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On our way to Italy

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We are on our way to Italy. No problems in terms of charging except at Folkestone (understandable). Most were non teslas occupying two spaces and then you have model s chargers free. So bit of wait but we were bit early so no harm done. France was smooth and we are in Troyes and charging. It is a 20 chargers stall opened to non Teslas but still lots of free spaces. Bit of glitch with the car - refusing to SC - needing service to check. I did a reset and it is working at the moment. Fingers crossed.


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We are on our way to Italy. No problems in terms of charging except at Folkestone (understandable). Most were non teslas occupying two spaces and then you have model s chargers free. So bit of wait but we were bit early so no harm done. France was smooth and we are in Troyes and charging. It is a 20 chargers stall opened to non Teslas but still lots of free spaces. Bit of glitch with the car - refusing to SC - needing service to check. I did a reset and it is working at the moment. Fingers crossed.
Bit stuck as maps are not loading as unable to supercharge - any ideas? The closest service is Reims I have put in a request but haven’t had any reply. Tried the roadside assistance says unavailable in that location. May be if I move I may get that. But still the downside of not able to go to Reims if we carry on. Also the risk of not able to DC charge if i go to the next place. Any suggestions welcome.
Are you getting an error on screen when you plug the charging cable in?

Suggest powering off the car and leaving it to sit for 5 mins before waking it.

Otherwise, see if there's a phone number on the supercharger stall you can call to get through to Tesla.
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Are you getting an error on screen when you plug the charging cable in?

Suggest powering off the car and leaving it to sit for 5 mins before waking it.

Otherwise, see if there's a phone number on the supercharger stall you can call to get through to Tesla.
It didn’t resolve but wifey said will take the risk of going to the next SC. So took the risk - no maps - but using mobile to navigate. Stopped at Chalone-sur-SC. It is charging has one more charging to do. Thanks.
I had trouble in one Superchargers in Maidstone (I’m from France, so same problem in reverse)...turned out to be my iPhone wasn’t connecting to the SC...so before I plugged in, I changed the car settings to my wife’s iPhone and never had a problem
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Was impressed with troyes (well the wife and kids shopping were).
Yes same here. We generally order from maison du Monde online. But there was a shop at Troyes and they are better priced than the online ones if we order from UK. So some damage to my wallet with wifey buying loads- not much ch space in the car. Charging issue left us waiting there for an hour extra and invariably we all went for shopping.
Finally, managed to reach the destination around 9pm. Could have done that around 7 if we haven’t wasted our time dithering whether to go back to Reims or not. There is a destination charger at the hotel, so atleast the local trips are sorted. I am still yet to figure out what triggers that software glitch.

The problem seems to be I got the error message first before we decided to leave the car and do a bit of shopping at the maison de monde. But something similar happened while I was on my trip to Cornwall at the Lifton SC. So I checked my mobile and it wasn’t charging. I reset but didn’t charge. Then moved the car to the next charger and it started charging- so thought this resolved the issue. Charged fully but continued to have the error message saying DC charging not working but do AC and the car was unable to get the maps where it has to SC. We dithered for a while- booked a service request Reims (yet to get a response - French service centres are much worse - no one picked up their phone). We tried the roadside assistance but the message was ‘your location wasn’t covered’. The options were:

- just continue to the next SC using Google.
- Go to Reims and physically check weigh the service centres.
- Go towards Reims and try roadside assistance if we get lucky.

We did our shopping etc., and then by that time the battery dropped down 2%. Tried to charge again and it charged but not able to get maps that calculates for SC. But was able to get maps if I can do within the car range. That ruled out any connection related issue.

I am not sure whether as @Bouba mentioned it is mobile related issue - as needed to take money from credit card for SC. Or something software related when I do a long trip. Or something else.

Will update regarding the charging issue so others can be better prepared if face similar issues. But we enjoyed the whole ride as mentioned in another thread and it was so easy to do miles after miles.
Regarding the super chargers from Cambridge to Montblanc

Folkestone: Used our own Folkstone was on 50% charge level - as mentioned before too many BMWs using two chargers and had to wait for 10 minutes. Charged to 100% and on the train after lunch.

Uruvillers: Smooth transition - was around 30% and charged to the brim. As mentioned in another thread the rates are pretty good around 0.23€ mostly.

Troyes: Very good for shopping. Many shop’s especially maison de monde who sells almost 50% cheaper than UK online prices for their shop. Wish had a model Y as there was an amazing sofa set (much better than loaf or J&L s quality for around €700). We had this little glitch with charging but I guess that’s sorted now. Fingers crossed.

Then we stopped at Chalon-sur-saone SC. Again lots of facilities but most restaurants were closed as we were there around 3ish. But there was a burger joint who made amazing burgers. Not a junk food fan but still liked it. The place is bit industrial not as good as Troyes for shopping. There is a supermarket, casino and bits and bobs. Charged to brim again same price.

After this we stopped at Achamps. Not a great place - run down place with closed restaurants and some offices. Basic job of charging can be done - wouldn’t stop next time unless i am running out of battery. Filled to the brim and left. It said we can reach destination with 25% remaining. Was confident now as I can reach the destination.

But didn’t take the Mont Blanc climb into account. As soon as we reached the tunnel entrance the battery level dropped and expected remaining % was around 10%. Was bit nervous during the 12kms tunnel drive. But things got better once reached the Italian side of the tunnel and then it remained constant at 25% till to the end of the trip .

