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Market politics

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Nonsense. What gave us Trump was 1) Russian meddling; 2) Trump campaign criminality; 3) Hillary's poor campaigning; 4) the Comey memo; and 5) idiot Bernie fans letting their buttons get pushed by Russian trolls and doing things like not voting or voting for Jill Stein or voting for Trump.
The fact that you give no criticism for the failed policies of centrist Dems over the years is telling. It's also telling that you keep promoting the false notion that Sanders supporters were the problem, when the numbers show that they voted for Clinton in higher percentages than Clinton supporters voted for Obama. Sanders also campaigned more for Clinton than Clinton ever did for Obama. Corporate Dems never want to look in the mirror to see the real problem, it's always blame blame blame.
The fact that you give no criticism for the failed policies of centrist Dems over the years is telling. It's also telling that you keep promoting the false notion that Sanders supporters were the problem, when the numbers show that they voted for Clinton in higher percentages than Clinton supporters voted for Obama. Sanders also campaigned more for Clinton than Clinton ever did for Obama. Corporate Dems never want to look in the mirror to see the real problem, it's always blame blame blame.
You are pointing at irrelevancies. Who cares about Obama in this context? Who cares about policies? The fact is that idiot Sanders supporters failed to support the Democratic candidate, thus putting Trump in office. And, because they're idiots, they'll probably do it again in 2020. Trump doesn't actually have any policies. He's a crime family boss who does whatever makes him and his cronies and enablers richer and more powerful. No matter how butthurt these poor Bernie fools are, they are just plain stupid for doing anything to put Trump in office. Russian tools.
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You are pointing at irrelevancies. Who cares about Obama in this context? Who cares about policies? The fact is that idiot Sanders supporters failed to support the Democratic candidate, thus putting Trump in office. And, because they're idiots, they'll probably do it again in 2020. Trump doesn't actually have any policies. He's a crime family boss who does whatever makes him and his cronies and enablers richer and more powerful. No matter how butthurt these poor Bernie fools are, they are just plain stupid for doing anything to put Trump in office. Russian tools.

I voted for Bernie in the primary and Clinton in the election. Scapegoating Bernie supporters is wrong. What I hear from people is that they just didn’t like Hillary.
The fact is that idiot Sanders supporters failed to support the Democratic candidate, thus putting Trump in office.
The fact is that only a small minority of Sanders supporters failed to vote for Clinton, and most of those were probably in the states Clinton won easily anyway, so irrelevant. The other fact is that Clinton failed to generate enough support from independents to decisively win. If Biden loses it's because he's a weak bumbling candidate and the Dems will have no one to blame but themselves, which of course won't stop them from blaming Sanders and his supporters anyway. Whatever it takes for them to avoid facing reality instead of adopting policies and candidates that would actually be popular.
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The FDA commissioner telling the general public that we should talk to a physician in the event we want inject or ingest disinfectants. Apparently it's not appropriate to say that this is a terrible idea.

FDA commissioner weighs in on Trump's disinfectant claim - CNN Video

i cannot believe that we have hit this level of stupidity...

So a guy walking into a pizza joint with a gun to "investigate" pizza gate wasn't enough?

Or the president of the USA telling Alex Jones "your doing great work" didn't do it for ya?

Or Rush Limbaugh getting the presidential medal of freedom?

Just remember it is just a simulation.
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The fact is that only a small minority of Sanders supporters failed to vote for Clinton, and most of those were probably in the states Clinton won easily anyway, so irrelevant. The other fact is that Clinton failed to generate enough support from independents to decisively win. If Biden loses it's because he's a weak bumbling candidate and the Dems will have no one to blame but themselves, which of course won't stop them from blaming Sanders and his supporters anyway. Whatever it takes for them to avoid facing reality instead of adopting policies and candidates that would actually be popular.

An unusually large poll done in early 2017 (several thousand people polled) found that the percentage of Bernie supporters who didn't vote for Clinton was a bit larger than usual from this sort of situation, but 75% did vote for Clinton. Of the 25% who didn't, about half voted third party or not at all and about half voted for Trump.

Of those who voted for Trump, at least some had intended to vote for Trump all along and were strategically voting in the Democratic primary to try and weaken Hillary. And there were some Bernie voters who were so angry at the system they just wanted to make some kind of dramatic change and didn't really care what direction. They were more intent on throwing a wrench in the works than actually accomplishing any change.

But still 3/4 of Bernie supporters did hold their nose and voted for Clinton. It will likely be larger this time because in 2016 a lot of people figured Clinton had it in the bag and wanted to make a protest vote for someone else and the Democratic candidate is far more likeable. Very few people actually like Hillary Clinton, while even quite a few Republicans like Biden personally.

As far as how much Bernie campaigned for Clinton in 2016 vs how much Clinton campaigned for Obama in 2008... Obama didn't really need as much flank support as Clinton did. Obama is a charismatic campaigner who sold himself. Hillary is a boring policy wonk who couldn't sell water to someone dying of thirst.

