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2023 Model 3 without USS and proximity functionality [park assist / summon not available]

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I just took delivery of my 2nd M3 yesterday (6/1). I noticed the proximity sensor is no longer there. When I pull into my garage, it wont reveal the distance to the object from my front bumper. Also I get the irritating "park assist unavailable" on the screen every now and then. I did not purchase the FSD which I dont think is worth the $; at least for now. Pretty mad that they remove the USS and I do not know why they do it.
Hang a tennis ball from a string tied to the garage ceiling. When the ball hits the windshield, stop. Works perfectly every time.


The age old trick, never fails. Tesla should have included Tennis balls with every car sold when they removed the USS. 😂 Jokes aside, I did mark a spot on the garage floor with tape to know if the door would shut on my front bumper or not. See now if there was a front camera there it wouldn't be an issue. Cringe.
I just took delivery of my 2nd M3 yesterday (6/1). I noticed the proximity sensor is no longer there. When I pull into my garage, it wont reveal the distance to the object from my front bumper. Also I get the irritating "park assist unavailable" on the screen every now and then. I did not purchase the FSD which I dont think is worth the $; at least for now. Pretty mad that they remove the USS and I do not know why they do it.
Yea it's unfortunate. As it has been said, removing a feature before having a solution and calling it an upgrade is headed toward the Apple road. As a solution there are aftermarket display kits that you can hook up to put a camera on front bumper. I know one shouldn't have to do such a thing on a $50K car, but it's a viable option.
It would have been simple enough to add a nose camera when removing the ultrasonic sensors so that then they could have a top down view when driving at low speeds for parking. Then everyone would forget about the ultrasonic sensor capabilities when they see the top down view.

I agree 100%. Unfortunately I think Tesla didn't bother due to hw4 coming out and putting all the resources to project Highland and Juniper. It sucks to get the short end of the stick. I think we've all been gassed in one way or another with Tesla sadly. It makes me wonder what that chinese model 3 was doing with USS testing in the US? It'd be hilarious if they brought it back.
Greeting everyone.

Ive been trying to find info here if anyone else has it but cant find it. Atleast not with my search queries.
Starting from 2023.12.x the lines displayed on the screen when parking have changed for the worse.
I have USS sensors (09.2022 M3 Perf) and as im sure everyone knows when your parking and drive up to a obstacle it will display STOP at 30cm (12inches?) The line will be red. But if you continue to go closer the line will go closer to the car on the screen. All the way to touching the car rendering. So you can see very well how clsoe you are when parking. You were able to park down to the last 3-4cm distance essentially

Anyway, starting with 2023.12.x the red line on the screen does not go further to the car then what used to be about 20cm before the update. I can be touching the obstacle and the line will still be displayed at a distance instead of touching the car rendering.

Have you people here observed this too?
thanks for feedback
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I suppose that’s one way to have Tesla vision reach parity with the USS system. Just gimp the USS capabilities.
yeah seems like it to be honest, very annoying, i cant find many people noticing this, maybe most just park until it says stop :D I have it on both M3 Perf and M3 SR+ so it must be on purpose in the software and not a random bug
it was so convenient when parking....
Greeting everyone.

Ive been trying to find info here if anyone else has it but cant find it. Atleast not with my search queries.
Starting from 2023.12.x the lines displayed on the screen when parking have changed for the worse.
I have USS sensors (09.2022 M3 Perf) and as im sure everyone knows when your parking and drive up to a obstacle it will display STOP at 30cm (12inches?) The line will be red. But if you continue to go closer the line will go closer to the car on the screen. All the way to touching the car rendering. So you can see very well how clsoe you are when parking. You were able to park down to the last 3-4cm distance essentially

Anyway, starting with 2023.12.x the red line on the screen does not go further to the car then what used to be about 20cm before the update. I can be touching the obstacle and the line will still be displayed at a distance instead of touching the car rendering.

Have you people here observed this too?
thanks for feedback
moderators: why was my thread merged onto here? I was specifically talking about a car WITH Ultrasonics, and not without
Why do some people act like they are just learning about no USS after taking delivery of the vehicle? There are clear disclosures about the removal of USS and how that impacts other features...

As a product development engineer, I 100% understand the removal of the USS. The cost savings and simplification can help drive R&D to the finish line for Vision. Does it stink that the public is part of that R&D? Sure. Does basically every company do this in some way (maybe just less in your face)... yup.
images to my post here.
To clarify again, this car is equipped with ultrasonics, my thread about this issue was merged with this one.
Can someone else verify they have a the same with the line on the screen no longer going all the way to the front bumper? According to the current visuals (now on 2023.20.4.1) I have 20cm left but I am actually touching the wall.


