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FSD 12.3.3 first drive - safe, super boring

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I find FSD to be amazing, but with some serious caveats:

In the rain on the highway it slows to the point I feel I have to turn it off. Then I’m stuck without cruise.

If I don’t hold down the turn signal long enough while changing lanes it aggressively veers back to the original lane.

It sometimes slows down to 20mph in a 55. Don’t know why.

When I sometimes signal a lane change it turns itself off.


All that being said, I have found that the whole system seems to be working better; no phantom breaking, fewer nags. It’s impressive, really. Personally, I feel I just need to manage it better. Don’t think, however, that I’ll purchase it.
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I find FSD to be amazing, but with some serious caveats:

In the rain on the highway it slows to the point I feel I have to turn it off. Then I’m stuck without cruise.

If I don’t hold down the turn signal long enough while changing lanes it aggressively veers back to the original lane.

It sometimes slows down to 20mph in a 55. Don’t know why.

When I sometimes signal a lane change it turns itself off.


All that being said, I have found that the whole system seems to be working better; no phantom breaking, fewer nags. It’s impressive, really. Personally, I feel I just need to manage it better. Don’t think, however, that I’ll purchase it.
Yeah, there's still some issue I noticed where it just lingers at 20 below the speed limit seemingly for no reason. Clear traffic all around, just.... lingers.
Yeah, they got me by the **** now. ooof. I'm curious if the "Supervised" is $99. Then will they be releasing full hands/eyes free FSD for $200?
Good thing with $99 is you can bail out if it’s not for you. I presume the full price option doesn’t do refunds. So seems mad to me but anyone would buy without trying it first.

Just hope don’t crash, good luck with trying to claim that on the insurance now Elon has labelled it Supervised FSD (it’s a name but it’s not FULL surely)

Elon is human, just a very complex one. Has great engineers working on this who do the real work but get be very little public thanks or acknowledgement for their work

In Uk Ford’s Mustang Mach-e is allowed to be driven unsupervised on Highways and Tesla is not even close to getting that.
I remember the time Ford was advertising this feature but fine print mentioned that the driver is responsible for the curves on the highway 🤣
I agree it’s Ford and it’s probably crap, but regardless they have approval in the UK be driven unsupervised on Highways only
Tesla don’t and even if someone paid for FSD the car now checks and enforces Supervision.

I don’t have FSD (or beta) but do you get any phantom braking events (70-0) in FSD which people report for Autopilot

Are FSD decisions made by the Car or some super powerful AI server that relays back to the car?
If FSD 11.x behaves as a fresh, impulsive and insecure teenage driver, FSD 12.3.3 would be a healthy, super cautious, 90-95 year old.
love that analogy and I think it is right on. we have found that there are environments where FSD excels (low traffic and street complexity) and others where it does not (high traffic density and multilane roadways, particularly if some of those are turn, exit or HOV commuter lanes). so consequently depending on your driving environment, you may love or hate it. I think it may be perfect for small town America, but if you live in major city, you'll find the software is not 100% dependable. and at times dangerous. v12 is much better than 11, and we are hopeful that future upgrades will get it closer to normal human driving.
Decision are made by the car. I sure believe that disengagements are reported back for them to review and improve
it resides in the car for certain. the system is constantly collecting data about its interactions and sharing it with the mother ship. disengagements are more a trigger for analysis.
  • no longer obeys 'speed' settings. Max speed is no longer the speed it attempts to achieve. It seems to be happy to stay at the posted speed limit - will maintain a posted speed limit if you are driving on an empty road - unless other cars in front of you or to your right/left move faster. I felt intense frustration while on FSD 12.3.3.
This is a good thing! You should not go over the speed limit.
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