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Many analysts have blamed the quagmire of the Russian invasion of Afghanistan for the collapse of the USSR.

Gorbachev himself, however, blamed Chernobyl.

Thank you!

Unfortunately it does seem that Woodrow Wilson's idea of ethnostates has some good evidence behind it. He only implemented it in Europe, though (leaving the Middle East, Africa, and Southeast Asia a mess of stupid colonial borders).

The last economic minister of the USSR said in an interview in the late 90s that the low price of oil through most of the 80s was a contributing factor too. About the only thing the Soviets had to trade for hard currency was oil and with the low prices combined with the poor state of the Soviet oil fields, they were starved for cash by the late 80s.

I think it was several factors coming together at once, some were mistakes like Chernobyl, others deliberate acts of statecraft.

Since the primary can run for a long time, establishment folks now want to push Sanders to 3rd place. Only way to do that (now that Beto, Kamala, Pete et al failed) is to prop up Warren. That is what they are doing now. Warren has also changed some tunes - she is ok with PAC money in general now. When it comes to the war machine, she is no different than other Dems.

One aspect not probably appreciated is - its not just Wall St that is threatened by Sanders, its also the military-industrial complex. Warren is fine with them.

Once the primaries start, things will probably settle quickly, or we'll be sure there will be no clear winner before the convention. Super Tuesday this week has some of the biggest delegate states in the mix which will pretty much determine how the primaries are going to shake out. If there is a big winner on Super Tuesday, the primaries will be over except the shouting. If Super Tuesday produces a split, then there could be a brokered convention.

And it never occurs to you either to consider other races as equals. Is it trolling to point that out to you? Maybe so. poc

I can't tell whether you actually are trolling or not, but some of your behavior is consistent with trolling. However, it's also possible you are just doing some projection. You said earlier that every Democratic candidate except Bernie Sanders is racist, or possibly that he's the only one who is near the front of the pack who isn't. There are a number of candidates who are non-white and Kamala Harris who is 1/2 African American and 1/2 South Asian Indian is polling around 4th place right now. The other non-white candidates are further down the list though, so maybe you just meant those among the front runners, though I would put Harris among the 2nd tier (with only Biden 1st tier) in the polling.

As for your comments claiming @ggr does not see other races as equals, how do you know ggr is white? I've been reading their posts here as long as I've been here and I don't know what their ethnicity is, nor their gender. I saw absolutely nothing in ggr's post, or really in any other in this thread except for possibly your posts that raises any question about the equality of ethnic groups.

I use the term "ethnic groups" instead of "races" because there is only one race: human. All the divisions that humans call races boils down to some rather minor variations in looks sometimes and always on ethnic differences. If you go back several decades you'll find people of different European ethnicities calling each other different races. Europeans today still make comments about different European ethnic groups being potentially racist.

My father grew up in Muskegon, MI, born in 1920. The town was made up of different European ethnicities for the most part. Non-whites were uncommon until WW II. He thought it was nuts when he was a kid, but he saw lots of "racial" discrimination between people who were ethnically Swedish or Norwegian or German or Polish. I saw the remnants of the same cultures in Milwaukee, WI in the mid-90s when I spent a summer there. People weren't discriminating anymore, but they were still aware of each other's cultural backgrounds.

In Canada being French Canadians or English Canadian is a major divide. In many parts of South Asia, the religion you belong to puts you into one camp or the other. In Africa various tribes from the pre-colonial period are still important badges of identity and people kill each other over them.

Humans are, unfortunately tribal, though some are more tribal than others. Having participated on this thread for a while, I have not seen any ethnic tribalism, though there has been some political tribalism from time to time.

The issues surrounding African-Americans seems to be your #1 issue. I don't fault you for it, but it hasn't been a primary topic of conversation on this thread. There are a lot of problems in the world that are all competing for top status. Among them are environmental and climate, the broken political system in the United States and a number of other countries, the situation in the Middle East which appears to be spinning out of control in real time, problems between other nations around the world, the border crisis caused by political will, etc.

There are 50 fires burning at once, all are serious, but which one needs attention first? Each of us would probably come up with a different priority list.