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images to my post here.
To clarify again, this car is equipped with ultrasonics, my thread about this issue was merged with this one.
Can someone else verify they have a the same with the line on the screen no longer going all the way to the front bumper? According to the current visuals (now on 2023.20.4.1) I have 20cm left but I am actually touching the wall.

My lines definitely continue to move closer to the car past 30 cm. But they aren't super accurate at such close distances and don't go all the way to touching the car when I would actually contact the object. Not sure they ever did that. Like other cars that go to a continuous beep around 30 cm I know I have some extra space but it's up to my judgment to use it.
My lines definitely continue to move closer to the car past 30 cm. But they aren't super accurate at such close distances and don't go all the way to touching the car when I would actually contact the object. Not sure they ever did that. Like other cars that go to a continuous beep around 30 cm I know I have some extra space but it's up to my judgment to use it.
He's trying to verify what software version the change happened, so you would need to post your software version for it to be helpful.

I'm still on 2022.20.7, so I don't think my account would be useful given the suggestion is it happened on 2022.12.x.
My lines definitely continue to move closer to the car past 30 cm. But they aren't super accurate at such close distances and don't go all the way to touching the car when I would actually contact the object. Not sure they ever did that. Like other cars that go to a continuous beep around 30 cm I know I have some extra space but it's up to my judgment to use it.
thanks for the info.
So they 100% went closer. they accurately (within margin of error) depicted the distance down to about a real world 5cm, to which point the thickness of the lines and resolution of the display made them touch.
I park in super tight parking spots daily here in town and very often need to park in spots that fit with about 10cm infront and behind the car, simetimes less. It was super great to use the visuals which were very accurate and I never damaged anything. Sadly if you always stopped at the STOP marking then you need a 60cm longer parking spot then the length of the car (30cm infront and behind). Before having teslas it did a constant beep and alarms at about 30cm, and I guestimated from there, but with the tesla it was way more convenient with the visuals reaching all the way to the car.

He's trying to verify what software version the change happened, so you would need to post your software version for it to be helpful.

I'm still on 2022.20.7, so I don't think my account would be useful given the suggestion is it happened on 2022.12.x.
I noticed first with 2023.12.1 however I installed that about 2 days after installing the previous version. So it could have been .6 allready. But it definitely changed when in the timeframe vision was rolled out to non USS cars.

are you really still on a 2022 software? 1 year old? In that case you would definitly still have the "old" visuals. If you are curious to try it out and get an image that would be amazing as I never took a picture before.
Why do some people act like they are just learning about no USS after taking delivery of the vehicle? There are clear disclosures about the removal of USS and how that impacts other features...

As a product development engineer, I 100% understand the removal of the USS. The cost savings and simplification can help drive R&D to the finish line for Vision. Does it stink that the public is part of that R&D? Sure. Does basically every company do this in some way (maybe just less in your face)... yup.
Here's an idea; how about not completely switching technologies until the newer tech is at parity with the old tech? Crippling current functionality *for years* that people paid good money for in the name of 'driving R&D' is idiotic. Elon is lucky he didn't pull such a bush league move back when the company was 30-60 days away from insolvency. It might have been the last nail in the coffin.

In hindsight, there's nothing anyone can say that justifies the move. It was a poor business choice, the functionality is worse than it was (see any auto wiper thread for icing on the cake), and has only served to alienate old and new Tesla customers alike, regardless of how much they may or may not have been informed about it before purchase.
Here's an idea; how about not completely switching technologies until the newer tech is at parity with the old tech? Crippling current functionality *for years* that people paid good money for in the name of 'driving R&D' is idiotic. Elon is lucky he didn't pull such a bush league move back when the company was 30-60 days away from insolvency. It might have been the last nail in the coffin.

In hindsight, there's nothing anyone can say that justifies the move. It was a poor business choice, the functionality is worse than it was (see any auto wiper thread for icing on the cake), and has only served to alienate old and new Tesla customers alike, regardless of how much they may or may not have been informed about it before purchase.
In this case, waiting to switch would have been a nonstarter. USS was removed due to documented industry wide supply shortages of USS. Other brands removed them completely without providing an alternative tech. Tesla was disproportionately impacted due to volume, the amount they had on the car (12, most others had way less), plus the fact it was standard equipment and not optional.

It was never even an option not to remove them, as such it made perfect sense as a business choice. The impact to their sales have also so far been minimal to non-existent. Maybe further in the future it might start showing some effect, but I think things like stalkless and yoke might have a bigger effect (if it really does get pushed in upcoming refresh).
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