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Model Y initial impressions after delivery

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Took the delivery of my first electric car, Tesla model YLR on 2/4. After almost a week with the car, here are my impressions.

-Coming from busy instrument clusters of Audis and BMW’s, the interior is plain and simple and has grown on me. I still think there should be at least a small screen in front of the driver. I still miss the awesome Audi interiors though.

-The acceleration on this is amazing! Just puts a smile to my face when I hit go.

-Very roomy interior in comparison to my prior car Audi Q7. It looks small but the Model y is pretty big inside. Very comfortable and quiet inside. Love the frunk

-regenerative braking: when we drove the car home, my wife was following me and said how come I rarely hit brakes and she didn’t see the brake lights come on. That freaked me out so I changed it to “creep” mode and after a week of driving I am more comfortable with the regenerative braking. One pedal driving is a game changer in my opinion. I am still nervous and look at the screen when I lift the foot off the pedal.

-Love that I can charge at home and every morning I have a full gas tank


-Safety- this may be just me but Tesla touts safety but there is no rear traffic cross alerts. Without the USS, and no park distance control..things are hard for no reason. My garage is super packed and I have my wife guiding me in and out of the garage. On a 60k car, this should be a standard. I know Tesla vision is coming but what about rear traffic cross alerts. Lane assist is also a miss for me. I have to yet hear a chime on lane assist, maybe it’s the settings but I don’t hear any audible. I have not looked if the car next to me turns red but if you are trying to change lanes..but it’s not as simple as adding a sign or lights on mirrors like other cars. Overall the car may be safe but 20k corollas have more safety features

-First few days the battery drained 10% in a day or so, played with the settings and it’s ok now(1-2% drain) but not many gas cars lose gas while doing nothing. I know it is not a big deal and battery work differently but if you were to leave your car in an airport parking lot for a 40 day vacation not sure how much charge would be left.

-The Gemini wheel covers are ugly. Look like 1990s Nissan Sentra wheel covers. No clue why a 60k car can’t have a good looking set of covers

-sunroof: I have had sunroofs since I was 16..so feels a little weird with not having the option to
Open the roof. Yes glass roof is awesome but 70s and open sunroof in a spring day is something of a life necessity

-Minor cost cutting like not giving a license plate frame, or included mobile charger is a shame. On a 60k car this should be standard. The carpeted floor mats are also of cheap quality.

Overall I am really happy with the car and love driving it. But some lack of features especially park distance control make me feel handicapped for no reason..feels like I have gone back to 90s when had to have your head on a swivel when backing out or parking. At age 45 that’s hard to do than age 16.


"Tesla Model Y Classic-Gala 2022 1X7A0411" by Alexander Migl is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.
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If you have sentry mode on while parked, it will use about 5% of the battery a day in my experience. Last time I was on a trip for 10 days , and with sentry mode off, the battery had only gone down about 2%. Of course, when you are parked at the airport, is when you would like to have sentry mode on but can’t get something for nothing.
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Great write up.

I will say with the brake lights, I also was wondering how often they come on when not using the brakes. They do come on but it seems to be based on the g-force the car is experiencing with deceleration. I've left my car on the default setting (so no creep or roll). You can see on the car graphic when the brake lights come on and I spent the first month watching this closely to get an idea of how hard the car must be decelerating before the come on. Then after a FW update the car gained the option to use brakes when regen is low so I have that turned on and therefore sometimes the car is using the brake when I don't know it. You can actually tell when it is by watching the energy line graphic on the top of the screen as it goes grey when it blends in brakes after regen. But I'm not often looking at that small line.

Another thing is when the car goes into auto-hold the brake lights are always on.

I agree that the blindspot warning system (or lack there of) was off putting at first. I was used to having the orange mirror light and a beep if I activated a turn signal with someone in the blindspot. The graphic is lighting cars up in red if the blinker is on but seems to only beep (and correct you if you have that option on) when you actually make a steering input to move into the lane with the car in it. I think Tesla could make this system better by giving a beep when blinker is activated but before any steering input and then could just add an obvious blindspot icon to the main screen maybe up by the speedometer

I have found the AEB to be very good.....that has given me a warning at what I felt was a perfect distance (I have it on the default middle setting) without the car having to brake for me. Of course I've had a few false positives with uphill banking left corners and parked cars on the right but the car never braked for me as I think it figured it out after a second and I kept my foot on the accelerator.

I'm surprised Tesla can't make rear cross traffic alert work off of the cameras and FSD software. I would think it has a good enough view in the rear to do this.

