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2021 Shipping Movements

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The nasty GLOVIS COMPANION has just arrived in Zeebrugge. According to the port schedule she is due to depart tomorrow night.

Screenshot 2021-02-28 at 10.44.12.png

MORNING CAPO This is the ship that left Shanghai on 3 Feb that is supposedly bringing a 2nd batch of Chinese made Model 3s to the UK - I’m once again beginning to doubt this and will lose interest in this ship unless some supporting evidence comes to light soon.

She is perilously close to getting herself into a bit of a pickle as she approaches the Straits of Gibraltar. The straits are divided into two 3.5nm wide one-way lanes separated by a 0.5 NM wide sterile zone. Traffic exiting the Med stay in the northern lane and traffic entering the Med take the southern lane. MORNING CAPO has managed somehow to find herself approaching the lanes from the southside meaning that she is going to have to find a gap in the eastbound traffic to cross so that she can enter the correct lane. The longer she leaves this the harder and more dangerous the manoeuvre will become. Having said that, she is pretty lucky in that the eastbound stream is not particularly busy today and there are some large gaps to choose from. If she leaves it too late she will end up doing a “Crazy Ivan”, crossing at a right angle across both streams of traffic.

UPDATE: She has managed to get herself safely across onto the correct side.

There is a speed limit in the straits which was introduced to provide some protection to the pod of whales that live there.
She will arrive in Southampton Eastern Docks at 0730 on Thursday and depart later the same day.
It is my opinion that if she had Teslas onboard she would be unloading in the Western docks.

Screenshot 2021-02-28 at 11.22.44.png

LAKE GENEVA I’m a little puzzled with her navigation at the moment. It looks to me that she has abandoned the idea of passing through the Azores and has now adopted a great circle course direct to the English Channel. We shalll see if this is indeed the case over the coming days if her positions show she is paralleling the ideal great circle course (the blue line) on the chart. She is also now steaming directly into a 20kt headwind and a NW’ly Atlantic swell of over 3m - not particularly challenging for an ocean-going vessel but it will be noticeable on the fuel consumption figures and the arrhythmic deck movement. She’s also only making just over 16kts at the moment.
Her ETA for Zeebrugge is 0700Z on 7 Mar which she won’t make at her present rate.

GENEVA Atlantic Progress.png

GLOVIS SIRIUS is making excellent progress south at just over 17kts along the Mexican Pacific coast.
She is currently 40NM off the coast about 150nm southeast of Acapulco.
The weather continues to look fine for the moment.
She is scheduled to arrive off Panama on Wednesday evening and I expect her to transit the canal on Thursday, however she is running ahead of schedule at the moment and will arrive much earlier if she continues at her present rate.
I have pencilled her in to arrive in Zeebrugge around 15 Mar.

Enter the GLOVIS SIRIUS competition. Click HERE to enter

SIRIUS Pacif Prog.png

VIKING BRAVERY is scheduled to depart from New Jersey this Wednesday bound for Zeebrugge. This continues the custom for Tesla to squeeze an extra boatload to Europe by sending the cars overland by train to New Jersey and then loading them onto a ship from there. I estimate that she will arrive in Zeebrugge around 11 Mar which will be ahead of GLOVIS SIRIUS.

