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I like Caltech's involvement in Alternative Energy.

Dr. Steven Koonin (PhD Nuclear Physics, MIT) is ex-provost @Caltech, who I believe has been "planted" in Oil Industry to act as a "catalyst" for a paradigm shift. In this case, chief-scientist @BP. Remember the 60's? "Down with the Establishment" which was a direct frontal approach to change ("We just knocked the Establishment on its Status Quo", from Hawaii Five-O episode where a bunch of hippies rob a bank), the hippies from that generation (mine & Martin's) have been replaced by insiders who are inducing change from "within the system".

Dr. David Goodstein (Feynman's protege) is Caltech's ex-vice provost, who wrote the alarmist book "Out of Gas". He was involved with Physics Education & he used to come to our JPL/Computer Graphics Lab when he was working with Jim Blinn (famed Computer Graphics researcher, the field Loren Carpenter/PIXAR..Roadster client..is in).

Both of the above guys are Physicists (Caltech has traditionally been run by physicists), but there was an interesting move when they hired Dr. David Baltimore (Nobelist in Medicine) for President several yrs ago. There's a big movement in Biology sector (especially Bio-Tech, which is relevant to Alternative Energy), so that's why he was brought in to stimulate R&D. (e.g., the Broad Inst was created/built, next to Beckman Inst). The current Caltech President is a former GaTech colleague of Dr. Steve Cross (early 80's contemporary of myself & Martin at UIUC/Coordinated Science Laboratory/AARG). Caltech has an impressive track-record in Automotive (Racing & EV), with Jim Hall (inventor of Ground-Effects, used in F1 & Indycar, currently on Caltech Mechanical Eng Advisory Board) & A. Cocconi/W. Rippel (Aerovironment engineers, who were involved in pionerring GM EV1 development).

What needs to happen, is to get Leadership (Academia, Industry, Govt) organized, as per Judy Estrin's comments (& mine) in regards to R&D (what Judy refers to as "Innovation Ecosystem")

Judy Estrin: Innovation: Crucial to Our Future
Scobleizer — Tech geek blogger Blog Archive The political topic that must not be discussed in USA

It seems like innovation in many fields -- from Web 2.0 to personalized medicine -- is accelerating at a rapid pace in the United States, right?

Wrong. In fact, the underlying infrastructure of research, development, and application that produced these marvels -- as well as world-changing innovations like the Internet -- has drastically deteriorated in the U.S. in recent years. The decline of what I call our "Innovation Ecosystem" poses a grave threat to both the economic prosperity of our country and the security of our children's future. The state of innovation is a critical issue that should be getting more attention in the days leading up to the presidential election.

Leading-edge science and technology have been at the foundation of our country's economic growth for more than a century. Significant inventions like the personal computer, cell phones, and the Net have all driven major cycles of our economic growth. Today, more than ever, our role in the future depends on our ability to sustain a culture that supports and promotes the ability to innovate. Along with the rest of the world, the U.S. faces major challenges -- climate change, national security, dependence on oil, and the need for affordable health care -- that threaten our future. Each of these challenges also brings opportunities - if we give innovation the attention it deserves.

All this frenzied entrepeneurial activity in the Alternative Energy sector (incl EV, hydrogen powered cars, biofuels, solar power, etc) needs to be structured within the above. As I posted earlier, just as the Japanese have designed a Collaborative/Cooperative system involving Govt & Industry for their Auto Sector, & the Germans have done with Fraunhofer Inst (Applied Research directed to assist German Industry, not just Auto).

"A GOOD PLAN, will beat a Good Idea anyday..10 to 1"
-- xx, offroad racing marketing guru (friend of mine)

Otherwise, you will have more snafus like TM experienced last year with the transmission: leading to manufacturing delays, domino effect (Stealth Bloodbath at TM), etc.

"It's not the lazy American worker, which is a myth. It's the fault of American management in auto companies"
-- xx, famous auto-write ("Voyages" 1hr episode on Honda)

"General Motors is a DINOSAUR. They pay executives to DO NOTHING [ maintain the status-quo, not innovate ]"
-- xx, ex HS classmate, U. of Michigan Law School grad

The Technology is one issue (establishing "Innovation Ecosystem", as per J. Estrin), the other (possibly greater) issue is Organization/Infrastructure/Management to allow Technology to flourish (I like J. Estrin's terminology "ecosystem" which implies inter-connectedness, Biology origins).

A) Technology Program
R&D to develop New Technology, application of Technology to Product (e.g., EV manufacture)

B) Business Program
VC, Govt subsidies, good business-model by companies

C) Political Program
making alliances, fighting off enemies. Washington contacts are crucial (to setup an overall R&D infrastructure to be the "turbocharger" for the "engine" of Alternative Energy sector), as are leaders in Academia (e.g., Caltech, UIUC, Georgia-Tech) & Industry (TM, Intel, Northrop-Grumman, Fraunhofer Inst, etc)

If you can do the A/B/C's, then you can be an effective player in Alternative Energy. Look at the Japanese, how they became Automotive superpowers (Toyota is now #1 market-share, leaping over GM) from the depths of WWII. Same thing with Germany (Fraunhofer was created after WWII to boost German industry). Both Germans & Japanese had GOOD PLANS, triggered by the crisis of WWII. America is currently in a crisis (not as bad as losing a war, but close), & they better start moving. It's begining to look like "Too little, too late"

"Increasingly, it's a race between Education [ failing US education system & failing R&D "Innovation Ecosystem" ] & DISASTER"
-- H.G. Welles

The current Stock Market crisis is based on "stupid money", bad risk invesments & flaws in the system. Legalized crookery. Washington better can those idiotic bailouts ("You can't fix STUPID!"), & spend that money more wisely as per above.

"Invest in Technology, & the intellectual-property [ people & Education ] of USA"

Alternative Energy is a hot Tech sector, where America has always shined (J. Estrin points this out). USA has arguably the best collection of universities in the World, look at the lists of Nobelists (slew of Americans). People like Martin, A. Cocconi (his parents were CERN physicists) are part of the "best & brightest" intellectual property that gravitates to top-tier universities like UIUC (2nd ranked engineering univ, tied w/Stanford when Martin & I were at UIUC) & Caltech. To have A. Cocconi "walk away in discust" (that was my impression when I met him @Rose Bowl while R/C flying in 2006) & Martin ejected as part of that kooky Stealth Bloodbath (now recovering emotionally & physically), is INSANE. You can trace all the problems to issues with implementing A/B/C. In Alan's case, it was "C) Political Program" which was the dominant factor: Oil/Auto companies "ganged" the innovators & stifled EV sector. In Martin's case, it was "A/B/C overall" where the powers-to-be didn't put in place an R&D infrastructure like a Germany/Fraunhofer Inst (which would have overcome that transmission snafu smoothly) to act as a "turbocharger" to the emerging Alternative Energy sector.

Going back to the Caltech modus-operanda. Here is what my HS classmate (Stanford Geophysics PhD, his dad was a UIUC Prof in particle physics) told me:

"The Caltech people are really smart, they argue a lot, but in the end..THEY DO THE RIGHT THING"

Steven Koonin on that panel is no accident, I believe there is a Plan by Caltech higher-ups to plant him as a "catalyst" (chief scientist @BP) Other universities (UIUC, Georgia-Tech, etc) should follow that lead, & better yet.. team up w/Caltech to do the same. Go in as Single Cohesive Program. UIUC President (Dr. Joseph White) has a business background, so he would most definitely be interested in being an Academic parnter in an NCSA-like NCEA/Nat'l Center for Energy Applications (virtual R&D infrastructure, spanning Universities & Industry). Same thing, for Georgia-Tech whose GTRI/GaTech Research Inst already is heavily involved with Alternative Energy (Center for Innovative Fuel Cell and Battery Technologies). Both have UIUC connections, & furthermore the ex-Gatech colleague of S. Cross (Gatech VP) is now President of Caltech. Obviously, based on the UIUC alumni thread, you have a situation where UIUC, Caltech, Georgia-Tech could form a triumvirate Academic team. Stanford, MIT are also notable universities with strong records in Tech.
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The part where Martin mentions that he is working in the auto industry again is a revelation. He mentions working with engineering teams in Germany and Silicon Valley.


Simon Saba/SABA Motors, X-Prize entry [ Sema '09/Thu ]
SEMA 2009: Simon Saba/Saba Motors, X-Prize EV entry [ Sema '09/Thu ]

Saba Motors, X-Prize entry [ Sema '09/Thu ]
SEMA 2009: Saba Motors, X-Prize EV entry [ SEMA '09/Thu ]

Saba Motors is based in San Jose.

