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Philadelphia is quieting down tonight. Might be over, but we'll see. Feels like some real progress was made. Good dialogue. Actual talk of actual changes in police oversight.

We do have a shitton of racist cops, but by and large they're pretty good considering our poverty percentages.
I'm under curfew. Almost all of Rhode Island. National Guard is on the streets a few miles from where i am. Riots in Providence last night. Police here have been better the last decade. The few before that were awful. Financial crisis (somehow) was the turning point.
The protests are triggered by racist cops, but I'm convinced it's amplified by the bad economy, the chaos created by the virus, and Trump's incompetence.

As far back as 2006 the FBI was concerned about white supremacists joining police departments.
White Supremacist Infiltration of US Police Forces: Fact-Checking National Security Advisor O’Brien

Further evidence has turned up since.

This is far from all cops. It's probably a minority, but these cops need to be shown the door.
Went to a football game last year with a 47 year old retired cop. At the playing of the national anthem he spotted two black men sitting 3 rows in front of us "not" standing. He berated them during and after the anthem stopped playing. There was no one sitting between the rows. Stunned that the two gentlemen didn't react (only gave him a glance) fall river's finest. This was in Miami. Lots of People could've kicked his ass, no one did to their fans credit. Just now i heard a National Guard helicopter do a low flyby over my house.
That flying low can be an intimidation tactic used to scare away protesters.

My SO showed something from a German news source showing troops in front of the White House and it essentially said: we've seen this before and it didn't turn out well...

My SO follows a lawyer who goes by Uncle Blazer on Twitter. He posted some information today on what's been going on with the Minneapolis police specifically.
We have a fundamentally broken government and economy which is collapsing under pressure. We need radical change.

In 1974 I enlisted in the U.S. Navy as a Data Systems Technician. I spent years in the submarine force working on Univac computer systems. Throughout the 80s I worked on IBM mainframe computers only to see them replaced by PCs and local area networks that quickly involved into today’s Internet. In the early 90s I dated a woman that had a cell phone that she used two hands to hold to her ear.

Technology has always driven radical change. Technology is evolving faster today, than at anytime in human history, and the pace is quickening.

The radical change that you desire, will be served up, forthwith.
We have a fundamentally broken government and economy which is collapsing under pressure. We need radical change.

We definitely need real leadership and many things need to change. But the changes we need to make need to be intelligent and planned instead of just change for change's sake.

For those who are to the left of Biden's historic positions, he may govern more liberal than many expect
The Pandemic Has Pushed Biden To The Left. How Far Will He Go?

I've been kicking around a theory lately about what is the best type of government to have in a pandemic. I believe heads of state with authoritarian leanings don't tend to do as well as those who believe in liberal democracy. The authoritarians can cover things up for a while and make it look like they're doing OK. Putin kept the news about how bad it was in Russia under wraps until it got too bad for him to control the story. The Russians are still probably under reporting the story. Same thing happened in Brazil.

It's hard to tell for sure. Liberal democracies tend to have free news media that is able to tell the whole story and public officials who are going to report real numbers. Authoritarians play hide-the-ball by instinct and they try to tell the rosiest picture possible.

We see differences in reporting state by state in the US. States with governors who believe in liberal democracy are trying to report the most accurate numbers possible. Where there are errors, they are honest errors in data collection. In states with authoritarian leaning governors, the books are being cooked to make it look rosier. The unexpected death rates in states like California and New York is closer to the official COVID death toll than in states like Florida which have officially low COVID death rates, but high unexpected death rates for the year so far.

The official per capita death rate from COVID-19 by country varies wildly. Officially China is 0.33/100K population and India is 0.43/100K while Belgium is 83.22/100K, Spain 58.06, Italy 55.48, UK 59.34, US 32.45, and Sweden 43.88.
Mortality Analyses

We know that good public policy keeps the death toll down. Germany has kept the per capita death toll to 10.33/100K while neighboring France is 43.21. But it looks like most of the liberal democracies in Europe are somewhere between 35 and 60 for most countries with a few outliers.

We also know from studies that the quality of the health care system plays a role in death rates as does the underlying health of the population. The US health care system is a patchwork of systems with varying quality from one place to the other. While it's expensive, New York has some of the best hospitals in the world, while you'd be hard pressed to find a county in rural Texas that still has a hospital. The underlying health of western Europeans is better than the average around the world, though not always the absolute top tier (the Japanese are probably better overall). The UK has a bad obesity rate compared to most of Europe and it has one of the highest death tolls.

In places that have authoritarian rulers, the books are almost certainly being cooked to look better. In many of those places the underlying health of large segments of the population is poor combined with poor healthcare systems. The death toll in authoritarian countries is almost certainly far worse than western Europe, but it looks worse there because they are being honest with the numbers.

There are some countries with low death tolls I'm more inclined to believe than others. Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Denmark, Norway, Finland, and Germany all believe strongly in the welfare of their people and they have been largely spared at this point in the pandemic. The Scandinavian countries have an advantage in having a relatively low population density over much of Europe combined with a highly educated population who can follow directions. Sweden has had a high death toll for Scandinavia, but average for Western Europe.

But Germany is fairly densely populated and the Asian countries tend to be very densely populated, but they have controlled the outbreak.

We should all be studying what the countries with low death tolls and likely honest reporting did to keep them low.

I do wonder what the real Covid situation is in some of those countries with poor healthcare systems and authoritarians at the top. Go back and watch Slumdog Millionaire and it's unbelievable that the slum shown where the kid grew up doesn't have a massive death toll from Covid-19. India does have a middle class now that is larger than the population of the United States, but they still have massive, crushing poverty on a scale the US has never had.

I saw a story on Vice a few weeks ago where they went to Peru or Ecuador (I forget which). COVID-19 is so bad they are picking up dead bodies in the street. That's on par with the Black Death in Europe. Mexico is also having a far worse outbreak than they admit. People with obvious COVID symptoms are being refused from hospitals to keep the official death toll down.

The leadership in the developed world also needs to look towards the under developed world because eradicating this from their own populations but not deal with it in the under developed world will just allow it to come back. Right now most countries are on their own with little cooperation. We need some real leadership to look beyond their borders.
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Another thought I had the other day was that the ads from Bill Krystol were going to have some impact on Trump's support. He released a bunch of ads with Republicans and former Republicans saying why they were not voting for Trump. That gives permission to the doubters who were unwilling to jump from the burning plane up to now.

People who are outside the Republican party, or left a long time ago have no credibility with the doubters who still remain in the fold, but people who recently woke up are good spokespeople for those who are thinking of jumping ship. That's why former cult members frequently become counselors who help bring others out.

Those ads have been out only a week and I've seen a little bit of movement in the polls. Fox News poll out this evening has Biden up in Arizona, Ohio, and Wisconsin. The last by 11 points. Other polls show Biden ahead in Florida and a 1 point race in Texas.
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These knuckledraggers are a few blocks from me in a heavily gentrified but formerly absurdly racist neighborhood in Philly on Monday.

Philadelphia officials condemn 'vigilantism' in Fishtown


Anyway, one of these idiots from Monday decided to start shooting at a helicopter with a Desert Eagle Tuesday night. He holds up in his house 2 blocks from me, SWAT gasses his house, busted the door down, and dragged him off.

A 24 year old black man blew himself up with a pipe bomb trying to break into an ATM, but other than that I've seen more white violence than black. Looting aside.
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