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Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

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The steep loss of sea ice that we were seeing a few years ago has stopped, and mostly reversed. Deniers of course see this as proof that global warming is a hoax, ignoring the probability that this is temporary.
Looking at the global sea ice extent does not show the extent that arctic ice has declined and antarctic ice has increased due to climate change. The end result is a wash in terms of sea ice extent, but that does not mean at all that climate change is not happening.

The article completely ignores this point - April 15 was the 2nd lowest Arctic ice extent on record - while Antarctica has been setting ice extent records.

Is it any wonder that the author of the article works for the Heartland institute and majored in "government" at Dartmouth?
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It is my understanding that the increase in Antarctic sea ice is largely a function of the reduced salinity due to the melting of the ice shelves, possibly supplemented by greater precipitation due to the greater water carrying capacity of the atmosphere as a result of global warming.

Nice Motto by our friend Al :cool:
View attachment 81882

Nice Motto by our friend Al :cool:
Yes, and he's right IMHO. We've been expecting government to do what we elect them to do, but clearly that was a poor expectation. They won't do it and industry won't either. It's going to come down to the little people making the change by putting on pressure, by boycotting high carbon products and by buying low impact ones - the Tesla and solar panels for example. When GM (for example) receives countless emails demanding an EV as good as the Tesla, and people stop buying their ICE cars, they'll change what they build, but not until then.

It really is up to us.
Yes, and he's right IMHO. We've been expecting government to do what we elect them to do, but clearly that was a poor expectation. They won't do it and industry won't either. It's going to come down to the little people making the change by putting on pressure, by boycotting high carbon products and by buying low impact ones - the Tesla and solar panels for example. When GM (for example) receives countless emails demanding an EV as good as the Tesla, and people stop buying their ICE cars, they'll change what they build, but not until then.

It really is up to us.

Well said!
Too bad the legal system doesn't allow us to charge someone with being an accessory to a mass extinction *before* the fact...

Sounds like Minority Report :)

I think that in the next 10 years or so, as the general public wake up to the reality that a few individuals slowed the switch to a low carbon economy there will be some blame getting spread around. Thankfully there is a comprehensive record of who said what, and if we talk about them enough just now it won't take long in the future to locate the key actors in this shameful situation.
Too bad the legal system doesn't allow us to charge someone with being an accessory to a mass extinction *before* the fact...

Agree. This was the reason why I started this thread (and I got many criticisms):

Free Speech and Climate Change Skeptics Deniers

I am afraid that in some years somebody will say: "Yes Raffy was right. We really need a new legal system to work out the Climate Change/Global Warming issue"

I think that the legal issue concerning the First Emendment can be solved.
Raffy, are you thinking AGW deniers should face judges and juries for crimes against humanity?

If they are as guilty as the tobacco companies were in covering up the risks of smoking for the sake of profit then ABSOLUTELY.

There's a word for intentionally or knowingly causing death (directly or indirectly) for ANY purpose... I'm no lawyer but I do believe that's a crime.

Raffy, are you thinking AGW deniers should face judges and juries for crimes against humanity?

Cannot answer. The Moderator closed the thread on Free Speech because it's a delicate matter and then in this thread such a matter would be also off topic. I only sometimes quote the thread on Free Speech for reference.

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There's a word for intentionally or knowingly causing death (directly or indirectly) for ANY purpose... I'm no lawyer but I do believe that's a crime.

Agree 100%.
Cannot answer. The Moderator closed the thread on Free Speech because it's a delicate matter and then in this thread such a matter would be also off topic. I only sometimes quote the thread on Free Speech for reference.
Whoa, there, Raffy -- Free Speech and Climate Change Skeptics Deniers is, and has been, open for posts. I called a time-out in that thread for people who had already posted their POV, repeatedly, to create some space for others to respond. The fact that that there has been no response there for a while suggests that all that should be said on the subject has been said.
Whoa, there, Raffy -- Free Speech and Climate Change Skeptics Deniers is, and has been, open for posts. I called a time-out in that thread for people who had already posted their POV, repeatedly, to create some space for others to respond. The fact that that there has been no response there for a while suggests that all that should be said on the subject has been said.

Yes Robert I understood it was like this.