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Auto Lane change

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When I'm using auto pilot or steer (basically just cruise control, no destination set), it auto changes lanes when I get behind a slow car.

It bugs me when I'm coming up to a right turn at the next intersection, and suddenly my car changes to the left lane.

So I went to controls/auto pilot/navigate on auto pilot/custom.

There it says disable, mild, medium, mad max.

I put it on disable, but it's still doing it.

And I know I can put the different types of warnings before it happens, but I want to just turn it off, cause most of my driving is in the city.

Any advice? Thanks in advance
Also turn on Require Change Lane Confirmation under Navigate on Autopilot. Plus a MCU reset may be needed.

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Those lane changes only happen when using Navigate on Autopilot. Using Autosteer without navigation never changes lanes by itself.
Not true, unless I don't truly know what navigate on auto pilot is. I don't put in a destination, put the auto steer on, and it will change lanes. I do have the fsd beta. but again, not setting a destination. And it will change lanes behind a slow car.
Not true, unless I don't truly know what navigate on auto pilot is. I don't put in a destination, put the auto steer on, and it will change lanes. I do have the fsd beta. but again, not setting a destination. And it will change lanes behind a slow car.
If you TRULY have FSD Beta (that is, have applied for and been accepted into the beta test program), then where you engage Autopilot on city streets (which does seem to be implied based on your OP), then FSD beta will be driving, and it WILL handle lane changes etc regardless of lang change settings, even without a destination set. You can confirm this by looking at the "cars eye view" .. if you see roads with red borders, then you have FSD beta.
If you TRULY have FSD Beta (that is, have applied for and been accepted into the beta test program), then where you engage Autopilot on city streets (which does seem to be implied based on your OP), then FSD beta will be driving, and it WILL handle lane changes etc regardless of lang change settings, even without a destination set. You can confirm this by looking at the "cars eye view" .. if you see roads with red borders, then you have FSD beta.
This is a good point, and it can result in unexpected actions in some cases. Last weekend, I was driving on a road that changed from a highway (with the Tesla using Autopilot) to a surface street (in which the FSD stack would control the car), but in a way that had relatively few visual indicators of the change. (Mainly just the appearance of occasional stop lights; the road remained divided and the speed limit was unchanged, at ~50 mph.) I happened to disengage Autopilot just before the transition because of a traffic issue and then re-engaged it afterwards, but it went into FSD mode and immediately started to change lanes in a way I didn't like. Because it had been in Autopilot before, in which the car would not change lanes automatically (it was not in Navigate on Autopilot mode, and my NoA settings require me to approve all lane changes), this immediate attempt at a lane change took me by surprise. I figured out what had happened within seconds, but at 50 mph, that's a significant distance traveled at 50 mph.

The point of this story is that, with a system as complex as Tesla's, a car can do things that it's designed to do but that may surprise drivers. The rules governing Autopilot are fairly simple, but FSD is more complex, and it's not always obvious when each set of rules apply. The tip you noted about the cues in the display is helpful, but if you're paying attention to the road and not the display, those cues are easy to miss. Furthermore, on a road like the one on which I was traveling last weekend, the cues may change in the time it takes to activate Autopilot/FSD. This is just one of many reasons to never take Tesla's driver-assistance features for granted. Always remain vigilant when driving!
Not true, unless I don't truly know what navigate on auto pilot is. I don't put in a destination, put the auto steer on, and it will change lanes. I do have the fsd beta. but again, not setting a destination. And it will change lanes behind a slow car.
That only happens with FSD Beta. Without it, AP never changes lanes on its own unless you use Navigate on AP.
The point of this story is that, with a system as complex as Tesla's, a car can do things that it's designed to do but that may surprise drivers. The rules governing Autopilot are fairly simple, but FSD is more complex, and it's not always obvious when each set of rules apply. The tip you noted about the cues in the display is helpful, but if you're paying attention to the road and not the display, those cues are easy to miss. Furthermore, on a road like the one on which I was traveling last weekend, the cues may change in the time it takes to activate Autopilot/FSD. This is just one of many reasons to never take Tesla's driver-assistance features for granted. Always remain vigilant when driving!
Agreed, though to be fair the goal of Tesla is to integrate the FSD stack into the legacy TACC/NoA functions. At that point you will have one set of preferences regarding lane changes etc and the confusion should vanish. Though when this happens is, of course, unknown.
you're in beta, why are you evening complaining why the car is doing this or that? being in beta means you have to do what tesla wants the car to do lol
Ok, smartypants. here is why. 😄

First, I love the full Beta that I do have. All of it's features are amazing. HOWEVER, I don't put in destinations everywhere I go. When I drive home from work, I am mostly driving around Denver on 4 lane city roads, not highways. I don't enter "Navigate to home", I just drive.

