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Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

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I feel your pain!

There's something up with the first two weeks of April because there aren't very many EDDs during that period, and there a bunch of mid February to early March orders that have EDDs all lumped together. Obviously it's tied to the 4/7 opening of the Texas site. My speculation is that there will be a flurry of activity shortly after 4/7 with lots of EDDs pulled in and VINs assigned. But then again I probably have a better chance of winning the lottery than understanding how Tesla fulfills their orders!
I hope you are right ! I am thinking the same thing.
I feel your pain!

There's something up with the first two weeks of April because there aren't very many EDDs during that period, and there a bunch of mid February to early March orders that have EDDs all lumped together. Obviously it's tied to the 4/7 opening of the Texas site. My speculation is that there will be a flurry of activity shortly after 4/7 with lots of EDDs pulled in and VINs assigned. But then again I probably have a better chance of winning the lottery than understanding how Tesla fulfills their orders!
I think it's more related to a late quarter push for deliveries to make shareholders happy. After this week Tesla can slow down on pushing them out as quickly. Unfortunately that could lead to a slower delivery. I like your idea better than mine. lol
Isn't the thinking that Texas will also produce parts for all of the line?
I think so, and eventually the Fremont line will likely get revamped to produce MYs with the 4680 battery pack as well to help meet the demand. In the long run I do think that it will help alleviate the demand for both M3s and MYs, but the million dollar question is how will the Texas site affect things in the short term and specifically for our orders. ;)
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When I ordered mine March 8th, my sa told me they were told that Texas plant would supply M3’s for the east coast and Fremont would supply the West coast. Expected that plant to come on-line mid-April.

Will see if that holds.
I hope that is true, I had also read an article that texas might be producing M3s for the east coast. Hey Tesla, I'm over here in VA hook a brother up.
There are reports that Tesla has plans to produces M3s at Texas site, but there are no details on the timeline or which version of the 3s will be made there. Nor do we know for sure what the plans are for the Fremont factory.
I work at the textas giga factory and we are not planning to produce model3s. Only Ys and cybertruck
Honestly, this has been a pain in the a$$. My OD is 2/24/22. Initially the EDD was 5/5 to 6/2, then changed to 3/17 to 3/31, then changed to 4/27 to 6/1. I think Tesla dropped the ball with their production estimates or something. Really frustrating having to keep waiting and then for the EDD dates to keep fluctuating! Ugh! Yes, I'm venting!
frustrating indeed. I ordered 1/29 and my date has flip flopped too. see you on the other side
Update: SA finally texted me back and said that to upgrade to the performance model I’d have to go with the new pricing. If I was changing colors I could keep the old pricing. Big time bummer. Oh well, I’ll save $7K and buy some red caliper covers.
That sucks. The price on the Performance went up on 3/13, the day before you placed your order. I also changed my order from a LR to a performance.
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TESLA STOCK SPLIT, than I checked my EDD.. now May 2 to June 6 in CA... before it was May 17- June 14

Was also my first update since ordering 3/12
After reading this I checked mine for the first time in the last couple of hours and it changed in the wrong direction. The early date is six days past the original but the later date is one day less than the initial. Not what I wanted to see after gambling and selling my car yesterday.

OD: 3/13, M3LR, Blue, Black, Aero, no FDD. 3/14 EDD: May 18 - June 29. 3/28 EDD: May 24 - June 28
Delivery will be to Charlotte, NC
After reading this I checked mine for the first time in the last couple of hours and it changed in the wrong direction. The early date is six days past the original but the later date is one day less than the initial. Not what I wanted to see after gambling and selling my car yesterday.

OD: 3/13, M3LR, Blue, Black, Aero, no FDD. 3/14 EDD: May 18 - June 29. 3/28 EDD: May 24 - June 28
Delivery will be to Charlotte, NC
Seems a lot of us got updates today moving the EDD back a bit.
After reading this I checked mine for the first time in the last couple of hours and it changed in the wrong direction. The early date is six days past the original but the later date is one day less than the initial. Not what I wanted to see after gambling and selling my car yesterday.

OD: 3/13, M3LR, Blue, Black, Aero, no FDD. 3/14 EDD: May 18 - June 29. 3/28 EDD: May 24 - June 28
Delivery will be to Charlotte, NC
Mine has not budged at all and I ordered 3/4 with a EDD 5/23-6/20 Raleigh NC
93 Days, 11 different EDDs, and 3+ hours sitting at the Tesla store I finally have my own Model 3 LR.

Absolutely grueling process from start to finish for me, don't know why I got so unlucky with everything while waiting for the car but fortunately the car itself is perfect. Like I said I had half a workday at the dealership waiting to finish the paperwork so I spent my time inspecting it all and following this checklist: teslaprep/model_3_checklist.md at master · mykeln/teslaprep and I didn't run into a single physical issue with the car. Panel gaps a look fine as well.

My pickup time was at 1pm and I didn't leave till 4:30, the car was ready to go at 1 no problem, however, there was an issue with my license plate transfer from my old car that I sold through Carvana. Basically on Tesla's end they saw that the plate was still assigned to my old car (even though I called 2 weeks ago to do the transfer and they confirmed it was fine). So the issue arose when they had to give me a different plate and I had to redo all the "Review Agreements" paperwork again because I filled them all out yesterday all with the other plate's info. For some reason they couldn't reset the new paperwork to show up in the app and I was just sitting there while they had to talk to someone in California about forcing it since it apparently takes a while. 3 hours later I finally get the agreements to load in the app with the new info and from there I got to finish the sale. The guy at Tesla said that what happened to me with my plate was common but the reset process normally takes 5 min so again, I just got unlucky. Now I have to take both plates to the DMV and make sure the transfer goes through but I'll do that another day, my brain is fried today.


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