The battery assumptions by the car were spot on except the climb to Mont Blanc. Unfortunately I couldn’t let the car calculate the routes and battery because of DC issues. But was getting from SCs to SCs using ABRP and then used Tesla display.

Amazing to drive both mountain roads and autoroutes. Few people asked about the car and how it is possible to use electric car to come all the way from England.

Tesla SCs are great in France but if it is not in an Aire then you can’t expect other facilities.

Not sure why many UK electric car reporters spreading lots of false information regarding electric cars without including Tesla’s ability to do long ranges without much of trouble. Tesla is such a good car to do road trips compared to any other electric cars/ICE cars.

There is so much of focus on AP, wipers and headlights. I didn’t have any problems from the beginning but I understand peoples concerns. But there is such a good thing about Tesla if you are doing long trips across Europe or in America- you can do effortlessly and it is such a fun.

I used APs a lot in French autoroutes and 12kms of Mont Blanc tunnel. I could enjoy the tunnel drive without focusing on driving and that is the first time I could do that.
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Regarding the super chargers from Cambridge to Montblanc

Folkestone: Used our own Folkstone was on 50% charge level - as mentioned before too many BMWs using two chargers and had to wait for 10 minutes. Charged to 100% and on the train after lunch.

Uruvillers: Smooth transition - was around 30% and charged to the brim. As mentioned in another thread the rates are pretty good around 0.23€ mostly.

Troyes: Very good for shopping. Many shop’s especially maison de monde who sells almost 50% cheaper than UK online prices for their shop. Wish had a model Y as there was an amazing sofa set (much better than loaf or J&L s quality for around €700). We had this little glitch with charging but I guess that’s sorted now. Fingers crossed.

Then we stopped at Chalon-sur-saone SC. Again lots of facilities but most restaurants were closed as we were there around 3ish. But there was a burger joint who made amazing burgers. Not a junk food fan but still liked it. The place is bit industrial not posh as Troyes. But job done. Charged to brim again same price.

After this we stopped at Achamps. Not a great place - run down place with closed restaurants and some offices. Basic job of charging can be done - wouldn’t stop next time unless i am running out of battery. Filled to the brim and left. It said we can reach destination with 25% remaining. Was confident now as I can reach the destination.

But didn’t take the Mont Blanc climb into account. As soon as we reached the tunnel entrance the battery level dropped and expected remaining % was around 10%. Was bit nervous during the 12ams tunnel drive. But things got better once reached the Italian side and then it remained constant at 25% at the end of trip.

The battery assumptions were spot on except the climb to Mont Blanc. Unfortunately I couldn’t let the car calculate the routes and battery because of DC issues. But was getting from SCs to SCs using ABRP and then used Tesla display.

Amazing to drive both mountain roads and autoroutes. Few people asked about the car and how it is possible to use electric car to come all the way from England.

Tesla SCs are great in France but if it is not in an Aire then you can’t expect other facilities.
Are you saying that at the mid point of your trip the percentage was too low...but before you did your descent ?
Not sure why many UK electric car reporters spreading lots of false information regarding electric cars without including Tesla’s ability to do long ranges without much of trouble. Tesla is such a good car to do road trips compared to any other electric cars/ICE cars.
Because Tesla doesn't pay them via advertising. I too get tired with the same messaging but i've just started to ignore it now.

So you went down the French side, round Chamonix? My plan next May (damn that I have to wait that long) is to go down through Switzerland and Furka Pass and then to Lake Como although I also fancy the Mont Blanc tunnel. Decisions decisions!
Because Tesla doesn't pay them via advertising. I too get tired with the same messaging but i've just started to ignore it now.

So you went down the French side, round Chamonix? My plan next May (damn that I have to wait that long) is to go down through Switzerland and Furka Pass and then to Lake Como although I also fancy the Mont Blanc tunnel. Decisions decisions!
Yes, round Chamonix. Fortunately there was no traffic on the tunnel, so was on AP the whole 12kms without any disturbances - can only dream of in UK.
Yes, round Chamonix. Fortunately there was no traffic on the tunnel, so was on AP the whole 12kms without any disturbances - can only dream of in UK.
Love it! I was watching a video today explaining the change in FSD 12 where the human code has been changed to replace it with AI code that is trained from videos of humans driving. Maybe that will allow it to perform better on UK roads when it lands? That's our only hope given the state of the roads. Driving around Eastern Lincolnshire, i'm not sure "roads" even describes the appalling state of broken, decaying sub structure. It's not just the lack of markings that were the problem but undulating surface which was more like a roller coaster.
I need to retire and just do roadtrips. Where are you headed to this time?
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Love it! I was watching a video today explaining the change in FSD 12 where the human code has been changed to replace it with AI code that is trained from videos of humans driving. Maybe that will allow it to perform better on UK roads when it lands? That's our only hope given the state of the roads. Driving around Eastern Lincolnshire, i'm not sure "roads" even describes the appalling state of broken, decaying sub structure. It's not just the lack of markings that were the problem but undulating surface which was more like a roller coaster.
I need to retire and just do roadtrips. Where are you headed to this time?
We are doing the northern part of Italy and then Torino and off to Milano. The initial plan was also to do Tuscany but we are planning to do that in 2025.