But just a word of advice, if someone is white, or may appear to be white on a forum, and they don't bend over backwards to be woke about African-American issues does not mean they are racist. In every issue, there is a broad spectrum of activism and focus. There are people who are rabidly for x, those rabidly opposed, and then usually a large number in the middle who are silent. Some really don't care, but most lean one way or the other, but have other things that they put their energy into. People who try to put their all into every cause end up putting virtually nothing into all of them because they are spread too thin.
Finally, One thing I know after my decades dealing the the region: I really haven't much of a clue. Despite that 'not much' is vastly better than none at all.

Comparing your semi-hubmle attitude to neroden's feelings of omniscience... LOL!

I have not lived in the ME. While I have read a lot, the more I read, the more I know I don't know. Local politics are complex. State politics are more complex. National and international? Woof!

I haven't read the whole thread, but I don't even see a mention of MBZ in all this. That guys a puppet master. He put the leaders of Egypt and Saudi Arabia into power. Meanwhile he's been trying to orchestrate a war between the US and Iran, and he's succeeding. Trump is a puppet on a string who thinks he's controlling the hand above him via several strings.
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I haven't read the whole thread, but I don't even see a mention of MBZ in all this. That guys a puppet master. He put the leaders of Egypt and Saudi Arabia into power. Meanwhile he's been trying to orchestrate a war between the US and Iran, and he's succeeding. Trump is a puppet on a string who thinks he's controlling the hand above him via several strings.

I just checked: according to some people, Iran is including Mohammed bin Zayed on their "team B" list of potential conspirators (bin Salman, Bibi Netenyahu, Bolton, and bin Zayed).

I don't think it's in Abu Dhabi's interest to start a war wtih Iran, but it definitely is against the interests of the other 6 Emirates -- if he really is promoting it, he is risking the unity of the UAE. Maybe he thinks he has enough power to run roughshod over them, and he might. Bin Zayed is known to be hostile to Sunni groups like the Muslim Brotherhood, and he appears to be dumb enough to be promoting the idiotic involvement in Yemen -- but Iran is very different.

On the other hand, Bin Zayed appears to be a fool. Wikipedia suggests that bin Zayed was gloating over Tillerson leaving, not realizing that this was Tillerson's plan all along. (Tillerson was very, very clever.) He appears to have been involved in an idiotic attempt to invade Qatar, which failed. Bin Zayed appears to be sufficiently dumb that he might think war with Iran was a good idea. (It would probably result in the shutdown of all Abu Dhabi oil production for years.)
Comparing your semi-hubmle attitude to neroden's feelings of omniscience... LOL!

I have not lived in the ME. While I have read a lot, the more I read, the more I know I don't know. Local politics are complex. State politics are more complex. National and international? Woof!

I haven't read the whole thread, but I don't even see a mention of MBZ in all this. That guys a puppet master. He put the leaders of Egypt and Saudi Arabia into power. Meanwhile he's been trying to orchestrate a war between the US and Iran, and he's succeeding. Trump is a puppet on a string who thinks he's controlling the hand above him via several strings.
Remember that MBZ is just a kid, full of hubris, but just a kid. Because he is fluent in colloquial English and knows all the generational habits of US priveleged people he can easily seduce stupid and/or venal foreigners. He is much less popular at home, especially since he's prone to overreach by attacking anybody who has had power and influence who isn't very attentive to his whims. So long as the various police cadres support him and the military feels comfortable he'll probably stay in place, but he's really destabilizing Saudi Arabia and the Gulf. The Eastern Province is especially delicate due to oil production coupled with Shia population, not to mention the Causeway ( OK King Fahd Causeway) which acts to release some pressure on Saudi 'liberals' by letting them be dissipated in relatively free-wheeling Bahrain. Unless he's very careful MBZ will not last very long. His personal affection with Jared Kushner is documented with commensurate disdain from every single Saudi I know, although none of them AFAIK say anything at all outside very private situations. FWIW, while I lived in Bahrain my place was a sort of gathering place for quite a few like-minded Gulf Arabs. My biases are definitely from that perspective. Of course all of us are now in our 70's, but most of the power today is with fairly young people.

Keep in mind that the antipathy to Qatar is all about Al Jazeera, which the autocrats hate while everyone else watches incessantly. The antipathy towards Iran has nothing much to do with Iranian meddling and everything to do with fear of Shia rebellion. Obviously that has had dramatic negative results since Saddam Hussein decided to attack Iran. Now the Shia minorities everywhere from Bahrain and Saudi to Jordan and Lebanon are tied up in rebellion. All of that, including Hezbollah (provides hospitals, schools and services to the populace which nobody else has done) have evolved to be confrontational.

