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General Discussion: 2018 Investor Roundtable

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This is just the beginning, and it has nothing to do with Syria, which doesn’t have any meaningful oil production, and is in Middle East, which has been tumultuous for literally millennia, so nothing new. This is as “old news” as it gets.

Oil market is currently deeply undersupplied, which will not change before a recession, so expect higher prices. I’ve published more than a hundred articles on this in the last year, and recently discussed its impact on Tesla here: Shorting Oil, Hedging Tesla
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What’s wrong with using information that someone else shared online?

The problem is not that @FredLambert shares this information online, that's fine. The problem is that he does not have the decency to say where he got it from. I read the articles daily and he goes way out of his way to purposely leave TMC out.

Let me quote some of the mental gymnastics he does to get out of saying TMC, from this very article:
  • "a leaked image of what appears to be an engineering car"
  • " ‘verygreen’ a member of the Tesla community"
And he gives a link back to the original tweet. Since the Tweet was immediately deleted after it was posted on TMC and this was multiple days ago, the only way he got the link was from TMC.

Now, I would be fine if this would be a single occurrences, but it happens multiple times a month.
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The problem is not that @FredLambert shares this information online, that's fine. The problem is that he does not have the decency to say where he got it from. I read the articles daily and he goes way out of his way to purposely leave TMC out.

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What you said is not true, and even if it is, who cares: @FredLambert works hard to spread facts, and does it so well that the company told institutional investors to read his website instead of mainstream media. I regularly see @FredLambert give credit to @verygreen, for example, and why does it matter?! Are you looking for a medal? People literally take my articles and translate to other languages without asking permission and they make money off of it. Posts on TMC aren’t some academic study that someone worked on for decades and published their results in some academic journal, and even those are regularly plagiarized without proper attribution or none at all. Last, but not least, THE POST IN QUESTION IS A COPY/PASTE FROM TWITTER!!!
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The problem is not that @FredLambert shares this information online, that's fine. The problem is that he does not have the decency to say where he got it from. I read the articles daily and he goes way out of his way to purposely leave TMC out.

Let me quote some of the mental gymnastics he does to get out of saying TMC, from this very article:
  • "a leaked image of what appears to be an engineering car"
  • " ‘verygreen’ a member of the Tesla community"
And he gives a link back to the original tweet. Since the Tweet was immediately deleted after it was posted on TMC and this was multiple days ago, the only way he got the link was from TMC.

Now, I would be fine if this would be a single occurrences, but it happens multiple times a month.

Neither website benefit you personally. So it shouldn't matter which ones makes money based off this information. As an investor or owner. You will benefit from more website copying each other and spreading the information from TMC. The only time where restricting the information on TMC will benefit or damage some individual monetarily, is when their physical identity and their forum identity is known.
WOW, just WOW !
I never thought they would have an almost 80% take rate on EAP (X/S).

Wonder what it is on the 3?
Must be a little lower, 50, 60 maybe 70 %?

You can see on Troy’s spreadsheet that EAP uptake remains similarly high for Model 3. FSD uptake will likely accelerate to similarly high levels in the coming months as exclusive features are introduced, and this has drasticly positive game-changing implications for Tesla’s bottom line.
Losses on services and other (which includes used car sales) are standard for a while now. Tesla decided to deal with them by not refurbishing their used cars anymore.

I think this policy is backwards. It goes totally against the spirit of showing how avoiding the dealership makes the customer happy. Meanwhile a customer receiving a filthy and broken car gets nowhere for five weeks through the regular channels (including executive escalation) but gets instant attention the day he puts up a post here shaming Tesla that attracts hundreds of agrees. I believe that kind of strategy is not good for the brand and ultimately even more expensive than providing a best in class used car sales program right from the start.

As a minimum this means : Refurbish every used car, take it out of loaner duty when it becomes available for sale, provide accurate and ample pictures online and make your site at least as easily searchable as third party sites.
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David Tamberrino is ranked #4425 out of 4756 analysts. Bottom 7%. Average return -12%. I assume a company that cares about it's reputation would have fired this kind of bottom performer long ago. It seems GS is happy with his performance.

Another strange thing, if I google an analyst, I can find hundreds of pictures and videos. But I can't find one picture of David Tamberrino.

Maybe his job is to give a downgrade on TSLA at the critical times. It's not a pleasant job, but someone has to do it.


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I just caught the promo. The interview was yesterday. It looked to took place in the Tesla factory. Thought they said it would air in the 8-9 hour, but could have been for Thursday. I'll watch and post just before it comes on.
Tesla CEO Elon Musk says social media, artificial intelligence should be regulated This clip was mostly about Facebook data breach and he mentioned he slept on the factory floor.

"I definitely feel stress, yeah. It's like – we've been incredibly difficult and painful the last several months," Musk said.

"Painful?" King asked.

"Absolutely, of course. Yeah, I'm sleeping on the factory floor, not because I think that's a fun place to sleep. You know. Terrible," he said.

"Sleeping on the factory floor, doing – why are you doing that?"

"Because I don't have time to go home and shower," Musk responded.

"It's that simple?"

"Yes," Musk said. "I don't believe like people should be experiencing hardship while the CEO is like off on vacation."
Tomorrow they will have a story on the Model 3 line.
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