One pedal driving, instant acceleration (no matter from a stop or at highway speed) and charging at home are why I'm loving owning the MY as my first EV. But if Tesla was to open the SC network to CCS I'd have a much closer look at BMW iX. But for now I need the SC network for a summer road trip I do each year. CCS won't cut it on my route.
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Although this hasn't been an issue for me in 5 years with my 3, I hear ya on the blind spot warning as "should be included" feature. There is an option to have the front fender cams turn on when you turn on your blinker which is helpful. you can also move that camera pop-up to a couple different locations on the touch screen which is nice. I like this as a spot check when using FSD. Cheers, enjoy!
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Although this hasn't been an issue for me in 5 years with my 3, I hear ya on the blind spot warning as "should be included" feature. There is an option to have the front fender cams turn on when you turn on your blinker which is helpful. you can also move that camera pop-up to a couple different locations on the touch screen which is nice. I like this as a spot check when using FSD. Cheers, enjoy!
Yes, I'm actually really liking the side camera view with it positioned on the upper left. I think that is almost safer than any blindspot system as I can easily see multiple lanes over and see cars coming up fast that may enter the blindspot. I've actually been just trusting that camera and making the lane change while watching it. I do a shoulder check and mirror check before activating the turnsignal and then just use the camera to change lanes.
Yes, I'm actually really liking the side camera view with it positioned on the upper left. I think that is almost safer than any blindspot system as I can easily see multiple lanes over and see cars coming up fast that may enter the blindspot. I've actually been just trusting that camera and making the lane change while watching it. I do a shoulder check and mirror check before activating the turnsignal and then just use the camera to change lanes.
Yeah, took some getting used to but I like that camera view a lot.
This issue I see with the current blind spot camera, is you shouldn’t have to look down when changing lanes. Your eyes should always be facing forward and then mirror-over shoulder quick and then eyes forward. Has soon as you look towards the screen, someone could have easily cut in front of you. This is why HUD(that shows blind spot warning)and a blind spot mirror icon is great when it comes to changing lanes quickly. Now in my Land Cruiser, I have big mirrors and windows, plus it’s more square making blind spot monitoring less important but it still has it. I’ll probably get the little blind spot mirror for the MY which should be fine. Rear cross traffic would be the biggest ask “want” for Tesla. The MY has one of the narrowest rear glass I’ve experienced from a full size car.
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Yes, I'm actually really liking the side camera view with it positioned on the upper left. I think that is almost safer than any blindspot system as I can easily see multiple lanes over and see cars coming up fast that may enter the blindspot. I've actually been just trusting that camera and making the lane change while watching it. I do a shoulder check and mirror check before activating the turnsignal and then just use the camera to change lanes.
I like the bottom left because upper left is blocking FSD tentacle and some other useful display info.
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Although this hasn't been an issue for me in 5 years with my 3, I hear ya on the blind spot warning as "should be included" feature. There is an option to have the front fender cams turn on when you turn on your blinker which is helpful. you can also move that camera pop-up to a couple different locations on the touch screen which is nice. I like this as a spot check when using FSD. Cheers, enjoy!

Thanks. Will check it out
Also forgot to mention that the the rear view mirror and the side mirrors are like soooo small! Feels like Tesla tried to save money there.
When shifted into Reverse you can display the side repeater camera view beneath the backup camera view. Swipe up to add the side repeater camera view to the display. Swipe down to remove.

Aftermarket side mirrors are available.

Model 3 wing mirror showdown: US OEM vs Europe OEM vs Suma Performance vs Hansshow

Suma Performance Side Mirrors for Tesla Model Y

Tesla Blind Spot Mirrors | NXTGEN Automotive

The NXTGEN blindspot mirrors are inexpensive, easy to install. The NXTGEN stick on mirrors can be removed if you decide you don't want to use them. They look tacky but they work well. I installed the NXTGEN mirrors as soon as they were available for the Model Y.
Took the delivery of my first electric car, Tesla model YLR on 2/4. After almost a week with the car, here are my impressions.

-Coming from busy instrument clusters of Audis and BMW’s, the interior is plain and simple and has grown on me. I still think there should be at least a small screen in front of the driver. I still miss the awesome Audi interiors though.

-The acceleration on this is amazing! Just puts a smile to my face when I hit go.

-Very roomy interior in comparison to my prior car Audi Q7. It looks small but the Model y is pretty big inside. Very comfortable and quiet inside. Love the frunk

-regenerative braking: when we drove the car home, my wife was following me and said how come I rarely hit brakes and she didn’t see the brake lights come on. That freaked me out so I changed it to “creep” mode and after a week of driving I am more comfortable with the regenerative braking. One pedal driving is a game changer in my opinion. I am still nervous and look at the screen when I lift the foot off the pedal.