Simon used some "colorful language" to describe EM. I'm friendly with his ex-wife Justine, who comes to Pasadena (where I live) ocassionally to visit an artist friend. Pasadena is famous for its "Art & Science" via Caltech & Art Center (who produces 90% of Automotive industrial designers).

A former Caltech/JPL colleague of mine (we're both gearheads like Martin) are working on some ideas involving Auto Racing (possibly with an EV link). He used to work at Disney Feature Animation as Manger of Information Technology, in support of the Academy-Award winning CAPS/Computer Animation Production System. Martin & I were office-mates in grad-school, in the area of Aritifical Intelligence/Robotics/Computer Vision -- we had the same Masters Thesis advisor (Dr. Ricardo Uribe/ADSL/Advanced Digital Systems Laboratory). Computer Vision is hooked to Computer Graphics (reverse engineering of the other, aka "Adjoint Methods"), the latter being Loren Carpenter's field -- who is a Roadster owner & TMC member.

You will note that Martin sold his last company Nuvomedia (Rocketbook e-book) for 180 million to the (infamous) Henry Yuen

[ Caltech Math PhD & former Caltech Board of Trustees member, inventor of VCRPlus system..now a wanted felon by the FBI for securities fraud!! ]

This is roughly the same area of Visual Entertainment, where Computer Graphics/Computer Vision is the DRIVING TECHNOLOGY of the highly lucrative Computer Gaming Industry & Special Effects in TV/Film Industry.

[ See above video of Natalya Tatarchuk of ATI (ATI & Nvidia are the 2 heavyweights in Video gaming cards ]

The latter is where my ex-JPL friend & I are dablling in, to explore Visual Entertainment options (related to Automotive & possibly EV).

You can see some vignettes from 2008 SIGGRAPH:


[ note the U. of Mass/Amherst Robotics (next to the MIT booth), this is the topic of Martin's Masters Thesis & where I worked in at the same Coordinated Science Laboratory/AARG/Advanced Automation Research Group -- where Martin & I were officemates in summer of '81. The other intern (who mischeviously squirted Martin with water) is now Dr. Andrew Chien of Intel, Director of Research & VP of Corporate Technology

28 years ago, we were young stupid kids, now 2 of them are movers/shakers in the Computer Industry. If my proposals come to fruition, there MAY be a convergence of Martin & Andrew & myself

Siggraph 2008/Los Angeles

Collection: SIGGRAPH 2008

[ you can see Dr. Ed Catmull, PIXAR founder & President of Disney Animation ]


"If you're 2 steps ahead, you're considred an IDIOT. If you're 1 step ahead, you're a GENIUS"
-- Gerry Martselos, EV owner of custom Nissan 240SX

interview here

There is a Crazy Idea coming down the pipeline, involving Visual Media & Automotive (related to Dr. Andrew Chien's "Essential Computing", as part of Intel's Exploratory Research). It would benefit future Automotive Technology, most definitely EV. Hint: I'm the "IDIOT" (see my avatar, if you don't believe me)

I spent 2 days in the Green Power area (upper floor of South Hall), gaining business-contacts. Strangely, Tesla was a no-show at the X-Prize booth.
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The part where Martin mentions that he is working in the auto industry again is a revelation. He mentions working with engineering teams in Germany and Silicon Valley.

My former high-school classmate (Dr. Ted Scheidegger, PhD in Computer Science & Business) was CFO for Siemens Solar in Camarillo/CA. It was bought out by Shell Oil. He is now CEO of Sovello, a German PV (solar cell) manufacturing company.

My other high-school classmate (PhD in Materials Science, U. of Arizona) is a leading PV fabricator at NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Home Page). He knows many of the CEOs & CTOs of various PV companies in the US.

2 of us have been talking about PV, in support of the future power-grid, to support EV & Hybrids. I believe Martin & Marc are working as Alternative Energy consultants for a VC firm. There was an article about Marc & a German-based PV firm (competitor to Sovello, I believe)

Obviously, with my 2 contacts, a deal could be readily made via a "top-down" approach. I.e., goto the decision-making high level executives.

[ I did so with another UIUC alumni (PhD '93, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning -- same field as Martin & myself as part of AI/Robotics/Computer Vision triumvirate), who is Vice President & Director of Research of XXXX (700 million dollar US Govt contractor). Again, we converged in Auto Racing (DARPA Grand Challenge):

DARPA Grand Challenge 2005

The Google founders were in attendance (who invested in Tesla Motors), as was Steve Wozniak. This niche-market Auto Racing (Desert Off Road) is my specialty,

Offroad Nation

which has a team who was a Development Partner for Xtrac. They solved the multiple-speed gearbox problem, that eluded Tesla for its Roadsters. They had the same "instantaneous shock load" issue as Tesla (thru comparative problem domains), & were breaking transmissions. After a year of Empiricism (repeated re-design & testing), they developed a working gearbox. Got their FIRST win ever last year, & followed it up with multiple wins last year & this year. They are going into this year's Baja 1000 race, vying for the class championship.

Another Xtrac client built this Trophy Truck, seen at last week's SEMA show:

SEMA 2009: Steve Sourapas TT #6, Fox Shox booth [ SEMA '09/Thu ]


I've been sitting back the last 2 years, waiting for things to "settle out" at Tesla. It looks like Martin is also weighing several options, about to jump back in.

I met the ex-CTO of Hewlett Packard at the X-Prize booth, he's a member of 1 of the teams.
Ford Raptor SVT booth

Interesting interview with a couple of Auto enthusiasts (Brian from Cupertino, Chris from San Diego), & their take on "Alternative Energy":

2009 LA Auto Show: Chris & Brian, Ford Raptor booth [ '09 LA Auto Show ]
Chris & Brian, Ford booth (Raptor) [ '09 LA Auto Show ]

[ Brian mentions Jason Voss (whose family I'm friends with), who is from Cupertino & races Offroad in Protruck & now Trophy Truck. Jason was at the recent SEMA 2009 show at the KICKER party:


He just got a Jimco Trophy Truck (was an Xtrac Development Partner at 1 time), but it burned to the ground at the recent BITD Silver State 300 ]

They are not so convinced about the viability of a Prius ($40K price point, bad handling & brakes, issues with costly battery replacement in the future, etc), & how a Honda DX (?) natural-gas powered car would be a better value/option. They are talking short-term (now). Long term, Hybrids & EVs will be a valid option

They also mention the Environmentalist agenda as being hype (which it is, Alternative Energy is the latest bandwagon). Many scientists don't believe in Global Warming (in Science circles, this is what's known as "controversial"), & neither do I.

"The earth is doing fine, it's been dealing with Environmental Disasters since the Dawn of Time"

[ HUGE geological disasters like volcanism, e.g. Mt. Pinatubo many yrs ago pumped HUMONGOUS amounts of particulate matter in the atmosphere, that dwarfs the CO2 emissions, that environmentalists complain about. The Mt. St. Helens volcanic eruption laid the nearby mtns into a seemingly wasteland. However, Biologists were surprised to see how fast growth became to take root. See? Nature is very resilient to disasters, & recovers quickly. It's been doing this for EONs. ]

The CO2 emissions (bad as they are, admittedly) is just a "drop in the ocean". So, the argument should be as per M. Eberhard's talk title (back at U. of Illinois in 2007?):

"Doing something worthwhile"

instead of the "Sky is Falling" argument, backed by most of the Environmentalists (especially the extremists, aka Eco Nazis). The niche-market I'm familiar with (offroad racing) is at war with the Environmentalists (taking away desert land to race on, & develop trucks for Ford/Chevy/Dodge/Hummer/VW, etc). I met Alan Cocconi back in 2006 (at the Rose Bowl, where a group of us flying electric R/C airplanes), & when I mentioned I was involved with offroad racing, he ran off like I had the plague. That's how "idealogically based infighting" creates political barriers.

But, unfortunately, the world is "moved" by Emo ("emotion", RDF/Reality Distortion Field), & "It is what it is". If this Global Warmiong RDF (hype & bogus) is what it takes to move Alternative Energy to the forefront, so be it!

"If Life gives you lemons [ hype/bogus Global Warming ], MAKE LEMONADE [ movement towards Alternative Energy ]"
-- turning Sour into Sweet

History may show that "2 wrongs make a right", that's how MESSED UP this world is. Go up to the previous interview, with the 2 fans of Karma (see my previous reply), the World is governed by Stupidity/Idiocy.

"In Greece, Wise Men [ M. Eberhard's EV startup Tesla Motors, followed by others ] speak...FOOLS [ politiicans ] DECIDE"
-- Epitectus

M. Eberhard is beginning to achieve a brand-name, equivalent that to of Hero. As per, "Saving the World" from Idiots. Look at all the announced EV & Hybrids, & Concept Cars at this LA Auto Show. It can all be traced back to a guy "trying to make a difference" with a revolutionary startup in Silicon Valley.