The weirdness about all of that is that the Shia were generally not violent until cornered. After the Iranian revolution the Islamic government even paid off all foreign obligations, but never had much of a chance because the West and Saudi panic destroyed any chance of stability. Of course, the Immams are mostly not very congenial and easy-going types themselves. They're excellent ones for holding grudges too.

I'm rambling. MBZ is vastly out of his depth.
Since there is no evidence of any such behavior from him you're definitely trolling. Stay on topic of begone.

It appears they were banned. I wonder if it's permanent now?

I mentioned peopleofcolor to my SO last night and she did point out that the pattern of behavior was consistent with the Russian trolls, though an old fashioned "domestic" troll, or just a person with a hard line attitude and a bone to pick with the world is more likely. If its either of the first two, don't let the door hit them on the way out. If the last one, I hope they learn some tolerance, but somewhere else.

I doubt the Internet Research Agency (the Russian unit of the FSB messing with western politics) is targeting a forum like this unless most of the easy pickings on places like Facebook are hard to come by now.

I presume most of you are appalled at treatment of children recently exposed by a lawyer watchdog group on implementing a court decree after they examined conditions for 350 children at a center designed for 104 adults in El Paso. The evidence was destroyed by removal of the children to parts unknown. Some were infants the guards demanded older children care for. In open court a Justice Department lawyer confirmed it was not policy to provide toothbrushes or soap for them to comply with the law.

This is not shock worthy since Trump has described immigrants through Mexico as "animals." To be fair he did say some of them "might be fine people." Conditions in some dog pounds are better, the inmates are fed appropriate food and enough of it.

Nightly I pray for Trump and Barr that God is not just. There might be a dog pound in hell for them.

Nancy, as a great grandparent to a great grandparent, is this an impeachable offense?

In their defense, some implementing authorities explain there isn't enough money. Help is on the way in both houses, but the self-described stable genius in the White House has threatened veto if it contains terms he does not like.
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I presume most of you are appalled at treatment of children recently exposed by a lawyer watchdog group on implementing a court decree after they examined conditions for 350 children at a center designed for 104 adults in El Paso. The evidence was destroyed by removal of the children to parts unknown. Some were infants the guards demanded older children care for. In open court a Justice Department lawyer confirmed it was not policy to provide toothbrushes or soap for them to comply with the law.

This is not shock worthy since Trump has described immigrants through Mexico as "animals." To be fair he did say some of them "might be fine people." Conditions in some dog pounds are better, the inmates are fed appropriate food and enough of it.

Nightly I pray for Trump and Barr that God is not just. There might be a dog pound in hell for them.

Nancy, as a great grandparent to a great grandparent, is this an impeachable offense?

In their defense, some implementing authorities explain there isn't enough money. Help is on the way in both houses, but the self-described stable genius in the White House has threatened veto if it contains terms he does not like.

Someone who had been captured by Somali pirates tweeted yesterday or the day before that Somali pirates treat their prisoners better than Trump is treating these migrants.

Trump is inadvertently taking a page from Stalin's playbook. Stalin was famously quoted for saying that one person getting killed is a tragedy, but 100,000 killed is a statistic. We are flooded with so much horror on a daily basis that people are going numb.

Trump's base loves it because he's doing the things they believe needed to be done, but other presidents were too chicken to do. They believe that the way to curb a behavior it to make the consequences so bad people don't want to do it anymore. In many cases these people are running from situations that are difficult to make worse. And the US has created the conditions they're running from in many cases.

Pelosi has to work within the political realities right now as well as the law. The dog and pony shows the House have done that resulted in the Trump administration stonewalling and committees looking ridiculous were theater for the courts. The courts are reluctant to weigh into disputes between the Legislative and Executive branch unless the branch trying to get the other to comply have exhausted all other options. The committees have now demonstrated that the Executive is determined to stop everything.

Trump is the absurd conclusion of the game the Republicans have been playing for 30+ years. Most Congressional Republicans hate Trump personally, and most know he's a criminal. But there is Reagan's Law that other Republicans don't criticize other Republicans holding office, so they stay in line behind Trump. And with the judicial nominations, they are still getting something they want.

