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Debunking facebook junk

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Active Member
Apr 18, 2019
anyone got a handy reference for debunking this junk from Facebook? Instinct says its rubbish and a complete strawman, but I don't know which particular bits are wrong in which ways?

Something to think about!!
This is a CAT994A.
It burns around 1000 litres of fuel in 12 hours, moves around 250 tons of dirt to remove materials needed to make ONE Tesla battery.
To make any battery, you need to process:
- 12 tons of lithium seal
- 15 tons of ore for cobalt
- 3 tons of ore for nickel,
- 12 ton ore for copper
And shifting 250 tonnes of crust.
For only - one - battery, which ca:
- 12 kg of Lithium
- 30 kgs of Nickel
- 22 kg Eating
- 15 kg of cobalt
- 100 kg of copper
- 200 kg aluminum, steel and plastic
And people believe in "zero emissions" when they drive their electric car.
Well for 1, if you only shift 250T in 12 hours there’s something wrong. That’s 20T an hour, 1T ever 3 mins, I had a delivery of soil the other day, that dropped off 2T in 5 mins, I recon he could deliver 5T. If you include the round trip drive (15 miles) it would be say an hour for 5T. So you’d need 4 lorry’s for the same throughput. 15mpg, 150 miles per day, 10gallons or 50l per truck, that’s 200l of fuel. So even an inefficient by mining standards mechanism is 1/5 the fuel, all other things being equal which they won’t be.

The alternate answer is don’t feed the trolls.
Well for 1, if you only shift 250T in 12 hours there’s something wrong. That’s 20T an hour, 1T ever 3 mins, I had a delivery of soil the other day, that dropped off 2T in 5 mins, I recon he could deliver 5T. If you include the round trip drive (15 miles) it would be say an hour for 5T. So you’d need 4 lorry’s for the same throughput. 15mpg, 150 miles per day, 10gallons or 50l per truck, that’s 200l of fuel. So even an inefficient by mining standards mechanism is 1/5 the fuel, all other things being equal which they won’t be.

The alternate answer is don’t feed the trolls.
I try not to feed the trolls, but I do prefer to gently correct friends when they repost rubbish. Cheers all for exposing the threads to pull on for this particular foolishness!
Unlikely your ‘friends’ will take the time to read this debunking article as it most likely goes against their own ‘beliefs’ for want of a better word?

Any new tech hits a wall ASAP and you’ve got to wonder why?

Solar - what’s your payback gonna be! How are those panels made?
Mobile phones - gonna fry your brain
Fracking - gonna cause the world to collapse with earthquakes
Covid vaccines - nah…..

As stated in the article, where’s the source of all this and it must surely come down to who is going to lose out financially if this new tech eats into their own market share or domination?

Many of these YouTubers preach to their own choirs. It’s quite clever really because they have a target audience who they continually feed and who continually consume hence increasing their revenue. There’s a guy called Geoff and apparently purchases cars (I’m sure you can get that) and he’s perpetually quoting anti EV drivel. Facts are quite true but he’s selective which keeps him from being kicked off YT I imagine but read his comments and they love it. Great business model, I’m quite jealous, and trying to think of something I can vent on daily which will garner me a following and make me a fortune for doing nothing but rant in my car all day. Great life😂😂
anyone got a handy reference for debunking this junk from Facebook?

What about the process of getting oil out of the ground and refined and transported and into the car (without spilling any, or causing any environmental damage, or lobbying government to persuade people that back-is-white)

FullyCharged have quite a good video on that.

EVMan recently had a rant on the misleading comments left on his videos. He's got a few pointers in there "What about the batteries in your mobile phone" (re: cobalt etc.) - and the Cobalt used in refining Petrol etc.

I liked some of the comments on that one:

"you'll never educate stupid"
"I think what is funny is that those without a EV seem to have the need to justify why they don't have/want one"

and for some (unrelated/off topic) entertainment here is Tom Scott showing an car park with automated chargers for EVs - after the bike parking ... and the ICE parking ...

FullyCharged have quite a good video on that.

I find their stuff goes the other way at times.

Take oil, people often look at the total refining costs for oil and apply then to petrol or diesel whereas the reallity (at least as I understand it) is the refining processal also makes chemicals for pharma, bitumen for roads etc. so lots of stuff. These things are often nuanced. On this theme, there was an argument once that the energy required to refine a gallon of petrol was the same amount required to move a EV the distance the gallon of petrol would take the car. That turned out to be misleading.

