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Elon's latest message confirms v5.8 "greater ground clearance at highway speeds"

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The title of this thread is incorrect. Elon's blog post indicates that there was an intentional change in 5.8 regarding the suspension behavior. In no way does that blog post indicate that the implementation is bug free.
The title of this thread is incorrect. Elon's blog post indicates that there was an intentional change in 5.8 regarding the suspension behavior. In no way does that blog post indicate that the implementation is bug free.



a) Elon is referring to the intended 0.33" raise of the suspension. However, the fact that the car doesn't lower when it hits 60mph / 97kph is a bug.
b) The fact that the car does not lower when it hits 60mph is NOT a bug, but then there is a bug because the car is still lowering at 97mph.

Either way there is a bug in the suspension software for 5.8.

I wish you can ask the SC for clarification, but because these are 2 subtly different issues, knowing what we know about Tesla's internal communication, the SC's won't know anything until January.
Well, now that it's been confirmed, we can move on.

Second, we have requested that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration conduct a full investigation as soon as possible into the fire incidents. While we think it is highly unlikely, if something is discovered that would result in a material improvement in occupant fire safety, we will immediately apply that change to new cars and offer it as a free retrofit to all existing cars. Given that the incidence of fires in the Model S is far lower than combustion cars and that there have been no resulting injuries, this did not at first seem like a good use of NHTSA’s time compared to the hundreds of gasoline fire deaths per year that warrant their attention. However, there is a larger issue at stake: if a false perception about the safety of electric cars is allowed to linger, it will delay the advent of sustainable transport and increase the risk of global climate change, with potentially disastrous consequences worldwide. That cannot be allowed to happen.

Excellent IMO.
That is a great quote from the blog but this one is my favorite!

"It is also why arsonists tend to favor gasoline. Trying to set the side of a building on fire with a battery pack is far less effective."

From the blog post: "Third, to reinforce how strongly we feel about the low risk of fire in our cars, we will be amending our warranty policy to cover damage due to a fire, even if due to driver error. Unless a Model S owner actively tries to destroy the car, they are covered."

Fire in a Model S is now a warranty item? Brilliant move, Elon!
From the blog post: "Third, to reinforce how strongly we feel about the low risk of fire in our cars, we will be amending our warranty policy to cover damage due to a fire, even if due to driver error. Unless a Model S owner actively tries to destroy the car, they are covered."

Fire in a Model S is now a warranty item? Brilliant move, Elon!

(head explosion) I'm sorry, what now?!?!?! I mean really, WTF?! He is crazy. Like a fox. (And we all know what the fox says....) Anyway, this is really nutty, but realistically, it's not going to happen freaking often. I love how people say "OMG 2 in a month" when it's really 2 in well over a year. Not that either representation is statistically valid, probably (I'm no statistician), but really, I do agree with what must be part of his underlying premise--"this won't happen often, so this will not make a dent in our finances."

But still my head's swimming from this twist. Someone predicted this, but I didn't buy it. Wow.

- - - Updated - - -

P.S. Will this make insurance rates for the Model S go down? ;-) I mean for insurance companies, it's all about the payouts, right?

The current thread title is "Elon's latest message confirms 5.8 suspends auto-low setting".

Can somebody PLEASE point out where this is stated? I do not see this written anywhere at all. And there is an easy reason why. BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOT SUSPENDED THE AUTO-LOW SETTING.

In fact, the exact wording is as follows:

First, we have rolled out an over-the-air update to the air suspension that will result in greater ground clearance at highway speeds.

If you have been following the air suspension thread and other threads on 5.8, you would have seen the multiple posts were people have measured the ground clearance in inches at each suspension setting. Tesla has raised the ground clearance level by 5/16" for each each level. THIS is what is officially described in the official blog post. That is the change that was made.

Tesla HAS NOT SUSPENDED THE AUTO-LOW SETTING. Nowhere is this stated, and this thread along with everybody that keeps posting this, is INCORRECT.

The fact that the car lowers at 96.5mph is a SOFTWARE BUG - a non-intentional change. AN ERROR MADE BY A SOFTWARE CODER that screwed up unit conversion. 60mph=96.5kph (which is in fact the trigger point for the low-height suspension, VERIFIED BY ME PERSONALLY as well as other TMC members. so right now you must hit 96.5mph to trigger auto-low suspension.) This was probably due to a merging of code branches or something of the like since this was the first major release post EU deliveries.

So please, stop saying that Tesla suspended the auto-lowering of the suspension, because they have in fact NOT.