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Call for donations for Port Angeles High-Powered Charger

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UPDATE (8/26/2013): The charger is OPERATIONAL!!! It has been added to recargo (see my most recent post)...thanks again to everyone who helped. Happy charging, everyone, and enjoy the Peninsula!

UPDATE (8/22/2013): The charger has been fully installed. No additional donations are necessary. It should be energized in the near future (hopefully tomorrow)...see my latest post for additional updates. I will post here once the station has been added to Recargo and is energized for use. Thanks, again, to everyone who helped!

UPDATE (as of 8/15/2013): Please make all donations prior to next week Wednesday, 8/21/2013. The charger should hopefully be completed by the end of next week and I want to have time for any mailed in donations to make it to Port Angeles for accounting prior to me making the final donation for the balance of the charger. Please see my latest post (as of this evening...or early morning as the case may be :)...for additional details on the completion date of the charger). Thanks, again, to all who have donated!

Update: please make all donations to the city directly. If you MUST donate directly to me, please PM me and we'll work something out. It will be easier for all involved of the donations go straight to the city.

Hello All!

I am making a call for donations for the High Powered Charger going in in Port Angeles. The city has graciously decided to pay for the install costs if we provide the charger. For more information, see this thread: Judging Interest: Tesla HPWC in Port Angeles

So, I am seeking donations at this time for this charger. I still have to confirm specs, but I believe it will be a Clipper Creek CS-90 providing 240 Volts at 72 Amps (continuous)

You can make a tax-deductible donation directly to the city. To donate to the city directly, follow these instructions:

"Individuals could call in to Kathy Emery (360-417-4617) and provide a credit card number over the phone. The account code is 310-7961-379-000. I have also attached the necessary sponsorship form [attached to this thread]. You’ll want to check the other category and specify Electric Car Charger."

The plan is to have this charger in place and operational THIS SUMMER (hopefully in time to still allow for some good summer trips to Olympic National Park or all the way to the coast). So, time is of the essence. Please make your donations as soon as possible. Once you donate (either to me or the city), please respond to this thread or PM me so I can keep a record of how much has been donated and who has made those donations.

I will contact the people from my poll thread judging interest on this matter to see if they are still interested in donating and, if so, to follow the instructions on this thread. Bear in mind that, as noted in the previous thread, there is no special privilege gained by making the donation...other than feeling good about helping to expand the charging network on the peninsula. This charger will be open to the public (but I do hope to have the city put up signage asking people to be conscience of other EV drivers and not take up the space longer than necessary).

A HUGE THANK YOU, IN ADVANCE, TO ALL WHO DONATE! This network expansion is desperately needed in that part of the state and this is the fastest way to make it happen. Thank you, again!


  • Port Angeles Sponsorship Form.pdf
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UPDATE: I got the quote back from Clipper Creek. It is $2195 for the CS-90, as well. It sounds like the charge box is the same as the CS-100, they just change the cabling out to have it draw the 72 amps instead of the 80 (thus making it compatible with the roadster). So, $2195 for the charger and $700 for the pedestal (the charger will be free standing, not attached to a wall). I'll see if the city will cover the cost of the pedestal as part of "install costs", but, if not, we're looking at about $2895 before shipping (also not sure how tax works in this scenario...should know more next week)

Edit: removed original cost guessing
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Odenator, I have an email out to clipper creek to get the exact cost of the CS-90, but I know the CS-100 is $2195...I'm hoping the CS-90 is a little cheaper (I'm guessing around $1995, but don't quote me on that)...hopefully I'll know by tomorrow

For some reason, Clipper Creek no longer lists the CS-90 on their web site (but it's still in their brochure). However, Sun Country Highway sells it for $2,099. https://suncountryhighway.ca/chargers/
this is great news! thanks for the efforts BuzzBuzz! Lets start a list, set a date and see how many folks we can get to donate and just split it?

put me down for a split share and I will probably add extra at the end if we fall short

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For some reason, Clipper Creek no longer lists the CS-90 on their web site (but it's still in their brochure). However, Sun Country Highway sells it for $2,099.https://suncountryhighway.ca/chargers/

Thanks for this info! Clipper Creek is still selling them (I have a contact there who I'm waiting for a price quote from), but this gives me an idea of how much it'll cost.

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this is great news! thanks for the efforts BuzzBuzz! Lets start a list, set a date and see how many folks we can get to donate and just split it?

put me down for a split share and I will probably add extra at the end if we fall short

copy and add yourself to the list:

Not a bad idea...although the concern for me with getting a list and splitting it is that it requires more coordination...plus makes it more difficult for people who want to donate in a tax-deductible manner.

The way I wanted to approach this was to just let people donate as much or as little as they would like...if we fall short, I have some contingency plans I can execute, but I'll only resort to those, if necessary. I'm just trying to make the donation process as painless as possible and give people the choice of how much they'd like to donate.

