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Powerwall 2 "waiting list"

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Global Moderator
Feb 13, 2014
North Bay/Truckee, CA
I reserved a Powerwall 1 on the day it was announced. I heard nothing from Tesla. On the day Powerwall 2 was announced, I reserved two of them, and heard nothing.. until today, a Sunday.

SolarCity called me and asked a bunch of questions to which they should have known the answers. For instance, "did you place a reservation online?" and "did you pay a deposit when you did?" She also asked if I had contacted them about the solar roof or Powerwall.

However, the most annoying part is that she asked if I'd like to be added to the waiting list. I told her my assumption, which was that reserving online put me on the waiting list. That's not the case. Her phone call put me on the waiting list, in whatever order I happen to have been contacted. She excused this situation by saying that the Tesla-SolarCity merger caused some delays. So be it, I guess.

Anyway, fair warning to anyone with a deposit: you are not on the waiting list. I'd call SolarCity and figure out how to escalate yourself onto that list.
SolarCity is awful. Cross that..they are a joke.

When I was shopping for PV, they came to inspect the roof. But the guy who came said he was too heavy to walk on my roof and would send someone else. Nobody contacted me for three weeks and nobody responded to my emails. So I went ahead with SunPower. After 3 months SolarCity calls to see if I am ready to place the order. I told them I went ahead with another vendor and to close my inquiry. They kept calling me weekly and every time it was as if they were just picking my number from some sales lead list.

@ohmman - I don't believe the SolarCity call is getting you anywhere closer to your PW. I think they just got their hands on a marketing list from Tesla Energy and that's why they had no clues about the deposit you placed.
@ohmman thanks for the info.I also reserved a Powerwall on the first day possible in 2015. It wasn't until Feb. 2016 that I got a call from Tesla saying they had one for me. I'm now on the Powerwall 2 waitlist (confirmed to me by Tesla Energy) because I want to add another battery to my system but am in no hurry to get it.

I never went through SolarCity for my Powerwall or the solar system I had installed last August. I attempted to get a system from SolarCity in 2015 but had so many problems dealing with them that I never went through with it. Long story that doesn't need reselling here, but I concur with @xkwizit that SolarCity has serious problems. I hope that Tesla can fix that company.
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I too have a Powerwall 2 "reservation"/receipt from the first day; hence my :eek: reaction to @ohmman's post. I'm personally very interested in the solar roofing as well, but am in Idaho, so getting on the phone with them to try and make sense of where I am in the queue for the PW2 seems kind of like a lost cause; not likely to change anything. I'm sure Idaho isn't a priority!
If SC is not going to be the installer, I would be inclined to politely hang up. Tesla has your deposit and there is no evidence that others are getting there PW orders filled, implying that yours is lost.
From the conversation I had with the representative, and her follow up email, SolarCity is now in charge of Tesla Energy:
SolarCity said:
| Referral Energy Advisor | SolarCity DBA Tesla Energy |
It's certainly not the direction I prefer to see them going.

I did receive the latest spec sheets for the AC and DC Powerwall 2 products, but I don't think there is anything new here. Attached regardless.


  • Powerwall-2-AC_Datasheet_English.pdf
    790.4 KB · Views: 222
  • Powerwall-2-DC_Datasheet_English.pdf
    234.1 KB · Views: 176
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I have solar and while I would love a Powerwall to give me the Hat-trick , I'm waiting. Maybe next year. Too costly right now.
Looking into solar for my upstate house and had Solarcity give an estimate. I was not impressed. He insisted on a 10kw system even thought the house is only used part time. I was looking into a 5kw system and past usage shows I do not need more. It's a small vacation home used all year but a grand total of probably 45 days a year. The cost was much more than another solar estimate I received. I still am open to it but that is on hold as well
I reserved a Powerwall 1 on the day it was announced. I heard nothing from Tesla. On the day Powerwall 2 was announced, I reserved two of them, and heard nothing.. until today, a Sunday.

SolarCity called me and asked a bunch of questions to which they should have known the answers. For instance, "did you place a reservation online?" and "did you pay a deposit when you did?" She also asked if I had contacted them about the solar roof or Powerwall.

However, the most annoying part is that she asked if I'd like to be added to the waiting list. I told her my assumption, which was that reserving online put me on the waiting list. That's not the case. Her phone call put me on the waiting list, in whatever order I happen to have been contacted. She excused this situation by saying that the Tesla-SolarCity merger caused some delays. So be it, I guess.

Anyway, fair warning to anyone with a deposit: you are not on the waiting list. I'd call SolarCity and figure out how to escalate yourself onto that list.

@ohmman are your Powerwall 2 orders displayed on your My Tesla page?
After reading this, I went to the Solar City website (wasn't aware that it was still up, had been going to Tesla Energy) and tried to join the waiting list there for the Tesla Solar Roof. When I put in the zip code, it said that "Solar City was not yet in your area".

Is the plan that Solar City is going to be the only installer? In which case will there will be areas where the solar roof can't be installed?

The deal is that we are moving to zip 33950 in FL and building a house in a couple of years (completed in 2020). So installing a solar roof with a PW2 is a one time opportunity. Otherwise, its the grid with a generator backup, since solar panels are not a desirable option.
Interesting, someone from solar city tried to call me the other day, I think I got on the solar roof interest list, but NOT the powerwall list. Was a bit surprised to hear from them.

I had the same. I think they are using any Tesla Energy registration/activity as sales leads. I'm O.K. with that I guess, but the constant mystery surrounding Powerwall sales is surprising.
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In my area, Solar City wasn't even in the list of top rated solar panel installers (problem 1), so I never even considered them.

When the merger started, I threw them into the ring. By then, I had already experienced quotes from all the other companies, so I knew what to expect. Only thing was, I had no idea how awful a company can be, so my expectations were completely wrong.

All the other companies had come out and done a site survey on the first visit. When Solar City came out, their policy is to get a signed contract, before they go do a site survey (problem 2), and that would have to be scheduled for another team to come out (problem 3). I immediately ended the interview and told them to take a hike. The guy was quite nice but just given no good tools to work with.

Tesla has a lot to fix at Solar City (as in, start from scratch; the worst thing they could do is keep the Solar City name in any way whatsoever, so just call it Tesla Solar). Also, Tesla's existing automobile products are declining and everything else is vaporware. Tesla really needs to get its balls together and get some real work done.

I don't know why Solar City is talking to us about batteries. That's Tesla's battery. It's on Tesla's dashboard in MyTesla. Solar City should keep their grimy hands off of it and let grown ups do the work.