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Climate Change Denial

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The land that is rising and the land that is subsiding is well documented. The land that is rising is where the glacial ice used to be during the last glaciation. When that ice melted, the compressed land beneath the ice rises like a sponge. There are several tide gauges that show falling sea levels in the northern latitudes due to this reason. Subsiding land shows faster than normal sea level rises. Geologically stable areas are the best places to use tide gauge data. And those stable areas indicate about a 1/2 foot per century sea level rise. We can handle that. Nothing alarming about it.
So we have record temperatures globally every year for the last several years. Record local heat waves in the US, Australis, Japan, China and Europe. Unprecedented flooding in Europe. Hurricane seasons that start earlier than ever recorded.

But let's ignore all that inconvenient data and all the scientific consensus and "prove" its all nonsense by carefully cherry-picking data and/or bending that data to fit the desired outcome. What could possibly go wrong?
Do you yet understand that appeal to authority is a logical fallacy?
If you would care to scan this (very long) thread, you will see that the appeals to authority have almost exclusively been used climate change deniers.

Also, there is a vast difference between appealing to authority in the sense of "its true because XXX says so, so there!" (which is invalid) and "the consensus of opinion is as represented in this paper by XXX", which is an appeal to consensus and is quite different. If you dont understand that, go read my previous post here: Climate Change Denial - Discuss
So we have record temperatures globally every year for the last several years. Record local heat waves in the US, Australis, Japan, China and Europe. Unprecedented flooding in Europe. Hurricane seasons that start earlier than ever recorded.

But let's ignore all that inconvenient data and all the scientific consensus and "prove" its all nonsense by carefully cherry-picking data and/or bending that data to fit the desired outcome. What could possibly go wrong?
Friday and Saturday I drove from Tacoma, Washington to Fallbrook, California. The drive was about 1,200 miles, encompassing almost the entire length of California.

As I left I snapped a picture of Mount Rainier — previously, I had lived ten years in the Seattle area — I had never seen Mount Rainier when it wasn’t covered in snow.

The air in Northern California is completely filled with smoke. It was truly startling; California is ablaze. I don’t mean forest fires hear and there, the entire state is on fire. It is saddening.

While Lake Mead’s water level seems to be driving media headlines, Shasta Lake’s water level is dangerously low.

Let me frame this post, with the people in British Columbia that perished from heat exposure, the Siberian forest fires that are the largest in mankind’s history.030A2282-358A-4A90-8613-3010B517EAE5.jpeg400C82DA-D6F7-4B4E-B99E-8D06AC25D870.jpeg The7C55E71C-FBDC-493A-B7F9-089058FF040D.jpeg57F0C635-348F-4AC6-B240-678065B43878.jpeg9FB5C637-89DC-4BEA-A140-CBDD2ACE67FB.jpeg5BD1B741-3A62-4E2D-8801-FEC6C1CA0DE1.jpeg8FC9FF56-60A8-42F7-AD61-EEDB0CF3E869.jpeg

It is time to speak in clear and direct terms; the fossil fuel industry, and science denial bears responsibility and they should held accountable.162AEDCC-29D4-447A-B7DD-FF61015A63FA.jpeg
You do realize that there are other parts of the world than just the US right? That article was about the US only. Just to remind you, we are talking about GLOBAL warming.
You do realize that the vast majority of the temp data for the last 130 years is in the US, right?

You do realize that the contemporaneous accounts show massive heat waves all over the world, right?
You do realize that the vast majority of the temp data for the last 130 years is in the US, right?

You do realize that the contemporaneous accounts show massive heat waves all over the world, right?

You do realize we have an extremely reliable historic metric for thermal energy content.... right? ;)

Basically a global thermometer.

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Friday and Saturday I drove from Tacoma, Washington to Fallbrook, California. The drive was about 1,200 miles, encompassing almost the entire length of California.

As I left I snapped a picture of Mount Rainier — previously, I had lived ten years in the Seattle area — I had never seen Mount Rainier when it wasn’t covered in snow.

