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Whenever trump was on (Howard Stern Show) all they talked about was T&A, and occasionally donnie would rail against our trade imbalance with China. Another antidote (not related to Stern show), Bernard Spitzer once asked Trump (at a meeting) "what was the last book he read" he would ask that question to anyone that wanted his money. Trump never answered the question. Meeting ended. He probably wanted to say "Mein Kampf" but thought better of it.
Even Trump realizes he embarrassed himself so badly on that press conference.
“What is the purpose of having White House News Conferences when the Lamestream Media asks nothing but hostile questions, & then refuses to report the truth or facts accurately,” he wrote. “They get record ratings, & the American people get nothing but Fake News. Not worth the time & effort!”

In recent weeks Trump has used the briefings to dole out unproven and debunked medical advice, suggesting that things like sunlight and an anti-malaria drug are cures to Covid-19, often causing his own medical experts to try to correct the record.
Trump says briefings 'not worth the effort' amid fallout from disinfectant comments
Looks like a new movie on Youtube Movies form Michacel Moore called "Capitalism: A Love Story"

I think this requires Youtube Premium. I got a trial compliments of Sprint Rewards.

The new movie is Planet of the Humans, I thought he said he put it up there for free. Capitalism, A Love Story came out in 2009.

It looks like there is a lot of criticism for it on Daily Kos
Distributor pulls Michael Moore's (@MMFlint's) #PlanetOfTheHumans due to truthiness
For Earth Day, Michael Moore releases fundamentally misleading film

If the crowd on Daily Kos hates a Michael Moore film, it's probably pretty bad.

I've never understood the love affair the left has with Moore. His style is only a step better than James O'Keefe who does similar films for the right. I think O'Keefe is a bit more unethical about it, but the style is not that different.

When I first got together with my SO in the late 90s she told me I had to see Roger and Me. So I rented it and saw it. I thought it was preaching to the choir and wasn't going to move the needle one iota. As someone sympathetic to his position, but not in his camp, the movie actually turned me off. If I had been mildly resistant to his cause and more impressionable, it would have driven me into the opposing camp.

Ultimately I think Moore does more harm than good. Those already in his camp feel good about his movies, but everyone else finds a reason to hate his positions as a result. IMO, his movies feed the opposition more than help anything.
The new movie is Planet of the Humans, I thought he said he put it up there for free. Capitalism, A Love Story came out in 2009.

It looks like there is a lot of criticism for it on Daily Kos
Distributor pulls Michael Moore's (@MMFlint's) #PlanetOfTheHumans due to truthiness
For Earth Day, Michael Moore releases fundamentally misleading film

If the crowd on Daily Kos hates a Michael Moore film, it's probably pretty bad.

I've never understood the love affair the left has with Moore. His style is only a step better than James O'Keefe who does similar films for the right. I think O'Keefe is a bit more unethical about it, but the style is not that different.

When I first got together with my SO in the late 90s she told me I had to see Roger and Me. So I rented it and saw it. I thought it was preaching to the choir and wasn't going to move the needle one iota. As someone sympathetic to his position, but not in his camp, the movie actually turned me off. If I had been mildly resistant to his cause and more impressionable, it would have driven me into the opposing camp.

Ultimately I think Moore does more harm than good. Those already in his camp feel good about his movies, but everyone else finds a reason to hate his positions as a result. IMO, his movies feed the opposition more than help anything.

Looks like one was out in March. I am not so sure about the Planet of Humans movie. Seems the only solution there was to thin the herd (of humans).

Capitalism: A Love Story
Mar 13, 2020

From the General thread:
Well, we put them there so it's really nobody's fault but our own. Maybe we'll do better next time around.


For decades the populace has been manipulated by those in power to think in certain ways and to accept the general garbage candidates we are presented with. That often leaves us choosing between two piles of crap. Then the system has been further manipulated so that even when the majority chooses the smaller pile of crap the larger one ends up being elected anyway. The truth is "we" didn't put anyone anywhere because we aren't in control. This latest crisis is making that all too clear if there was ever any question.
From the General thread:

For decades the populace has been manipulated by those in power to think in certain ways and to accept the general garbage candidates we are presented with. That often leaves us choosing between two piles of crap. Then the system has been further manipulated so that even when the majority chooses the smaller pile of crap the larger one ends up being elected anyway. The truth is "we" didn't put anyone anywhere because we aren't in control. This latest crisis is making that all too clear if there was ever any question.
Precisely why I didn't vote for either of the two accepted party candidates. We desperately need to start creating a level playing field in the debates and primaries.

Every election, Independent and 3rd parties get larger and larger percentages of the vote. Eventually all viable candidates (those who's name appears on the ballot in enough states to have a mathematical chance of winning) will be included in televised debates and at that point anything can happen.

How do you change a system which doesn't allow change? Sanders started getting close and the machine circled the wagons to stop him, successfully.