When Ii get in rush hour, I put on auto steer. When a turn at a traffic light is coming up, I take over and make the turn myself (I personally don't prefer the FSD turning. It's a little jerky, and I like to accelerate and steer through the turn, it's way more fun).

The issue is sometimes a turn is coming up, let's say I will be turning right in 800 yards. far enough away I'm not nearly close enough to put my blinker on. Then, when the traffic starts to back up in that lane, the car will put the left blinker on and quickly move into the left lane.

Yes, I know I can switch off the blinker quickly to prevent it, but I should be able to switch this option off completely, don't ya think? And I listen to the radio loud, so I usually don't hear the blinker coming on. And I'm looking at the road, not my dashboard, so the car just moves left without me knowing it's going to happen. And now I'm in the wrong lane to make my turn. And I can't move back over cause the traffic is backed up.

And no one lets the snob in the Tesla who is suddenly trying to get back in his place in line that he just left!!

And again, on the custom setting on auto lane change (the page that says "mild, mad max, disabled" i put it on disabled, but it's still doing it.
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this guys info is all over the place
Ok. Sorry you are having trouble deciphering. Or maybe I wasn't clear. Or a combination.

-I have full FSB Beta (I should have mentioned that in the original post, but I wanted to be clear I wasn't talking about using FSD Navigation during the issue, simply when using the stalk on my Model S legacy to engage Autosteer. I should have included all of that. My bad.)
-I don't put in a destination everywhere I drive.
-I like to use Autosteer in rush hour traffic on 4 lane city roads.
-When a turn at a traffic light is coming up and traffic gets backed up, my car will switch lanes if that lane is open.

I want to be able to switch that option off. Which it looks like I did in the customize auto lane change to "disable". But now I'm guessing that's only while on Navigate.

And yes, I know it warns me before making the move over to the lane, but I should be able just to turn off the function all together (without disabling the FSD Beta).

Was that info more on point?
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Ok. Sorry you are having trouble deciphering. Or maybe I wasn't clear. Or a combination.

-I have full FSB Beta (I should have mentioned that in the original post, but I wanted to be clear I wasn't talking about using FSD Navigation during the issue, simply when using the stalk on my Model S legacy to engage Autosteer. I should have included all of that. My bad.)
-I don't put in a destination everywhere I drive.
-I like to use Autosteer in rush hour traffic on 4 lane city roads.
-When a turn at a traffic light is coming up and traffic gets backed up, my car will switch lanes if that lane is open.

I want to be able to switch that option off. Which it looks like I did in the customize auto lane change to "disable". But now I'm guessing that's only while on Navigate.

And yes, I know it warns me before making the move over to the lane, but I should be able just to turn off the function all together (without disabling the FSD Beta).

Was that info more on point?
You are still confused and not understanding how the FSD Beta stack works. You can't just "simply use" standard AP by NOT entering a destination. Once you click it on you are in Beta no matter if you have a destination or NOT (*only exception is on an Interstate). The only way to not use Beta and use the AP stack is go into the menu and turn Beta off.

*You also need to learn to spot and understand the differences between the Beta Stack and the AP Stack (Interstate/Limited Access Highway).

EDIT: In fact Beta is MORE likely to make lane changes you don't won't if you do NOT enter a destination. Without a destination entered Beta just drives around RANDOMLY and has no idea about where YOU want to turn.
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Ok. Sorry you are having trouble deciphering. Or maybe I wasn't clear. Or a combination.

-I have full FSB Beta (I should have mentioned that in the original post, but I wanted to be clear I wasn't talking about using FSD Navigation during the issue, simply when using the stalk on my Model S legacy to engage Autosteer. I should have included all of that. My bad.)
-I don't put in a destination everywhere I drive.
-I like to use Autosteer in rush hour traffic on 4 lane city roads.
-When a turn at a traffic light is coming up and traffic gets backed up, my car will switch lanes if that lane is open.

