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Israel/Hamas conflict

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Imagine the world and the Middle East if the Shah wasn't deposed in Iran?

Despite his flaws, the Shah's administration in Iran was light years more humane and modern than what came after. Google images of Iran in the 1970's. Women had so much more freedom back then, Persian women are some of the most beautiful creatures in the world IMHO.

My next door neighbor is Baha'i and fled Iran (along with all the Iranian Jews) when the nutball Ayatollahs took over in 79.
Imagine that Israel government gets frequent warnings that Hamas is about to attack. Believe that their policy is not to knee-jerk response to every report, but to implement an overall strategy to handle these expected attacks when ever they occure.

The ferocity and scope of this attack, that focuses not on the military, but on innocent civilians, children and youth at a dance party would always be hard to prepare for.

Believe the guilt is upon the attackers, much more so than on the defenders.

Many have warned that the current system of oppression of the Palestinians is only a perpetual cycle of killings from both sides.

Pushing the Israeli settlers into the 1947 UN Partition borders for Palestine resulted in more deaths from Palestinian residents and didn't help with the cycle of revenge killings from both sides.

Since the Israeli government ignores that warning, it should do its job correctly to prevent casualties.

Now that we know the fence is faulty, even though so many people thought it was the best in the world equipped with cameras, sensors, and remote-controlled machine guns.

Look! That Hamas bulldozer crashing on the fence is not even military-grade

Criticizing the fence doesn't mean to excuse Hamas, but the fence needs to stand up against the best military force in the world and not just a commercial bulldozer!

How could by 10AM the weaker Hamas, with no helicopters, jet fighters, or tanks... have taken over at least 3 Israeli military bases?

It sounds like the Israeli government thinks revenge killings would not happen on their shifts, so it understaffed the military bases.

The Israeli government has two choices: Staff up its military forces 24/7 (including the Mossad intelligence agency) or negotiate for peace.
Imagine the world and the Middle East if the Shah wasn't deposed in Iran?

Despite his flaws, the Shah's administration in Iran was light years more humane and modern than what came after. Google images of Iran in the 1970's. Women had so much more freedom back then, Persian women are some of the most beautiful creatures in the world IMHO.

My next door neighbor is Baha'i and fled Iran (along with all the Iranian Jews) when the nutball Ayatollahs took over in 79.
Imagine the world and the Middle East if Mosaddegh wasn't overthrown (including by the USA) in the first place?

Look! That Hamas bulldozer crashing on the fence is not even military-grade

Criticizing the fence doesn't mean to excuse Hamas, but the fence needs to stand up against the best military force in the world and not just a commercial bulldozer!

How could by 10AM the weaker Hamas, with no helicopters, jet fighters, or tanks... have taken over at least 3 Israeli military bases?

It sounds like the Israeli government thinks revenge killings would not happen on their shifts, so it understaffed the military bases.

The Israeli government has two choices: Staff up its military forces 24/7 (including the Mossad intelligence agency) or negotiate for peace.

That's a very large front end loader, not a bulldozer. Beefing up the wall is an interesting suggestion, and quite likely will be done. A fence alone won't stop rockets and jihadi paragliders, however.
That's a very large front end loader, not a bulldozer. Beefing up the wall is an interesting suggestion, and quite likely will be done. A fence alone won't stop rockets and jihadi paragliders, however.
Plus, Hamas knocked out their LOC. Israelis will need to figure out how to protect their cameras, networks from being knocked out. West Bank has also seen drones knock out network ls recently too.
Do as I say, not as I do. Remain in Gaza while I live in a nice hotel in Qatar says the leader of Hamas. I'll watch the carnage from afar in safety.

That's the problem of killing all inhabitants in Gaza: That does not stop the perpetual cycle of revenge killings. There are still Palestinians living outside of Gaza, too.

Why do you think the 6-year-old boy was killed by his landlord in Chicago, USA? That's not Gaza!
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Why do you think the 6-year-old boy was killed by his landlord in Chicago, USA? That's not Gaza!

Same reason radical Islamists have randomly stabbed people all throughout Europe while screaming Allahu Akbar, including the killing that happened in France on Friday? What does a school teacher in France have to do with the fighting between Hamas and Israel this past week?

Muslims throughout the Muslim/Arab have used the Palestinian/Israeli conflict my entire adult life to explain or justify random Islamic attacks on CIVILIANS all over the world. "If they can't kill armed Jews in Israel, they will attack unarmed civilians in Europe and North America!"

If radical Islamists are going to claim any non-Muslim (or Jew) is fair game for reprisals due to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, there should be no surprise if some random evil guy starts targeting Muslims like we just saw with the dude in Chicago. The difference is this person will be locked away for life and no one in the US or the West is celebrating him or naming streets after this murderer.
Yes. You prove the point about "revenge." The fence, Military actions, and violence have not and will not bring security. The solution is political and not violence.

Wait - how is it "revenge" for Islamists to kill random people in Europe over the Israeli/Palestinian border dispute?

Until Hamas once again reminded the whole world of what kind of barbarians they are, I dare say the majority of people in France and Brussels were generally more favorable to Palestinians than Israelis.

Besides - how can we keep explaining away Islamist atrocities all over the world over the plight of the Palestinians? Especially when most of the "Muslim/Arab World" hates the Palestinians and want nothing to do with them other than to use them as a handy shield to criticize Israel and distract from the Muslim/Arab world's manifest human rights abuses?
Wait - how is it "revenge" for Islamists to kill random people in Europe over the Israeli/Palestinian border dispute?

Until Hamas once again reminded the whole world of what kind of barbarians they are, I dare say the majority of people in France and Brussels were generally more favorable to Palestinians than Israelis.

Besides - how can we keep explaining away Islamist atrocities all over the world over the plight of the Palestinians? Especially when most of the "Muslim/Arab World" hates the Palestinians and want nothing to do with them other than to use them as a handy shield to criticize Israel and distract from the Muslim/Arab world's manifest human rights abuses?

That is the whole function of revenge killings.

Hamas didn't know anyone that they killed in the attack. It’s random.

The Israeli doesn't know any babies in Gaza. It's random.

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That is the whole function of revenge killings.

Hamas didn't know anyone that they killed in the attack. It’s random.

The Israeli doesn't know any babies in Gaza. It's random.
Hamas' targeting of women, children and civilians was NOT random. They were purposefully targeted. We now have news reports showing a number of schools Hamas was also trying to target in the attack.

Whereas Israel trying to destroy rocket launcher sites and Hamas terrorists is very specific and sadly some Gazan civilians and children will randomly get killed in collateral damage because Hamas continues to commit war crimes by putting offensive weapons in the middle of civilian areas.