (still a minority at least, although one of them was clearly very cross). Looking at the pattern there...
  29. Cogarch

    Modèles 3 d'occasion en France

    Merci, c'est très utile. Existe-t-il en France comme au Royaume-Uni des revendeurs spécialisés dans les VE ?
  30. Cogarch

    Modèles 3 d'occasion en France

    Je vais quitter le Royaume-Uni pour la France dans une semaine. Tesla.fr ne semble pas avoir de voitures d'occasion sur son site. Y a-t-il un bon endroit en France pour trouver des modèles 3 d'occasion de bonne qualité ?
  31. Cogarch

    Roof box on Model 3

    Like a mother Tesla carrying a baby Tesla on its back -- or maybe its head..
  32. Cogarch

    Phantom braking still an issue

    Meanwhile when it diverges from two lanes into one, there are suddenly no nearby white lines for it to follow and for me it always gives up in a panic..
  33. Cogarch

    Model 3 Mud flaps

    Yes, still no problems :-)
  34. Cogarch

    Phantom braking still an issue

    Showing my age but it reminds me of the air pilot skit on The Young Ones.. "Oh no! A cloud..!"
  35. Cogarch

    Phantom braking still an issue

    Is anyone worried like me that the rewrite will take months to bed in and debug? Presumably it cannot be a full rewrite or they would have to junk all the accumulated training by the neural networks. Why do people think the transition will be seamless?
  36. Cogarch

    When was TACC Speed setting fixed?

    Yes, I had my offset at 4 mph over. Try turning the warnings off, and then see what happens.
  37. Cogarch

    When was TACC Speed setting fixed?

    For a long time now I have had my car alert me to when I am driving 4 mph over the speed limit. Meanwhile whenever I turned on TACC and was not driving at the speed limit the car automatically accelerated to this speed, meaning that switching it on was always accompanied by frantic scroll-wheel...
  38. Cogarch

    Moving to France

    That certainly gave me pause! The warranty states: "This New Vehicle Limited Warranty applies to vehicles sold by Tesla in your specific Warranty Region. For purposes of this New Vehicle Limited Warranty, your Tesla specific Warranty Region is defined as the region that your vehicle is first...
  39. Cogarch

    Moving to France

    We’re currently on a research trip. I’d prefer Poitou Charentes, Mrs Cogarch thinks that’s too hot and prefers Normandy. Smart money is somewhere in the Loir (not Loire!) valley...
  40. Cogarch

    The 5,000 Mile Project

    I shall have to preserve this project for another day. Hatched another project to move to France, which also has to be done by the end of December! With all the toing and froing should consume my excess: just drove down to Niort and I’m already down to 3400..!
  41. Cogarch

    "Limited power" warning

    Recently while speeding along the fast lane of the motorway on a long trip to Scotland on the hottest day of the year our car started slowing down to about 40 mph and an alert message said "Limited power available - (or it might have said "Reduced power") Exiting and re-entering your car may...
  42. Cogarch

    Moving to France

    Thanks -- this one took me a bit by surprise. "Even if you don’t have to pay VAT on your car import, you will need to visit the tax office to obtain a valid tax certificate (also known as quitus fiscal) in order to register your car in France, and, by default, obtain a French number plate. You...
  43. Cogarch

    Moving to France

    Yes -- having bought my Model 3 as my "last car" and with money tight I could not stretch to the overhead involved in selling and then rebuying in France.. It is my only chance to avoid ending up as a retired Honda Jazz driver...!
  44. Cogarch

    European trip essentials

    Brilliant! It had never occurred to me to treat the possession of a bulb kit as a purely symbolic act - but that feels like it makes total sense in the French context..!
  45. Cogarch

    Moving to France

    We are contemplating moving to France this autumn which will involve an avalanche of bureaucratic provisions, amongst them making arrangements for our Model 3. I just wondered if anyone else had embarked upon a similar exercise and can offer their experience on reregistering their Tesla in...
  46. Cogarch

    European trip essentials

    I understand that you don't need an International Driving Permit (which I bought last year in preparation for No Deal but has no expired). However where would one get a Tesla LED Bulb Kit..?
  47. Cogarch

    Scottish Borders Holiday

    We're driving up to Edinburgh next Friday to settle our daughter into a new flat for her final year at Uni. I have often enjoyed the beauty of the Borders, particularly as my favourite route to Edinburgh is via the Clyde Valley, and found the road from Moffat to be one of the best driving roads...
  48. Cogarch

    The 5,000 Mile Project

    Damn — beaten to it..!
  49. Cogarch

    The 5,000 Mile Project

    The question is whether to set up a Patreon account for an obsessive concept quest or to spring for a dream holiday that no Patreonista in their right mind would feel driven to subsidise...