Not a Bernie fan, but I don't understand why he folded his cards so early. (yeah, I get that he was being pressured by the Dem Bosses, but so what?) He has great passion for his positions, and by suspending, the press gives him and his policies short shrift. And by suspending, the Bosses can ace him -- and his message -- out. Can't win any delegates in NYS if they cancel the election.
Bernie folded because he had no way to win, because it was obvious the party was against him, and he was likely promised some influence on policy and messaging.

Bernie was doing worse than 2016. It's easy to blame the party, but the voters didn't want him this year either. If people won't vote for you, complaining about the party is pointless.

Bernie lost Super Tuesday pretty conclusively. He only did well in votes cast before the South Carolina primary.

He's under-performed compared to 2016. The path to the nomination wasn't there this year. Additionally he relies on rallies to get people pumped up about him and those had to be canceled.

In 2016 there was a larger contingent of Democrats who were interested in taking things further left and Bernie became the focus of that. That mood has dried up. There are a lot fewer people interested in taking the country far to the left this year. A lot more people just want to return to something normal after three years of the insane clown show.
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Quelle surprise Multi-millionaire Trump donor is top recipient of funds intended for struggling small businesses

One person who isn't having trouble getting cash from the Paycheck Protection Program: Trump donor Monty Bennett, who is a multi-millionaire.

Bennett, like Trump, is in the hotel business. Bennett is the CEO of Ashford Inc., which makes money "advising" two related companies, Ashford Hospitality Trust and Braemar Hotels & Resorts, which own hotels. (Bennett serves as chairman of the board of the two subsidiaries.) The companies had "combined revenue last year of $2.2 billion."

According to filings with the SEC, Bennett's three companies have secured $96.1 million in Paycheck Protection Program loans. And more may be on the way. According to a fact sheet produced by the three companies, they've applied for a total of $126 million in Paycheck Protection Act loans.

Will these funds be used to pay hotel employees? It does not appear that way. The loans will be forgiven by the government if 75% of the money is used for payroll expenses, up to a $100,000 annual salary for each employee. According to the companies' fact sheet, "it appears that we will only minimally qualify, and we will have to pay the balance back when it is due in 2 years." That suggests the bulk of the money will not be spent on qualified payroll expenses.
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Bernie folded because he had no way to win,

Of course.

because it was obvious the party was against him,

All the more reason to stay in and stick it to the others, IMO, for screwing him over a second time. (And no, not sour grapes, bcos...)

and he was likely promised some influence on policy and messaging.

Only until his convention speech and then they ignore him completely. And I truly believe he had a better shot of influencing policy and messaging by staying in. But he (obviously) disagreed.
So you're completely ignoring the fact that Sanders was leading and Biden was fading until the Dems circled the wagons and got a whole bunch of candidates to suddenly drop out, right before Super Tuesday? Not to mention some shady dealings in earlier primaries?

Let's look at a poll at the peak of Bernie's popularity this year. The February 28 Morning Consult Poll
Joe Biden's Support Ticks Up After Charleston Debate

Bernie Sanders - 33%
Joe Biden - 21%
Michael Bloomberg - 17%
Elizabeth Warren - 11%
Pete Buttigieg - 10%
Amy Klobuchear - 4%
Tom Steyer - 3%

The centrist lane, Biden+Bloomberg+Buttigeig+Klobuchar+Steyer = 55%
The liberal lane, Warren+Sanders = 44%

After South Carolina the centrist lane started moving strongly towards Biden. Nobody in the Democratic party, including most of the candidates wanted to see the Democrats to remain balkanized late into the primaries like what happened to the Republicans in 2016 until it was too late. When it became clear the electorate was shifting towards Biden, candidates started getting out and backing Biden to coalesce the centrist majority behind one candidate.

By the March 17 Morning Consult poll, there were three candidates in the poll - Biden, Sanders, and Gabbard. The results of that poll was 58% Biden, 37% Sanders, and 3% Gabbard.

It appears Warren's support split between Sanders, Biden, and non-answer, but the totals for the centrist and liberal lane have not changed much from February 28. This isn't the doing of the Democratic party, this is the will of Democratic voters. They didn't change much, the picture became clearer with fewer candidates.

Younger voters are much more liberal than older voters, but younger people are much less likely to vote. It's been that way for decades.

Rachel Biticofer pointed out that what happened in 2018 had a small shift in Republican voters to Democrats, but the bulk of the shift was the early Millennials turning out in large numbers for the first time. It bodes well for the Democrats long term. When they start voting, the Millennials and post-Millennials will vote much more liberally than previous generations.

But this year, there are still quite a few Boomers and Gen Xers among the voters and they are more conservative than their children. They will go for a moderate Democrat, but are more resistant to a liberal. Additionally most of the remaining people of the Lost Generation vote and they have been reliable Republican voters for most of their lives.
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