"Be the change you want to see in the World"
-- Mahatma Ghandi

M.E. & others (Fisker included) are part of this heroic effort by some creative/entrepeneurial individuals & their companies.

MOPAR (pronounced "more power") to 'ya!!
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With all the huge glaciers melting from Antarctica and et al, I can't comprehend how anyone could deny that climate change is real. However I really don't want to debate that - people have their own opinions and it's unlikely anyone will change their minds. But you know what, it doesn't matter to me. I'm with you that we need energy alternatives now, namely electric cars, for plenty of other reasons - to cut back on our oil imports, which might as well be called foreign aid to terrorists; to reduce air and noise pollution; to introduce an improved technology and generate spin-off technologies; to jump-start the economy; to improve the reliability of the electric grid and give renewable energy a boost via V2G storage; etc, etc... BTW, nice pics - thanks for sharing!
Once such statements as "drop in the ocean" are made, a response is in place wherever and however they are made.

The thing with CO2 is that unlike any natural disasters, since no negative damping feedback effects are known, the CO2 effect has the potential to escalate until we stop it (one way or the other, so to speak).

The problem with the "drop in the ocean" argument is that the natural CO2 emission and consumption are in balance, whereas we disturb that balance on both sides by also destroying (rain)forests. What matters is not the size of the "ocean", but the amount of the resulting imbalance, which is much larger than any natural imbalance we know of.
I'm sitting at a Wahoo's Fish Taco restaurant (across the street from John Force Racing, in Yorba Linda/CA), doing some Same-Day uploads


Wahoo's sponsors Auto Racing (especially in Offroad, my specialty). They were part of the 2007 Pro 2 Championship team in CORR (see video here of a race they won back in 2007). The restaurant is plastered with Auto Racing sponsor stickers.

Just finished covering the John Force Racing Auto Show (Yorba Linda, CA), where there were autos galore. Classics & some super cars (Ferrari & Bugatti).

Collection: 2009 LA Auto Show

Click on "12/6 John Force Racing Auto Show", more perspective on Automotive (classics, supercars, drag racing), which should help people gauge the EV/hybrid startups (Tesla, Fisker, et al) in terms of their future viability.


'61 Corvette (owned by a woman named India, which won an Award!)

I mentioned the below to M. Eberhard, back on Press Day #1 at Chevy Volt media presentation:

Auto Racing is a market which Automotive startups need to address (incl Tesla Motors, Fisker, et al). There is a History Channel series (airs on Thu, 1am Pacific Time?) where major Auto Mfrs are profiled:

Ferrari, VW, Porsche, Mercedes, Audi, Jaguar, Honda, Nissan, et al

[ I sent a copy of them to Martin back in Spring 2008 ]

ALL of them were heavily involved with Auto Racing from the start, since an auto race is a great testbed for Technology. Plus, 1 race can substitute for Durability/Reliability testing (over months), since it is an Extreme Duty environment. All the major mfrs are inovlved with Auto Racing (GM, Ford, Dodge, Ferrari, Porsche, Audi, etc). This is part of their "critical mass", their big $$, R&D, staff which can do mass mfg'ing.

"awakened the sleeping giant"

I think Tesla Motors GREATEST contribution (via Martin Eberhard & Marc Tarpening), was their role as "instigator", "catalyst", "the straw that stirs the drink" (Reggie Jackson term, who was termed Mr. October for his post-season heroics in Baseball playoffs), to jump-start the stagnant status-quo of the major mfrs.

The small startups STILL have the "+" of being

[ a football term describing a "pro-active agressive" line-backer ]

The major mfrs have the Infrastructure to tap into Auto Racing (for R&D testing), mass mfg'ing capaility, big money & resources. However, the recent DoE/Dept of Energy ATVM/Advanced Technology Vehicle Mfg'ing, may shift some power to the "rebel" startups (Tesla Motors, Fisker, et al), which gives them some capital to work with. To, attack the mass mfg'ing & human/$$ resources issue.

"Increasilngly, it's a RACe between Education [ R&D, "Book Knowledge" ] & Disaster [ failure in startups ]"
-- H.G. Welles, 193x

H.G. Welles was adressing the failure in Education in USA (back in the 30's!!?), but the principle applies today. The Education system in USA is FAILING in Math/Science/Technology/Mathematics (aka STEM). See above interview with ITS guy, who pointed out:

"most of the PhDs awarded in top-level U.S. universities, are to foreign students"

In order for the U.S. based automotive startups to succeed & compete against foreign auto mfrs (Audi of Germany, BYD of China, Nissan/Toyota/Honda of Japan, VW/Daimler/BMW, et al), America MUST re-tool their Education system.

The above is where my activity/role will be for the coming Alternative Energy "revolution". It needs a consortium of Academic/Indsutrial partners (incl Tesla, Fisker, et al) to act as an "insurance policy" to address issues that come up in Technology

"In order to Push the Limits, sometimes you have to EXCEED THE LIMTS"
-- Bob Varsha, Australian Grand Prix, 198x

[ the race where Jackques Villeneuve lost his rear-wing & crashed out ]

Tesla demonstrated this (I think), when they ran into issues finding a transmission vendor to build a 2-speed transmission. Nobody had done that before (AC Propulsion's Tzero prototype used a 1-speed, so Tesla was essentially in a "prototype mode" for a 2-speed tranny). So, Tesla actually did a "test": they discovered that an external R&D consortium (Industrial & Academic Cooperative/Collaborative effort) is required. Consider THAT a major contribution to EV/Hybrid starttups

"Success is 90% failure
-- Soichiro Honda

So, Tesla was quite the pioneer (via co-founders M Eberhard & M. Tarpening), in "pushing the Limits", in a Discovery Process of "what works, & what doesn't".

Back to John Force Racing (NHRA drag racing), & Auto Racing in general. Racing is a continual (maddening) process of Trial & Error. I don't know if many people know it, but Tesla was acting like a Auto Race team. Pushing the Limits, & disccovering "+"'s & "-"'s. Probably, the MOST important discoveries are the "-"'s (what didn't work), anybody can not-push-the-limits & do ordinary stuff ("which works"). The deep-thinkers will be working hard to itemize/address the challenges ("-"'s discovered), & they will be the ones who succeed.

"Knowledge [ especially "Book Knowledge" from Academic/Industrial R&D ] is Power"

Not many people know this, but M. Eberhard was an intellectual & great book-reader (all I remember about my visit to his apartment, was a HUGE line of books on a shelf above his bed). His previous company Nuvomedia (which sold for 180 million) was an e-book reader.
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A lot of things will change when the first EVs start winning on the race track. Although I don't think that's the most important thing right now, given that the Roadster is already very impressive, I'd hope that some are already working on that. Probably most things except the batteries could already be developed.
Nice reporting.

Thanks for all the work writing it all up for us. You could save some effort and also make it easier to read if you would not drift off your own topic. ie: Global Warming opinions, Off-Road-everything and a trip to another car show.

Thanks for the pics too.
Nice reporting.

Thanks for all the work writing it all up for us. You could save some effort and also make it easier to read if you would not drift off your own topic. ie: Global Warming opinions, Off-Road-everything and a trip to another car show.

Thanks for the pics too.

Hi, did you get to the LA Auto show yet?

"Everything's [ all niche-markets, science-domains, etc ] RELATED"
-- Murray Gell-Mann, Caltech Physics (Nobelist, Quantum Chromodynamics)

All the

1) Global Warming
impetus for Alternative Energy startups & DoE/ATVM initiative, etc

2) Offroad
Xtrac, a former Tesla transmission vendor, is heavily involved in Rally & Offroad in USA, with many Development partners

3) other car shows
John Force Racing/NHRA, which is a success stroy like M. Eberhard: Good Upbringing leads to Successful Career

gives perspective on how the new Alternative Energy startups, will succeed or fail.

Take a look at the interview with Vini/"Big Daddy's Toys" (famous custom car shop, did the Monorail @Disney & other cars many of you have seen/experienced):

2009 John Force Auto Show: Vini & Co, "Big Daddy's Toys" [ '09 John Force Auto Show ]
Vini & Co, "Big Daddy's Toys" [ '09 John Force Auto Show ]


Vini talks about how John Force went from "trailer park" to a NHRA champion (Funny Car), with a 4-car super-team sponsored by Castrol GTX, Ford, Sanyo (non-endemic sponsor..Tech field). A TRUE American success story:

"Class always figures out a way to WIN"
-- It's all about Integrity/Credibility

John Force runs his team(s), like his Family: "La Familia", everyone helps everyone else. "Help the people who help you" (a famous phrase from Offroad Racing).