The VIKING BRAVERY competition is open - it will close the moment she departs from New Jersey. Click HERE to enter.
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Great update as usual Mr M - thank you. Re Morning Capo, my Tesla rep has told me there is a second ship from China due very soon with RHD Model 3s for the UK and expected delivery is 17th March at the earliest. Been given a Chinese VIN number so I'd be very surprised if it's not unless there is another one on the way but begs the question if it's not, which one is ? You can still order Model 3s with a March delivery online so it must be surely ?
Great update as usual Mr M - thank you. Re Morning Capo, my Tesla rep has told me there is a second ship from China due very soon with RHD Model 3s for the UK and expected delivery is 17th March at the earliest. Been given a Chinese VIN number so I'd be very surprised if it's not unless there is another one on the way but begs the question if it's not, which one is ? You can still order Model 3s with a March delivery online so it must be surely ?
I spent a few hours this afternoon researching ships out of Shanghai and I can't find the 2nd shipment.
I have been reading this thread and the amazing info Mr. M posts. Really interesting. I was originally going to receive my M3 LR on the 4th of March but that has now changed to the 17. I am told that my vehicle is coming from. China and will arrive in the UK on the 16. Reading the abou I don’t understand unless some vehicles will be moved from another location. Thanks
MORNING CAPO This is the ship that left Shanghai on 3 Feb that is supposedly bringing a 2nd batch of Chinese made Model 3s to the UK - I’m once again beginning to doubt this and will lose interest in this ship unless some supporting evidence comes to light soon.

She is perilously close to getting herself into a bit of a pickle as she approaches the Straits of Gibraltar. The straits are divided into two 3.5nm wide one-way lanes separated by a 0.5 NM wide sterile zone. Traffic exiting the Med stay in the northern lane and traffic entering the Med take the southern lane. MORNING CAPO has managed somehow to find herself approaching the lanes from the southside meaning that she is going to have to find a gap in the eastbound traffic to cross so that she can enter the correct lane. The longer she leaves this the harder and more dangerous the manoeuvre will become. Having said that, she is pretty lucky in that the eastbound stream is not particularly busy today and there are some large gaps to choose from. If she leaves it too late she will end up doing a “Crazy Ivan”, crossing at a right angle across both streams of traffic.

For what it's worth, this guy thinks there are M3s on the Morning Capo - Tesla Carriers
I have been reading this thread and the amazing info Mr. M posts. Really interesting. I was originally going to receive my M3 LR on the 4th of March but that has now changed to the 17. I am told that my vehicle is coming from. China and will arrive in the UK on the 16. Reading the abou I don’t understand unless some vehicles will be moved from another location. Thanks
Thanks for posting this info - really helpful.
That date does fit with a possible suspect too.
The production date also ties in with RHD production that has just arrived in Australia and New Zealand.
Hopefully I will have more on this tomorrow....
For what it's worth, this guy thinks there are M3s on the Morning Capo - Tesla Carriers
Noted. I use that spreadsheet as a reference - it's a good historic record.
If you look back in this thread you will see that when MORNING CAPO departed Shanghai I reckoned she would have Tesla cargo but something wasn't right and I ruled her out, only for her name to come up again a week or so later. I'm now changing my mind again and ruling her out completely.
Nailing down the Shanghai shipments is proving to be quite a challenge, but hopefully I will get better at it!
I'm pretty convinced now that MORNING CAPO is not carrying Teslas.
More tomorrow hopefully..
My delivery day has been changed from 4th to the 12th. The Tesla rep told me it was on the Morning Capo. Would this make sense?
I have serious doubts whether any Teslas are onboard MORNING CAPO.
The name of this ship has been bandied around on this thread and other sources but I'm not convinced.
If your Tesla rep can give me the voyage number from the Tesla system (it's in there) and it agrees with my records I will concede.
In any case a voyage number is always very useful to me, and provides unequivocal evidence.
I have serious doubts whether any Teslas are onboard MORNING CAPO.
The name of this ship has been bandied around on this thread and other sources but I'm not convinced.
If your Tesla rep can give me the voyage number from the Tesla system (it's in there) and it agrees with my records I will concede.
In any case a voyage number is always very useful to me, and provides unequivocal evidence.
Hi Mr Miserable . I have texted my Tesla rep to ask him about Morning Capo . following your recent posts

His reply :
"I can assure you Morning CAPO does have RHD cars on.

I’m unsure of the relevance of east or west docks."