Similar, I don't know if you watched question time when they talked about the coal mine they were opening to support the steel industry. The premise was they needed the coal for the carboin content to turn iron into steel - not one person understood that and they just argued, incorrectly, that you could use other sources of energy than coal to heat the metal. Somebody tried to explain but nobody was interested in listening, people just grab one view point and don't look sideways.

I think this is what happens here, you get the "EVs are a joke" v "EVs are the saviour" arguments and I think the truth is its somewhere between the two, just finding the balanced argument is really difficult as everybody adds their own spin. I'm certainly not capable of coming up with it, but it's usually not difficult to spot holes in both arguments you see presented. Thats why I'd suggest just not engaging, people believe what they want to believe and trying to use science to convince them differently requires them to be open to the suggestion.
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Who cares what some random on Facebook thinks? These kind of people will never change their mind so why bother wasting your time trying to convince them?

Also I kind of think this stuff is a bit of a fringe debate and that most people don't actually care about this stuff - myself included. All that people really care about is "does an ev work for me?" And if the answer is "yes" then that's great. If the answer is"no" then so be it.
I have to say I didn't buy my car because I believed it was kind to the planet and I'm not an eco warrior - I think about saving money whilst getting what I want. If I want a particular brand of product I will search the internet for the very best deal, Best deal doesn't always mean the cheapest price as I consider customer service and after sale service, reliability or reputation of the business to deliver what they say - obviously with larger purchases. With small purchases, I select the brand, model etc and go for the cheapest price.

I said I'm no eco warrior, though I've been super energy efficient at home for years but that's because I'm a gadget freak - not trying to save the planet. My home had a ECP rating band E when i bought it - its now band B just a smidgen short of a band A, and the only way i could get it to band A would be digging up the concrete floors, insulating and relaying concrete - which isn't worth the effort or cost.

My car, bought because it gave me everything I want from a car - super cheap to run - charge 9 months of the year from Solar, no servicing, no RFL until 2025, love the look of it, seats 5 and 0 to 60 in 3 seconds ish.

I hear all the debate regarding the green arguments - personally I don't care, I'm here once, I worked from the age of 15 without ever being unemployed until retirement, In my working life i had a total of 3 days sick - honestly I was never ill. I've had hard times - and no one rushed in to help me out, never had a handout- so now I intend to enjoy the years I have left - someone else can worry about the planet. If I liked the Range Rover Sport I would have one - the protesters or experts wouldn't make me feel guilty - not a jot. It wouldn't matter to me if they had to dig the size of France up to get the materials to make my battery - In fact digging up France wouldn't be a bad idea anyway. My behaviours wont change anything in this world, and i know the arguments that if we all do a bit then it would be significant - but if the 66 million people in the UK stopped using all fossil fuels immediately the difference to the world would be a tad under 2% less pollutants - which the Chinese would fill that space in a month.
I said I'm no eco warrior, though I've been super energy efficient at home for years but that's because I'm a gadget freak - not trying to save the planet. My home had a ECP rating band E when i bought it - its now band B just a smidgen short of a band A, and the only way i could get it to band A would be digging up the concrete floors, insulating and relaying concrete - which isn't worth the effort or cost.

Waste water heat recovery is worth a few points if that is all you need, and saves about 1/3 the cost of your hot water. We just retro fitted a unit in a bathroom that was being redone anyway, payback somewhat less than 2 years.

As for the rest, by constantly searching for the best and putting aside preconceived ideas you have arrived at a pretty eco place for someone that claims not to be eco. I think this is the frustrating thing for many - it is provably better in the future green version of the world, but misinformation, entrenched ideas and old obviously dead industries won't move on.

I also didn't select the Tesla for eco reasons 4.5 years ago, but I have to admit that's where I am now. Although I do hope to be around long enough that there is likely to be some pretty nasty stuff coming if everyone doesn't take one or other of our approaches. Never mind the kids.
You'll never win against Confirmation Bias.
Absolutely, some breathtaking examples of YouTubers willing to wilfully place on record some wilfully stupid acts and arguments and examples includes:
1. The MacMaster - this guy owns a Taycan and spends every video saying how bad EV's are
2. Geoff Buys Cars - just a good old fashion ICE car lover with an extreme anti EV agenda