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Michigan passes bill to ban Tesla!

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Moment of truth for Snyder tomorrow. Whether or not he wins this race, I know many Michiganders who were so personally offended by his and Michigan lawmakers' backroom dealings regarding the Tesla ban that they changed their vote and are planning to break party lines to vote for his opponent. Let us hope this sends a message that anti-competitive votes that keep Michigan citizens from exercising their free choice is not a recipe for victory.
Moment of truth for Snyder tomorrow. Whether or not he wins this race, I know many Michiganders who were so personally offended by his and Michigan lawmakers' backroom dealings regarding the Tesla ban that they changed their vote and are planning to break party lines to vote for his opponent. Let us hope this sends a message that anti-competitive votes that keep Michigan citizens from exercising their free choice is not a recipe for victory.
Yes! I can feel the tide turning.....
Moment of truth for Snyder tomorrow. Whether or not he wins this race, I know many Michiganders who were so personally offended by his and Michigan lawmakers' backroom dealings regarding the Tesla ban that they changed their vote and are planning to break party lines to vote for his opponent. Let us hope this sends a message that anti-competitive votes that keep Michigan citizens from exercising their free choice is not a recipe for victory.

This is awesome, if only I knew anyone living in Michigan... I really think this is going to bite him and he is not going to like it. Especially since we now have in writing a claim from his opponent that she would not have done that. Whether it is true or not is another story (you know politicians... anything to get a vote...) but with her comment I think she just won over everyone that is even remotely aware of this story.
As much as those in the Tesla community would have liked to think it was, the signing of this bill was never even a blip on the radar of the campaigns or most voters. The state senator who snuck in the changes won by an even larger margin. I can understand the desire to punish those involved, but hopefully we can put that animosity aside now and work with the legislators we do have to force the issue again and realize the open debate that Snyder called for in his response.
Those are funny but really control of the Senate does mean something, at least when it come to Canada and the Keystone Pipeline. We're told that it was only because of the Democrat controlled Senate that a Keystone Bill never it made to President Obama's desk to veto. Now it will - repeatedly - during his last two years. Plus, there are a lot of Democrats in both houses that want this pipeline for jobs in their States. So now, not only will President Obama see that Bill on his desk, he may not, in fact, veto that bill (at least, perhaps, after compromises are made to it after one or two vetoes).

I guess time will tell.
Those are funny but really control of the Senate does mean something, at least when it come to Canada and the Keystone Pipeline. We're told that it was only because of the Democrat controlled Senate that a Keystone Bill never it made to President Obama's desk to veto. Now it will - repeatedly - during his last two years. Plus, there are a lot of Democrats in both houses that want this pipeline for jobs in their States. So now, not only will President Obama see that Bill on his desk, he may not, in fact, veto that bill (at least, perhaps, after compromises are made to it after one or two vetoes).

I guess time will tell.

It is just one veto, it then goes back for a single revote that requires a super-majority to override the president. If they don't get that then the bill is killed and they would have to start all over from scratch... which is a very long process to move something into a committee and then onto the floor, have a bunch more hearings and such, discuss, ammend... discuss some more, vote... move it between the two sections of congress, repeat all those previous steps, vote... then back to the president... all to potentially have him veto it again. You can't just keep throw stuff back and forth between the President and Congress it is a very slow process to restart something and the bill would likely just die if it got vetoed again.

Pretty much they would get one shot to get it back to the president (starting today) and if he veto's it, it very likely will be killed until re-elections. Because the process really does take that long that it would probably be close to 2016.
It is just one veto, it then goes back for a single revote that requires a super-majority to override the president. If they don't get that then the bill is killed and they would have to start all over from scratch... which is a very long process to move something into a committee and then onto the floor, have a bunch more hearings and such, discuss, ammend... discuss some more, vote... move it between the two sections of congress, repeat all those previous steps, vote... then back to the president... all to potentially have him veto it again. You can't just keep throw stuff back and forth between the President and Congress it is a very slow process to restart something and the bill would likely just die if it got vetoed again.

Pretty much they would get one shot to get it back to the president (starting today) and if he veto's it, it very likely will be killed until re-elections. Because the process really does take that long that it would probably be close to 2016.

That's good hear. But even though that sounds like a long and difficult process, the press in Canada seems to think that a Keystone Bill has a good chance of success:

Republicans pledge vote soon on Keystone XL - Business - CBC News

Keystone vote likely in 2015 now that pipeline-supporting Republicans lead Senate | Financial Post

Huff Post says: Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said Tuesday in an appearance on MSNBC that passing a Keystone approval bill would be the second item on the Republican agenda, after a budget. "I actually think the president will sign the bill on the Keystone pipeline because I think the pressure -- he’s going to be boxed in on that, and I think it's going to happen," Priebus said.

Senate Now Has Enough Votes To Pass Keystone XL Pipeline Approval Bill

So it seems to me the Republican Senate is a big deal, unlike the jokes made above, at least when it comes to this environmentally damaging pipeline, both on the ground, and also with its resulting massive carbon emissions. It will be even harder to convince India and China to make changes to their emissions given what know about climate change once this monster is built. I feel sorry for our children, and our children's children, but I guess we get the government we deserve. No society has survived forever. It's just such as shame that we're accelerating the flush, and many of us are cheering as we do it.