In the Democratic primaries, the primary voters want to hear policy positions because there are quite a few Democratic primary voters who are policy wonks themselves. Especially those talking about the primaries in the media. But come the general election, the bulk of the voting population don't care about policy. They are moved far more by emotion than by cerebral arguments. The only time policy is an issue in a general election is when a candidate has long standing positions that their opponent can use against them and it becomes an emotional issue to the voters. The outrage that candidate A stands for X.

Hillary lost because she was in a race with someone as equally unlikable as her, but who was more interesting. Kerry lost because he was another boring policy wonk and what put the nail in the coffin was the Swift Boat ads and Kerry's failure to combat it early.

The 2 most important factors in a candidate in modern politics are likability and are they interesting. And likeability is most important. Trump is still more interesting, but he's turning out to be as interesting as a series of operations to remove shrapnel from stepping on a land mine. Biden is definitely more likable.

I think Bernie's attitude about Biden is the approach the entire extreme left should take, Biden is to the right of Bernie's positions, but he's also open to suggestions. Any Republican is going to automatically ignore anything coming from the left, but a left of center Democrat like Biden is much more likely to consider ideas from the far left as long as they appear to be workable in the real world. Better half a loaf than none at all.
I suggested that Trump had a 75% chance of 2nd term a few weeks ago. I am revising that down to 50% on the disinfectant comment alone. He has said a lot of stupid things before but this is on a whole new level.

What's even worse is that you have medical professionals like the FDA commissioner who can't even tell you that drinking Lysol for Covid-19 treatment is dangerous. The reality of these people is so warped around coddling this guy. It's beyond dangerous.

It's a sad day when Lysol has to come out and say it is wrong instead of medical professionals in charge. This is the least controversial issue to take a stand on...

Lysol and Dettol maker: Please don't drink our cleaning products - CNN
I suggested that Trump had a 75% chance of 2nd term a few weeks ago. I am revising that down to 50% on the disinfectant comment alone. He has said a lot of stupid things before but this is on a whole new level.

But is it really on a whole new level? Anyone who's been watching the guy in any depth at all over the last 3 years can clearly see he's got to be at least close to falling into the moron category.
But is it really on a whole new level? Anyone who's been watching the guy in any depth at all over the last 3 years can clearly see he's got to be at least close to falling into the moron category.
I don't think he's a moron. Nor is he incompetent. People think so as a result of imagining they know what he's trying to do. Trump is a criminal, interested in increasing his own money, power, and fame, while also exacting revenge upon any who he imagines has wronged him. He cares nothing for the supposed duties of his position, nor for other human beings. Given that context he's doing a fine job, with reasonable competence. His cronies, acolytes, and enablers are mostly doing okay too.
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But is it really on a whole new level? Anyone who's been watching the guy in any depth at all over the last 3 years can clearly see he's got to be at least close to falling into the moron category.
he can take it to a whole new level. Here's the latest to try to tell us a different reality. Can any thinking and breathing human being draw this conclusion after watching that video clip?
Trump: “I was asking a question sarcastically to reporters like you just to see what would happen,” Trump said Friday. He added that it was a “very sarcastic question to the reporters in the room about disinfectant on the inside.”
I don't think he's a moron. Nor is he incompetent. People think so as a result of imagining they know what he's trying to do. Trump is a criminal, interested in increasing his own money, power, and fame, while also exacting revenge upon any who he imagines has wronged him. He cares nothing for the supposed duties of his position, nor for other human beings. Given that context he's doing a fine job, with reasonable competence. His cronies, acolytes, and enablers are mostly doing okay too.

Back in 2016 i read an article that the reporter said her neighbor many years ago was a retired professor from Wharton and he had commented a number of times that Donald Trump was the dumbest student he had ever had. He said the only way he passed was by paying people to cheat for him, but he could never prove it.

There are different types of intelligence. People have talked about intellectual intelligence (IQ tests measure this, but there are sub-types of this too), then there is physical intelligence that great athletes have, and there are other kinds. Trump is a master at manipulating a certain type of person. He's a sales guy and always has been. If he hadn't been born rich he would have been the top sales guy at EZ Used Cars on Long Island. The sort of place that advertises their financing deals.

Beyond his ability to manipulate others, he is a moron.
There is often wisdom in village idiots and serious characters grace the literature in many a culture. Our president with no culture is merely the symbol of a graceless civilization. He is just our village idiot as he reveals each passing day. His role is the same as Hitler's as captured in the Nazi movement according to Peter Vierick's, Metapolitics: the Roots of the Nazi Mind. It was a titanic struggle of German folk kultur against civilization.

In contrast, consider an example of Nasreddin's wisdom. There was once an empty stage for wise men in the village. Seeing an opportunity Nasreddin in his dirty, ragged clothes hobbled up onto the stage to confront the villagers. "Ask me the questions the wise men can't answer."

Nature has given the opportunity for greatness to Trump but the functional disutility between his ears is such a vacuum it creates opportunity for governors and hilarity for journalists. Sarcasm, my ass.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) tops the list of former Vice President Joe Biden’s potential running mates, according to a Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll survey released exclusively to The Hill.

The poll shows that 1 in 5 registered voters — 20 percent — prefer Sanders for Biden’s vice presidential slot, the highest support of any would-be running mate presented to respondents in the survey.

Poll: 1 in 5 voters prefer Sanders for Biden VP pick
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