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Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

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I really am losing patience…. received the 1-2 weeks VIN assignment text on 2/28.
It’s been 2 weeks but still no VIN.. and EDD range has remained 9 days (yesterday was 3/14 to 3/23, today becomes 3/15 to 3/24). I am sure it will go to 3/16 to 3/25 tomorrow
Is it really that hard to get a MSM M3P in the SF Bay Area? It was ordered on 1/17… SMH
I am in the same boat, OD 2/11 and my EDD is a 9 day spread that moves back 1 day at a time
I want to believe too! LOL I ordered blue/black on 2/14 and no VIN yet. The EDD has just been a rolling window for the past week and time Is running out for the full fed tax credit.
I am waiting for my Blue/black but I got you by 3 days LOL. Tesla did tell me that Bay Area does most deliveries last two weeks of March historically, so hopefully that means any day now… if the tax credit goes away might be cancelling order. A lot of other choices at $62K out the door in the 1-2 year old ICE market
Wait for Tesla shows 25 M3P in the US, with 4 MSM/Black (identical to what I ordered) in Raleigh NC, Roswell GA, Honolulu HI, and Maplewood MN. There are 4 MSM/White too - Mesa AZ, Lyndhurst OH, Maplewood MN, and Burbank CA. Out of the 25 there is only 1 in CA!

I think you are right!
I had already resigned myself that I would not get my Tesla before the end of the month as I ordered 1/27 and still do not have a VIN but a moving EDD that is now 3/15 - 3/31. When I went to the Tesla store this past weekend, they told me it takes 2 weeks from California to get to Hawaii then another week to prep the car for delivery. Then I saw this post and saw that you mentioned there was a M3P MSM/Black in Honolulu. MSM was my second choice in color and ordered this as soon as I got home. Hopefully the IRS procrastinates some more so I can take delivery before the credit goes away. I hope you get yours soon too Spdline2k!
I had already resigned myself that I would not get my Tesla before the end of the month as I ordered 1/27 and still do not have a VIN but a moving EDD that is now 3/15 - 3/31. When I went to the Tesla store this past weekend, they told me it takes 2 weeks from California to get to Hawaii then another week to prep the car for delivery. Then I saw this post and saw that you mentioned there was a M3P MSM/Black in Honolulu. MSM was my second choice in color and ordered this as soon as I got home. Hopefully the IRS procrastinates some more so I can take delivery before the credit goes away. I hope you get yours soon too Spdline2

I checked waiting for tesla every day… HI shows 7 M3 just now with 1 M3P in White/Black.
Hopefully you got the MSM I saw last night.
Recieved a text from Tesla today, said due to weather they are re routing vehicles and they hope to update me with a new vin number soon
I had a feeling that the weather they are having in CA would cause transportation issues. I hope they don’t do this with my vin as I’ve already got insurance on it and it would be a pain to have to redo everything with State Farm.
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I had a feeling that the weather they are having in CA would cause transportation issues. I hope they don’t do this with my vin as I’ve already got insurance on it and it would be a pain to have to redo everything with State Farm.
Same here. I've been checking my app regularly since corsi1 reported the vin disappearing. I can't even imagine the hassle with my insurer if I have to call to change.
OD: 2/2 just after midnight - White/Black
Original EDD: Feb - March
2/7: March 2 - March 30
Did receive the 1-2wk VIN text on 2/17
No EDD changes this whole period.
3/3: EDD update to 3/13-3/31
3/4: VIN received. EDD Updated to 3/22-3/28
3/11: EDD update to 3/16-3/25
3/16: Can now schedule, earliest is 24th but I work so 25th it is. I hope this can be bumped up but we'll see.
7w2d from OD.
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Picked up this morning.


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OD 2/23 M3P White Rochester NY
EDD Feb - Mar 2023
No VIN yet

Sounds like I'll have to drive down to Mt. Kisco for delivery.............patiently waiting.
OD 2/23 M3P White Rochester NY
EDD Feb - Mar 2023
VIN assigned 3/13
Delivery scheduled for 3/18

Used waitingfortesla.com Discord alerts - found a M3P on site in Brooklyn (while on vacation, at the beach in FL) that was available for accelerated delivery, slightly different configuration. White/White. Texted SA and asked if it was possible to take delivery of this car on Saturday the 18th as I wouldn't return from vacation until 3/14. After they confirmed, they assigned the VIN to my account, and scheduled delivery for Saturday the 18th. Two more sleeps!

@Impolite FYI.
Hello fellow waiters!
Boston area.
OD 3/5

So far, bupkiss. Just my order number. Checking the app 30 times a day is not helping lol.

Question about Tesla apps’ “here are other cars like yours” feature. I’d take either black or MSM (=nothing to see here colors) but when I’m shown cars that look applicable in e.g. NY, I’m shown “car can only be registered in NY/CT”.

What’s up with that? I’d totally do a road trip of pay for the whip to be shipped, but I’m stuck/limited to MA cars only?
Fremont local. Ordered 3/1 and March EDD. I imagine they're trying to get all distance orders delivered before local orders - maximize deliveries before Q1 closes. Makes sense to get as many orders on trucks as possible IF they can be delivered. I'm speculating that, after a threshold is reached whereby they estimate they cannot deliver distance orders by Q1, they'll crank out all the locals who can just drive down to the factory and pick up ASAP. I feel your pain - even though I've only been waiting for 15 days!
3/17 VIN received - EDD March 19-25
Well model 3p it is has been a good group, went a different direction, looked at what was available sooner and decided in a model Y that was available in Denver, picking up tomorrow.

Thanks for the chats
Dang I may to follow your lead and see what’s avail here in Denver. Been sitting on my vin for two weeks and as the March window keeps getting tighter I may jump ship as well.
In terms of the stakes here….assuming almost all of us March OD people aren’t going to get cars till April….did I read that about half of the $7.5k fed tax rebate will still be on the table? Or does it all go poof?

I’ve learned MA is also offering $3.5k tax incentives separately from the fed $$
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