Now, let's consider M. Eberhard (former office-mate of mine in Graduate School @UIUC, summer '81). I always REMEMBERED Martin, how friendly/outgoing/gregarious he was. Like on the 1st day, he invited myself & Y.C. Pan (another crazy Asian) to his apartment, with a ride in his '67 Mustang. A shlef LINED from wall-to-wall with books, Martin was a GREAT reader ("book worm"). I also have a visual of him, bent over at the desk..studiously reading.

He was a very special guy, he really stood out. I am NOT surprised he went on to become a successful serial entrepeneur (sold his last compnay Nuvomedia for 180 million), which allowed him the luxury of starting Tesla Motors (outside his specialty, but his 1st love: Automotive).

Now, we all know that Tesla Motors was a revolutionary EV startup in Silicon Valley. Very "out of the box" thinking, quite the

"we just knocked the Establishment [ big 3 Auto mfrs ], on its STATUS QUO"
-- Hawaii 5-O episode, hippies who robbed a bank

What Tesla Motors has to do, is to follow the Example/Lead of John Force Racing.

"Rome wasn't built overnight"

"It's a LONG RACE..we will set a pace for ourselves, to sort out the equipment. THEN, at the 400 mile mark, WE'LL GO RACING"
-- Class 1 team crew chief, '97 Baja 500

"You can't win the race on the 1st lap, BUT YOU CAN CERTAINLY LOSE IT"

"Slow & Steady..WINDS THE RACE"
-- Tortoise & Hare fable

The Burning Question in my mind (& others on TMC), is..will Tesla Motors survive & if so..will it try a "bomb run" (trophy dash) or a "steady sustained long term effort"??

It is very clear to me, that when Martin & company (incl Wally Rippel, Aerovironment & Caltech alumni, Judy Estrin whose dad was Vinton Cerf's PhD advisor) were ex-communicated from Tesla, that this was a MAJOR MISTAKE. THey lost not only the "heart & soul", but the Integrity/Credibility (ala John Force) that was the "it starts from the top" Philsophy for Success. Martin is certainly a good guy, & the successor seems to be the exact opposite. Bad News.

I also sense, that Tesla is trying to move TOO FAST (stores around the World??), which is a "recipe for disaster" (see above quotes on "discretion is the better part of valor"). They just got an infusion of funds from DoE/ATVM (450 million), so that's a plus towards the Model S mid-range $50K family car. However, Tesla has NEVER built a car on their own (up to know it's more or less "systems integration" from a chassis supplier like Lotus, PEM from ACP, etc). Tesla DID design the battery pack (w/controls) & recently JB Straubel re-designed the PEM from the ground up..all digital (? did I get this right, the ACP had some analog components).

I will give Elon Musk credit for something: he's a forceful entity ("bully", in the good sense of the word). A historical example from the Russian Space Program illustrates this:

"Korolev, you're a GENIUS. You turned a pile of crap.into a bed of Roses"
-- xxx, convincing politicians his stumbling Space Program was on track

"When Korolev died, the Russian Space Program lost its leader. The successor simply didn't have the uumph to keep everything together"
--- yyy

"He [ Larry Summers, during his tenure as Harvard President ] was DOWNRIGHT BULLY!! He helped certain people, but at the same tiime he bullied others"
-- Harvard anthropology professor
[ Note that L. Summers is presently on Obama's administration. I LIKE THIS GUY: he's smart & aggressive. WE WANT PEOPLE LIKE THAT. ]

So, is Elon Musk the "bully" who will push Tesla towards eventual success? Or, will his Super Ego ("megalomaniac proportions", a term used by historians to describe Alexander the Great), do him in? Obviously, there needs to be a balance between Ego & Integrity (the latter is what separates Martin from the pack)

He's got a LOT of stuff going on (lots on his plate), SpaceX & Tesla. The famous advice in business applies

"the main reason for failure, is LACK OF FOCUS"
"when you attack, you use your FIST..not your fingers spread"
-- Heinz Guderian, German Panzer commander (inventor of German Blitzkrieg, aka "Lightning War")

It's a FASCINATING question, & the Scenario is being played out in front of us (America as well, even the World), with the future of Alternative Energy at stake. With implications of how America will get out of the Economic Crisis (triggered by GREED, Incompetence, Stupidity, Unethical behavior, etc).

Funny thing, the answer to the above question is very much dependent on the actions of Entrepeneurs, Scientists, Researchers (Academia & Industry)..TODAY. I will be jumping into the fray, as will Martin (& others). There is some tactical/strategic planning, to figure out a "move"..

"Deals are what make the World..go 'round"

to help the Alternative Energy Industry as a whole, as well as ones own interest (Creative + Business). Tony Anasatz/GM (good friend w/Martin, Vehicle Line Director, Chevy Volt, Global Electric Vehicle Development) is also a Big Picture thinker, he has a dual role as

Co-Chairman, EDTA, electricdrive.org

which is an organization to act as Collaboration/Cooperation amongst the (Competitive) Mfrs. I.e, there needs to be a balance between Collaboration & Competition. Competition will be beneficial to Mfrs & Consumers: the Technology will advance, with a lower price-point for Consumers. At the same time, Collaborations ("sharing of information") will aid this process, as well. The Las Vegas casinos use this paradigm, btw. THey are competitors, but they also share information on casino demographics.

Many of you already know that I'm pushing for an NCEA/National Ctr for Energy Applications, a consortium of Universities & Industry for R&D in the new domain of Alternative Energy. It will act like a "safety net" for all the AE companies, who are bound to run into Tech problems:

"In order to Push the Limits, sometimes you have to EXCEED THE LIMITS"
-- Formula 1 racing

This is in line with Tony Anasatz's line of thinking, so I'm sure GM (& other AUto Mfrs) will be receptive to this idea. Martin's former mentor @U. of Illinois (Dr. Ed Davidson, who I've been in touch with), moved on to U. of Michigan/Electrical Eng Dept as Dept Head. Hint: he has connections to the Big 3 Auto Mfrs. Of course, we would want Martin involved as an Advisor (or maybe more).

So, there you have it. John Force Racing is a "pedestal" of how Integrity/Credibility (great person, family man, gregarious, et al) leads to BIG SUCCESS. Martin is along this Lineage of "Class always figures out a way to Win".

So, given the above Perspective, you tell me..Will Tesla succeed with the current "it starts from the Top". Or, will there be a WEIRD Korolev (or Larry Summers) effect, where Elon Musk pulls it off?

Stay tuned, Same Bat-Time, Same Bat-Channel

[ BTW, this is GREAT stuff for Chris Paine's next film project. He & his staff were at GM's booth, working like crazy, doing interviews. Trying to track down Bob Lutz, after he had to bug out to his private jet (after taking a lunch break). All of us were waiting for Bob, to come back..but he didn't ]
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3 bullet points for Alternative Energy auto startups

There are 3 challenges ("bullet points") for Alternative Energy auto startups:

1) Technology Program
attacking CORE technologies. Battery Tech, for EV & Hybrids

2) Business Program
incentives to help Business. DoE/ATVM helps the Mfrs, tax credits helps the consumers

3) Political Program
making "friends in high places" to help with 3) Business Program. Making Allies (finding business partners, e.g. Tesla deal with Daimler) & fighting off Enemies.

My involvement is totally accidental (an "end around", football term), my "Multimedia Technology Demonstration". I.e., blogs used as a form of Media 'casting. It was originally designed for Offroad Racing, to give them much needed LiveWebCast from the isolated desert races (with no conventional communications). It expanded to Pavement Racing, then to HEP/High Energy Physics (particle accelerators, String Theory, Multiverse, Parallel Dimensions, Higgs Boson, Fermilab, CERN/LHC/Large Hadron Collider, etc)

[ note that Alan Cocconi's parents were CERN physicists, he's from Switzerland. I.e., European sophisitication led to the GM EV1 ]

Now, to Alternative Energy auto startups, & NHRA (very recently).

I am just STUNNED. None of the major mfrs at the LA Auto show (even Tesla) are using this iTunes video-podcast medium!! iTunes is a Portal into itself (with a search engine), so all you have to do is this:

"find us on iTunes [ search for Tesla, Chevy Volt, Audi E-tron, BMW Mini-E, Subaru Tourer, etc ], download promotional videos for free to your iPod/iTouch/iPhone, carry in your pocket, show to friend (which show to their friends..VIRAL MARKETING in your pocket"

The Big 3 are Myspace, Twitter, Facebook as the Triumvirate of SN/Social Networking Viral Marketing mediums. The core Technology is SEARCH, i.e.

