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Have interior creaking in your Model X/S? Service center used a hammer and chisel to resolve.

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My '18 Model X has been making an increasingly annoying loud creak from the passenger front interior. It got to the point where I couldn't stand it anymore, as the noise continually reminded me that I spent $130K on a vehicle with the build quality of a 1979 Ford LTD. So, I made an appointment at the service center.

Took the tech for a ride to demonstrate the creak, and within minutes, he knew what the problem was. He said he’d fix it with a hammer and chisel.

I thought he was joking. But when we got back to the service center, he showed me what he meant.

By pulling away the weather stripping on the interior of the front passenger door jamb, one can see there's a seam where the metal body panels come together. Apparently, on the MX and MS cars, the flexing of the car chassis/body causes these two stamped metal parts to rub together and creak.

The fix is to stick a chisel between the two metal body parts and separate them by hammering the chisel in there so they no longer touch.

I uploaded an image here: .

In any case, hope this helps any MX or MS owners that are experiencing a loud interior creak coming from the front of the car. Next time, I'll do it myself and save the $200.
Where is that exactly? Can you please post one image giving an overview also?! Thank you!
It is in the front of the door jam just to the right of the glove box underneath a 1.5" thick piece of weatherstripping/door seal. I would take more pics but the weather stripping has a couple cracks in it and don't want to deteriorate it further by taking if off again.
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I'm not sure what's more shocking—the fact that Tesla's cars are so poorly designed they require hammers and crowbars to fix, or that folks here find this to be normal. Those of us who own non-Tesla EVs, properly designed and made by manufacturers who know how to build and design cars, are guffawing at this thread. My friends in the BMW i-forums are having a field day with this. You'd think that after 10 years of making this car Tesla could figure *sugar* out. But that's what happens when your CEO is out to lunch most of the time doing ketamine and banging his underlings.

Meanwhile, BMW and the rest are out there making amazing EVs being scooped up by 40% of the EV buying public that want nothing to do with Tesla. Hopefully this thread convinces a few people never to buy a Tesla, ever. They may very well be the worst built cars on the planet right now and all because the illustrious Elon Shmuck can't run a company to save his life.
Right. Go back to the BMW forum and stop wasting our time with this anti-Tesla hate.