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LR AWD Performance (Stealth TM3) Waiting Room

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I called a distant SA and he was very nice to look up what was available for me. I also ordered white interior, and he told me that the only vehicles listed were all black interiors. Perhaps there were a few earlier and they were allocated? Perhaps they become available at different times? I decided to wait for the interior I wanted.

Apparently they're not making any stealth models with white interior this batch.
But we also don't know if there ever will be another batch of stealth models.
I decided not to take the chance and settled with black interior
I do wonder if it's my spec of 18" wheels that is screwing things up. I wanted to keep the ride as decent as possible for my wife. I'm not sure if the 19" wheels may be pushing it.

I doubt it's the wheels. If anything, I bet there is more availability of the 18s as its the default wheel option and apparently the most abundant based on cars already produced. Personally, after having owned many cars with 19s and 20s, for a nice daily that isn't my "performance" car, I'd stick with 18s for weight savings (the real performance!) and less cost in tire replacements later down the line. Oh and they're more efficient with the covers on as well.
I doubt it's the wheels. If anything, I bet there is more availability of the 18s as its the default wheel option and apparently the most abundant based on cars already produced. Personally, after having owned many cars with 19s and 20s, for a nice daily that isn't my "performance" car, I'd stick with 18s for weight savings (the real performance!) and less cost in tire replacements later down the line. Oh and they're more efficient with the covers on as well.

Hmmm, I gave white and red as my color options, black interior (all of the P3D- have black now), 18". For "on the ground" cars, red and white were not available. There are a lot left to be made - and these will be at least a 3 week wait here.

I wonder if Tesla doesn't plan to make P3D-s and LR AWD's at the same time? Why else would I be likely to get my LR AWD sooner than a P3D- (because I have an earlier order date)?

I would guess that Tesla is missing something to make the standard "Performance" cars, and that this may be a way to make some Performance order people happy.
Got off the phone with store half hours ago, my SA is not in the office today but someone at the store helps me change my order from Blue LR AWD Black interior/FSD to White Stealth Black Interior w/FSD, no update on my Order Page or email yet,but they did say it should be finalized tonight
I just got an explanation from my SA literally a minute ago. If it's in pre-production, it isn't built yet. There are some built or about to be built, but not many left.

If I wanted to get a pre-production with my preferred color, etc. - it would have to be one that is not yet scheduled to be built yet. There may be a VIN number for it, I didn't ask. Those would be in the 3rd+ week in December - which a lot of people here have been quoting.

BUT, since I have a 10/11 order date, I may get my original order of a LR AWD faster than if I changed my order now. So I can have a stealth, but I would have to wait as long for it as someone ordering today.

I again chose to wait for my original car. At least I have a basic understanding of what is going on. My SA is going to ask his Mgr about whether he (the mgr) can find any way to find a stealth in my choices that has been or is about to be built. He will call me later. I don't have much hope about it, but it's worth a try.

I get the impression that managers have a lot more that they can see and do than SA's. No one said anything, but that's what I am feeling at this point. It would make sense too. All I know is that if I have to go beyond the 2nd week in December, I am very bogged down with commitments and can't pick up at all too late in December at all.

This is pins and needles. 2nd vs. 3rd (or 4th+ week of December) for me may determine if I can get a car at all.

I do wonder if it's my spec of 18" wheels that is screwing things up. I wanted to keep the ride as decent as possible for my wife. I'm not sure if the 19" wheels may be pushing it.

FWIW, I still have two orders active. My original LR/AWD and the stealth. There was no way (at the time) for them to switch trims on the existing order for a car that hadn't been built yet, so we had to create a new one.

Obviously, we aren't buying two cars, unless my wife has an imaginary twin that takes over. ;). I'll keep the original order a bit longer, or at least until I see the VIN on my order page and have access to the MVPA. I'll cancel at that point and have everyone behind me in that queue move up a spot.
YAS. Just hung up the phone with my awesome SA. She matched me to a Stealth with my same AWD specs (Blue/Black, 19") to a car already in inventory in Pittsburgh, and they're going to move it to Nashville for me. She emailed me a VIN, but it's not showing up in my account or source code yet.