I want to be able to switch that option off. Which it looks like I did in the customize auto lane change to "disable". But now I'm guessing that's only while on Navigate.

And yes, I know it warns me before making the move over to the lane, but I should be able just to turn off the function all together (without disabling the FSD Beta).

Was that info more on point?
the simple answer is you can't turn that off, best you can do is set FSDb to Chill mode or whatever the lowest assertive setting is called. FSD beta without a destination will try and guess at your destination and primarily think your going to either your home or work depending on the time of day (basing that on a tweet from Musk so what it's actually assuming may be different lol). even if it correctly assumes your destination it may still pick the wrong lane haha, but that will get better with time.
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I want to be able to switch that option off. Which it looks like I did in the customize auto lane change to "disable". But now I'm guessing that's only while on Navigate.
Just create a duplicate profile with FSDb turned off and your desired ADAS features on.

Yes, you're still on the beta software but FSDb isn't required to be on.

This allows for a seamless on the fly transition when you don't desire that behavior. I use my non-fsd profile all the time in the express lanes (they're bi-directional and FSDb loses its $h!t)
Ok, smartypants. here is why. 😄

First, I love the full Beta that I do have. All of it's features are amazing. HOWEVER, I don't put in destinations everywhere I go. When I drive home from work, I am mostly driving around Denver on 4 lane city roads, not highways. I don't enter "Navigate to home", I just drive.

When Ii get in rush hour, I put on auto steer. When a turn at a traffic light is coming up, I take over and make the turn myself (I personally don't prefer the FSD turning. It's a little jerky, and I like to accelerate and steer through the turn, it's way more fun).

The issue is sometimes a turn is coming up, let's say I will be turning right in 800 yards. far enough away I'm not nearly close enough to put my blinker on. Then, when the traffic starts to back up in that lane, the car will put the left blinker on and quickly move into the left lane.

Yes, I know I can switch off the blinker quickly to prevent it, but I should be able to switch this option off completely, don't ya think? And I listen to the radio loud, so I usually don't hear the blinker coming on. And I'm looking at the road, not my dashboard, so the car just moves left without me knowing it's going to happen. And now I'm in the wrong lane to make my turn. And I can't move back over cause the traffic is backed up.

And no one lets the snob in the Tesla who is suddenly trying to get back in his place in line that he just left!!

And again, on the custom setting on auto lane change (the page that says "mild, mad max, disabled" i put it on disabled, but it's still doing it.
So just disable FSD Beta when you are driving semi-manually ?
You are still confused and not understanding how the FSD Beta stack works. You can't just "simply use" standard AP by NOT entering a destination. Once you click it on you are in Beta no matter if you have a destination or NOT (*only exception is on an Interstate). The only way to not use Beta and use the AP stack is go into the menu and turn Beta off.

*You also need to learn to spot and understand the differences between the Beta Stack and the AP Stack (Interstate/Limited Access Highway).

EDIT: In fact Beta is MORE likely to make lane changes you don't won't if you do NOT enter a destination. Without a destination entered Beta just drives around RANDOMLY and has no idea about where YOU want to turn.
ok. thanks. Confused and not understanding implies I had seen that info before.

Now I have, it makes sense.

I told the Tesla service dept. about it, and they had me set up an appointment to drop my car off. So apparently, they didn't know this either, or at least the guy messaging me on the Tesla app didn't.

Where did you get this info? I might copy what you wrote and say it them verbatim.

Can't wait to see how they feel about that.
ok. thanks. Confused and not understanding implies I had seen that info before.

Now I have, it makes sense.

I told the Tesla service dept. about it, and they had me set up an appointment to drop my car off. So apparently, they didn't know this either, or at least the guy messaging me on the Tesla app didn't.

Where did you get this info? I might copy what you wrote and say it them verbatim.

Can't wait to see how they feel about that.
In general the Service Center's don't cover the Beta or most of the software. Service Centers are about repairing the hardware or making sure the hardware and software are working together correctly. If a software issue is suspected all the tech can do is request a newer download/patch, install service software or reinstall. If you allow them to do any of these things you may be removed from the Beta software and put back on regular software branch.

Also in the "Can't wait to see how they feel about that." they will feel like you are wasting their valuable time.

The info is right there in your Release notes on the FIRST page.

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