Pelosi knows that even though Trump should have been removed by now if Republicans were willing to put country ahead of party, but she has to live with the reality that the only way Senate Republicans might budge is if their constituents are screaming for Trump's head. There are many ways people are trying to get the word out about the Mueller report. Yesterday a number of top Hollywood stars did a radio play based on the Mueller report:
Hollywood Tried to Save America With a Live Reading of the Mueller Report

A podcast my SO likes called Mueller She Wrote has been doing a series that is a deep dive into the Mueller report.

We watched the YouTube of the Mueller Report play and we've listened to a bit of the Mueller She Wrote dive. The problem is all this is preaching to the converted. Anything I have learned are nuances because I have been paying attention. The people that need to be reached are the mostly apolitical independents who are trying to ignore Trump.

Public testimony like Christine Blassey Ford at the Kavanaugh confirmation or Anita Hill at the Clarence Thomas confirmation broke through the noise. In both cases the judges ended up on SCOTUS. But that testimony moved the needle with the public when nothing else did.

I do wish things would move along faster in the House. Last week we just narrowly avoided a war that would have been devastating for the US thanks to Trump doing the right thing for the wrong reason. We may not be so lucky next time.

Just impeaching Trump now makes him stronger. Even though the closest parallel to Trump is Nixon (Trump is much worse though), Trump can claim he was exonerated in impeachment like Clinton and it might help him next year.

Pelosi is playing a good cop/bad cop thing with Congress. Traditionally she is very savvy at keeping her caucus in line, but in an interview with one of the congresswomen who came out calling for impeachment last week she said that when she informed Pelosi she was going to announce her intention, Pelosi just gave her a vague response along the lines of "act on your conscience". That tells me Pelosi wants members of Congress to speak out in favor of impeachment. Then when she starts impeachment proceedings she can be the "good cop" who can say she can't hold back the mob any longer.

There is a scenario where she goes to Trump and as the good cop convinces him to leave on his own rather than go through a process that will expose everything including his financial details and that he never was a billionaire. He might try to escape to a country that doesn't have extradition with the US. Personally if he does, that gets rid of him.

This is not an outrageous scenario. Trump has never been in a criminal beef where he was looking at prison time, but he has been in well over 100 lawsuits and his pattern is to talk tough and try to get the other side to fold, but if they don't he folds and runs away. Give him a way to run away rather than face prison time and he might do it.

We could run into the scenario where he runs off to Russia or Saudi Arabia, but doesn't resign and tries to keep running the country from hiding. Which is another type of constitutional crisis. If the public is outraged enough at this, the Senate might be willing to convict.
Someone who had been captured by Somali pirates tweeted yesterday or the day before that Somali pirates treat their prisoners better than Trump is treating these migrants.

Trump is inadvertently taking a page from Stalin's playbook. Stalin was famously quoted for saying that one person getting killed is a tragedy, but 100,000 killed is a statistic. We are flooded with so much horror on a daily basis that people are going numb.

Trump's base loves it because he's doing the things they believe needed to be done, but other presidents were too chicken to do. They believe that the way to curb a behavior it to make the consequences so bad people don't want to do it anymore. In many cases these people are running from situations that are difficult to make worse. And the US has created the conditions they're running from in many cases.

Pelosi has to work within the political realities right now as well as the law. The dog and pony shows the House have done that resulted in the Trump administration stonewalling and committees looking ridiculous were theater for the courts. The courts are reluctant to weigh into disputes between the Legislative and Executive branch unless the branch trying to get the other to comply have exhausted all other options. The committees have now demonstrated that the Executive is determined to stop everything.

Trump is the absurd conclusion of the game the Republicans have been playing for 30+ years. Most Congressional Republicans hate Trump personally, and most know he's a criminal. But there is Reagan's Law that other Republicans don't criticize other Republicans holding office, so they stay in line behind Trump. And with the judicial nominations, they are still getting something they want.

Pelosi knows that even though Trump should have been removed by now if Republicans were willing to put country ahead of party, but she has to live with the reality that the only way Senate Republicans might budge is if their constituents are screaming for Trump's head. There are many ways people are trying to get the word out about the Mueller report. Yesterday a number of top Hollywood stars did a radio play based on the Mueller report:
Hollywood Tried to Save America With a Live Reading of the Mueller Report

A podcast my SO likes called Mueller She Wrote has been doing a series that is a deep dive into the Mueller report.

We watched the YouTube of the Mueller Report play and we've listened to a bit of the Mueller She Wrote dive. The problem is all this is preaching to the converted. Anything I have learned are nuances because I have been paying attention. The people that need to be reached are the mostly apolitical independents who are trying to ignore Trump.