-Love that I can charge at home and every morning I have a full gas tank


-Safety- this may be just me but Tesla touts safety but there is no rear traffic cross alerts. Without the USS, and no park distance control..things are hard for no reason. My garage is super packed and I have my wife guiding me in and out of the garage. On a 60k car, this should be a standard. I know Tesla vision is coming but what about rear traffic cross alerts. Lane assist is also a miss for me. I have to yet hear a chime on lane assist, maybe it’s the settings but I don’t hear any audible. I have not looked if the car next to me turns red but if you are trying to change lanes..but it’s not as simple as adding a sign or lights on mirrors like other cars. Overall the car may be safe but 20k corollas have more safety features

-First few days the battery drained 10% in a day or so, played with the settings and it’s ok now(1-2% drain) but not many gas cars lose gas while doing nothing. I know it is not a big deal and battery work differently but if you were to leave your car in an airport parking lot for a 40 day vacation not sure how much charge would be left.

-The Gemini wheel covers are ugly. Look like 1990s Nissan Sentra wheel covers. No clue why a 60k car can’t have a good looking set of covers

-sunroof: I have had sunroofs since I was 16..so feels a little weird with not having the option to
Open the roof. Yes glass roof is awesome but 70s and open sunroof in a spring day is something of a life necessity

-Minor cost cutting like not giving a license plate frame, or included mobile charger is a shame. On a 60k car this should be standard. The carpeted floor mats are also of cheap quality.

Overall I am really happy with the car and love driving it. But some lack of features especially park distance control make me feel handicapped for no reason..feels like I have gone back to 90s when had to have your head on a swivel when backing out or parking. At age 45 that’s hard to do than age 16.

So a few things. If you read from Tesla, once they finalize the camera system for driving they will activate lane hold and other features you are concerned about missing. So just a little waiting. You are still driving the safest car on the market. All these big but invisible things they did spend money on like crumble zones etc.

Tesla also tells you that you will lose about 1% per day. Unless of course you want your cameras on all the time in sentry mode. If you are gone on vaca for two weeks will only loose 14 %

The side mirros are useless because you have one of the best camera systems around. You need to re learn how to use a car. I rarely use the side mirrors and look at my cameras when I turn.

Speed on my MYP keeps me smiling. Its FAF. Beat a BMW and. Vet yeaterday. Dont look back at those overpriced ripoffs. Ive had BMW and Lexus. Never again. This is much better value for the money.

I thought Id miss the hundreds of buttons from my other cars… but again just have to relearn a new platform. Now that I am used to it Ford and other companies can keep their miles of cables and rip off others for the useless buttons.
Tesla is like having an Iphone its simplicity is what makes it amazing and fun to drive. My only complaint is that my wife keeps finding excuses to take my car.

We keep hearing about how for 60 grand they should have this or that? Compare with the crap Ford puts out on the MachE. If you want a Mach E with features that come close to a model 3 (forget y) even but never will…. You will pay well north of 60k and one reviewer said only 90 mile range on cold winter nights. Poor built and 1.5 miles of cable that Ford admitted is useless and they also admitted they cant yet compete with Tesla.

Its batery management is best and its charge network and system management is state of the art. Fords onboard screen reeks old school by comp. I use Ford because its the only one seen as close. They are not.

Just my take as a 3 day old tesla owner. I bought this sexy thing after doing much research. If you dont like the hubcaps pay a little more for MYP or get the sweet Uberturbines.


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So a few things. If you read from Tesla, once they finalize the camera system for driving they will activate lane hold and other features you are concerned about missing. So just a little waiting. You are still driving the safest car on the market. All these big but invisible things they did spend money on like crumble zones etc.

Tesla also tells you that you will lose about 1% per day. Unless of course you want your cameras on all the time in sentry mode. If you are gone on vaca for two weeks will only loose 14 %

The side mirros are useless because you have one of the best camera systems around. You need to re learn how to use a car. I rarely use the side mirrors and look at my cameras when I turn.

Speed on my MYP keeps me smiling. Its FAF. Beat a BMW and. Vet yeaterday. Dont look back at those overpriced ripoffs. Ive had BMW and Lexus. Never again. This is much better value for the money.

I thought Id miss the hundreds of buttons from my other cars… but again just have to relearn a new platform. Now that I am used to it Ford and other companies can keep their miles of cables and rip off others for the useless buttons.
Tesla is like having an Iphone its simplicity is what makes it amazing and fun to drive. My only complaint is that my wife keeps finding excuses to take my car.

