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Big Brother Inside

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Has anyone started a thread on this issue of what Tesla is capable of tracking. I read the blog, and I am a bit uneasy about what Tesla is capable of tracking.

Where is this written consent clause? How do we know it is enforced?

Have had OnStar for years. I have used Goggle Latitude and Find My Friends on iPhone for years. A big non-issue for me, and I actually like the fact that the car is being monitored and tracked. I hope Tesla introduces an OnStar-like accident reporting mechanism at some point too (seems the necessary bits are already in place). I'd pay for that.
Non issue. Toyota does black box monitoring of their cars as I suspect most manufacturers do. The kicker is, you can't have the data, it's only for use of Toyota to defend itself from you, or for them to supply to the courts to investigate an accident you may have caused.
I honestly don't see why people are so put off about this. Maybe its just because I work in this type of tech field, but our phones do the same thing. If you have a smart phone (nearly everyone) you have GPS most likely. If you have GPS your phone company can find you. If you turn off GPS, something tells me they have the ability to turn it on or keep it showing dormant while they track you.

Not speaking as a conspiracy theorist though, I mean I understand why people would be put off. I know where they are coming from, I just don't understand it completely. Already we are able to be found via our cellphones typing away on teslamotors.com. Nearly everything we do is tracked in one way or another.

Frankly Tesla's ability to give service to our vehicles remotely and remotely diagnose is awesome and I really don't care if they see my car at a Walmart while I pick up groceries. I realize its kinda big brother, but I also feel like the boat has sailed or that train has passed and other type of phrases. I feel like its been like that with our cell phones for so long, its already a norm.

It's when they use this information against you that I would be worried, though I suppose this could be seen as one step closer to something like that.

EDIT: Also, not to mention all the texts and browsing they can pull from your phone and computers.... I mean its pretty much a guilt trail if your doing something illicit and you get caught.
To be honest, I haven't but I have only heard things. So I can't honestly say I know anything about our current privacy being breached, sadly.

I am sure prior to the Patriot Act our privacy could have been breached without due cause. It's just kind of the world I have grown up in sadly, a corrupt government that does what it wants and gives huge cuts who don't need it or does back room deals. I read somewhere that if you were under forty or something that you have never been alive during a time the country wasn't corrupt in some way in the government. Though that is surely mostly opinion I would think, I wouldn't pretend to agree with something like that when I don't know any better.

Beyond that, the Patriot Act, from what I understand basically gives the government the right to spy on American citizens..... for.... freedom and terrorists? I probably need to give that a read to be honest as I get more politically involved.
Have had OnStar for years. I have used Goggle Latitude and Find My Friends on iPhone for years. A big non-issue for me, and I actually like the fact that the car is being monitored and tracked. I hope Tesla introduces an OnStar-like accident reporting mechanism at some point too (seems the necessary bits are already in place). I'd pay for that.

Same here. Non-issue. I have On-Star in my Volt. I use an iPhone. Tracking does not bother me at all.
I'm not making a judgement on the technology. In fact, the tech side of me thinks that this is pretty amazing. I simply stated that it was an issue for me and my desire for privacy. so if it benefits you, by all means.

Sent via Tapatalk.
I apologize for coming out to you like I said you are FUDers. I was just referring to this issue can be extrapolated to a point of propaganda, which is not unique to just one brand of vehicles.
I support anyone's right to voluntarily share any personal data with any corporation or government agency.

I hope others support my right to choose not to share personal data with a corporation or government agency.

As long as this is the case everybody should be happy.