Originally scheduled my new owner orientation for 12/22 assuming I'd get late Dec delivery, but moved that up to Wednesday.
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FWIW, I still have two orders active. My original LR/AWD and the stealth. There was no way (at the time) for them to switch trims on the existing order for a car that hadn't been built yet, so we had to create a new one.

Obviously, we aren't buying two cars, unless my wife has an imaginary twin that takes over. ;). I'll keep the original order a bit longer, or at least until I see the VIN on my order page and have access to the MVPA. I'll cancel at that point and have everyone behind me in that queue move up a spot.

I'm getting the impression that since the new Tesla "back-end" computing system was introduced, that the SA's know less about what to expect than before. This whole thing about "in pre-production" seems to be totally different depending on who you talk to. I don't think the SA's lie - I think they are really kept in the dark.

Is pre-production to be delivered soon, or is it a term for cars that are being contemplated to be built? Handing someone a VIN number doesn't mean that they will be built soon.

We keep on swinging back to the 3rd week in December. What is Tesla doing in Fremont - taking knitting classes? I swear that there are still lots of cars that are going overseas and we are going to be dealt with at the last minute.

When I hear of more than a few stealth AWD's and also AWD's being built and actually scheduled for delivery - I will be confident about what Tesla is doing. 3rd week in December is a lot of nonsense. That's essentially another month from now.
I'm getting the impression that since the new Tesla "back-end" computing system was introduced, that the SA's know less about what to expect than before. This whole thing about "in pre-production" seems to be totally different depending on who you talk to. I don't think the SA's lie - I think they are really kept in the dark.

Is pre-production to be delivered soon, or is it a term for cars that are being contemplated to be built? Handing someone a VIN number doesn't mean that they will be built soon.

We keep on swinging back to the 3rd week in December. What is Tesla doing in Fremont - taking knitting classes? I swear that there are still lots of cars that are going overseas and we are going to be dealt with at the last minute.

When I hear of more than a few stealth AWD's and also AWD's being built and actually scheduled for delivery - I will be confident about what Tesla is doing. 3rd week in December is a lot of nonsense. That's essentially another month from now.

I honestly think this is a case that they aren't 100% sure and its best to underpromise and overdeliver than to tell you that you'll be delivering before the end of this month. I mean, if it does happen that way, then great! If not, well, they tried to tamper expectations by saying 2nd or 3rd week of December. That's just my best guess.
I'm getting the impression that since the new Tesla "back-end" computing system was introduced, that the SA's know less about what to expect than before. This whole thing about "in pre-production" seems to be totally different depending on who you talk to. I don't think the SA's lie - I think they are really kept in the dark.

Is pre-production to be delivered soon, or is it a term for cars that are being contemplated to be built? Handing someone a VIN number doesn't mean that they will be built soon.

We keep on swinging back to the 3rd week in December. What is Tesla doing in Fremont - taking knitting classes? I swear that there are still lots of cars that are going overseas and we are going to be dealt with at the last minute.

When I hear of more than a few stealth AWD's and also AWD's being built and actually scheduled for delivery - I will be confident about what Tesla is doing. 3rd week in December is a lot of nonsense. That's essentially another month from now.

Here's what I don't understand, you have a long list of customers who have ordered a LR-AWD waiting for their vehicles since Sep-Oct., but decide to make a batch of off-menu vehicle configurations that nobody other than Tesla enthusiasts really know about to sit around for advisors to up-sell? It's like having orders for hamburgers waiting, but the cook decides to just make a bunch of cheeseburgers instead.
I honestly think this is a case that they aren't 100% sure and its best to underpromise and overdeliver than to tell you that you'll be delivering before the end of this month. I mean, if it does happen that way, then great! If not, well, they tried to tamper expectations by saying 2nd or 3rd week of December. That's just my best guess.
Someone reported that today they saw a carrier full of European cars go out. Someone else said that at the "orientation" the reps admitted that foreign production was taking priority before N.A. production.