Mr M you are doing a great job ..........(.all will become clear in a few days I guess. )

I have a VIN No LRW XXXX 171 ....
I have a collection date from Thorpe Park of Monday 15th March
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MORNING CAPO The big news this morning is the change to her docking arrangements in Southampton. She is now docking in the Western Docks. That subtle change is the final missing piece in the jigsaw and more or less confirms she is carrying the 2nd shipment of Teslas to the UK.
She is currently making just over 14 kts along the coast of Portugal. The Southampton port schedule has now been updated to show her arriving in the Western Docks at 0730 on Thursday. She is on time to make that.

CAPO MED Progress .png

LAKE GENEVA I’m in little doubt now that she is now following a great circle course to the English Channel. You can see that her last 3 midday fixes show that her track is parallel to the curved blue line which is the track she would have followed had she adopted a great circle course as soon as she left the Mona passage. Over the last 24 hours she has averaged 16.9kts but she needs 17.5kts to arrive on time. It doesn’t sound like much but it would result in arriving 5 hours late in Zeebrugge.
Her ETA for Zeebrugge is 0700Z on 7 Mar which she won’t make at her present rate.

GENEVA Atlantic Progress.png

GLOVIS SIRIUS is making excellent progress south at no less than 19kts. She looks very much like a ship that is racing to make an appointment. She is currently 100NM off the coast of Guatemala/El Salvador.
The weather continues to look fine for the moment.
She is scheduled to arrive off Panama on Wednesday evening (her AIS is still stating 3 Mar 2100) and I would have expected her to transit the canal on Thursday, however she is running so well ahead of schedule at the moment that I suspect she must have an earlier transit booked. Her current high speed must be for a reason.
At the moment I still have her pencilled in to arrive in Zeebrugge around 15 Mar.

Enter the GLOVIS SIRIUS competition. Click HERE to enter!

SIRIUS Pacif Prog.png

VIKING BRAVERY I don’t know whether I was reading the information incorrectly but I’ve just noticed that VIKING BRAVERY is now not due to depart New Jersey until 9 Mar! I now estimate that she will arrive in Zeebrugge around 17 Mar.

The current VIKING BRAVERY competition is now voided and will reopen again in a day or two.
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Afternoon all.
First time posting and a great thread - thank you Mr M for doing this!
I have had a M3LR on order since December - today finally got news from Tesla that it would be delivered on the 20th March. When I suggested an earlier date, they were very apologetic but said the car wouldn't actually get to the UK before the 17th March. Does this mean there is another vessel due after Morning Capo?
Afternoon all.
First time posting and a great thread - thank you Mr M for doing this!
I have had a M3LR on order since December - today finally got news from Tesla that it would be delivered on the 20th March. When I suggested an earlier date, they were very apologetic but said the car wouldn't actually get to the UK before the 17th March. Does this mean there is another vessel due after Morning Capo?
That is interesting. I wonder if there is a 3rd shipment.... I have a suspect ship too. More work required to confirm though...
QUOTE="Dazguy, post: 5365790, member: 127010"]This quote singlehandedly confirmed Mr M's legendry status![/QUOTE]
I didn't invent the term 'Crazy Ivan'.
The term is usually associated with the manoeuvre Soviet submarines used to perform to aggresively detect a trailing NATO sub.
In the days before towed arrays, a submarine could not detect anything directly behind it. Submariners used to routinely turn 45 degrees left or right to 'check the baffles' to ensure they were not being followed. The Soviets took this a stage further by rapidly turning 180 degrees and charging blindly headlong back along their track at high speed risking a head-on collision with anyone following. It was a insane manoeuvre hence the 'Crazy Ivan' name. The safest defence was to quickly work out which way the submarine was turning and go the opposite way at high speed. Although this avoidance was a noisy manoeuvre, the Soviet manoeuvre was even noisier and they couldn't detect the other submarine's presence. 'The Hunt for Red October' describes the manoeuvre and more particularly the NATO standard counter.
Checking the baffles is still an important thing to do before surfacing though (when the towed sonar array will have been stowed). Within the last month an example of what can happen if you don't do it immediately before surfacing hit the news.
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