We keep hearing about how for 60 grand they should have this or that? Compare with the crap Ford puts out on the MachE. If you want a Mach E with features that come close to a model 3 (forget y) even but never will…. You will pay well north of 60k and one reviewer said only 90 mile range on cold winter nights. Poor built and 1.5 miles of cable that Ford admitted is useless and they also admitted they cant yet compete with Tesla.

Its batery management is best and its charge network and system management is state of the art. Fords onboard screen reeks old school by comp. I use Ford because its the only one seen as close. They are not.

Just my take as a 3 day old tesla owner. I bought this sexy thing after doing much research. If you dont like the hubcaps pay a little more for MYP or get the sweet Uberturbines.

Agree! I am in the IT world and also in automation so finally I am driving next gen tech. At my work it’s so hard to convince customers to adopt next gen languages..feels funny I am complaining like them. Agree have to learn the new platform
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Agree! I am in the IT world and also in automation so finally I am driving next gen tech. At my work it’s so hard to convince customers to adopt next gen languages..feels funny I am complaining like them. Agree have to learn the new platform
I am a pilot and also enjoy tech quite a bit. Naturally I ask alot of questions about safety. Another thing they told me and if true its interesting. I was told that when they removed the Ultrasound Sensors (USS) from newer models , the older cars that have them will not be operating on them. The whole company moved to video only for guidance and the older cars USS are no longer active for autopilot. The rep said that the engineering team is only focused on the new system and making it work. Once they have enough data all safety features, including self park etc..will become available.

I still feel like I just bought a latest model Iphone on wheels. Learning the monitor and interface. The more I play with it the easier it all becomes.
Meanwhile I still cant believe that I caught up to a corvette on the freeway, that tried to pull away from me. After a few seconds I thought I was going 90mph but I was shocked to be at 140. The old school dude driving the Vette was not amused that his more expensive car cant beat a tesla :)
This car is trouble for old adults that behave like kids. :)

I think there will be more and more Tesla's around as the "secret" catches on. Its already crowded at charging stations :( where I work/park.
I am a pilot and also enjoy tech quite a bit. Naturally I ask alot of questions about safety. Another thing they told me and if true its interesting. I was told that when they removed the Ultrasound Sensors (USS) from newer models , the older cars that have them will not be operating on them. The whole company moved to video only for guidance and the older cars USS are no longer active for autopilot. The rep said that the engineering team is only focused on the new system and making it work. Once they have enough data all safety features, including self park etc..will become available.

I still feel like I just bought a latest model Iphone on wheels. Learning the monitor and interface. The more I play with it the easier it all becomes.
Meanwhile I still cant believe that I caught up to a corvette on the freeway, that tried to pull away from me. After a few seconds I thought I was going 90mph but I was shocked to be at 140. The old school dude driving the Vette was not amused that his more expensive car cant beat a tesla :)
This car is trouble for old adults that behave like kids. :)

I think there will be more and more Tesla's around as the "secret" catches on. Its already crowded at charging stations :( where I work/park.
The USS are parking/proximity sensors. The Tesla Model Y originally used radar for Autopilot, now uses the front cameras and side cameras for Autopilot. The front cameras cannot see what is directly in front of the Tesla Model Y (the viewing angle is obstructed by the front hood). Currently there is no distance displayed starting at 30 inches from in whatever is in front of the Tesla Model Y as you pull in to park as was the case with the USS. My 2020 LRMY has the USS sensors, for now they still function. My Model Y still displays the distance from the front of the Model Y to the back of my garage every time I pull into the garage. I have a visible reference point picked out on the brick wall of the garage. I like the distance readout for confirmation while parking.
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This issue I see with the current blind spot camera, is you shouldn’t have to look down when changing lanes. Your eyes should always be facing forward and then mirror-over shoulder quick and then eyes forward. Has soon as you look towards the screen, someone could have easily cut in front of you. This is why HUD(that shows blind spot warning)and a blind spot mirror icon is great when it comes to changing lanes quickly. Now in my Land Cruiser, I have big mirrors and windows, plus it’s more square making blind spot monitoring less important but it still has it. I’ll probably get the little blind spot mirror for the MY which should be fine. Rear cross traffic would be the biggest ask “want” for Tesla. The MY has one of the narrowest rear glass I’ve experienced from a full size car.
Agreed, looking down and to the right at the display screen is counterintuitive when making a lane shift to the left.

And a vehicle this advanced not having rear cross traffic alert is just 😬
If you have sentry mode on while parked, it will use about 5% of the battery a day in my experience. Last time I was on a trip for 10 days , and with sentry mode off, the battery had only gone down about 2%. Of course, when you are parked at the airport, is when you would like to have sentry mode on but can’t get something for nothing.
OMG! 5% seems like a lot. I only drain 2% all night due to Sentry.