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Hol Update suggestion; Move blind-spot monitor to top of screen

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I also would prefer if it is in larger spot. But my dad did point out the lower area is far less likely to be hit by glare.

Note if you have the cameras on already (as I typically do), it doesn't show up. I would like if it can switch focus to the given camera (show it larger like it does for rear camera) while signal is activated.
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The top (left) area displays critical information, like speed. It can't be overlayed. It could have been higher over the visualizations is what you mean I guess? Even visualizations sometimes convey important information, like vehicles in the blind spot becoming red.
Why not have the BSM take over the entire MAP quadrant? If you need to hide it you can tap the blinker arrow on screen (say you are stopped at a light), but that way you can easily see it. Assuming it's a situation where you would need the BSM, you shouldn't really be looking at the map at that moment anyway.
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Just returned from a trip, drove 2 diff rentals...Kia small sedan, Kia Sportage. Both had the blind spot light in the mirrors.

HAHA! I'm so accustomed to the Tesla MY version that I actually missed it. Also see no reason why it couldn't be larger, full screen maybe
In school (California) they taught me to put my signals on, check to make sure it's safe (blindspots), then turn.

Never heard of your check to make sure it's safe. Turn on signals, then turn technique.

Are you in Europe?
I think the difference is whether it is:
mirrors, signal, blindspot check, lane change
signal, mirrors, blindspot check, lane change

The US generally teaches the latter rather the former.

Some argue strongly against signaling before checking mirrors (I believe in other countries it is an automatic fail if you do so), for fear of spooking other drivers, but I think in reality it would be more of an annoyance than something that really will lead to an unsafe situation.
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Better yet, when a vehicle enters a "blind spot", visualize it in RED or some other attention-getting color. This camera "feature" is pretty worthless in practice.
I’m pretty sure this already happens. What would be better is if there was a tone or alert that also triggered above and beyond just the red vehicle (only if you start to change lanes will then\ alert trigger). Why not trigger when the signal is turned on and there is a car in the area you are headed towards.
And, as there are always 2 sides to the coin: It would annoy me to hell if my side mirrors constantly had yellow lights that turn on and off as I pass people, when there is no imminent danger. Cars becoming red in my screen would attract my attention for no good reason if there's no imminent danger, possibly making the situation more dangerous than it actually is.
My opinion, to balance yours :D
I could not agree more on OP's opinion. At the moment the picture is behind my arm while I am holding the steering wheel. I would not mind the blind spot camera picture to be covering the map display completely while I am changing lanes. I think it would be very useful safety feature if if the picture would be easier to see.


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