"you might want to become Friends [ on Facebook ] with XXX, YYY, etc. or become a member of this ZZZ group"

This is the Viral "branching effect" that can lead to "cluster fu**k" aggregation.

I've been carrying around my iPod Classic/iPhone 3G/iTouch/iPod Nano, showing automotive related video-podcasts (even videos from LA Auto Show). Urging Auto Mfrs:

"Next year, you need to have all your promotional videos (seen on Press-Days, on the big-screen) over iTunes video-podcast, with a big sign at your booth"

I've had THREE YEARS of experience, & it's UNREAL. Most Marketing people are NOT Technology savvy, so they're still STUCK on "Standard Model" Marketing:


Some have embraced the Web 2.0 SN/social networking mediums like Myspace, Twitter,Facebook. But, still, iTunes video-podcast is neglected.

I mean, part of 2) Business Program & 3) Political Program, is informing those domains (General Public & Politiicans):

"Suppose you were an Idiot, suppose you were a Congressman..BUT I REPEAT MYSELF"
-- Mark Twain

"Wise Men Speak [ M. Eberhard, et al ], FOOLS [ politicians ] DECIDE"
-- Epitectus

"Half the people in America never voted, half never read the newspaper..ONE HOPE IT'S THE SAME HALF"
-- Gore Videal

I rest my case. It's a TOUGH SELL, to the American Public & Politicians (as a whole: Morons/Idiots/Fools). At SEMA 2009, I met Kara Lawson (Harvard grad, Math major, from a sophisticated East Coat family, very smart girl), where we engaged in this discussion. She told me about the movie "Idiocracy", where lowlifes (smelly, toothless, inbred, uneducated..passing it along to their children) were pro-creating, thus dooming this Country into Oblivion.

I say the AE auto mfrs have a TOUGH ROAD, in Inspiring an otherwise BRAIN DEAD population. 2 of my good friends (both U. of Arizona alumni, 1 is an adjunct Astronomy professor @Steward Observatory) have both said to me:

"We're [ America ] in the Dark Ages"

Good luck in explaining EV (or Hybrids), & why it's "doing something worthwhile" (title of Martin's talk at UIUC Physics Dept back in 2008/Sept). They could probably care less: gas guzzlers is what they know, & that's about it!

Public Outreach/Education

the Public has to have Alternative Energy (EV, Hybrid, et al) in their Mindset.

The Toyota Prius is a revolution, because there are thousands (tens of?) on the road, which is generating a Buzz & referral sales. It was pointed out to me by a Spyker dealer (in Houston), that Fisker has to get their cars out on the Road ("walk the walk"). Up to now, it's just "talk the talk" (promo & hype). Same thing with Tesla's Model S (1st attempt to Manufacture their own car).

Why there isn't Web 2.0 Multimedia (Youtube channel, iTunes video-podcast, et al) as part o their PR/Marketing Media Package..is BEYOND ME!!

I was at the Tesla LA store last May, & I was just stunned to hear the Mgr (has since left), say he was formerly with Ebay Motors. I was just standing there wondering "why doesn't Tesla have promo videos over iTunes?". I mean, there's an Apple billboard RIGHT ABOVE the Tesla LA Store, featuring iPod advertisement

[ the music group, who showed up at the LA Store, who went to dinner with Elon Musk. Justine received an invitation by Elon to join them, see her blog ]

I mean, the contrast is just MIND BOGGLING. I ran into someone at last year's SIGGRAPH 2008

[ featuring Dr. Ed Catmull of PIXAR/Disney Animation..a co-founder Loren Carpenter is on TCM, who is a Roadster owner

Ed Catmull autograph-session [ 8/11 Mon ] - a set on Flickr


Ed Catmull wants the Model S, not the Roadster. To give some persepctive of where Martin/I came from (triumvirate of Artificial Intelligence/Robotics/Computer Vision.the DRIVING TECHNOLOGY (no pun intended) behind Autonomous Vehicles ("robot cars"):


check out the U. Mass/Amherst robot. THAT is the kind of tech that can find itself into the oncoming EVs..AMAZING. The DARPA Grand Challenge ("robot race in the desert"):

NOVA | The Great Robot Race | PBS
DARPA Grand Challenge 2005

[ note that the 2 Google founders (L. Page & S. Brin, who have invested in Tesla) were in attendance, as was Steve Wozniak, Apple co-founder ]

1 of the 2 DARPA GC contractors was XXX (700 million dollar Govt contractor, located in Beltway of Wasnington DC), whose Vice President & Director of Research is an alumni ('93 PhD/UIUC) of the same dept as Martin/I: Artificial Intelligence.

That's THREE UIUC AI/Robotics/Computer Vision alumni (Martin '83 M.S. Elec Eng, me '84 PhD Elec Eng, Dr. Scott T. '93 PhD Computer Science), who are converging on "Smart/Future Cars". WTF, 25 yrs later we're all "meeting up", like a reunion type of a deal.

Do you feel KARMA ("Convergent Evolution", people from different domains, converging on the same "solution"), or what!!

BTW, there was a FOURTH UIUC/Coordinated Science Laboratory/AARG (Advanced Automation Research Group) alumni who attended the DARPA GC as media (he works for Intel as his day job).

( his desk was across, from where Martin was wire-wrapping a PC board..while Andrew Chien..now Dr. Andrew Chien..Intel Director of Research & Vice-President of Corporate Technology, was mischieviously squrting Martin with water!!?? Across the way (office), was Steve Cross (office-mate with Rod Fletcher, who designed the High Speed Image Buffer, that Martin was wire-wrapping), who is now Dr. Steve Cross..Vice President of Georgia-Tech & President of GTRI/GaTech Research Inst. GTRI has all sorts of hitech projects in Automotive (ATAS/Aerospace Transportation Advanced Systems), in conjunction with ONR/Office of Naval Research (fronting for Army & Navy). Also involved with Battery Tech R&D (!!)

BTW, Steve's former GaTech colleague (Jean Chameau) is now President of Caltech, the latter which produced the renowned EV engineers Wally Rippel & Alan Cocconi. )

From the above, this "Convergence" of UIUC, Georgia-Tech/GTRI, Caltech/JPL people (all rooted from UIUC), means ONE THING. Something BIG's gonna happen. See below for the NASA/JPL project that's about to take wings (millions of dollar will be spent). Doug & TEG may be part of this Project.


who was shooting panoramas (real estate applications). I was investigating some Tesla related ideas, & he told me he had contacted Tesla about his services, & basically got NO RESPONSE!!

Well, 2 days ago I shot some overhead panos of the Yellow Roadster @Al & Ed's, my friend Jook Leung (world renowned Panorama photographer) will be stitching it in the next day or so. It will be available on (free) Pangea app, on the iPhone. So, soon all TMC members (with iPhones), can run around with a "pocket VR/Virtual Reality" of the Roadster. Pull it out of your pocket, show your friends:

"This is what it's like to sit in a Tesla Roadster"

It's the next best thing, to seeing one in person at a Tesla STore (good for potential clients who are NOT in an area with a Tesla Store). It may also attract potential buyers, who don't even know about Tesla Motors. I;ve been asking many people (LA Auto show), & GET THIS:

some people know about Tesla, SOME PEOPLE DON'T!!

This "datapoint" should tell Tesla (& other AE auto startups):

"GET MOVING on this Public Outreach/Education, using Viral Marketing SN/Social Networking Mediums."

I've been so busy, I haven't checked. Facebook has groups for various special interests, so there SHOULD be one setup for teh Chevy Volt, Tesla Roadster, Subaru Tourer, Audi E-tron. Heck, Tesla Motors Club, should have an associated Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, iTunes video-podcast accounts. ( I believe they've been moving towards 1 of these)

I setup a test "Tesla Roadster" iTunes video-podcast:

Tesla Roadster

to document the real co-founders of Tesla Motors (M. Eberhard & M. Tarpening). When Carolyn Eberhad ("XCEOs wife" on TMC) implored everyone to realize how History might get it wrong, I PM'd her about the above video-blog (syndicated on iTunes as a video-podcast). No response.



But, good news. My former colleague at JPL/Image Processing Lab 20 yrs ago

[ Kevin H., who became famous by founding DIAL//Digital Image Animation Lab, who went on to Disney Feature Animation as Mgr of Information Technology, in support of the Academy-Award winning CAPS/Computer Animation Production System. He's now back at JPL as Mgr of Visualization Technology & Applications Development, as part of JPL's Communication & Outreach division ]

at NASA/JPL wants this iTunes solution for an upcoming Mars mission (MSL/Mars Science Laboratory, 6-wheeled EV rover..ALL ELECTRIC with PV solar array)

Mars Science Laboratory

& they are looking for an Automotive partner (Racing or Race Team, Racer, EV startup, Iconic figure, etc).

