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Bought a P3D- for many reasons - environmental consideration wasn't one of them

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Kind of depressing the number of people in this thread that don't seem to care that their choice is good for the environment, or it wasn't a concern for them.

Wake up people. This is the only earth we've got. No do-overs. Start caring. I hope 50 years from now when I'm dead and gone, my daughter has a livable earth and a good chance at a happy life.

Also, it's a great car. ;)

Preaching to a bunch of people driving EVs? The result is what you want, why does the reason matter?
OP I totally agree with you. Here is why I bought the stealth performance, totally aside from all of perks of an EV.

Third time I drove the car was on a race track paired up against a Hellcat and ran 11.7 (later dropped to 11.5 even before 5% power bump) in the quarter mile with zero prep on stock all season tires.

Then I put on snow tires and drove around in 16" of fresh unplowed snow a couple months later.

So the car with no prep work, no tuning, no modifications, no mode changes, and no difficulty can smoke just about every car including 700+ horsepower purpose built sports cars in real world conditions and then turn around and drive to the mountains in a blizzard with only a change of tires. I don't care what fuel it runs on, the fact it can do all that for $50k while also being one of the safest and most technologically advanced cars ever made is simply mind boggling.
Kind of depressing the number of people in this thread that don't seem to care that their choice is good for the environment, or it wasn't a concern for them.

Wake up people. This is the only earth we've got. No do-overs. Start caring. I hope 50 years from now when I'm dead and gone, my daughter has a livable earth and a good chance at a happy life.

Also, it's a great car. ;)


Definitely agree with you here :(. Although I’m not surprised that people buy this vehicle purely for enthusiast reasons as it’s an incredible machine.
Kind of depressing the number of people in this thread that don't seem to care that their choice is good for the environment, or it wasn't a concern for them.

Wake up people. This is the only earth we've got. No do-overs. Start caring. I hope 50 years from now when I'm dead and gone, my daughter has a livable earth and a good chance at a happy life.

Also, it's a great car. ;)

Funny. People making a step in the right direction still can't win with some people. Guess it's perfect intentions or bust. Thanks for the lecture.
Wake up people.

Impressive. You’re trying to enviro-shame a bunch of people driving freakin’ electric cars.

Stuff like this is why we have coal-rollers.

Not everything has to be a cause, or a movement, or a protest.

I just like the damn car. It’s fun, it’s fast, it handles great, has amazing technology, and looks good too. If I don’t have to smell exhaust fumes, hey, even better.

But I’m sure as hell not on a “mission” .... my only mission is to put a roof over my family’s head, maybe take a vacation once in a while, grill some meat, drink some beer and stave off death as long as possible. That’s kinda about it.
The only way the EV revolution will happen is if we get the average person interested in EVs. The average person is not willing to sacrifice anything for the sake of the environment.

this means we need the environmentally friendly option to be better in many ways other than its carbon footprint.

Your profile name (and pic) though...I knew it had to be out there. Awesome!
Kind of depressing the number of people in this thread that don't seem to care that their choice is good for the environment, or it wasn't a concern for them.

Wake up people. This is the only earth we've got. No do-overs. Start caring. I hope 50 years from now when I'm dead and gone, my daughter has a livable earth and a good chance at a happy life.

Also, it's a great car. ;)


Tesla sells $90,000 luxury cars predominantly to people living in the largest houses in the world.

If you want to do something about the environment, drive your 10 year old Corolla into the ground or take public transportation.
Kind of depressing the number of people in this thread that don't seem to care that their choice is good for the environment, or it wasn't a concern for them.

Wake up people. This is the only earth we've got. No do-overs. Start caring. I hope 50 years from now when I'm dead and gone, my daughter has a livable earth and a good chance at a happy life.

Also, it's a great car. ;)


OR....in a "glass half full" way, you can look at this and think that these people, who normally wouldn't have made an effort to cut their carbon footprint....did anyway.
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It impossible to pin a single reason why I bought my P3D- because there are so many:

It's a pleasurable car to drive and responds quickly (almost instantly) to steering and throttle inputs.
It corners very flat, I hate cars that lean excessively to the outside of turns.
It's very economical to drive.
It's very convenient (being "filled up" every morning when I wake up).
Global warming. We really only have one tiny planet for all of humanity to call home for the foreseeable future. I don't burn down my only home and I don't see why we shouldn't treat our only planet with the same respect. While an EV does have a carbon footprint, it's a heck of a lot smaller than equivalent gas or diesel car.
I got tired of the stinky smells in the morning and I don't like to make others breathe it either. I live in an area with pretty clean air, the primary exception is all the cars and four major oil refineries. Life is better with pure air and water. Let's make life better, not worse!

