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That is a Mazda 3. We're thinking of handing it down to the daughter when she gets a job. She is currently looking after having just gotten her MSW.
Funny enough I am swapping a beautiful soul red Mazda 3 for the white Model Y. She will be missed dearly as this is probably the only gas car brand I would ever go back to but a Tesla is a Tesla and EV driving fun just can't be beat.
Funny enough I am swapping a beautiful soul red Mazda 3 for the white Model Y. She will be missed dearly as this is probably the only gas car brand I would ever go back to but a Tesla is a Tesla and EV driving fun just can't be beat.
That Mazda 3 is actually our second one, had one before her....and they are sooo fun to drive! I used to love taking the back curvy roads between Yucaipa and Riverside as fast (and as safely, of course) as I could go. I'm glad my daughter loves this one as much. :)
And the saga continues. If this was a a soup opera, the name would be, “As My Stomach Turns”.

My MYP is still in Paramus. They said Paramus is having issues finding carriers. I asked if my vehicle has an issue. They stated “no, it just needs a ride”. HA!

In any case, moved to 9/9 at 1pm. Let’s hope for the best!
Just got back from taking delivery (and a quick lunch). Delivery went smoothly and quickly. Examined the car, did not find any major glaring issues. I liked that they pretty much left us alone to take our time and examine the car. Then we walked in, signed the papers and off we go.

I've attached a few shots, 2 of her at the Tesla SC and 1 of her at home. I am definitely in love and already making plans (and dropping hints to the husband) on our next Tesla purchase. She is definitely worth that long wait. :)
Wow, you have such good taste and you are so lucky!!!
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Guys! Hi!
it has been a crazy beautiful four days of driving this car. When I say that the wait is 1000% worth it, I am not lying.

The car is beautiful, and perfect, it does get a little bit of getting used to like 48 hours, but the rest is smooth sailing, I am absolutely in love with my car.
Great to see you still on the board! How hard has that black paint been to maintain? I feel like this is going to be a higher maintenance relationship than with my wife! 🤣 🤣 🤣
Guys! Hi!
it has been a crazy beautiful four days of driving this car. When I say that the wait is 1000% worth it, I am not lying.

The car is beautiful, and perfect, it does get a little bit of getting used to like 48 hours, but the rest is smooth sailing, I am absolutely in love with my car.
Congratulations!! Glad you love it!! Makes all the drama so worth it, right?!
As my delivery window opens tomorrow and I'm assuming I'll be scheduling pickup at some point in the next week or so, my trade in expired yesterday and I had to update. I was ready to just accept another loss as it's steadily been going down over the months of waiting. Low and behold, it went UP by $2000. Never even had it in my brain that it would go back up. And right on time too before I get ready to take delivery!
So an interesting wrinkle for MA folks, insurance and upload. I guess it is not something you can do and has to be done through your SA. The insurance agent has to get all the reg and title info from the SA and then they create a binder and stamp it, then send it back. The SA then completes the insurance step. It's a 5-10min process for the insurance agent but they can't do anything until they get all the information from the dealership.

Quote wise my agent who I have had for a decade now says it will be cheaper to insure than my wife's 2017 Mercedes GLE and a touch more than my 2012 Tundra I sold to by the MY. So roughly $1100 a year max coverage and a $500 deductible.
As my delivery window opens tomorrow and I'm assuming I'll be scheduling pickup at some point in the next week or so, my trade in expired yesterday and I had to update. I was ready to just accept another loss as it's steadily been going down over the months of waiting. Low and behold, it went UP by $2000. Never even had it in my brain that it would go back up. And right on time too before I get ready to take delivery!
Hoping mine does this or stays the same, I’m still about 2 months out!
Just got off the phone with Geico to update my insurance and I'm glad I called. The rep I spoke with said customers have been telling her that when buying Teslas they aren't getting to schedule their delivery until they've uploaded proof of insurance with the car's VIN on it. So she put in an effective date of next week for me so I'd have something in there to get an insurance binder to upload. Then (at least in MA) Tesla has to send Geico a form to put in their system or the car can't be registered. She said that THEN that's when I should be able to schedule pickup. Until then it's impossible to register the car, so therefore it can't be delivered. Don't know how true this is, but she said she's seen it several times dealing with people who bought Teslas so I'm just passing the info on just in case it's accurate and people are in scheduling limbo.