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Model Y UK Delivery

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Yes, It’s really important to some in the UK and some people don’t give a toss.
If you get a 22 plate on a new car on the 1st of March (or soon after) everyone sees that car as “Brand Brand new”.
If you have a 71 plate from 2 days earlier, it’s still “brand new” but people will look at it as if it could be up to 6 months old. Ie it’s not brand new after the 1st of March
In this case it doesn’t make much difference as the Model Y is only just available in the UK so all 71 registered cars are effectively the “same age” as a 1st March 22 plate car.
But generally on “non newly available” in the UK cars it can make a bit of a difference in the first 5 years or so for resale (or prestige?) value especially if you sell it within 6 months.
However, that all said if you put a “private plate” (non-age related) on it no one knows the age ! So it’s irrelevant until you re-sell it and the original plate goes back on it.
Hope that’s interesting to you 👍🏻
Possibly "blindingly obvious" to those who grew up here, and it was why I asked in case I was missing something. I'm American living in the UK and all the cars and motorcycles I purchased in my relatively short life I never cared what the plates said. It's not a factor for us in the same way I've recently learned it is here
I agree but you are talking about second hand cars vs new from factory. No one in their right mind (no offence intended, I know some here are desperate some reason or another) would have a 71 plate over a 22 when you have only 9 days to wait. Obviously for others such as myself it will now be longer than 9 days but other dealers would not do this. Only tesla just because they can and or the decision came from outside the UK hence also the lack of local knowledge on the matter.
I agree totally. In my case my hand was forced to take a 71 plate instead of a 22 plate for convenience. (I work abroad and I’m only in the country in Feb - not March or whenever) and the Mrs doesn’t care about the 71 or 22 plate also.
If I was in the UK 100% of the time I’d definitely delay for a 22 Plate.
But some really don’t care it’s just 2 numbers on a piece of plastic !
Reading some of your positive feedback on Induction wheels, I called Tesla earlier today to check if I can upgrade (they're open today albeit long wait). Here are the key points that may be of use to some of you:

1. I asked what is so special about 19th so the person I spoke to said "considering its Tesla, it will be cool" and they don't have any info other than this. I asked if we're going to get any incentive etc. so he said you will be one of the few in the country (I know that too!) to get MY and the event will be cool. I'm still curious and they better don't disappoint on the day.
2. Upgrade will unmatch me from current assigned car and also losing 19th slot. And there is no guarantee if Tesla will match me to another car before March as its done automatically.
3. Looks like they don't swap wheels based on customer request from one car to the other. Contract and loan etc. automatically change reflecting the new price.
4. He advised me not to delay longer about the upgrade decision because of the risk of not getting a car in March. Its not Tesla's problem but I'll lose OZEV grant for car charger if I don't buy a car before March.
5. In addition to this, they will only assign a standard number plate and I'll sort out personalised plate myself.

Hope this helps.
Did anybody else try the Tesla Loan option and still waiting on contract to be drawn up? I have confirmed delivery at Bristol on 15th, but still can’t make the down payment, and still only shows the RN and no VIN.
Same position here, "Drafting contract," collecting @Bristol on 15th. Tesla told me 2 days ago on the phone that they would call me about a week before delivery to finalise the loan stuff, so don't worry. I am sure that they will be checking that everyone will turn up as it looks like they will be making a song and dance about this. There had better be some decent swag at the very least, if we are taking delivery on a 21 plate (and without a parcel shelf, as i understand it)!

Come and say Hi, I will be wearing a Hyperchange hat, although probably not the Tesla Short Shorts........
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Reading some of your positive feedback on Induction wheels, I called Tesla earlier today to check if I can upgrade (they're open today albeit long wait). Here are the key points that may be of use to some of you:

1. I asked what is so special about 19th so the person I spoke to said "considering its Tesla, it will be cool" and they don't have any info other than this. I asked if we're going to get any incentive etc. so he said you will be one of the few in the country (I know that too!) to get MY and the event will be cool. I'm still curious and they better don't disappoint on the day.
2. Upgrade will unmatch me from current assigned car and also losing 19th slot. And there is no guarantee if Tesla will match me to another car before March as its done automatically.
3. Looks like they don't swap wheels based on customer request from one car to the other. Contract and loan etc. automatically change reflecting the new price.
4. He advised me not to delay longer about the upgrade decision because of the risk of not getting a car in March. Its not Tesla's problem but I'll lose OZEV grant for car charger if I don't buy a car before March.
5. In addition to this, they will only assign a standard number plate and I'll sort out personalised plate myself.

Hope this helps.
Thank you, good to know they are still being just as vague with everyone else about this supposed surprise. The more they build it up, the harder it will be to impress. Hard to imagine what they can do with different event locations, on different, days, at different times at each location. Still good to know that they at least expect it to be good, thanks.
Does anyone know what 'profile submission' means and how it affects delivery timeframe? Also it would be nice to think I'll actually be paying the same amount in dollars!


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Does anyone know if it is mandatory to wait for physical V5C document from DVLA to switch to personalised number plate? Apparently the assignment is instant but their online form needs reference number from V5C document.
I'm getting nervous I'm still waiting on my trade in valuation (therefore general submission) and affect on eventual delivery...

I emailed earlier for an ETA and will aim to call tomorrow. Has anyone else had a recent update on this otherwise?
I'm stuck at the trade in valuation stage too. Have a feeling that Tesla are prioritising the customer trade ins from the first shipment and will move onto the next lot soon. They did reassure me that the wait for a valuation won't affect my position in the allocation of my Model Y. Having said that, I am tempted to go down an alternative route to see my car.

I agree totally. In my case my hand was forced to take a 71 plate instead of a 22 plate for convenience. (I work abroad and I’m only in the country in Feb - not March or whenever) and the Mrs doesn’t care about the 71 or 22 plate also.
If I was in the UK 100% of the time I’d definitely delay for a 22 Plate.
But some really don’t care it’s just 2 numbers on a piece of plastic !
"No one in their right mind" except your missus?
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Reading some of your positive feedback on Induction wheels, I called Tesla earlier today to check if I can upgrade (they're open today albeit long wait). Here are the key points that may be of use to some of you:

1. I asked what is so special about 19th so the person I spoke to said "considering its Tesla, it will be cool" and they don't have any info other than this. I asked if we're going to get any incentive etc. so he said you will be one of the few in the country (I know that too!) to get MY and the event will be cool. I'm still curious and they better don't disappoint on the day.
2. Upgrade will unmatch me from current assigned car and also losing 19th slot. And there is no guarantee if Tesla will match me to another car before March as its done automatically.
3. Looks like they don't swap wheels based on customer request from one car to the other. Contract and loan etc. automatically change reflecting the new price.
4. He advised me not to delay longer about the upgrade decision because of the risk of not getting a car in March. Its not Tesla's problem but I'll lose OZEV grant for car charger if I don't buy a car before March.
5. In addition to this, they will only assign a standard number plate and I'll sort out personalised plate myself.

Hope this helps.
I called on the 18th as to change to inductions (before they started sending out the collections on the 19th which I still got (the text later that day) and its yet to reflect on my account as of today even though I called last Friday to check and change has indeed been filed. My only fear is that I dont get matched or make the new build for the next boat but Im keeping my fingers and toes crossed!