I’ll be honest that my first EV was a Tesla 2017 Model S90D because I love the car itself. I didn’t buy it for environmental reasons alone. Way down on the list for me. Before that, I would carpool and recycle and do to this day. But I wouldn’t be driving an EV if I had to chose anything like a Bolt.

I agree that the environment is important. I get that it may be low on a persons list. But what I don’t get is why trashing the environment is considered “cool” and wanting to improve the environment is “uncool”. That makes no sense to me. Do people purposely trash their own house and flip a bird and yell out “im sticking it to the man!!!!”?

we luckily live in a time where we can be complacent. Not sure how much longer that will last. But I’m not going to lose sleep over it since I don’t have kids of my own....yet. I figure if so many people with kids don’t care, then I’m not going to stress out over it. I’ll try to do what I can but not lose hair
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Kind of depressing the number of people in this thread that don't seem to care that their choice is good for the environment, or it wasn't a concern for them.

Wake up people. This is the only earth we've got. No do-overs. Start caring. I hope 50 years from now when I'm dead and gone, my daughter has a livable earth and a good chance at a happy life.

Also, it's a great car. ;)


this is just reality and exactly why Elon Musk built and marketed these cars the way he does. Gas or not, they must be a better car all around for mass adaptation.
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Applying your point number 2) Simplicity;

this is what will eventually overcome the fossil fuel industry regardless of the environmental concerns.

Does it make sense to go out and survey for oil, then inject a bunch of chemicals including diesel, into the ground, pump out the oil, flare off the unwanted gas, leak methane into the atmosphere, leave behind the liquid residue, transport the oil, refine the oil, transport the gasoline, and then burn the gasoline, and repeat the whole process over again?


Combine a solar panel with battery storage. Done.
I think it shouldn't really be a surprise that people feel similarly, since it was exactly the goal and target market than Musk had in mind when he started making Tesla's. Make people buy EVs because they are better cars.

I have a hard time believing that environment didn't have at least a tiny factor in people's decision even if it wasn't on the "must" list. I can't imagine anyone is saying "I want to buy this ICE car because I get to continually put a polluting, diminishing resource in it as long as I own it"
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This was a terrific original post. I think basically what it means is that Elon for all his huge faults is doing exactly what he wanted to do, trying to slow climate change by making EVs so well that ICE can't really compete.
EV's aren't QUITE there yet in some ways -- the other manufacturers in particular seem farther behind than they let on with their vehicles and charging networks --but the M3 is maybe the single biggest step that has closed the distance so that it's nearly as practical, and obviously performs better.
I bought an M3 because climate change made me look at EV's.... But I chose the P3- option for the reasons stated by OP. ... no one would buy a Performance model totally for environmental reasons. It was a really helpful rationalization to try out on the wife, though.
It's also true that climate change is a devastating problem though, and one that's coming at us faster than expected. It's not to be ignored.
To the OP, congratulations and THANK YOU! You’re doing exactly what was my biggest reason for buying a Tesla. I wanted to give my money to a company that will get more people driving electric, forgoing costly military-protection for a few rich oil Barrons, and reducing the number of our young men and women in harms way or whose lives are traded for some stupid godless given right to drive a gas guzzler. Environmental? No, sorry, the most efficient way to transport a single human is with an electric bicycle (nope, not even a regular bicycle due to the efficiency difference between electric and body power, unless all of your food is home grown). Yes, I personally have other reasons, but your reasons are your own, and I don’t care what they are as long as you drive electric (oh, and help convince someone else too).

Tesla: Emigrant CEO, America Built, American Powered. F.U.Oil
The thing that worries me about people that say they only bought one because it's a better performing car is that it seems to indicate that if a steam powered, coal burning, smoking, nightmare came along and it was somehow a better performing car than an EV they'd buy that instead. I'm glad that people who have no interest in stopping global warming (or don't believe it) are buying Teslas, but to me it's still disturbing that some people don't care.
Kind of depressing the number of people in this thread that don't seem to care that their choice is good for the environment, or it wasn't a concern for them.

Wake up people. This is the only earth we've got. No do-overs. Start caring. I hope 50 years from now when I'm dead and gone, my daughter has a livable earth and a good chance at a happy life.

Also, it's a great car. ;)

Everyone wants a cortex and a limbic, some just want more limbic. Best to have a car that appeals to both. Have you actually looked at the shape of the wheels on the P-, once you take the covers off?
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