Go ahead and just donate directly to the city, as described, or let me know how much you'd like to donate to the project and I'll get you information on how to get it to me (if you don't care about the tax deduction)...but in the spirit of the list I have CONFIRMED (though, I don't have confirmed values for Odenator, Tacket or 100thMonkey) so far:

copy and add yourself to the list:

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We should try to get Forks WA also so a trip to La Push is possible.
If we also get one in Aberdeen, then getting all the way around the Olympics is feasible.
With all of the RV parks, it could be done already, but having 40 amps in better locations would make it easier.

Why not just purchase a HPWC and put it in a parking garage?
Or is the city trying to get something J1772 so it is available for more than just Tesla owners?

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We should try to get Forks WA also so a trip to La Push is possible.
If we also get one in Aberdeen, then getting all the way around the Olympics is feasible.
With all of the RV parks, it could be done already, but having 40 amps in better locations would make it easier.

Why not just purchase a HPWC and put it in a parking garage?
Or is the city trying to get something J1772 so it is available for more than just Tesla owners?

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Yeah, the city wants pay to install something that everyone can use...not just Tesla owners (which I agree with). The more chargers, obviously, the better. However, Port Angeles to Aberdeen is only 164 miles...easily doable in the 85 kwh Model S and the Roadster...a bit of a stretch in the 60, so a Forks charger would be great, too. Might start looking into that once the PA one is installed :).

The City happened to be the first group to respond positively to my inquiry, so that's why I'm working with them (plus the esplanade where they are installing the charger is pretty cool).

Palpatine...can you PM how you plan to donate (direct to me or to the city) and let me know how much? Thanks!
Is this something that could be kickstarted? (or the equivalent)? I'd rather deal with something like that, in the structure of "we'll only take the money if we meet the goal", and where the payment taker is a somewhat larger company. The fees will be higher that route, of course.
Is this something that could be kickstarted? (or the equivalent)? I'd rather deal with something like that, in the structure of "we'll only take the money if we meet the goal", and where the payment taker is a somewhat larger company. The fees will be higher that route, of course.

I thought about that, but, was trying to avoid too many fees (the tax deductible donation to the city, for instance, requires no fees and no middle man). With regard to the "we'll only take the money if we meet the goal" concern, I totally understand. You don't know me...how do you know I'm not just making this up (another perk of it going to the city in an official capacity). Suffice it to say I have a sufficient contingency plan in place should the donation level not reach the required amount to purchase the charger. I'm not ready to disclose that contingency yet, as I don't want it to impact donations, but the charger will be purchased...it is simply a matter of how. I figured a collection of donations from Tesla owners would make a pretty powerful statement regarding the expansion of charging infrastructure (and, I can kick it back to Tesla, making the case "owners pitched money for a HPC here...why not build a supercharger out here, too??).

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Latest updated list of donators:

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*no official amount committed at this point...just commitment to make a donation.

P.S. If you'd like your handle NOT posted in this running list, please let me know when you advise me of your donation and I will simply state "anonymous" so we can have a total. If any who I have posted here would like their name removed, please advise and I will edit posts accordingly.
I'm in, too. Can you remind me where in PA this charger will be located? And will they be installing 14-50s as well?

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have you considered taking checks? That costs nothing usually.

Yes, happy to do that (guess I figured people wouldn't be interested)...I'll update the main post to reflect that

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I'm in, too. Can you remind me where in PA this charger will be located? And will they be installing 14-50s as well?

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The charger is being installed in the new esplanade that is being constructed right on the waterfront. It is immediately adjacent to the ferry terminal and just a couple of blocks away from the red lion hotel. See City of Port Angeles | Waterfront Transportation Improvement Plan for more information.
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BuzzBuzz, have you heard back from the city as to the pedistal? is our goal $2895 or $2195?

Looks like we have 10 or 11 donors so far. it would be nice if we could get the donor list up to 20 and get the per person donation average down to say $150. I know for me, this is not my first and won't be my last donation to such an effort so it would be nice if more people come on board to defray the cost.

The CS 90 is a fantastic choice, future proofed for years to come as average charge rates increase with new model years for many EV's (we can hope)! I got to use one last week and they are very well made and simple, which should mean more durable!
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The goal is $2895 (as we will be providing the pedestal, as well)...currently, we are about half-way there, given the donations listed here and the private messages I've received. We still have a couple of weeks before payment will be due, but the good news is that the city has begun the process of procuring and installing the charger. I should hopefully have an update in a few weeks regarding timeline, but any and all who can donate, it would be wonderful. No donation is too small...just call the city with a credit card number and email the form attached to this post. Thanks again to all who are helping in this endeavor. Here is a story in the peninsula daily news about the charger (Port Angeles to get donated electric car charger -- Port Angeles Port Townsend Sequim Forks Jefferson County Clallam County Olympic Peninsula Daily news). Overall, pretty good...but I do hope to get more than 12 people who are donating to the project :)