Collection: Meeting w/Kevin Hussey/JPL/Mgr of Visualization Technology Applications & Development, towards STEM/Science/Technology/Engineering/Mathematics Outreach

A few million (or more) will be spent, so this would be a coup for an EV company: partner with a world-renowned brand-name like NASA/JPL, using cross-platform PR/Marketing. Obviously, Tesla Motors would be a candidate, as would Martin Eberhard (iconic figure). I like Audi & there E-tron (2012 target production date). Chevrolet & their Volt (expected Fall 2010 delivery date), perfect timing for the 2011 MSL launch date.

I see a team of partners for the above. I think Doug (PhD candidate @STanford Physics) & TEG (engineering background, friend w/Martin) are also candidates, along with Martin, they do a good job of being a voice for EV. Especially, since Tesla is moving its HQ next to Stanford. I also have a theoretical particle physicist friend (SLAC/Stanford Linear Acclerator, who does a LOT of Public Outreach work), who attended JB Straubel's talk @SLAC with her colleagues. They all were INPSIRED, & wanted Tesla's.

I.e., you could get PAID to push EV to the masses, over iTunes video-podcast.

"Be the Change you want to see in the World"
-- Mahatma Ghandi

Doug & TEG could quit being "observers", & be "participants" in this EV revolution (like what Martin did by co-founding Tesla). I'm about to become active as well, the above is the 1st "shot across the bow". A NASA/JPL cross-platform PR/Marketing campaign, worth a few million.
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Holy s**t:eek:, this guy is ON FIRE!:biggrin::rolleyes:

It goes like this:

At the time when Martin/Steve Cross/I were atUIUC was the 2nd ranked Engineering Univ, tied w/Stanford..MIT ranked #1. It ATTRACTS the top talent, who have big egos & ambition. Steve Cross was from Air Force, his high Academics were recognized & thus he was sent to UIUC for further development. He became the Head of CMU's SEI/Software Engineering Institute, ONR/Office of Naval Research Program Manager, then finally VP of Georgia-Tech & President of GTRI. I am NOT surprised that Steve & Martin became leaders in their respective fields, that's the whole purpose of elite Universities:

"recruiting Top Talent, & Developing them"

Another guy in the same office in '83 (a couple years after Martin was there in '81), was Steve Blostein.

[ he is now Prof of Electrical Eng at Queens Univ (Harvard of the North), the alma mater for Justine Musk (English major, who is now a famous novelist). Where Elon Musk & Justine met. Steve married my other officemate Dr. Dorothea Haken (prof of Computer Science @Queens U.), her father Wolfgang got famous for the computer proof of the 4-color Theorem with Dr. Kenneth Appel (his son Andrew is Prof of Computer Science @Princeton, & Dept Head, Andrew & I went to the same infamous High School), her grandfather was Max Planck's PhD student. ]

His Dad was the Head of Bell Northern Research (Bell Labs of Canada). I.e., my PhD advisor (famous MIT PhD, pioneer in Image Coding) attracted the son of a leading R&D Institution. And, another guy was William Ho (good friends with Rod Fletcher, the guy who designed the High Speed Image Buffer, Martin was wirewrapping a board for). His dad (Irving Ho) RAN the whole Technology Park in Taiwan!! You will note that Tesla Roadster's electric motor is made in Taiwan. My other office-mate Homer Chen became Professor of Electrical Eng @NTU (National Taiwan Univ), "Irving Ho Chair professor". I met Homer for the 1st time in 24 years at last years SIGGRAPH 2008:


His student had a paper at this prestigous conference, which hosts developers/researchers for the lucrative Computer Gaming & Special Effects in TV/Film (the latter is the domain of Loren Carpenter/PIXAR, Tesla Roadster owner)

Another guy, Ken T. (Class of '78/UIUC Elec Eng, I'm Class of '79 BS Elec Eng) went on to lead the QTVR group @Apple. He is now at Google (working on the Streetview VR functionality of Google Maps). He is a Computer Graphics Legend, I met him last year at SIGGRAPH 2008:


Ken is a math whiz (very deep guy), & gets invites to Stanford & MIT for talks, given his pioneering work in VR. He's an Icon, like Martin is.


Martin should be tapping into some of his old UIUC alumni (incl me), for some future Projects. You will note that his trusted friend M. Tarpening (Berkeley grad) was a co-founder of Tesla.

At the time, some of the Elec Eng faculty considered UIUC to be #1: quality & quantity. The hot thing, was to get an MBA along with your Engineering degree, & then go out in the Real World & kick some a**. You saw how Martin Eberhard did JUST THAT, as he became a serial entrepeneur.

BTW, another guy was Marc Andreesen of NCSA Mosaic fame (he came along after Martin & I left UIUC, in the late 80's when NCSA started up), the co-founder of Netscape.

[ the founder of the NCSA/National Ctr for Supercomputing Applications was Dr. Larry Smarr, a computational Astrophysicist. He needed supercomputers for his work (galaxy simulations). BTW, he visited the AARG/Advanced Automation Research Group, where Martin & I worked, to check out our state-of-the-art GE CCD cameras (connected to the High Speed Image Buffer (designed by Rod Fletcher), the card which was wire-wrapped by Martin). Dr. Smarr became a Tech icon, & moved on to UC San Diego/CALIT2 (Calit2 : California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology). CALIT2 is involved with Communications Technology, with some activity in Automotive. Their Industrial Partners include Ford, Mitsubishi, Toyota, Nissan. Hmm. Hint Hint, "future EVs will require Smart Communications Tech". I can be the go-between to put Martin in touch with Dr. Smarr/CALIT2. Remember, Media/Communications was Martin's specialty (Nuvomedia) before he co-founded Tesla Motors. Larry Smarr's son Joseph is a Stanford M.S. Computer Science grad, & also went to the same high-school I did. Dr. Andrew Chien

(the mischievious one, now Intel Director of Research & VP of Corporate Technology, who squired Martin w/water while Martin was wire-wrapping a PC board)

also went to this University High School, which produced 3 Nobel Laureates: Physics '77, Economics '82, Medicine 'xx) ]

He just started his own VC firm Boutique this year, initiallly capitalized at 300 million.

Marc Andreessen Forms Boutique Venture Capital Firm | Epicenter | Wired.com

Marc Andreessen and business partner Ben Horowitz launched a boutique VC fund Monday with an initial capitalization of $300 million that the pair intends to invest in “anything that involves chips and computers” at a clip of $50,000 to $50 million per startup.

The firm, Andreessen / Horowitz, makes a business of what has been a consuming private enterprise of the two, who have made angel investments all over Silicon Alley. While the money they have at their disposal now is considerably more than they had as lone private investors their approach will remain essentially the same, Andreessen and Horowitz told Wired at a recent briefing. That is to say, they they won’t invest in anything they don’t understand, period. This includes a lot of “cool stuff,” the eternally-boyish Andreessen explains, like clean and nano technology.

If you get to make a pitch a decision won’t be long in coming because it’s only the two partners deciding. But don’t bother to cold e-mail them with your Google-killing idea. You need an invitation to this party — a referral from somebody you both know and that they respect

Marc & I had the same undergrad boss, Ginny Metze..the wife of Dr. Gernot Metze (specialty is FTC/Fault Tolerant Computing), a UIUC Electrical Eng professor. He was also at the Interdisciplinary outfit CSL/Coordinated Science Laboratory (where Martin & I were officemates), mostly Electrical Engineers, some Computer Scientists, some Physicists. The Director was Dr. Robert Chien (also an Electrical Eng prof, Martin's supervisor), whose son Andrew is now Intel Director of Research & Vice-President of Corporate Technology.

Back to Ginny Metze, she was working in the CFD/Computational Fluid Dynamics group at CSL/Coordinated Science Laboratory (3rd floor, Martin/Steve/me were on the 2nd floor), where my father was part of that group in the 60's. It was led by Dr. Bruce Hicks

[ Caltech PhD, Linus Pauling's PhD student..the 2-time Nobelist in Chemistry & Peace. LP was a GIANT in Physics

"anything he wanted to do..HE COULD DO IT"
-- James Watson, Nobelist (discovered "double helix" with Frances Crick)

another example of a Caltech alumni coming into UIUC ]

Ginny moved on the Materials Research Laboratory (next to the Physics Bldg, aka Loomis Laboratory of Physics, where Martin gave his Sept/2008 talk "Doing something Worthwhile"). Her office was just down the hall from the legendary Dr. Stephen Wolfram, the Caltech GENIUS PhD (he got it at a few weeks into age 20, almost got it as a teen-ager). My Dad (because of his extensive Caltech contact, especially Dr. Hicks his mentor), was on the search committee that lured S. Wolfram from Princeton IAS/Institute for Advanced Study

( where he ended up, after he left Caltech on bad terms..Caltech was trying to mooch off his entrepeneurial activity @Caltech, the pre-cursor to his Mathematica work ).

