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Elon Tweeting about Thailand and Reputation

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I’m waiting for the honorable Mr. Vernon Unsworth to apologize for his false statements to the press defaming the efforts of the engineers that did what they were requested to do — and his crude insult to Musk.

Let’s see if that happens.

Your on the wrong site. You are looking for the Weird Cave Mapping Brits of Thailand forum. Also know as WCMBT. ValueAnalyst has a poll on that forum showing the 2 of the 3 members disapprove of Vern's harsh criticism of Musk. She also has a link to her twitter feed FWIW.
This quora link lays out the sequence of events re Elon & the Thailand team exactly as I saw it unfold:

And I did see a lot of it first hand - the team in Thailand reached out to me on July 6th at 2am (their time, mid morning here) because they'd heard I could get them in touch directly w Elon. My five minutes of keyboard warrior gave me a front row seat to the events.

I'm only including this photo for the doubters who think I'm just making up stories to defend. The photo is extremely special to me, made the events very very real & at the time, I didn't know if it would be a painful reminder of the loss of many lives or something that made me smile. I'd like to say it makes me smile, but because of all the bad internet behavior, it's a reminder of the ugly side of the mob mentality.

He was NOT seeking out some free PR. He was doing everything asked that he could to help. And when he came up to catch a breath, he found he'd been turned into a pariah. Well done, internet. Well done.

Note to news orgs: You do not have my permission to use this photo.


Thanks for all you do.

Next time I get in an argument with my wife, I'll post an apology on TMC. It's a public forum, so she should be able to find it. That'll suffice right?
Do you actively work at being dense? Try this, next time you get in an argument with your wife on TMC you can post an apology on the same platform. Get it? Probably not.
It was better than the Trump Helsinki walkback, but not much else.

I mean, honestly the apology was terrible. That isnt anti-Elon bias, that is just someone who has seen a good apology before and that one was not that.

It was the appropriate apology. Vern was a dick and attacked Elon and the efforts of his employees unnecessarily. I know you want to pretend Elon attacked unprovoked but that's not "reality". The irony of your name never ceases to amuse.
Do you actively work at being dense? Try this, next time you get in an argument with your wife on TMC you can post an apology on the same platform. Get it? Probably not.

Ah, I get it now. I'll tell my kid to relay an apology to my wife when we're all in the house together. That will surely go over well.
Thanks for your sage advice, JPR3.
It was the appropriate apology. Vern was a dick and attacked Elon and the efforts of his employees unnecessarily. I know you want to pretend Elon attacked unprovoked but that's not "reality". The irony of your name never ceases to amuse.

2 wrongs make a right. More sage advice from JPR3. You should start an advice column at your local newspaper. ;)
Some good may come out of all this, still so extraordinary how quickly Elon’s team developed and built apparatus that could potentially save someone’s life.

If your kids were stuck in there, you would want every available resource thinking of a solution.

I wouldn’t be suprised if the learnings from the sub could be applied and utilised for other situations.

It’s a shame this good work has been lost a little.
It was the appropriate apology. Vern was a dick and attacked Elon and the efforts of his employees unnecessarily. I know you want to pretend Elon attacked unprovoked but that's not "reality". The irony of your name never ceases to amuse.

First, Vern had just gone through weeks of hell trying to save those boys. Again, he is a hero. He was there searching as the cave was flooding. He recruited the British Navy to come to their rescue. He knew the cave extremely well.

Second, grow up. If someone insults you, don't stoop to their level. Elon is CEO of a 50B+ public company; he could have spun this into "look how amazing our engineers are."

Third, it's a shitty appology. It's in Twitter at midnight in response to a tweet that was basically mocking journalism. He tries to create an equivalence between their two insults when they aren't equal.

Elon has media training, a huge PR team, and 22M Twitter followers.

5 weeks ago, Vern was a nobody living in Thailand, with no media training, and limited social media experience.

Here's a more professional appology:

I want to appologise to Mr. Vern. Earlier this week, I foolishly stated that he was a "pedo," or pedophile, in a now-deleted Tweet.

I was stressed after working intensely with the SpaceX team to ensure the divers had a viable backup plan. After seeing Vern's comments late at night, I lashed out.

It was a childish comment that was completely baseless, and I sincerely regret it. Mr. Vern worked tirelessly to see to those boys rescue. I hope he will forgive me.
If person A starts a fight with person B and person B hits harder is person B required to apologize more?

The caver gave Elon the equivalent of a middle finger. Elon fired back with the equivalency of a flamethrower. One person acted like an ass, the other committed a potential crime while acting like a bigger ass.

You tell me who really needs to apologize to who?
This debate with the Elon apologists once again reminds me of the Orange One and his base.

"Hey, there were bad things committed by both sides in Chartlottesville! Both sides were at fault!"
"Hey, Russia AND the US are to blame for Russia hacking our elections! The US was especially to blame for letting Russia hack us as bad as they did!"

I need to get some of this kool aid some of you are drinking, because it must be some potent stuff.
First, Vern had just gone through weeks of hell trying to save those boys.
And Elon has gone through years of personal attacks and attacks on his companies and all his efforts.

Again, he is a hero. He was there searching as the cave was flooding. He recruited the British Navy to come to their rescue. He knew the cave extremely well.
Doesn't mean he's not an a-hole.
Second, grow up. If someone insults you, don't stoop to their level. Elon is CEO of a 50B+ public company; he could have spun this into "look how amazing our engineers are."
No argument from me that Elon screwed up with his attack.

Third, it's a shitty appology. It's in Twitter at midnight in response to a tweet that was basically mocking journalism.
Didn't know that tweets timed out after a while. What does it matter that the tweet was posted at midnight?

Here's a more professional appology:

I want to appologise to Mr. Vern. Earlier this week, I foolishly stated that he was a "pedo," or pedophile, in a now-deleted Tweet.

Why would he apologize for something he never said?

I was stressed after working intensely with the SpaceX team to ensure the divers had a viable backup plan. After seeing Vern's comments late at night, I lashed out.

It was a childish comment that was completely baseless, and I sincerely regret it. Mr. Vern worked tirelessly to see to those boys rescue. I hope he will forgive me.
That's fine, but I prefer what Elon said.
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