The air in Northern California is completely filled with smoke. It was truly startling; California is ablaze. I don’t mean forest fires hear and there, the entire state is on fire. It is saddening.

While Lake Mead’s water level seems to be driving media headlines, Shasta Lake’s water level is dangerously low.

Let me frame this post, with the people in British Columbia that perished from heat exposure, the Siberian forest fires that are the largest in mankind’s history.View attachment 702951View attachment 702952 TheView attachment 702954View attachment 702955View attachment 702956View attachment 702957View attachment 702958

It is time to speak in clear and direct terms; the fossil fuel industry, and science denial bears responsibility and they should held accountable.View attachment 702963
Nice religious beliefs there

Yet, according to the USFS, burn acreage is WAY down


Furthermore, the current drought is DWARFED by past droughts when CO2 levels were LOWER:


Nice religious beliefs there

Yet, according to the USFS, burn acreage is WAY down

View attachment 703016

Furthermore, the current drought is DWARFED by past droughts when CO2 levels were LOWER:

View attachment 703018
View attachment 703019

.... do you think it's accurate to compare acres burned we had more acres of forest and no firefighting efforts to suppress fires to today when we have far less forest and MASSIVE firefighting efforts (Like 747s that can lay a 1 mile fire line in 5 seconds)?
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You do realize that the vast majority of the temp data for the last 130 years is in the US, right?

You do realize that the contemporaneous accounts show massive heat waves all over the world, right?
Of course, there would not be any that backward place called Europe of course. And you provided no data/claims on anything except the US.
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Furthermore, the current drought is DWARFED by past droughts when CO2 levels were LOWER:
Ah well, that's ok then! No need to worry guys, running out of water is not a big deal, it's happened lots of times in the past!

In other news, drug companies announce they are dropping research into cancer cures as "we realized people have been dying for centuries of cancer, so we clearly dont need a cure."
Atlas of the Invisible: using data to map the climate crisis

One of the chief misconceptions about the climate crisis is that warming will be uniform. Deniers cite a cold front here, a blizzard there as proof that climate science is bunk. Such bad-faith arguments ignore the difference between weather and climate. Weather blows through; climate takes off its coat and stays a while. Each tile represents one year from 1890 to 2019, coloured by how and where temperatures deviated from a reliable baseline period (1961-90). Reading the decades left to right reveals an alarming pattern. While heatwaves and cold spells speckle the grid, tiles for the current century are flush with warm tones. Including 2020, the 10 hottest years on record have occurred since 2005



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Why won’t US TV news say ‘climate change’?

It’s not as if making the climate connection is scientifically controversial or journalistically difficult, as a handful of exemplary stories demonstrated.

This amounts to nothing less than media malpractice. Scientifically accurate reporting would not only link this extreme weather to the climate crisis, it would note that climate change is caused primarily by burning oil, gas, and coal. ExxonMobil and other fossil fuel companies have been lying for 40 years about their products causing dangerous climate change. Responsible journalism should tell the truth about what’s driving these terrible storms, fires, and famine.

Of course, hurricanes and wildfires were happening long before human-caused climate change emerged. The climate crisis, however, makes them significantly worse. As a Weather Channel segment on Ida explained, it’s not that “climate change caused the storm, but … that a warming world made Hurricane Ida more powerful”.
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You do realize that the vast majority of the temp data for the last 130 years is in the US, right?

You do realize that the contemporaneous accounts show massive heat waves all over the world, right?
Since you keep claiming global temperatures were warmer in the 1930’s please link us the ocean heat content from then. NOAA only has data starting in 1957.

Currently we are up about 3.5X10^23 joules from 1969 to now (The equivalent energy to 70% of the Chixulub meteor impact)

Since it was warmer in the 30’s you must have data showing the absolutely massive spike in OHC to make that claim.

You can also explain how the OHC dropped over 3.5x10^23 joules by 1957 and where that energy went to match the chart above.