Public testimony like Christine Blassey Ford at the Kavanaugh confirmation or Anita Hill at the Clarence Thomas confirmation broke through the noise. In both cases the judges ended up on SCOTUS. But that testimony moved the needle with the public when nothing else did.

I do wish things would move along faster in the House. Last week we just narrowly avoided a war that would have been devastating for the US thanks to Trump doing the right thing for the wrong reason. We may not be so lucky next time.

Just impeaching Trump now makes him stronger. Even though the closest parallel to Trump is Nixon (Trump is much worse though), Trump can claim he was exonerated in impeachment like Clinton and it might help him next year.

Pelosi is playing a good cop/bad cop thing with Congress. Traditionally she is very savvy at keeping her caucus in line, but in an interview with one of the congresswomen who came out calling for impeachment last week she said that when she informed Pelosi she was going to announce her intention, Pelosi just gave her a vague response along the lines of "act on your conscience". That tells me Pelosi wants members of Congress to speak out in favor of impeachment. Then when she starts impeachment proceedings she can be the "good cop" who can say she can't hold back the mob any longer.

There is a scenario where she goes to Trump and as the good cop convinces him to leave on his own rather than go through a process that will expose everything including his financial details and that he never was a billionaire. He might try to escape to a country that doesn't have extradition with the US. Personally if he does, that gets rid of him.

This is not an outrageous scenario. Trump has never been in a criminal beef where he was looking at prison time, but he has been in well over 100 lawsuits and his pattern is to talk tough and try to get the other side to fold, but if they don't he folds and runs away. Give him a way to run away rather than face prison time and he might do it.

We could run into the scenario where he runs off to Russia or Saudi Arabia, but doesn't resign and tries to keep running the country from hiding. Which is another type of constitutional crisis. If the public is outraged enough at this, the Senate might be willing to convict.
If we weren't living is such a upside down crazy world....what you just wrote would be laughable.
It sounds more like the beginnings of a screen play from a B movie plot.

Instead we live in a frankly unbelievably crazy and uncertain time...with a man child holding the key's to this runaway train.

I am for one terrified.
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If we weren't living is such a upside down crazy world....what you just wrote would be laughable.
It sounds more like the beginnings of a screen play from a B movie plot.

Instead we live in a frankly unbelievably crazy and uncertain time...with a man child holding the key's to this runaway train.

I am for one terrified.

Same here. If we get out of this mess without any problems that will take decades to fix, if ever, we'll be lucky.

Over the last couple of years I have often thought that even a few years ago if someone had written a screwball comedy with this scenario, it would have been rejected as too nutty.
Same here. If we get out of this mess without any problems that will take decades to fix, if ever, we'll be lucky.

Over the last couple of years I have often thought that even a few years ago if someone had written a screwball comedy with this scenario, it would have been rejected as too nutty.

What was the play spoofing Johnson during Vietnam war buildup? Macbird!
Sarah Fabian from the Department of Justice’s Office of Immigration Litigation is being criticized for her arguments regarding what constitutes safe and sanitary conditions in migrant detention centers, according to social media.

Fabian, 43, argued her case before the three judges on the bench, Wallace Tashima, William Fletcher, and Marsha Berzon, in a courtroom in San Fransisco, California on Tuesday, June 18, 2019.

Here’s what you need to know about Sarah Fabian and why she went viral:

Sarah Fabian: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
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Idiocracy, where a professional wrestler becomes president, and we've bred ourselves stupid, comes close, except it was supposed to be 500 years in the future.

There are some elements in Idiocracy going on, but in the story the idiots were able to recognize that letting the smartest guy around run the country was a good idea. We currently have one party who champions the idiots and seems to think being an idiot in politics is something good.
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We now have a credible accusation of *rape* against Trump (the statute of limitations has passed) and it's being relegated to page 23. The media doesn't seem to know how to react to a compulsively criminal narcissist in the White House.

My SO grew up with a mother with Borderline Personality Disorder and her ex-brother-in-law had a Antisocial Personality Disorder. She can't get why people can't get how dangerously ill Trump is, but I didn't run into my first serious personality disorder until I was in my 20s.

Until someone has been burned by a serious personality disorder or a sociopath and they've come to terms with the damage done, it's very difficult to grok that any human can really be that warped. Before I got burned by someone with BPD, I would have had trouble wrapping my mind around someone with such a twisted world view.