S. Wolfram ran into the same problem @UIUC, like he did @Caltech, the Corporate Mono-Culture of Academia couldn't contain "his immense mind".

[ this is reminiscent of how the mono-culture at Tesla Motors..led by you-know-who..couldn't contain the "immense mind" of Martin Eberhard or Wally Rippel..Caltech genius who learned from the legendary Dr. Richard Feynman/Caltech Physics/Nobelist, see Tesla Motors blog post "Richard Feynman, a Curious Character". Both Martin & Wally were part of that Stealth Bloodbath, as was Judy Estrin..she resigned from the Tesla Board shortly thereafter ]

S. Wolfram went on to found Wolfram Research (a co-founder Theodore Gray is an alumni of my High School, University High School on UIUC campus, just 1 block away from CSL/Coordinated Science Laboratory, where Martin/Steve Cross/I worked at), the rest as they say is history.

Lesson Learned:

"Life is 20% What happens to you, 80% HOW YOU RESPOND TO IT"
-- a wise man once said

"When 1 door closes [ leaving Tesla ], another one opens [ a new startup ]"
-- Spanish Proverb

Look at what happened to S. Wolfram, he got punked out of 2 top notch universities (mono-culture that it is, the Ivory Towers are not cracked up what they are supposed to be), but created a VERY successful entrepeneurial career. Similarly, Martin E. seems to be in the same position: his next startup should be INTERESTING. Some of the "seeds I've planted above" may interest him. I mentioned some of them to him at LA Auto Show (last Wednesday), but I missed an opportunity to have dinner with him on Wed for further disucssions. Drat! I had all my presentation materials in my backpack, with laptop. Martin talks fast, walks fast, he was REALLY HARD to keep up with!! I last saw him at the Audi booth for their media-presentation, didn't see him after that.

Sorry about getting off-track, but there are some opportunities coming my way (offered 2 partnerships in EV startups, given some of my above contacts).

I think I might be a go-between, to hook up Marc Andreesen's Boutique, with Martin E. Or, I might run with it myself (with others).

Lesson Learned:

Networking is the Key. Business (& Research) is about making Connections, see the relationships, & securing Deals. I am REALLY GOOD AT THIS, since I'm a researcher TRAINED to "go crazy" & follow multiple threads SIMULTANEOUSLY. That's why my TMC posts look so..WEIRD. You're actually seeing my nested hierarchical neuronal activity in action.

"Multi-tasking MANIAC"
-- me

"We have a meeting in the morning. THen, the rest of the day, WE MULTIPLEX LIKE MAD"
-- Dr. Scott T. ('93 PhD UIUC, Vice President & Director of Research of XXX, 700 million dollar US Govt contractor)

"we're juggling many things at once at Tesla Motors"
-- M. Eberhard
[ not the exact quote, but you get the idea ]

Q&A with Linus Pauling (Caltech Giant in Chemistry, Nobelist):

Q: How do you come up with such good Ideas?
A: I try a LOT of Ideas ("shotgun approach")

Elon Musk could be the most OUTRAGEOUS "Multitasking Maniac" or "Multiplex like Mad" on Planet Earth. Who on earth, would try SpaceX (out of this world) & Tesla Motors (earthly), SIMULTANEOUSLY?? If he succeeds, he will become very famous. I think Martin needs to take a smarter more level-headed approach:

"The SMARTEST racer will win the Baja 500 [ race ]"
-- Ricky Johnson, '07 Baja 500, legendary Motocross champion

"Cooler heads will prevail"

"You're not thinking, you're REACTING"

That way, between Elon (outrageously wild) & Martin (controlled wildness), someone will succeed & lead the way for EV.

I know other researchers, who are even WORSE THAN ME!! Like a friend of mine, this former Harvard Physics junior faculty member (String Theory), a really wild character.

"The amazing thing about Nature, is how EVERYTHING is INTER-CONNECTED"
-- Dr. David Suzuki, Biologist ("Carl Sagan of Biology")

Look at the above (& previous post), you see "threads eminating out of UIUC". This "common ancestry" leads to relationships ("trust"), that is the backbone of successful startups/businesses. Obviously, other top-notch universities have the same Dynamic: Stanford (Doug's current one, he was Cornell undergrad..another heavy hitter in Academia), MIT (huge reputation), Harvard, Columbia, Princeton, Georgia-Tech, et al. All the Tier 1 universities (Big 10, Pac 10, etc)

TMC is pretty good, in that it is a Meta-Web type of thing for Tesla Motors. Doug & TEG (& others) are like "bees", digging for information via Google search (0th order information). They post it, analyze it...that's 1st, 2nd, 3rd order level of information processing. So, I'm contributing my Information (the UIUC connection, having been with Martin in grad-school).

Somewhere in the above "mess", is "jewels in the test-tube" for several startups in EV. Key players: Caltech & JPL, Georgia-Tech & GTRI, U. of Illinois, Stanford, MIT, UC San Diego/CALIT2. There is ONE GUY (my secret weapon), who I'm not going public with. He could be the most DANGEROUS weapon of them all (famous inventor & enrepeneur)..he's another PhD in AI/Artificial Intelligence

[ again!! the AI guys like Robotics..the topic of Martin's Masters Thesis, which naturally give them an affinity to Automotive ]

with a strong interest in Automotive. Hint: he's been on TED (where Martin has attended, where Bill Gross/Idealab..another Caltech alumni has given a talk)

Another lesson. Study hard, work hard. It takes you to high places, with other industrious people. Look at the above. Max Planck (Nobelist in Physics), R. Feynman (via Wally Rippel, Nobelist in Physics), Stephen Wolfram (genius, triple appt in Math/Physics/Computer Science, & successful entrepeneur), Martin Eberhard (serial entrepeneur, icon in EV), Marc Andreesen (serial entrepeneur, has his own VC firm).

I think Doug (Stanford Physics PhD candidate) is another "dangerous" guy, currently a lurker/observer, about to jump into the EV fray. I'm really WELL CONNECTED in Physics & HEP/High Energy Physics, it's close to my heart. Caltech calls its Engineering divisioin "Engineering & Applied Sciences". Physics is the "King of the Sciences", so I;m sure the key to Alternative Energy with be R&D. I think Physicists will be key. Just look at the 2 top dogs @Dept of Energy:

1) Dr. Stephen Chu
Stanford Physicists, Nobelist

2) Dr Stephen Koonin
MIT PhD, Caltech undergrad, Caltech Physics Prof & Provost, former Chief Scientist @BP/British Petroleum. He & Vice-Provost Dr. David Goodstein

[ who wrote the alarmist book "Out of Gas".

hired by R. Feynman, who is continuing with RPF's Educational Initiative "Feynman's Lectures on Physics", with Project Mathematics!. Done in conjunction with the legendary Dr. James Blinn, a renowned Computer Graphics researcher. I was in this Computer Graphics group, when Dr. Goodstein came to Dr. Blinn's office for this Production. He is in the same field as Dr. Ed Catmull, Loren Carpenter..the latter who is a Tesla Roadster owner ]

Both Goodstein & Koonin are on the warpath to push Alternative Energy. This is what Caltech is famous for: Agile/Mobile/Hostile:

"The Caltech people are REALLY SMART. THey get into arguments, but in the End..THEY DO THE RIGHT THING"
-- Dr. Fred S., PhD Geophysics/Stanford, my high-school classmate (dad was Theoretical Particle Physicist)

I think we're seeing it with Dr. Koonin (in conjunction with Dr. Chu), in their ATVM initiative at DoE. "Fueling" (no pun intended) Tesla Motors with 450 million, Fisker with 180 million, etc. We already have seen Wally Rippel & Alan Cocconi do their magic, at the Engineering level for EV.

I have some meetings schedule with Caltech's President (given that he's former colleagues with my former office-mate in grad school Steve Cross of Georgia-Tech), Provost & Vice-Provost. Martin's 2nd home is in Sierra Madre (just down the road from Caltech). There apparently is some "convergence" at Caltech (Mechanical Eng & Electrical Eng Dept, also the Nonlinear Dynamics & Control & Physics Dept). I'm working this "angle". Already, the NASA/JPL MSL/Mars Science Laboratory thing has "born fruit", so that's really promising. Which should trigger other "fruit".