I think that Tesla's expectation is to shove cars at us in 10" "bum's rush" sessions at the end of December when they can't send any more cars overseas. I will bet that the number of N. American cars delivered so far is really small. I think that Tesla is doing everything they can to keep us waiting and BS into a corner. Sorry, but if it looks like it, smells like it - don't step in it!
I'm getting the impression that since the new Tesla "back-end" computing system was introduced, that the SA's know less about what to expect than before. This whole thing about "in pre-production" seems to be totally different depending on who you talk to. I don't think the SA's lie - I think they are really kept in the dark.

Is pre-production to be delivered soon, or is it a term for cars that are being contemplated to be built? Handing someone a VIN number doesn't mean that they will be built soon.

We keep on swinging back to the 3rd week in December. What is Tesla doing in Fremont - taking knitting classes? I swear that there are still lots of cars that are going overseas and we are going to be dealt with at the last minute.

When I hear of more than a few stealth AWD's and also AWD's being built and actually scheduled for delivery - I will be confident about what Tesla is doing. 3rd week in December is a lot of nonsense. That's essentially another month from now.

In the past, a VIN is assigned to a car just prior to production. Meaning, if you saw the VIN in source code its was 2-3 days before delivery was scheduled. If it holds true for the Stealths, we should start seeing some deliveries scheduled in the next day or two.

I'm doing what I can to get "all my ducks in a row". The profile is complete, the car is paid for (the direct debit has already cleared my bank), "next step" shows "prepare for delivery". Now all they gotta do is GIVE ME MY DAMN CAR! :D
Here's what I don't understand, you have a long list of customers who have ordered a LR-AWD waiting for their vehicles since Sep-Oct., but decide to make a batch of off-menu vehicle configurations that nobody other than Tesla enthusiasts really know about to sit around for advisors to up-sell? It's like having orders for hamburgers waiting, but the cook decides to just make a bunch of cheeseburgers instead.

I really don't know how many of these cars will come soon. I think a few of these (stealth) cars will be delivered soon as Tesla does make a small amount of cars for the US. But most will have to wait - VIN number or not.

If anything, it's just to make people look at the prospect of a P3D- when they really won't get the car until late December. From my experience trying to get one, they will most likely be no faster than the originally ordered LR AWD's are going to be.

Late December, folks .... that's what the stupid seminars are all about. Keep people busy so they won't cancel. It keeps going back to late December. A few red herrings thrown in - but it's still USA last!
In the past, a VIN is assigned to a car just prior to production. Meaning, if you saw the VIN in source code its was 2-3 days before delivery was scheduled. If it holds true for the Stealths, we should start seeing some deliveries scheduled in the next day or two.

I'm doing what I can to get "all my ducks in a row". The profile is complete, the car is paid for (the direct debit has already cleared my bank), "next step" shows "prepare for delivery". Now all they gotta do is GIVE ME MY DAMN CAR! :D

You may have gotten one of the stealth cars that are going to be produced soon. I bet a whole lot of them are going to be produced much later. I hope for your sake you get one soon.
You may have gotten one of the stealth cars that are going to be produced soon. I bet a whole lot of them are going to be produced much later. I hope for your sake you get one soon.

I hope you're right, but honestly will be happy if I get something by 12/31. I was nowhere near one of the first to order one, and I reckon there's a day or two of Stealth production before my order comes up. In the meantime, stressing does no good but to pass the time.
I received my final Motor Vehicle Purchase Agreement after I called the delivery center in Fremont and asked them for it. The representative checked my account and seemed surprised that I hadn’t been contacted by my DA. She emailed a PDF copy to me and posted it on my online account while I waited on the phone. I have a feeling I’ll have my car by 12/3.


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I received my final Motor Vehicle Purchase Agreement after I called the delivery center in Fremont and asked them for it. The representative checked my account and seemed surprised that I hadn’t been contacted by my DA. She emailed a PDF copy to me and posted it on my online account while I waited on the phone. I have a feeling I’ll have my car by 12/3.

Interesting! Did you just give them your VIN?