Trump sees the world as two types of people: predators and prey. The predators are out for fame and wealth like him and everyone else are rubes to be fleeced by the predators. He is sure than anyone else who is powerful are predators with the same motives as him. That's why he talks about Obama the way he does. He can't understand why the justice system didn't go after Obama like they have gone after him because in his mind Obama was doing the same thing he is. The concept that anybody would aspire to public service to help others is completely alien to him.

On the other hand, Trump's victims think Trump is actually championing their own good and don't get that someone can be as completely self serving as Trump. Most are aware people can be selfish, but most struggle to comprehend someone who is 100% selfish.
I just checked: according to some people, Iran is including Mohammed bin Zayed on their "team B" list of potential conspirators (bin Salman, Bibi Netenyahu, Bolton, and bin Zayed).

I don't think it's in Abu Dhabi's interest to start a war wtih Iran, but it definitely is against the interests of the other 6 Emirates -- if he really is promoting it, he is risking the unity of the UAE. Maybe he thinks he has enough power to run roughshod over them, and he might. Bin Zayed is known to be hostile to Sunni groups like the Muslim Brotherhood, and he appears to be dumb enough to be promoting the idiotic involvement in Yemen -- but Iran is very different.

On the other hand, Bin Zayed appears to be a fool. Wikipedia suggests that bin Zayed was gloating over Tillerson leaving, not realizing that this was Tillerson's plan all along. (Tillerson was very, very clever.) He appears to have been involved in an idiotic attempt to invade Qatar, which failed. Bin Zayed appears to be sufficiently dumb that he might think war with Iran was a good idea. (It would probably result in the shutdown of all Abu Dhabi oil production for years.)

MBZ is no dummy. If greed is smarts, then Tillerson is a genius. Other than that, meh. I don't know which hole you pull all this crazy "analysis" from.

Remember that MBZ is just a kid, full of hubris, but just a kid. ....Unless he's very careful MBZ will not last very long.
I'm rambling. MBZ is vastly out of his depth.

MBZ is a kid? Out of his depth? He's 58 with 40 years of military service and he controls one of the most powerful and modern military forces in the region. He managed successful coups in both Saudi Arabia and Egypt, and he's out of his depth? You pulling from the same hole?

Oh, are you getting MBZ and MBS mixed up? You are a master of politics.
The dog and pony shows the House have done that resulted in the Trump administration stonewalling and committees looking ridiculous were theater for the courts. The courts are reluctant to weigh into disputes between the Legislative and Executive branch unless the branch trying to get the other to comply have exhausted all other options. The committees have now demonstrated that the Executive is determined to stop everything.

@wdolson , your posts are very thoughtful and contribute to honest members interacting to get differing viewpoints and info.
That said, did you really mean to say that actions by House committees (trying to get some traction to begin real oversight) have resulted in the administration stonewalling? I think most on this sub forum would agree that Trump and Co. refusing to comply with document requests and subpoenas are a continuation of their obstructions of justice documented in Mueller report. AG Barr has, since the report was issued, done everything possible to enable this latest set of obstructions to investigations the Constitution empowers Congress to conduct.
Talk about Social Conditioning and Mental Programming. But this CBS host got called to the table in her interview in a Yuuuge way:


Full Transcript:
MARGARET BRENNAN: He was just doing a limited strike on Iran.
SEN. SANDERS: Oh, just a limited strike- well, I'm sorry. I just didn't know that it's okay to simply attack another country with bombs just a limited strike- that's an act of warfare. So two points. That will set off a conflagration all over the Middle East. If you think the war is either- the war in Iraq, Margaret was a disaster I believe from the bottom of my heart that the war- a war with Iran would be even worse, more loss of life never ending war in that region, massive instability. We're talking about, we have been in Afghanistan now for eighteen years. This thing will never end. So I will do everything I can number one to stop a war with Iran. And number two here's an important point. Let's remember what we learned in civics when we were kids. It is the United States Congress, under our Constitution, that has war-making authority not the president of the United States. If he attacks Iran in my view that would be unconstitutional.

For those of you that have never seen this famous short interview clip of Dick Cheney in 1994 describing why a war in Iraq would be a total disaster and lead to an endless quagmire (he did so very thoroughly and in only 1 1/2 minutes because he was so certain of it) I highly recommend it because it is once again very relevant. Someone needs to play this clip for our current administration:
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