I could use some perspective/advice from TMC "super geniuses", who are future EV clients. In the end, it's "all about the (EV) customer". The product has to be designed with the Consumer in mind, & Customer Service is the name-of-the-game:

"You [ consumer/client ] are the King, We [ engineers, businessmen ] are your Fools"
"I want to be Attentive to Your Needs, How may I give you Excellent Service"
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2) Dr Stephen Koonin
MIT PhD, Caltech undergrad, Caltech Physics Prof & Provost, former Chief Scientist @BP/British Petroleum. He & Vice-Provost Dr. David Goodstein

Both Goodstein & Koonin are on the warpath to push Alternative Energy. This is what Caltech is famous for: Agile/Mobile/Hostile:

"The Caltech people are REALLY SMART. THey get into arguments, but in the End..THEY DO THE RIGHT THING"

I think we're seeing it with Dr. Koonin (in conjunction with Dr. Chu), in their ATVM initiative at DoE. "Fueling" (no pun intended) Tesla Motors with 450 million, Fisker with 180 million, etc. We already have seen Wally Rippel & Alan Cocconi do their magic, at the Engineering level for EV.

Koonin of "it's premature to deploy PV" fame?

BTW, the iTunes video-podcast for my "2009 LA Auto Show" got approved:


Click on it, it will take you to iTunes Store, to subscribe to it. Hit Subscribe, connect your iPod, Sync, & you will have the videos on your iPod (incl the one of M. Eberhard with Bob Lutz/GM Vice-Chairman). Walk around with it, to "spread the word"..Alternative Energy is coming.

THere is STILL a Public Perception problem, this Alternative Energy is a bit of a tough learning curve. I know, because even *I* am a bit of a newbie (busy on my other projects, I only read TMC ocassionally). This is my role on TMC, via my Jumplive.com "Multimedia Technology Demonstration", to "unleash the beast":

iTunes video-podcast, as a Viral Marketing medium

See also:


It was designed to make sure History "get's it right" (M. Eberhard & M. Tarpening are the REAL co-founders of Tesla). Subscribe to it on iTunes, so you can show these videos over your iPhone/iTouch/iPod (mobile media solutions, "PR in your Pocket").


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Search for Common Ground

Being there, you can sense the Enthusiasm, Happines, Passion, Obsession of LA Auto Show attendees. It spans race, gender, age,..whatever.

I got a call yesterdays (just before I left), from a Caltech research professor. Very smart guy, Italian German, PhD in Nuclear Physics & Digital Life specialist. Turns out he is into cars (drives a 3rd generation Mercedes), installed a solar array in his Pasadena home (just like M. Eberhard did), very knowledgable about Tesla Motors, knows about Toyota Prius (major presence on Caltech campus, which produced Wally Rippel & A. Cocconi), runs 26 miles marathons, is an avid book reader (like M. Eberhard). Obviously, this guy is a candidate for my project (NASA/JPL MSL/Mars Science Laboratory, 2011 mission to Mars, doing cross-over PR/Marketing with Automotive).

Also met a super-genius girl @Audi booth, she excelled in Academics. She & I engaged in a deep discussion about Audi (vs BMW, Mercedes), Education in America, how to run a successful business.

"Slow & steady wins the race"

She was talking about how Audi was NOT affected by the Credit Crisis last year, & in fact increased sales! She told how Audi slowly steadily makes progress, while BMW got into trouble with 0% APR loans (not taking care of profit margins). Thus, the credit crisis left BMW with a 1 billion dollar hit. Mercedes, she said, lost QC when they outsourced Mfg'ing (when I told her my friend traded in his Mercedes..constantly in the shop for repairs.., for an Audi).

The above should be a signal to new startups (Tesla & Fisker), to use a "discretion is the better part of valor". Think "long term", instead of a "glory hit". I understand Tesla wants to go public soon, where Elon Musk wants to do a quick "cash turnover". I would recommend to him to execute M. Eberhard's dream, & focus on Product Development
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She told how Audi slowly steadily makes progress, while BMW got into trouble with 0% APR loans (not taking care of profit margins). Thus, the credit crisis left BMW with a 1 billion dollar hit. Mercedes, she said, lost QC when they outsourced Mfg'ing (when I told her my friend traded in his Mercedes..constantly in the shop for repairs.., for an Audi).

Whereas Audi (in fact VAG as a whole) suffered the same problems with outsourcing and QC in the late 90s. I should know - I had one from that era with all sorts of issues. JD Power surveys from that time really marked the Golf down for reliability. They were trading on a reputation which was no longer justified, but happily they seem to have got on top of the situation.

Maybe the lesson is to get the difficult stuff over and done with quickly?


"Tesla employee Ben Kanner parks the Tesla Roadster Sport in the courtyard at Everitt Lab on Tuesday in Urbana. By Darrell Hoemann"

Everitt Lab is Electrical Engineering Bldg, where Martin & I were EE grads. Behind & to the right of the camera is EE Bldg, 2nd floor is ADSL (Advanced Digital Systems Lab), where Martin did his M.S. thesis with Dr. Ricardo Uribe/ADSL (also my M.S. Thesis advisor).

from http://www.ece.illinois.edu/mediacenter/resonance/pdf/FALL-2007.pdf

Martin Eberhard, who
said he received his most
expensive speeding ticket
while at Illinois driving
an old Mustang to Philo,
served as a teaching
assistant in the Advanced
Digital Systems Lab
When he wasn’t breaking the law, Eberhard
spent time working on his master’s thesis
project: a robot that was essentially a giant
piece of aluminum with a wheel on each corner
that was independently steered.
“Movement was coordinated by a network
of 8,051 microprocessors

[ bad technical editing by Resonance, they are referring to Intel 8051 processor!! ]

This thing was
designed so you could translate while you’re
driving or spin in a straight line while you were
moving,” Eberhard recalled. “The amount of
freedom of movement that was possible was
absolutely unbelievable. It was this big giant
ungainly thing, and when you turned it on, it
was a ballerina.”
Eberhard, whose focus was in control systems,
was influenced by Professor Ricardo Uribe,
who oversaw ADSL at the time and was
one of his advisors. He called Professor Ed
[ who ended up moving to U. of Michigan/Electrical Eng Dept as Dept Head ] classes a delight (Davidson was his
other advisor).

Ok, here's the deal. This UIUC stop-over right in front of EE Bldg, is obviously a "slight" at M. Eberhard. You will recall the recent scandal about EM's dubious academic credentials a U. of Penn

[ BTW, many Penn Physics alumni end up at Caltech & a recent Caltech Nobelist in Physics is a U. of Penn alumni ]

& Stanford. I was going to get in touch with some UIUC people, get the best pranksters, & plaster the Roadster with "Martin Eberhard, co-founder of Tesla Motors" stickers. The ADSL people certainly would have obliged!! (probably going beyond just a sticker, probably some SERIOUS electronic hacking to disrupt the Roadster operation)

[ note that Caltech & MIT have an ongoing "pranking" feud. You will recall the '84 Rose Bowl, where UIUC played UCLA & got hammered 45 to 19. Late in the game, a Caltech prankster initiated the infamous "Caltech 45, MIT 19". They had previously broke into the building housing the electronics, & figured out how to replace UCLA with Caltech, Illinois with MIT by radio control ]

Why not a stopover @U. of Michigan EE Dept? (near the Big 3 Auto Mrs in Detroit) I have been in touch with Dr. Ed Davidson (emeritus @UM, see above) recently, & I'm sure a co-conspiracy of pranksters @UM could have "planned something" for the Roadster.

Purdue University ("Boilermakers", in reference to trains.."Transportation") should also have been a stopover. Martin's supervisor Dr. Robert Chien (when Martin & I were office-mates) recruited Dr. Tom H. (who ended up being my PhD advisor) from Purdue. Robert's son Andrew was an '81 summer intern (from his undergrad MIT studies) with Martin at Coordinated Science Laboratory/AARG (Advanced Automation Research Group). Andrew is now Intel Director of Research & VP of Corporate Technology, formerly Computer Science professor at UIUC & UC San Diego.

Just some background info for the UIUC EE stopover by the Roadster..

I live 2 blocks from Caltech, so I will mention this "slight" towards M. Eberhard. You will recall that Martin saved Alan Cocconi's (famous Caltech alumni, along with Wally Rippel, both of whom worked on the GM prototype Impact @Aerovironment) company ACP from bankruptcy, & ACP's PEM was licensed for the Roadster. I'm sure the Caltech pranksters will get "fired up" & decide on some sort of response. Wally Rippel was victimized in the "Stealth Bloodbath" back in late 2007, so there's double-the-reason for some payback.

"We Protect our Own"
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